Financial Distress Analysis in Indian Au

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NCIETM Paper Reference ID: 80



Subtitle: Judging Financial Health of 12 Companies from

Auto Ancillary Sector of India using Altman’s Z Score Model

Author1: Mrs. Rakhi Raizada Shrivastav, Author 2: Dr.Srini R. Srinivasan, Head- Research Cell @
PhD Research Scholar. Management (Finance) Vivekananda Education Society Institute of Management
Vivekananda Education Society Institute of Management Studies & Research (VESIMSR) 495-497. Collector’s
Studies & Research (VESIMSR) 495-497. Collector’s Colony. Chembur, Mumbai. 400074. India
Colony. Chembur, Mumbai. 400074. India

Abstract— The performance of any sector is judged through I. INTRODUCTION

various indicators. Profitability analysis has been accepted as
the key indicator of the strong financial performance in case In the current economic scenario, financial management has
of Indian business world. When due to some reasons the assumed much greater significance. It is now a question of
profitability of the company is adversely affected and if this survival of the entities in the total spectrum of economic
condition continues for a long period of time and as a result activity with pragmatic readjustment of financial management.
the company is unable to meet its fixed charge obligations, The systematic financial management begins with proper
this situation is called financial distress situation. If we procurement of the funds and ends with effective utilization of
analyze the global business world in recent times, it is full of funds by generating positive ROI and earning per share
business failure cases due to financial distress. Financial thereby enhancing market value of the share. The strong and
distress is that state in a business when firm’s operating cash systematic management leads to long survival of the entity.
flows are too less to repay contractual obligations. Financial This long survival of the entity depends upon the year on year
distress arises in a company when a high amount of fixed or rising graph of the profitability and strong solvency position of
unavoidable costs exists relative to the amount of cash flow or the company. If the profitability position, solvency position
income. These financially sick companies are forced to take and financial structure of the firm are not taken proper care,
corrective and controlling action through financial gradually the unit grows weak leading towards sickness and
restructuring. ends in corporate failure ultimately.
There are various reasons of financial distress or sickness for The disastrous consequences of corporate failure are suffered
eg: weakness in the industry in which the firm operates, poor by various internal as well as external stakeholders like
location of the firm and poor quality of the product, shareholders, employees, financial institutions, suppliers,
insufficient capital, inoptimum capital structure and poor state customers and society as a whole. This industrial sickness or
of the economy etc. All these factors combined attack on the financial distress in industries is a well-known fact throughout
performance of the business and make it unsustainable. the world. Financial Distress is a generic term which denotes
In the light of the above concept the present paper focuses on deteriorating or debilitating financial condition of an entity.
financial distress analysis of Indian automobile industry Often it is inevitable for various reasons. The outstanding
through Altman’s Z score model. The Z – score model uses change in technological development render old technologies
multiple corporate income and balance sheet values to outdated, industrial recession make some companies unviable,
measure the financial health of automobile companies. It also international trade policies make some units uncompetitive
establishes that too much of debts in financing assets of the and tardy progress in some related sectors shrink market for
company leads to negative impact on the market value of the others.
firm. On account of these reasons, several business units lead to
Keywords— Financial distress, automobile companies, Z- sickness from healthy stage, from sickness to incipient
score, bankruptcy, Business failure and financial health. sickness, from incipient sickness to distress and from distress
to ultimate closure of the business unit.

Author1: Mrs. Rakhi R. Shrivastava. Author2. Dr. Shrini R. Srinivasan Page 1

NCIETM Paper Reference ID: 80
There are a number of reasons to industrial sickness or manufacturing several automotive components across different
financial distress. These reasons are divided into external and auto product segments. Each product segments comprises of
internal reasons. Under internal reasons are: inadequate three to five key players. The salient features of this industry
technical know-how, locational disadvantage, outdated are low operating cost, low pricing and exemption from excise
production process, high cost of inputs, breakeven point too duty. Lower labour costs give Indian auto ancillary companies
high, uneconomic size of project, underestimation of financial an absolute cost advantage. Lower labour costs give Indian
requirements, too much investments in fixed assets, auto ancillary companies an absolute cost advantage.
overestimation of demand, cost overruns due to various The auto ancillary industry is divided into three segments:
reasons, inadequate mobilization of finance, inappropriate (1) Original equipment market - 40% demand of total value is
product-mix, poor quality control, poor capacity utilization, served through this market, (2) Replacement Market catering
high cost of production, poor inventory management, 50% demand of total value and (3) exports catering 10%
inadequate maintenance and replacement, lack of timely and demand of total value. On functional basis the auto ancillary
adequate modernization, high wastage, liberal dividend policy, unit is divided in to different products like engine parts,
general financial indiscipline, deficiency of funds, overtrading, transmission and steering parts, suspension and braking
unfavorable gearing or keeping adverse debt-equity ratio, components and electrical components, out of which one third
inadequate working capital, lack of effective collection of total production is significantly contributed to auto ancillary
machinery, excessively high wage structure, inefficient industry by the engine part segments.
handling of labour problems, excessive manpower, poor labor Since the fortune of auto ancillary industry depends upon the
productivity, lack of trained /skilled labour or technically growth and development of automobile sector, demand swing
competent personnel, dependence on single customer or a in any of the segment of automobile industry causes change in
limited number of customers, dependence on single or a the demand of the auto ancillary units. Financial year 2012
limited number of products, poor sales realization, defective was comparatively better than 2013. In 2013 growth in
pricing policy, booking of large order at fixed prices in an passenger vehicle was just 9% and commercial vehicles went
inflationary market weak market organization, lack of market up by 1.7%. Exports of the automobile products did well. As a
feedback and market research, lack of knowledge of marketing consequence of the performance of automobile industry, the
techniques, over capitalization, lack of professionalism, lack auto ancillary industry also showed positive changes.
of feedback to management, lack of proper management The ultimate objective of any company is to maximize
information systems, lack of controls, lack of timely shareholders’ wealth which is viewed in the profit earning
diversification and excessive expenditure of R&D etc. capacity and management efficiency of the company. When
There are external causes like non availability of irregular production increases, cost of goods also increases. If there is
supply of critical raw materials or other inputs, chronic power continuous increase in the cost and a slowdown in the demand
shortage, transport bottlenecks, non availability of adequate for the product, this increase in cost erodes profit of the
finance at the right time, government price controls, fiscal company gradually and causes financial distress. The term
duties, abrupt changes in government policies, market financial distress includes a broad spectrum of problems
saturation, technological obsolescence, recession fall in ranging from relatively minor liquidity shortages to
domestic export demand, natural calamities, political situation, bankruptcy. The problem of financial distress will magnify
sympathetic strikes, war and multiplicity of labour unions etc. with an increase in financial leverage which in turn is so
So all these causes in behavioral sense create a weakness in poisonous that it may lead to liquidation of business. In the
the company and lead the company towards financial distress. light of above context, the present research study analyses
financial health of 12 companies from auto ancillary industry
II. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM of India using Z score model for the period of 10 years.
In terms of distribution of auto ancillary industry in India, the Altman’s Z score model has proved successful in the
industry is divided into organized and unorganized sectors of prediction of strength and weaknesses of any company.
which the organized sector consists of nearly 300 medium and
large sized units which means 75% of industry turnover comes III. REVIEW OF LITERATURE
from this sector. The unorganized sector comprises over 5000 Sickness prediction at the early stage, bankruptcy study of the
small scale units focusing mainly on low value added various companies and financial distress analysis have been
segments of the industry and catering to the replacement done on a large scale based on the pioneering research done by
market. The financial net worth of auto ancillary industry is Beavar (1966), Altman’s Z score model (1968) and Ohlson
Rs 120 billion. Around 5000 business players are engaged in

Author1: Mrs. Rakhi R. Shrivastava. Author2. Dr. Shrini R. Srinivasan Page 2

NCIETM Paper Reference ID: 80
(1980). These researchers applied standard statistical Choudhary A, & Barua S.(2009) have employed Z score
techniques to predict bankruptcy conditions of the companies. model to predict financial distress for the companies listed on
Prof. Edward I. Altman’s (1968) study used multiple Dhaka Stock Exchange. Since the rule of accounting
discriminate analyses in order to depict bankruptcy of the treatment, accounting information disclosure and the
sample of 33 publically traded manufacturing bankrupt government structure are different so these aspects brought
companies’ between1946 to1965 and compared them with 33 difference in result as Z score was not fully applicable on this
non sick companies selected on the basis of random sampling. study.
He selected five key ratios of twenty two initially considered. Krishna Chaitanya (2005) have also used Z score model to
The result of MDA analysis yielded equation of Z score and measure financial health of IDBI and concluded that IDBI
predicted financial health of bankrupt companies with 94% would become insolvent in the years to come.
accuracy and with 97% accuracy of non-bankrupt companies Muller, Hamman and Steyn Bruwer (2009) tested the
one year before they went into such condition. The Z score effectiveness of the four different methods used to predict
model developed by Prof. Altman has gained momentous financial distress on south African companies listed on
importance because of the accuracy factor in the prediction. Johannesburg Stock Exchange. The result depicts that multiple
William H. Beaver (1967) predicted financial health of 79 discriminant Analysis and recursive partitioning have the
sick companies and 79 non sick companies. He used five key highest prediction accuracy for predicting failed firms.
ratios in measuring health of the companies. These ratios were V. Dheendhayalan (2008) prepared a meaningful cse study
(i) Cash Flow to total debt; (ii) Net Income to Total Assets on SAIL or Steel Authority India Limited and used Z score to
(iii) Total Debt to Total Assets (iv) Net Working Capital to predict financial health of the company. The inference drawn
Total Assets and (v) Current Assets to Current Liabilities. The showed that the financial health of the company was good and
meaningful findings added value to the sick firms in taking there were no signs of distress.
timely corrective measures to come out from financial distress Samarakoon, Lalith P. Hasan and Tanveer (2003)
condition. The analysis depicts that sick firm had more debts presented financial health analysis on 13 distress firm with 13
and poor rate of return on total capital employed or total non distressed firms of the same size from the same industry
assets. The sick companies’ current ratio was very low and in Srilanka and were able to establish the fact that these Z
they had uncontrolled receivables as their cash flows were not score models depict higher degree of accuracy in predicting
sufficient. Even the inventory level was not up to the mark so financial health of the companies.
this created a big mismatch in the demand and supply of the
product. The observation established that the most dominant It is observed that financial stress is studied less frequently
ratio to depict the financial health of these companies was cash than bankruptcy because it is very difficult to find out start
flow to total debt ratio. point and end point of financial distress whereas bankruptcy
Schipper (1977) examined private colleges and inferred starts in the court of law and ends at a specific date after the
financial imbalances in terms of debt and equity capital as the repayment and settlement of all debts. Now a days industrial
major cause of bankruptcy. sickness has been defined by RBI and Board for Industrial and
Lau (1987) and Hill (1996) extended the field by moving financial reconstruction (BIFR). There are various levels of
forward from the study of bankruptcy to multiple states of financial distress ranging from companies at the border of
corporate decline including financial distress among auto distress to less problem facing companies. The well known
suppliers. definitions of financial distress are as follows:
The study done by Platt & Platt (2006) depicts multi industry
model of financial distress for major US companies. The most Signals of layoffs, restructurings or irregular dividend
important finding from their study was that bankruptcy and payments as analysed by Lau (1987).
financial distress are not simply two sequential steps in the Year-on-year a low interest coverage ratio as studied
same process but companies face financial distress due to poor by Asquith, Gertner and Scharfistain (1994)
operating results or due to macroeconomic indicators while Poor position of cash flows showing insufficiency of
bankruptcy is an action which companies take to protect their cash flows to settle debts reached at maturities of
assets often as a result of balance sheet issues. long term debts as analysed by Whitaker (1999).
Johah Aiyabei (2002) developed a financial health prediction The change in equity price or negative EBIT used by
study for the small sized business firms located in Kenya John, Lang and Netter (1992). Negative net income
using Z score model and analyzed theoretical problems as before special items, used by Hofer (1980).
major causes for the financial distress condition in the firms.

Author1: Mrs. Rakhi R. Shrivastava. Author2. Dr. Shrini R. Srinivasan Page 3

NCIETM Paper Reference ID: 80
IV. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY index, named Z score was computed by combining major
The main objective of the present study is to find out financial ratios. This technique is known as Multiple
financial health distress of 12 companies for the period of Discriminant Analysis. This model has itself as the leading
10 years from auto ancillary sector of India listed on multivariate predictor model of corporate failure and it has
National Stock Exchange in terms of strong, weak and been the subject of numerous tests around the world. Z score
sick using Z score model which is a successful model to is a common statistical method of standardizing data on one
predict financial health of any company: index for comparison. Z score is the output from a credit-
strength test that gauges the likelihood of bankruptcy. The
a. To find out working capital to total Assets ratio of 12 formula may be used to predict the probability that a firm will
companies. go into bankruptcy within two years. Z scores are used to
b. To find out retained earnings to total assets of 12 predict corporate defaults The Z score uses multiple corporate
companies income and balance sheet values to measure the financial
c. To find out ROI of the 12 companies. health of a company. The Z score represents a point in time.
d. To find out proportion of equity to total liabilities.
e. To find out sales turnover ratio of 12 companies. Estimation of Z-Score Formula
f. To find out average and coefficient of Variance for The Z score is a linear combination of four or five common
each variable. business ratios, weighted by coefficients. The coefficients
g. To find out Z score for each company. were estimated by identifying a set of firms which had
declared bankruptcy and then collecting a matched sample of
V. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY the firms which had survived, with matching by the industry
and approximate size (assets). Altman applied the statistical
This paper is based on secondary data. For the analysis, 10 method of discriminate analysis to a dataset of publically held
years Balance sheet and Income statements of 12 companies manufacturers. Based on multiple discriminate Analyses,
have been collected from Prowess database of Centre for According to Altman, a company’s Z score is a positive
Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) and this was verified function of five factors:
from the annual reports of the company available on the
websites of the respective company. The study has been ..1
undertaken for the period of 10 years from 2004 to 2013. Where:
Following random sampling, the sample of the study covers X1 ---- stands for net working capital to total assets
12 companies from auto ancillary sector of India listed on (NWC/TA)*100 measuring net liquid assets of accompany to
national Stock Exchange. These companies are 1) Amar Raja total capitalization.
Batteries Ltd, Amtek India Ltd, Bharat Gears ltd, Bosch Ltd, X2---- stands for retained earnings to total assets
Clutch Auto ltd, Gabrial India Ltd, Hindustan Composite Ltd, (RE/TA)*100 of the company indicating efficiency of
High Tech Gears Ltd, India Nippon Electricals Ltd, JBM Auto management in manufacturing, sales, administration and other
Ltd, Superjit Engineering Ltd and Sundaram Clayton Ltd. activities
X3----- stands for Operating Profit to total assets (ROI)
VI. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY specifying profitability of the company through productive use
of assets of the company.
1. The present research study focuses only on the X4---- stands for the book value of the equity to book value of
selected twelve companies taken as sample of the total debt (MVE/TL). It depicts how much assets of the
study from the auto ancillary industry of India. company decline in its value if the liabilities goes beyond a
2. The study presents analysis of financial health based point.
on only 10 years’ time period i.e from 2003-04 to X5--- stands for net sales to total assets of the company
2013-14. basically it is sales turnover of the company showing sales
3. The analysis is done from the financial data available generating capacity of the company by effective utilization of
on the websites of the companies. resources.
Although the weights are not equal, the higher each ratio,
VII. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK higher the Z score lowers is the probability of bankruptcy.
Edward I. Altman, Professor of Finance in New York Using the sample of 66 companies, 33 failed and 33
University, tried to develop a new technique where only one successful, Altman’s model achieved an accuracy rate of 95%.

Author1: Mrs. Rakhi R. Shrivastava. Author2. Dr. Shrini R. Srinivasan Page 4

NCIETM Paper Reference ID: 80
Inference: The table depicts year wise Z score of Company 1
Z Score Ratio Values: The coefficient Value of calculated in the sample. Observation of Z score states that this company
ratios as recommended by Altman is as follows: has very strong financial position and Z score is increasing
Financial Ratios in Altaman’s Coefficient of Ratio as since 2003-04 to 2013-14. In 2003-04 Z score value of Amtek
Modal recommended by Altman Auto was 2.88 and it reached to 1.618 in 2013. This
Net Working Capital / T otal Assets observation says that company is facing initial symptoms of
0.012 or 1.2
(X1) financial distress if corrective measures are taken; it may go
Retained Earnings /T otal Assets (X2) 0.014 or 1.4 first bankrupt and gradually will turn into sick unit.
Earnings Before Interest & T axes /
0.033 or 3.3 Table VIII.2: Showing various ratios (X1, X2,
T otal Assets (X3)
Market Value of Equity/T otal X3, X4, X5) and year wise Z score value of C3 & C4.
0.006 or 0.6
Liabilities (X4) Company C3 C4
Year X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 Z Score X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 Z Score
Net Sales/T otal Assets (X5) 0.0999 or 1.0
2003-2004 0.164 0.058 0.077 0.032 0.741 1.292 0.42 0.065 0.397 0.895 1.684 4.125
2004 -2005 0.244 0.085 0.114 0.062 1.058 1.884 0.423 0.117 0.33 0.902 1.743 4.044
2005-2006 0.215 0.105 0.1 0.086 1.117 1.903 0.435 0.268 0.318 0.909 1.694 4.187
Z score Measurement Scale for measuring Financial 2006-2007 0.233 0.179 0.13 0.176 1.193 2.257 0.391 0.368 0.272 0.913 1.529 3.959
Health: Altman after presenting his analysis of 66 companies 2007-2008 0.203 0.206 0.135 0.206 1.392 2.493 0.511 0.423 0.224 0.921 1.381 3.878
2008-2009 0.217 0.225 0.079 0.229 1.426 2.4 0.447 0.387 0.178 0.923 1.317 3.536
recognized the following scale to measure financial distress of 2009-2010 0.178 0.247 0.106 0.254 1.44 2.503 0.482 0.34 0.247 0.937 1.533 3.964
2010-2011 0.006 0.211 0.097 0.216 1.408 2.16 0.47 0.351 0.278 0.939 1.598 4.134
2011-2012 0.04 0.244 0.148 0.256 1.613 2.645 0.514 0.403 0.234 0.968 1.504 4.038
2012-2013 0.018 0.257 0.072 0.269 1.475 2.255 0.443 0.338 0.201 0.98 1.373 3.628
2013-2014 0.028 0.234 0.052 0.245 1.442 2.121 0.454 0.306 0.268 0.929 1.536 3.949
Recommended Score Interpretation (Sickness predicted) Total 1.548 2.051 1.109 2.033 14.31 4.99 3.367 2.946 10.21 16.89
No danger of bankruptcy and company is financially safe & Mean 0.141 0.186 0.101 0.185 2.384 2.174 0.454 0.306 0.268 0.929 1.536 3.949
Z Score More than 2.99 SD 0.096 0.071 0.03 0.085 0.249 0.038 0.115 0.063 0.026 0.139
CV 68.34 38.01 29.3 46.01 10.45 8.369 37.72 23.38 2.832 9.051
The company is on alert to work for betterment in terms
Z score from 2.77 to 2.99
of solvency of the company. Source: Computed Data
It depicts signs of grey areas in the company. Company
Inference: Bharat Gears Ltd. has also shown very low Z score
Z score from 1.80 to 2.77 may go bankrupt within two years if no action or remedy is
taken. value but looking at 10 years time period, the company is
Z Score below 1.80 There is definite failure and closure of the company
travelling very hard to improve its financial health because in
2003-04 the z score of this company was 1.29 which shows
Altman’s Modified Guidelines very poor financial management of the company but in 2013-
If Z Score >2.675 Firms are financially sound. 14 it has gone to 2.12, it indicates that gradually company is
The firm is leading to bankruptcy and ultimately will lead working towards improvement in financial health. Bosch Ltd.
If Z Score < 2.675
to failure within next two years.
4th company in the sample shows sound Z Score value. It
VIII. ANALYSIS & INTERPRETATION OF DATA depicts that the financial health of the company is too strong to
Table VIII.1: Showing various ratios (X1, X2,
Table VIII.3: Showing various ratios (X1, X2,
X3, X4, X5) and year wise Z score value of C1 & C2.
X3, X4, X5) and year wise Z score value of C5 & C6
Company C1 C2
Company C5 C6
Year X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 Z Score X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 Z Score
Year X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 Z Score X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 Z Score
2003-2004 0.36 0.86 0.116 0.92 1.06 3.64084 0.23 0.38 0.23 0.55 0.99 2.8848 2003-2004 0.374 0.397 0.104 0.383 0.76 2.34 0.274 0.397 0.203 0.434 3.765 5.581
2004 -2005 0.41 0.83 0.12 0.89 1.33 3.91125 0.56 0.42 0.1 0.47 0.41 2.2849 2004 -2005 0.433 0.466 0.156 0.472 0.923 2.892 0.293 0.466 0.206 0.503 1.898 3.882
2005-2006 0.41 0.79 0.221 0.84 1.89 4.72375 0.64 0.44 0.09 0.45 0.3 2.2611 2005-2006 0.608 0.455 0.175 0.534 1.025 3.289 0.317 0.455 0.157 0.49 2.182 4.011
2006-2007 0.53 0.6 0.243 0.63 1.96 4.62898 0.3 0.56 0.11 0.57 0.38 2.2379
2006-2007 0.669 0.605 0.197 0.553 1.129 3.761 0.418 0.605 0.161 0.64 2.419 4.681
2007-2008 0.58 0.5 0.28 0.51 2.11 4.73466 0.36 0.49 0.08 0.51 0.28 1.9438
2007-2008 0.604 0.45 0.145 0.587 0.927 3.114 0.377 0.45 0.1 0.476 2.551 4.249
2008-2009 0.47 0.56 0.301 0.59 2.32 5.0124 0.37 0.42 0.04 0.44 0.18 1.6203
2009-2010 0.46 0.83 0.46 0.86 2.68 6.41752 0.36 0.55 0.05 0.59 0.19 1.9191
2008-2009 0.432 0.433 0.097 0.53 0.734 2.498 0.293 0.433 0.111 0.458 1.698 3.295
2009-2010 0.424 0.477 0.114 0.466 0.692 2.523 0.296 0.477 0.219 0.501 1.836 3.882
2010-2011 0.5 0.85 0.348 0.87 2.8 6.25999 0.39 0.56 0.07 0.57 0.24 2.0516
2010-2011 0.437 0.534 0.117 0.463 0.692 2.63 0.276 0.534 0.259 0.556 2.357 4.626
2011-2012 0.56 0.89 0.392 0.91 2.87 6.62148 0.3 0.55 0.08 0.56 0.29 2.0391
2012-2013 0.58 0.91 0.394 0.92 2.58 6.40808 0.17 0.44 0.08 0.44 0.28 1.618 2011-2012 0.405 0.695 0.113 0.45 0.618 2.72 0.325 0.695 0.285 0.718 2.885 5.62
2012-2013 1 0.752 -0.02 0.389 0.258 2.679 0.188 0.752 0.255 0.796 3.502 6.101
2013-2014 0.46 0.93 0.387 0.94 2.37 6.06958
2013-2014 0.539 0.526 0.12 0.483 0.776 2.845 0.182 0.792 0.265 0.835 3.737 6.438
Total 5.32 8.55 3.262 8.88 24 3.68 4.81 0.94 5.13 3.54
Mean 0.48 0.78 0.297 0.81 2.18 5.31168 0.37 0.48 0.09 0.51 0.35 2.0861 Total 5.926 5.79 1.32 5.311 8.533 3.237 6.056 2.221 6.406 28.83
SD 0.07 0.15 0.113 0.15 0.59 0.14 0.07 0.05 0.06 0.24 Mean 14.68 0.526 0.12 0.483 0.776 2.845 0.294 0.551 0.202 0.582 2.621 4.761
CV 15.3 19.4 38.26 18.9 26.9 38.5 14.3 55 11.7 66.6 SD 0.182 0.113 0.056 0.064 0.232 0.07 0.139 0.063 0.142 0.755
CV 1.237 21.51 46.6 13.31 29.96 23.61 25.21 31.27 24.4 28.8
Source: Computed Data
Source: Computed Data

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Inference: Clutch Auto ltd. comes under healthy company trends which means that year on Year Company is able to
according to its Z score value. The Z score is consistent in the manage its financial position in better ways.
study period. Gabriel India ltd. falls into too healthy zone
based on the Z score value. This company is really showing Table VIII.6 Showing various ratios (X1, X2,
signs of long term strong life in the auto ancillary industry. X3, X4, X5) and year wise Z score value of C11 & C12
Company C11 C12
Table VIII.4 Showing various ratios (X1, X2, Year X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 Z Score X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 Z Score
2003-2004 0.361 0.379 0.283 0.512 1.553 3.761 0.282 0.798 0.292 0.879 1.843 4.788
X3, X4, X5) and year wise Z score value of C7 & C8 2004 -2005 0.454 0.428 0.299 0.534 1.655 4.105 0.316 0.633 0.248 0.687 1.585 4.081
Company C7 C8 2005-2006 0.589 0.491 0.32 0.579 1.741 4.539 0.258 0.621 0.264 0.665 1.489 3.938
Year X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 Z Score X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 Z Score 2006-2007 0.495 0.443 0.238 0.506 1.368 3.672 0.299 0.581 0.273 0.615 1.502 3.943
2003-2004 0.268 -0.2 -0.01 0.166 1.927 2.048 0.158 0.458 0.318 0.537 2.359 4.561 2007-2008 0.445 0.375 0.154 0.427 1.202 3.025 0.285 0.453 0.125 0.472 0.889 2.56
2004 -2005 0.055 -0.13 0.095 0.45 4.511 4.977 0.178 0.294 0.231 0.395 1.927 3.552 2008-2009 0.275 0.482 0.267 0.538 1.529 3.74 0.344 0.397 0.084 0.413 0.894 2.39
2005-2006 -0.09 -0.33 -0.08 0.364 2.206 1.6 0.134 0.234 0.182 0.307 1.744 3.017 2009-2010 0.297 0.496 0.34 0.592 1.683 4.211 0.383 0.424 0.098 0.459 0.973 2.625
2006-2007 0.107 -0.24 -0.09 0.355 2.772 2.494 0.232 0.247 0.216 0.311 2.06 3.583 2010-2011 0.295 0.563 0.34 0.641 1.974 4.625 0.27 0.389 0.14 0.419 1.301 2.884
2007-2008 0.028 -0.15 -0.09 0.512 3.303 3.128 0.135 0.25 0.206 0.492 1.862 3.347 2011-2012 0.28 0.593 0.34 0.655 1.937 4.619 0.142 0.448 0.175 0.464 1.665 3.319
2008-2009 -0.1 -0.35 -0.25 0.417 3.452 2.256 -0.02 0.249 0.246 0.539 2.283 3.744 2012-2013 0.262 0.605 0.288 0.653 1.667 4.172 0.049 0.416 0.132 0.43 1.499 2.833
2009-2010 -0.57 -0.95 -0.42 0.295 5.411 2.189 -0 0.39 0.34 0.67 2.343 4.408 2013-2014 0.272 0.594 0.27 0.632 1.531 3.961 -0.02 0.519 0.168 0.534 1.861 3.44
2010-2011 -0.34 -0.27 -0.36 0.234 4.875 3.03 0.126 0.42 0.444 0.696 2.568 5.188 Total 4.025 5.45 3.142 6.27 17.84 2.609 5.678 2 6.037 15.5
2011-2012 -0.36 -0.39 -0.64 0.184 3.794 0.822 0.102 0.613 0.385 0.696 2.223 4.893 Mean 0.366 0.495 0.286 0.57 1.622 4.039 0.237 0.516 0.182 0.549 1.409 3.346
2012-2013 -2.42 -3.09 -2.96 -0.79 18.02 0.531 0.049 0.737 0.262 0.831 1.865 4.319
SD 0.112 0.085 0.055 0.073 0.225 0.126 0.129 0.075 0.147 0.353
CV 30.62 17.08 19.35 12.87 13.88 53.09 24.96 41.03 26.82 25.08
Total -3.43 -6.11 -4.8 2.19 50.27 1.088 3.891 2.83 5.473 21.23
Mean -0.34 -0.61 -0.48 0.219 5.027 2.308 0.109 0.389 0.283 0.547 2.123 4.061
SD 0.773 0.903 0.9 0.371 4.702 0.079 0.173 0.086 0.176 0.27
Source: Computed Data
CV -225 -148 -187 169.6 93.52 73.03 44.41 30.23 32.21 12.74
Inference: Superjit Engineering Ltd also depicts too healthy Z
Source: Computed Data score value which means company is not in the area of
Inference: Hindustan Composite Ltd. does not show very financial distress. Sunderam Clayton falls into strong
good financial performance because Z score is weak in the companies in terms of financial health since the Z score value
study period. As per Z score the company is gradually leading in the period of 10 years from 2003-2013-14 has been
to financial distress. The financial health of this company is consistently improving. The score slightly grew weak in 2008-
very sound since the Z score has surpassed the recommended 2011but it was improved since then.
score by Altman in the study period of 10 years in this
research study. Table VIII.7a: 10 Years Z score Values of 12 companies with
mean Z score value
Table VIII.5 Showing various ratios (X1, X2,
Altman's Z Score for 12 Auto Ancillary Companies in India
X3, X4, X5) and year wise Z score value of C9 & C10 Z Score Value of 12 Companies for the Period of 10 Years
Name of the Companies
Company C9 C10 taken as sample 2003- 2004 - 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- 2010- 2011- 2012- 2013-
Year X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 Z Score X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 Z Score 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
2003-2004 0.147 0.83 0.374 0.96 1.549 4.697 0.339 0.472 0.145 0.635 0.958 2.883 Amar Raja Batteries Ltd 3.640843 3.911 4.724 4.629 4.735 5.0124 6.42 6.26 6.62 6.41 6.07
2004 -2005 0.176 0.849 0.264 0.964 1.457 4.308 0.362 0.456 0.246 0.586 1.725 3.964
Amtek Auto Ltd 2.884754 2.285 2.261 2.238 1.944 1.6203 1.92 2.05 2.04 1.62
2005-2006 0.166 0.865 0.197 0.968 1.236 3.878 0.38 0.393 0.227 0.485 1.505 3.552
2006-2007 0.188 0.88 0.154 0.973 1.088 3.638 0.36 0.318 0.166 0.381 1.341 2.995 Bharat Gears Ltd: 1.29224 1.884 1.903 2.257 2.493 2.4002 2.5 2.16 2.64 2.25 2.12
2007-2008 0.127 0.901 0.103 0.989 0.904 3.25 0.468 0.246 0.13 0.315 1.276 2.799 BOSCH Ltd: 4.124653 4.044 4.187 3.959 3.878 3.5363 3.96 4.13 4.04 3.63 3.95
2008-2009 0.338 0.912 0.086 0.996 0.921 3.486 0.383 0.242 0.131 0.295 1.105 2.513 Clutch Auto Ltd. 2.339732 2.892 3.289 3.761 3.114 2.4982 2.52 2.63 2.72 2.68 2.84
2009-2010 0.189 0.919 0.15 0.996 1.085 3.69 0.366 0.323 0.118 0.385 0.973 2.485 Gabriel India Ltd. 5.580509 3.882 4.011 4.681 4.249 3.295 3.88 4.63 5.62 6.1 6.44
2010-2011 0.319 0.93 0.183 1 1.333 4.222 0.279 0.299 0.136 0.351 1.223 2.638 Hindustan Composite Ltd. 2.048149 4.977 1.6 2.494 3.128 2.2561 2.19 3.03 0.82 0.53
2011-2012 0.317 0.941 0.191 1 1.364 4.293 0.3 0.3 0.147 0.349 1.265 2.741
HighTech gears Ltd. 4.560506 3.552 3.017 3.583 3.347 3.7436 4.41 5.19 4.89 4.32
2012-2013 0.282 0.945 0.162 1 1.296 4.091 0.229 0.334 0.163 0.383 1.441 2.952
India NIPPON Electricals Ltd. 4.696595 4.308 3.878 3.638 3.25 3.4856 3.69 4.22 4.29 4.09
Total 2.247 8.972 1.864 9.846 12.23 3.466 3.385 1.609 4.166 12.81
Mean 0.225 0.897 0.186 0.985 1.223 3.955 0.347 0.339 0.161 0.417 1.281 2.952 JBM Auto ltd: 2.883246 3.964 3.552 2.995 2.799 2.5134 2.48 2.64 2.74 2.95
SD 0.08 0.04 0.083 0.016 0.218 0.066 0.079 0.043 0.115 0.238 Superjit Engineering Ltd 3.760595 4.105 4.539 3.672 3.025 3.7398 4.21 4.62 4.62 4.17
CV 35.6 4.424 44.3 1.66 17.83 18.92 23.36 26.57 27.53 18.6 Sundaram Clayton Limited 4.788149 4.081 3.938 3.943 2.56 2.3895 2.63 2.88 3.32 2.83 3.44

Source: Computed Data Source: Computed Data

Inference: India Nippon Electricals Ltd.’s Z score ranges
from 4.7 to 4.0 in the period of 10 years which indicates very
sound financial health of the company. The JBN Auto ltd.
depicts normal financial health and Z score shows rising

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NCIETM Paper Reference ID: 80
Graph VIII.7a
A. Interpretations of Net Working Capital to Total
Assets (X1)
Net working capital is the excess amount of current assets over
current liabilities. Net working capital to total assets ratio
measures liquidity position of the company relative to total
capital employed by the company. Operational efficiency
increases working capital where as continuous operating
losses drain working capital and turn positive working capital
into negative working capital which is really a serious
problem. Table NoVIII.1 to Table No VIII.6 depicts
average/mean value of 10 years net liquid assets to total assets
i.e. X1 for 12 companies from auto ancillary industry. The
analysis shows that only C1 (0.48) and C4 (0.45) have
moderate investment in current assets and C2 (0.37), C10
TABLE NO. VIII.7b: Statement Showing the Z-score (0.35) and C11 (0.37) show low investment in current assets,
Healthy and Distressed Zone for Selected Auto Ancillary C3 (0.14), C6 (0.29), C8 (0.11), C9 (0.22) and C12 (0.24)
Companies depict unsatisfactory condition of working capital as a
Z Score Model percentage of total capitalization. The condition of C7 shows
Abb Auto Ancillary companies Inference
Financial Health
negative working capital which is really a serious problem for
C1 Amar Raja Batteries Ltd 5.236 Too Healthy
the company as it is a threat to the liquid position of the
C2 Amtek Auto Ltd 2.086 Healthy
company whereas C5 depicts very high percentage of working
C3 Bharat Gears Ltd: 2.174 Healthy
capital which is again not good for the company as this cash
C4 BOSCH Ltd: 3.949 Too Healthy
C5 Clutch Auto Ltd. 2.845 Healthy
flow can be invested in order to generate short term returns
C6 Gabriel India Ltd. 4.761 Too Healthy instead of blocking it into current assets.
C7 Hindustan Composite Ltd. 2.308 Healthy These analyses will help companies to maintain an ideal ratio
C8 HighTech gears Ltd. 4.061 Too Healthy of investment in the current assets which is neither on the too
C9 India NIPPON Electricals Ltd. 3.955 Too Healthy much investment side nor towards negative working capital
C10 JBM Auto ltd: 2.952 Healthy side. It will help companies to maintain a balanced amount of
C11 Superjit Engineering Ltd 4.047 Too Healthy investment in current assets without disturbing liquidity
C12 Sundaram Clayton Limited 3.346 Too Healthy
position of the company.
Source: Computed Data The condition of C7 is really very serious in terms of liquidity
Graph VIII.7b as it is portraying negative value of this ratio. To improve cash
liquidity problem, this company can adopt any of the
following remedies like reduction in its annual dividend,
restructuring its existing debt facilities in order to reduce tax
burden and tapping equity and debt markets for restructured

B. Retained Earnings Total Assets (X2)

The second major variable to depict financial health under Z
score model is ratio of retained earnings to total assets. This
ratio indicates the portion of total assets financed by retained
earnings. The higher ratio indicates the strong and sound
position in terms of financial stability during the times of low
profitability periods and it also signposts that company is
IX. FINDINGS financing its assets through internal funds than through
Findings of the Z score analysis variable wise i.e X1, X2, X3, borrowed funds. Looking at the position of companies taken
X4 and X5 for the sample of 12 auto ancillary companies from as sample in this study for the period of 10 years, it is found
Indian automobile sector are summarized below: out from the table VIII.1 to VIII.6 that percentage of retained

Author1: Mrs. Rakhi R. Shrivastava. Author2. Dr. Shrini R. Srinivasan Page 7

NCIETM Paper Reference ID: 80
earnings in financing long term assets of 12 companies in the E. Interpretation of Sales to Total Assets (X5)
study period is like this: C1-0.78, C2-0.48, C3-0.19, C4-0.31, Business success cannot be imagined without excellent sales
C5-0.53, C6-0.55, C7-0.6, C8-0.39, C9-0.9, C10-0.34, C11- revenue. Sales revenue is the backbone of business survival
0.5 and C12-0.52. It is evident from this data that every auto and performance. Sales to total assets means total assets
ancillary company under the study period is relying more on turnover ratio. Higher ratio depicts effective utilization of
debt financing not on internal financing through retained assets in generating sales of the companies whereas low ratio
earnings which has only created high leverage ratio and indicates underutilization of assets of the companies and
ultimately risk of defaulting in repayment of interest. This indicates towards poor financial management practices in the
situation if not controlled, will lead towards financial distress optimum utilization of resources in generating sales of the
and ultimately bankruptcy. company. From the table VIII.1 to VIII.6, the value of total
sales turnover ratio shows that the company 7 has best
C. Interpretation of Earnings before Interest and Taxes performance that is C7-5.03. It is utilizing its assets in
to Total Assets (X3) generating sales in much better manner as compared to other
This ratio judges operating performance and productivity of companies in the said period and lowest performance is that of
the assets. Table VIII.1 to VIII.6 show that Companies like C2. It is evident from the ratio value that these companies are
C1, C2, C5 and C6 have shown very low operating not utilizing full capacity of their assets in boosting up their
performance and companies like C4, C10, C9 and C12 have sales. It is suggested that these companies must use their assets
demonstrated slightly higher performance than previous up-to optimum level in order to generate maximum sales and
companies. Companies like C7, C8 and C11 are showing thereby increasing revenue for the company concern.
average performance reason for which can be too much
competition. The overall picture of the sample depicts poor X. CONCLUSION
utilization of assets in generating revenue.
Having analyzed performance of five variables individually,
D. Interpretation of Book Value of Equity to Total the Z score health of the companies under the study for the
Liabilities or Book Value of Debt (X4) period of 10 ten years is as follows. The financial health
This ratio plays an important role in defining long term through Z score model of companies under this study is
financial policies of the company. The company having 2:1 divided into two categories. Out of 12 companies, 7
equity debt mix is considered as excellent for businesses in companies, Amar Raja Batteries Ltd (5.235895), Bosch Ltd
managing their finances and companies having 1:1 equity debt (3.949414), Gabrial India Ltd (4.760522) India Nippon
mix are considered as good. It is a well known fact that too Electrical Ltd.( 3.955156), High Tech gear ltd (4.061075),
much of debt may cause financial overburden and can turn a Superjit Engineering Ltd (4.046931) and Sundaram Clayton
firm insolvent. If debt funds are more than equity funds in the Limited (3.345628) are in the too healthy zone and Amtek
debt equity ratio of the company it will reduce profit of the Auto ltd (2.08607), Bharat Gears Ltd (2.174053), Clutch Auto
company despite showing increase profitability of the Ltd (2.844562). Hindustan Composite Ltd. (2.307568) and
shareholders. This situation may be good in favorable times JBM Auto ltd (2.952134) are in grey area or healthy zone. In
but really a curse in unfavorable times. From Table VIII.1 to healthy zone, it is very difficult to predict the timing of the
VIII.6, it is observed that the equity portion of C3 (0.18) and bankruptcy of the company though it displays grey areas of
C7 is 0.22 which is quite low as compared to other companies. the companies. Finally, the study is concluded that all
Companies in the second rank are C2 (0.51), C5 (0.48) and C6 companies taken for the study display positive z score value
(0.58), C8 (0.55), C10 (0.42), C11 (0.57) and C12 (0.55). showing strong financial health position. This study will be
These companies depict that there is proper combination of very useful and important for every company in Indian Auto
debt and equity mix in the capital structure of the companies Ancillary industry.
during study period. Remaining companies like C1 (0.81), C4 Abbreviations used:
(0.93) and C9 (0.98) show more reliance on the usage of C1- Company 1- for Amar Raja Batteries ltd.
equity funds than debt funds to finance long term investments C2- Company 2 - Amtek Auto ltd.
since the ratio value is very high. On analyzing above cases it C3- Company 3- Bharat gears Ltd.
is evident that companies C1, C4 and C9 are excellent in their C4- Company 4 - Bosch Ltd.
capital structure as they are able to provide a margin of safety C5- Company 5 - Clutch Auto Ltd.
to their creditors in the times of bankruptcy. C6- Company 6 - Gabriel India ltd.
C7- Company 7 - Hindustan Composite ltd.

Author1: Mrs. Rakhi R. Shrivastava. Author2. Dr. Shrini R. Srinivasan Page 8

NCIETM Paper Reference ID: 80
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