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What? From where?

VOC's: Volatile organic
compounds are substances that
evaporate at room temperature headaches, nose throat and eye
and are commonly found in inflamation, coughing, painful
household products and building air pollution, plastics, fumigants, breathing, lung cancer, skin
materials gasoline, paints iritation
headaches, fatigue, and
combustion with air and a fuel disyness and can turn into pm
decreased lung function, chronic
bronchitis, increased resperatory
traffic, air traffic, building, symptoms, heart attacks, early
pm (particulate matter) industry, etc death
inflamation of eyes throat and
so2 (sulfur dioxide) coal ash, factiores, etc nose

nose and throat irritation, chest

energy, transport, incombustible tightness, acute bronchitis,
no2 (nitrogen dioxide) production process death, irritation to eyes

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