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An effective maintenance system using the analytic

hierarchy process

Ashraf W. Labib
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Manchester Institute of
Science and Technology, Manchester, UK
Richard F. O’Connor
Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, UK
Glyn B. Williams
School of Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering, University of Birmingham,

Attempts to develop a model a structured approach using the AHP

of maintenance decision Introduction methodology. Finally, based on different crite-
making using the analytic In a previous paper, in this journal (Davis and ria, machines are ranked according to criti-
hierarchy (AHP). Describes Williams, 1994), the use of analytic hierarchy cality. This is followed by an in-depth detailed
problems in maintenance process (AHP) in the field of software selec- and focused analysis of failures in a graphical
arising from not having clear tion was demonstrated. In this paper, an and a hierarchical format.
criteria and not having robust attempt to develop a model of maintenance The system presented has proven to have a
decisions with which to main- decision making using AHP is presented. direct impact on improving the implementa-
tain failing equipment. The Application of AHP has been applied in tion of total productive maintenance (TPM),
objective being to develop a numerous fields, among which a previous since it focuses on details and enhances skill
dynamic and adaptable main- work for maintenance strategy formulation levels. Fault details are prioritised, and hence
tenance system that utilises (Labib et al., 1997), intelligent decision analy- maximum value-added benefit is achieved.
existing data and supports sis (Labib et al., 1997), the selection of simula-
decisions accordingly. Pro- tion software (Davis and Williams, 1994), and
poses a three-stage system numerous other applications compiled by the Background for development of a
that can handle multiple work of Zahedi (1986) and Vargas (1990). The multiple-criteria decision-making
criteria decision analysis, paper describes problems in maintenance maintenance model
conflicting objectives, and arising from not having clear criteria and not
subjective judgements. More- It has been observed that decision makers in
having robust decision with which to main-
over, the methodology facili- maintenance often seek to be efficient before
tain failing equipment. The objective of this
tates and supports a group being effective. As an example, the main-
work is to develop a dynamic and adaptable
decision-making process. maintenance system that utilises existing tenance manager out of his/her concern to
This systematic, and adapt- data and supports decisions accordingly. minimise the workload pressure, and
able, approach will determine One of the major problems in maintenance resources, will tend to prioritise the worst
what specific actions to is the lack of a systematically focused machines based on the number of main-
perform given current work- approach in setting preventive maintenance tenance calls. Whereas, other criteria might
ing conditions. The first stage instructions. Hence, preventive maintenance be of similar, or even of more, importance.
involves identifying the crite- might be efficient but not effective. This Examples of other important criteria can be
ria upon which engineering paper is concerned with the logistics and downtime, capacity and bottle-neck
personnel wish to formulate a operational aspects of maintenance in terms constraints, and machines’ spare parts cost.
maintenance decision, or of machine criticality and fault analysis. This Mathematical models have been formulated
action. The second stage is to system can handle multiple-criteria decision for many typical situations. These models can
prioritise the different criteria analysis, conflicting objectives, and subjec- be useful in answering questions such as:
by implementing a multiple- tive judgements. Moreover, the methodology How much maintenance should be done on
criteria evaluation method. facilitates and supports a group decision- this machine? How frequently should this
Finally, based on different making process. This systematic, and part be replaced? How many spares should be
criteria, machines are ranked adaptable, approach will determine what kept in stock? How should the shutdown be
according to criticality. This specific actions to perform given current scheduled? Emphasis by Vanneste and
is followed by an analysis of working conditions. Wassenhove (1995), Kobbacy et al., (1995) and
failures in a graphical and a The proposed system works in three stages. Cho and Parlar (1991) have shown that the
hierarchical format. The first stage involves identifying the crite- vast majority of maintenance models are
ria upon which engineering personnel wish aimed at answering efficiency questions, that
to formulate a maintenance decision, or is questions of the form “how can this partic-
Integrated Manufacturing
Systems action. Once criteria are identified, the sec- ular machine be operated more efficiently?”,
9/2 [1998] 87–98 ond stage is to prioritise the different criteria and not at effectiveness questions, like
© MCB University Press by implementing a multiple-criteria evalua- “which machine should we improve and
[ISSN 0957-6061] how?”. The latter question is often the one in
tion method. The evaluation is carried out in
[ 87 ]
Ashraf W. Labib, which practitioners are interested. From this mode the consistency ratio CR is always
Richard F. O’Connor and perspective it is not surprising that practi- equal to zero, i.e. complete consistency, since
Glyn B. Williams tioners are often dissatisfied if a model is we have the exact value in the comparison
An effective maintenance directly applied to an isolated problem. This matrix.
system using the analytic
hierarchy process is precisely why in the integrated approach to The two principles of homogeneity, and
efficiency analysis as proposed by the author number of alternatives, were maintained
Integrated Manufacturing
Systems (do the thing right) is preceded by effective- through performing a Pareto analysis of each
9/2 [1998] 87–98 ness analysis (do the right thing). alternative with respect to the different crite-
ria (top seven reports with respect to down-
time, number of calls, and spare parts cost).
Theory of absolute and relative Here, it is assumed that the decision maker
comparison modes agrees with the TPM concept of eliminating
A core concept of this model is based on the the faults starting with the worst machines,
theory of AHP. In particular, the presented and hence assures achieving maximum
model is related to the relative and absolute gains. In the lower level of fault details, the
modes of comparison as well as the consis- maximum number of seven categories and
tency ratio. In this section, an emphasis is their details were maintained, and found
given to the mathematical aspect of the practically sufficient to represent failure
absolute and relative modes of comparison. modes with considerable accuracy.
The AHP is a method that derives ratio
scales from reciprocal comparisons. It is a
method of breaking down a complex situation System (model) structure
into its component parts, arranging these
The presented system works in three stages.
parts, or variables, into a hierarchic order,
The first stage involves extracting decision
assigning numerical values to subjective
support reports to assess decision makers’
judgements on the relative importance of
each variable, and synthesising the judge- evaluation of different criteria. Once criteria
ments to determine the overall priorities of are identified and investigated, the second
the variables. The theory of absolute and stage is to prioritise different criteria by
relative modes of AHP is discussed in Saaty performing a multiple criteria evaluation
(1990), and summarised in the appendix. A method. The evaluation is carried out in a
consistency ratio (CR) of 0.10 (i.e. 10 per cent) structured approach using the AHP method-
or less is positive evidence for informed ology, and it is intended that this stage be
judgement. What contributes to the consis- conducted in a group decision-making envi-
tency of a judgement are: ronment. Based on different criteria,
• the homogeneity of the elements in a group, machines are ranked according to criticality
that is, not comparing a small manual in the relative mode, followed by an in-depth
machine to a big line of automated robots; focused analysis of failure details in a graphi-
• the number of elements in the group – to cal and a hierarchical format and in the
improve consistency the author agrees with absolute mode.
the psychological experiments, which Saaty Figure 1 shows the structure flow of the
(1990) was able to justify mathematically, system, and Figure 2 shows the screen of the
that an individual cannot compare simulta- main hierarchy. The model is structured as a
neously more than seven objects (plus or hierarchy with a focus (objective) of deter-
minus two) without becoming more and mining criticality. Hence, critical machines
more inconsistent (Miller, 1956), as cited by and their most critical fault details are
Saaty (1990); and, obtained based on different criteria. The
• the knowledge of the analyst about the consideration of different criteria assures an
problem under study. effective overall picture, and a near-optimum
The proposed MCDM maintenance model solution.
(system) includes both the absolute and the The first level is criteria evaluation, where
relative modes of AHP. The relative mode is the decision maker prioritises his/her prefer-
used when comparing general criteria of ences of different criteria such as frequency
criticality such as frequency of calls, down of calls, downtime, spare parts cost, and
time, spare parts cost and bottlenecks. In bottleneck machines. It should be emphasised
addition, relative mode is used when compar- here, that the criteria presented in this model
ing an alternative in which there is no avail- (system) are not comprehensive, and can be
able quantitative data, such as bottlenecks. modified to suit different companies. How-
Absolute mode is used at lower levels of the ever, the model serves as a framework of a
hierarchy where we have quantifiable reports methodology to determine criticality. In addi-
on detailed faults. Notice that in absolute tion, the presented criteria were chosen since
[ 88 ]
Ashraf W. Labib, they combine both quantitative data and distribution of failure categories are given.
Richard F. O’Connor and qualitative judgements. Failure categories are grouped into general
Glyn B. Williams Once criteria are prioritised through using ones such as mechanical, electrical,
An effective maintenance hydraulic, pneumatic, and coolant type of
the AHP algorithm in relative comparison
system using the analytic
hierarchy process mode and hence knowing his/her consis- failures. From now on the ranking is always
tency, the decision maker can move to the performed using the AHP algorithm in the
Integrated Manufacturing
Systems second level of the hierarchy to find the most absolute mode of comparisons. At this stage
9/2 [1998] 87–98 critical machines (Pareto analysis) based on the decision maker can have a broad idea
any of the above-mentioned criteria. The about the distribution of different types of
machines are then ranked according to their failures. This helps to identify strategic areas
weights. Weights are obtained through run- where different maintenance trades and/or
ning an AHP algorithm in an absolute mode, skills are needed.
and hence a consistency ratio of value zero is The fourth level of the hierarchy is con-
assured. This means an ideal consistent cerned with specific faults related to each of
judgement. Details on any of these critical the fault categories mentioned in the previ-
machines in terms of failure events, their ous paragraph. These faults are related to
duration, and spares replacements, can be major sections of the fault categories. For
easily extracted as decision support reports. example, under the category of mechanical
Once the most critical machine (based on faults, faults related to sections such as head
any criteria) is identified, the decision maker stock, fixture, slide, axis drive, turret, con-
can move to the third level where the veyor, etc. are given and ranked according to
criterion specified in level 1 of the hierarchy.
The final two levels (level 5 and 6) are con-
Figure 1 cerned with detailed failure components of
Conceptual design of the model the major sections in level 4. For example, the
head stock section (level 4) of the mechanical
category (level 3) is composed of components
such as bearings, clamping, gibbs, screws,
index, and motor.
As shown, using this hierarchical decom-
position the decision maker is able to focus
Rank Critical Machines on specific detailed faults at the lowest level
Using AHP
(Absolute Mode) of the hierarchy, but starting from a general,
fuzzy, and non-quantifiable set of criteria at
Skills & Resources
upper levels of the hierarchy. This attention
Rank Failure Categories
Using AHP to detail in a structured manner is the basic
(Absolute Mode)
philosophy behind the concept of TPM in an
appropriate, systematic, and adaptive
Rank Failure Details approach. Once taking actions towards min-
Using AHP imising these faults, or losses, a maximisa-
(Absolute Mode)
tion of overall effectiveness will materialise.
Choose a
Criteria Scaling
Application of AHP in TPM
Crisp Prioritisation
Decision Support
Graphs & Reports
(a case study)
Rank Criteria This section demonstrates the proposed
Using AHP application based on practical experience and
(Relative Mode)
implementation in a major automotive indus-
try. Although this application was applied to a
specific company, there is nothing unique
about the environment of the case study, and
History of
Bottlenecks Preventive hence this approach can be generalised to any
in terms of Maintenance
Machines, – Speed Schedules industry.
Faults, – Loading
Spares (Instructions) It has been noticed that the maintenance
– Quality
problem can be formulated in a multiple-
criteria decision-making approach. These
multiple criteria are due to the fact of exist-
MCDM_Maintenance System ing multiple groups involved in main-
tenance, or in other words, maintenance
C.M.M.S. as a function, is not isolated, but interacts
(Breakdown Recording System & Schedules)
with other functions such as production,
[ 89 ]
Ashraf W. Labib, Figure 2
Richard F. O’Connor and Screen of the main hierarchy
Glyn B. Williams
An effective maintenance
system using the analytic
hierarchy process
Integrated Manufacturing
9/2 [1998] 87–98

finance, and quality. In addition, these func- finance, and quality personnel. In addition,
tions often operate according to multiple they combine both quantitative and qualita-
objectives, and are often of a conflicting tive preferences, and hence show the power of
nature. As an example, critical machines can this approach. The developed system (model)
be looked at, from the point of view of main- consists of four criteria:
tenance personnel, in terms of the most fre- 1 Frequency. Number of maintenance calls
quent maintenance calls. This means that (breakdown events).
the machine with highest frequency of events 2 Downtime. Downtime in hours.
is considered the most critical, since mainte- 3 Spare parts cost. Cost due to ordering for
nance resources are allocated to each of these replacement of spare parts.
events. On the other hand, the production 4 Bottle-necks and/or quality. Judgmental
personnel are more concerned with preference based on loading, number off,
machines that break down for longer times, cycle time, etc.
and hence downtime is one of their major
The first step in studying the criticality is to
criteria as well as being a
find out how critical are the critical
bottle-neck machine due to its capacity, qual- machines. In other words, to find out how
ity, or number off. Finally, people in charge of much of the total trouble is caused by the
finance will base their criticality criteria on critical machines. This total view will help in
machines that consume more spare parts visualising the perceived benefits that will
cost, i.e. in terms of viewing from a mainte- result from minimising the effect of these
nance perspective. Hence, it is obvious that critical machines.
decision making in maintenance should be When applying the MCDM maintenance
considered from a multiple criteria perspec- model to existing computerised
tive, and these criteria need to be prioritised, maintenance management system (CMMS),
and priorities can be changed over time. In it is easy to get quantitative data relating to
addition, criteria can be of a qualitative frequency and duration of maintenance
nature, such as bottle-necks, since they are breakdowns as well as spare parts costs.
changing often in a flexible manufacturing However, since most CMMS are not related
systems environment. to production systems such as MRP systems,
These criteria were chosen because as men- it was found that issues related to produc-
tioned before, they have been found to be of tion bottlenecks are of a qualitative nature.
major concern to maintenance, production, Other criteria can include issues such as
[ 90 ]
Ashraf W. Labib, safety, and machine health in terms of size permits. In this analysis the AHP is
Richard F. O’Connor and condition monitoring. These criteria can be performed in an absolute mode since their
Glyn B. Williams investigated by pressing the relevant push exact number of calls are known from the
An effective maintenance button in the system to extract a decision available data. This is shown in Figure 5.
system using the analytic
hierarchy process support report, as shown in Figure 3. An Notice that in this screen the consistency
important concept in the system is that data ratio is zero, i.e. perfectly consistent, since
Integrated Manufacturing
Systems produced as an output of any report is saved the exact value of frequencies is known.
9/2 [1998] 87–98 in a new database for further analysis in Further analysis on a particular machine of
lower levels of the hierarchy. the above three machines, and based on the
criteria of frequency of calls, can be
performed by either extracting a detailed
Frequency criteria report as shown in Figure 6, or by pressing on
Frequency of calls is usually the criteria that the graph push button where a graph of the
concerns the maintenance supervisor since distribution of failure categories is given as
an initiated work order for a machine will shown in Figure 7.
mean that a maintenance engineer, or a crew, The report shown in Figure 6 illustrates
will have to respond and investigate reasons maintenance events (jobs) carried out for a
for the call. Frequency figures are given in particular machine. As shown, any horizon-
either a Pareto report format or in a graph tal line gives data on the reported fault from
format as shown in Figure 4. Notice that in production, and the actual fault diagnosed
this particular factory the worst ten by maintenance personnel. It also shows the
machines as shown in Figure 4 were found to
downtime duration and the date of the
comprise about 35 per cent of the total num-
event. In this report data is arranged into
ber of faults, given that there are more than
groups of similar faults as diagnosed by
200 machines. Thus, if adequate preventive
maintenance instructions are implemented, maintenance.
improvement of the amount of this percent- The decision maker can then move to more
age can be attained. detailed levels of fault analysis for the specific
The constraint on the size of the screen is chosen machine and based on a specific crite-
the reason for choosing only three machines ria (frequency in this case). This is shown in
for further analysis. All machines in the Figure 8. Notice that AHP algorithm is per-
Pareto can be further analysed if the screen formed on the failure categories. The same

Figure 3
Multiple criteria evaluation

[ 91 ]
Ashraf W. Labib, Figure 4
Richard F. O’Connor and Pareto of top ten worst machines based on the criteria of frequency of calls
Glyn B. Williams
An effective maintenance
system using the analytic
hierarchy process
Integrated Manufacturing
9/2 [1998] 87–98

Figure 5
Top worst three machines ranked according to frequency of calls criteria

[ 92 ]
Ashraf W. Labib, Figure 6
Richard F. O’Connor and Report of failure categories of a specific machine based on frequency criteria
Glyn B. Williams
An effective maintenance
system using the analytic
hierarchy process
Integrated Manufacturing
9/2 [1998] 87–98

Figure 7
Distribution of failure categories of a specific machine based on frequency criteria

[ 93 ]
Ashraf W. Labib, Figure 8
Richard F. O’Connor and Failure details for a specific machine based on criteria of frequency
Glyn B. Williams
An effective maintenance
system using the analytic
hierarchy process
Integrated Manufacturing
9/2 [1998] 87–98

concept of failure details is carried out in a in Figure 10. Notice that knowing the number
multi-levelled approach. and value of spares used, one can estimate the
stock level needed to keep in hand to avoid
Downtime criteria equipment stoppages due to missing spare
The downtime hierarchy is the measure of parts.
availability of equipment. It often concerns
the production manager since it means less Bottle-necks criteria
available capacity for production. Downtime The attention received by several concepts in
figures are given in either a graph format or production management such as MRP, JIT,
in a Pareto report as shown in Figure 9. OPT, and the wide acceptance of these con-
cepts in industry have contributed to a better
Spare parts cost criteria appreciation of maintenance in general, and
Although much of research and practice spares control in particular. For example, a
related to the maintenance function has good understanding of the role of a bottleneck
ranged from failure analysis in terms of con- machine helps in correctly assessing the cost
dition monitoring and diagnosis to strategic of downtime resulting from failures of this
aspects such as TPM and information sys- machine or related ones. Bottle-neck criteria
tems, very little effort has been exerted to can be assessed based on different sub-
solve the root cause of what might be a cata- criteria such as number off, capacity con-
strophic situation facing maintenance, and straint (throughput), quality (scrap rate), or
that is lack of spares (Neyret, 1994). One must the cycle time of the preceding machine (to
remember that when a vital spare part, minimise working process in a JIT environ-
needed to repair critical equipment, is miss- ment). Since it is difficult to quantify all these
ing, the maintenance engineer – no matter factors and their combined effect, the deci-
how skilful he/she may be, or how effective sion maker is given the choice to select
his/her organisation is – will be helpless until machines from the asset register as shown in
he/she obtains that spare part, which may be Figure 11.
several months later. Thus, it is an important The decision maker can then compare the
criteria to consider, especially if there are criticality of the chosen machines in terms of
available data. Details of spare parts being bottle-necks using AHP in the relative
consumption for a specific machine are shown mode as shown in Figure 12. Notice that the
[ 94 ]
Ashraf W. Labib, Figure 9
Richard F. O’Connor and Report of top ten worst machines based on the criteria of downtime
Glyn B. Williams
An effective maintenance
system using the analytic
hierarchy process
Integrated Manufacturing
9/2 [1998] 87–98

Figure 10
Spare parts replaced in a specific machine

[ 95 ]
Ashraf W. Labib, Figure 11
Richard F. O’Connor and Bottle-necks to be chosen from the asset register
Glyn B. Williams
An effective maintenance
system using the analytic
hierarchy process
Integrated Manufacturing
9/2 [1998] 87–98

Figure 12
A relative mode of AHP to rank bottle-neck machines

[ 96 ]
Ashraf W. Labib, decision maker will base his/her judgements
Richard F. O’Connor and on his/her qualitative, and subjective Conclusion
Glyn B. Williams preferences in the relative mode, and hence Advantages of the proposed model can be
An effective maintenance
system using the analytic consistency ratio (CR) is not necessarily described as a feedback mechanism which
hierarchy process equal to zero. can be compared with aeroplane panel indica-
Integrated Manufacturing This model coincides with most of the tors that give the pilot a feedback on perfor-
Systems specifications of an intelligent decision sup- mance, location, altitude, pressure, and oth-
9/2 [1998] 87–98 port system properties as identified by a ers. A guided and focused approach is also
recent work of Kobbacy et al. (1995). In addi- needed in manufacturing. The proposed
tion, it fulfils the framework outlined by model serves as an approach to monitor per-
Vanneste and Wassenhove (1995), which formance, and to provide focused feedback.
concerns a systematic procedure seeking The system offers a contribution towards
effectiveness. integrating preventive and corrective modes
of maintenance, since it suggests focused
actions that ought to be carried out as preven-
Model validation tive instructions that are based on a real-time
The model was checked to ensure that the response to corrective modes. The system
results produced reflected both what was offers an adaptive and dynamic framework,
really happening in the real world and that and hence production and maintenance are
reasonable solutions were produced. The integrated in a “real-time” environment. The
model was validated in two aspects: function- system is also flexible in working on any
ality and usefulness. other criteria whether they are of a quantita-
Functionality of the model was examined tive or qualitative nature. Hence, it can be
through the validation of data and compari- integrated with different kinds of mainte-
son of model results with judgements of nance systems, for example, condition moni-
experts. When examining the data of the fault toring where criteria such as vibration, pres-
details for machines that need to be investi- sure, temperature, speed and others can be
gated due to capacity constraints, faults iden- considered and priorities of machines can
tified as “others”, or “unknown” were vary accordingly.
approximately 30 per cent of the total faults. As mentioned earlier the criteria
Being incapable of identifying such a major- described are of major concern to different
ity of faults the maintenance tradesmen people. Hence, the system can be considered
decided to try to examine the faults in more as a structured environment for group deci-
detail in order to be able to classify it. Now, sion making. As the group moves downward
unidentified faults are less than 5 per cent of along the hierarchy, the system focuses on
the total faults for any machine. Thus, a by- details of faults. This attention to detail is
product of the model is its contribution to the core of the philosophy behind the TPM
data correction. In addition, sample results concept.
were found to match expectations of the rele- The structure of the system in a hierarchi-
vant maintenance tradesmen experts, in most cal detailed format and its in-depth failure
instances. analysis utilises the best out of both reliabil-
Usefulness of the model was examined ity centred maintenance (RCM) and TPM, in
through observing its effect on the decision- a structured, flexible, and adaptable manner.
making process and improvement of TPM The system can also be used as a training
implementation. For example, when examin- material media to enhance the diagnostic
ing fault details based on the frequency crite- skill levels of both operators and main-
ria, the majority of failure incidents for most tenance personnel.
of the machines were due to limit switches. In short, the model described above pro-
The maintenance manager found that he motes strategic maintenance decisions. It
consumes his personnel resources to change seeks effectiveness through prioritising
and test these limit switches, which is a rela- machines’ criticality, and focusing on specific
tively easy job. Based on this fact it was components that will maximise gains based
decided to train machine tool operators to on different criteria. Future work on this
make functional tests for the limit switches, model will be extended to describe the devel-
and hence more available time was given to opment of fuzzy logic rule-base controller
maintenance tradesmen to do other jobs that that seeks an efficient approach to specify the
need more advanced skill levels. This is a most appropriate maintenance action to fol-
practical demonstration of applying the basic low based on different rules. Detailed analy-
philosophy of TPM, which is attention to sis of the integrated model can be found in
details. Labib (1996).
[ 97 ]
Ashraf W. Labib, References Appendix. Theory of the analytic hierarchy
Richard F. O’Connor and Cho, D. and Parlar, M. (1991), “A survey of mainte- process (AHP)
Glyn B. Williams
An effective maintenance nance models for multi-unit systems”, Euro- The theory of AHP is based on the concept of
system using the analytic pean Journal Of Operational Research, Vol. 51, having n alternatives and their relative pair-
hierarchy process pp. 1-23. wise comparison aij is an approximation to
Integrated Manufacturing Davis, L. and Williams, G. (1994), “Evaluating and the ratio of wi/wj which is the weight of alter-
Systems selecting simulation software using the ana- native i to alternative j. The decision maker
9/2 [1998] 87–98 lytic hierarchy process”, Integrated Manufac- does not know in advance the value wi/wj.
turing Systems, Vol. 5 No. 1, pp. 23-32. The hierarchy normally consists of a top
Kobbacy, K., Poudlove, N. and Harper, M. (1995), node – the goal – then the second layer is the
“Towards an intelligent maintenance optimi- criteria level, and finally the third layer is the
sation system”, Journal of the Operational alternatives level. The basis of the AHP is the
Research Society, Vol. 46 No. 7, July, pp. 831-53. completion of an i x j matrix at each level of
Labib, A. (1996), “Integrated and interactive the decision hierarchy.
appropriate productive maintenance”, PhD This matrix A is of the form aij = 1/aji, aij >
thesis, School of Manufacturing & Mechanical 0; i.e. A is a positive, reciprocal matrix. The
Engineering, University of Birmingham. basic theory is based on the fact that aij is an
Labib, A., O’Connor, R. and Williams, G. (1997), approximation to the relative weights (wi/wj)
“An intelligent maintenance model (system): of the n alternatives under consideration; the
an application of AHP and a fuzzy logic rule- value assigned to aij is typically in the inter-
based controller”, Proceedings of the First val [1/9,9].
European Conference on Intelligent Manage- The estimated weight vector w is found by
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Salford, 25-26 March, pp. 87-98. Aw = λmaxw (1)
Labib, A., Williams, G. and O’Connor, R. (1997),
where λmax is the principle eigenvalue of A.
“Deriving a maintenance strategy through
the application of a multiple criteria decision-
w1 / w1 …w1 / w2 …w1 / wn 
making methodology”, in Fandel, G. and Gal,  
T. (Eds), Lecture Notes on Economics and Math-  ........................................
ematics – Proceedings of the 12th International A =  ........................................
  (2)
Conference in MCDM, Springer Verlag, New  ........................................
York, Berlin, Heidelberg, June 22-25,  w / w …w / w …w w 
 n 1 n 2 n n 
pp. 481-90.
Miller, G. (1956), “The magical number seven plus As an example, assume that one is given three
or minus two: some limits on our capacity of machines of different criticality according to
processing information”, Psychological their downtime failures. These machines are
Review, Vol. 63 pp. 81-97. a, b, and c of criticality 3, 5, and 7 hours
Neyret, G. (1994), “The supply of spare parts: a respectively, taking downtime as a criteria.
growing problem for the maintenance engi- Suppose that a matrix of pairwise ratios is
neer”, Maintenance Journal, Vol. 9 No. 5, formed whose rows give the ratios of the
pp. 8-11. downtime of each machine with respect to all
Saaty, T. (1990), Multicriteria Decision Making – others. Thus one has the equation of :
The Analytic Hierarchy Process – Planning, a b c
Priority Setting, Resource Allocation, RWS a 3 / 3 3 / 5 3 / 7  3  3 
    
Publications, Pittsburgh, USA. Aw = b 5 / 3 5 / 5 5 / 7 5 = 3 5 − nw (3)
Vanneste, S. and Van Wassenhove, L. (1995), “An    
c 7 / 3 7 / 5 7 / 7  7   
7 
integrated and structured approach to
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