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Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use

Silver fir
Abies alba
Heino Wolf
State Board for Forestry (Saxony), Pirna, Germany

These Technical Guidelines are intended to assist those who cherish the valuable silver fir
genepool and its inheritance, through conserving valuable seed sources or use in practical
forestry. The focus is on conserving the genetic diversity of the species at the European scale.
The recommendations provided in this module should be regarded as a commonly agreed basis
to be complemented and further developed in local, national or regional conditions. The
Guidelines are based on the available knowledge of the species and on widely accepted
methods for the conservation of forest genetic resources.

Biology and ecology within the forest. Flowering is

highly irregular among years. Sil-
ver fir is monoecious. Male and
Silver fir is the tallest tree of the female flowers occur separately
genus Abies in Europe. Under on the same tree, the female
favourable conditions, the flowers typically inserted at the
species can reach an age of end of the highest branches of
500 to 600 years and the crown, and the male flowers
tree heights up to 60 appearing generally lower in the
(65) m. Stem diam- crown than female flowers.
eter at breast Flowering period varies from
height varies from April to June. The fully developed
150 to 200 (380) seeds are mainly dispersed by
cm in adult speci- wind in September and October
mens. The crown is of the same year. The cones are
conical on young erect and disintegrate at maturity
trees, parabolical to in contrast to other conifer gen-
cylindrical with a flat- era, leaving only the cone axis on
tened top on old the branches. The seed dorman-
trees. In uneven-aged cy caused by ethereal oils (con-
forests, the length of taining, for example, terpenes)
the crown comes to stored in the seed coat lasts usu-
one-half to two-thirds ally one winter. Stored seeds
of the tree height. The require wet-cold stratification of
trunk is straight cylin- 6 weeks to germinate. When
drical with horizontally sown during autumn, sufficient
spreading whorled germination results also can be
branches. achieved.
Flowering age starts at Silver fir is tolerant of a wide
25-35 years on isolated trees range of soil conditions, nutrient
growing outside the forest, content and availability as well as
and at 60-70 years for trees pH levels. It depends most on
Abies alba Abies
Silver firAbies albaSilver firAbies albaSilver firAbies albaSilver firAbies albaSilver firAbies

Distribution Importance and use

moisture availability and temper-
ature. However, the best growth
of silver fir can be expected on
deep, nutrient-rich, fine- to med- The distribution area of Among the different
ium-textured and well-drained silver fir is limited mainly fir species growing
soils. Silver fir forms pure stands to the mountainous naturally in Europe,
or mixed stands with beech and regions of eastern, west- silver fir is the most
spruce. Although very cold- ern, southern and central important econom-
hardy, the species is very sensi- Europe. The main area ically and ecologically.
tive to frost drought during mild ranges from 52°N in the The species is of great
winter periods with still frozen north (Poland) to 40°N in the ecological and silvicultural
soil, and to late frost during south (northern border of value for the establishment and
spring. Greece) and from 5°E in the west management of site-appropriate
Silver fir is very shade toler- (western Alps) to 27°E in the east mixed stands of high stability
ant and can remain as a (Romania, Bulgaria). Isolated owing to its deep and intensive
“seedling bank” under the occurrences can be found in taproot system, the easily
canopy of older dominant trees France (Central Massif and biodegradable needle litter and
for decades. The species is an Pyrenees) and in northern Spain its shade tolerance. Since silver
obligatory seeder. Vegetative (Pyrenees), the latter extending fir was and is mainly regenerated
regeneration does not occur the western limit to 1°W as well naturally, the species is not con-
under natural conditions. The as in central and southern Italy sidered a high-priority species in
seed dispersal is very efficient (Calabria) extending the southern tree-breeding programmes in
which allows silver fir to colonize, limit to 38°N. most European countries where
e.g. pioneer pine forests In the distribution area north- it occurs.
and open shrub lands. east of the river Danube, silver Silver fir timber is strong,
fir can be found at elevations lightweight, light-coloured, fine-
from 135 m asl in Poland to grained, even-textured and long-
1350 m in the eastern fibered. Sapwood and heart-
Carpathians (Romania). wood cannot be distinguished by
Southwest of the Danube, colour. Primary resin canals are
it grows from 325 m in absent. The timber is mainly
the Apennines (Italy) to used as construction wood, fur-
2100 m in the western niture, plywood and pulpwood.
Alps, and extending Owing to its good cleavability
up to 2900 m in the and durability, especially under
Pirin Mountains (Bul- humid conditions, it is suitable
garia). Within the for the production of shingles
main distribution and for hydraulic engineering.
area, the species Young trees are very popular as
forms a belt 500 to Christmas trees.
600 m (800 m) wide
which moves to higher eleva-
tions from north to
alba Abies alba A
s albaSilver firAbies albaSilver firAbies albaSilver firAbies albaSilver firAbies albaSilver firA

Genetic knowledge Threats to

growth, ecophysiological and
biochemical traits among popula- genetic diversity
tions descended from different
Silver fir is a wind-pollinated, parts of the distribution
generally outcrossing species. In area.
dense stands with a sufficient The differentiation
number of mature individuals, its observed among popu-
outcrossing rate is over 80% of lations is comparatively
all seeds produced, which is high which may be
similar to many other conifer caused by different fac-
species. However, in occur- tors, e.g. by the separ-
rences with a reduced popula- ation of occurrences, or Silver fir is not endangered
tion size, and during years of the unusually large pollen grains as a species range-wide. How-
low flower production, self- of silver fir. Among populations ever, the area of silver fir forests
fertilization takes place (up to of the entire distribution range, and its percentage of the forests
95% of all seeds produced on area-specific gene variants, a decreased significantly during
some trees). correlation between the location the last 200 years in most Euro-
Range-wide surveys using of populations and the frequen- pean countries. Reasons for the
biochemical and molecular cies of gene variants, as well as a decline are human impacts
markers suggest different ice variation of the genetic diversity through deforestation, over-
age refugia of silver fir in the fol- can be observed with different exploitation, promotion of faster-
lowing regions: the Pyrenees, biochemical and molecular growing tree species, clear-cut
central/eastern France, southern genetic methods. Within popula- forestry, improper management,
and central Italy as well as the tions, the diversity assessed air pollution or damage by game.
southern Balkans. There is evi- decreases with increasing dis- On the other hand, a complex
dence that silver fir re-migrated tance from the respective decline syndrome (the Silver fir
at least into its present-day refugium. decline) reached dramatic pro-
range from refugia in central Italy portions in the 19th and 20th
and the southern Balkans to centuries, especially in the cen-
form introgression zones in the tral and northeastern part of the
contact zones of populations range. The decline may have
originating from the different been caused by several biotic
refugia. and abiotic agents possibly in
Silver fir has long been combination with a lack of
considered to be less vari- adaptability due to insufficient
able than other conifers genetic variation of silver fir pop-
because of its low morpho- ulations in the specific regions. In
logical variation. However, the northeastern part of the dis-
genetic analyses using tribution area, silver fir now
common field and occurs only in small, very often
laboratory test isolated groups of trees or indi-
methods showed viduals. However, an improve-
significant differ- ment in its health can be
ences in mortality, observed as a result of a
Abies alba Abies a
rAbies albaSilver firAbies albaSilver firAbies albaSilver firAbies albaSilver firAbies albaSilve

Guidelines for genetic

decrease in air pollution in the systematically for gene conser-
central and northeastern part of conservation and use vation purposes. The most effec-
the range since the 1990s. tive way to conserve larger
Aware of the value of silver fir Since silver fir stands have been occurrences of silver fir and their
for stability and ecology of forest regenerated mainly naturally for genetic resources is through in
stands, forest managers are now a long period, there is reason to situ conservation of stands and
promoting silver fir by supporting assume that they have preserved populations as well as their natu-
natural regeneration and planting their original genetic structure ral regeneration using long-term
as well as by selective thinning, and diversity, although the and small-scale regeneration
game control, etc. genetic composition of silver methods. Additional activities are
However, there are still some populations may have been the promotion of silver fir individ-
threats to the genetic resources modified by adaptation and/or uals by tending and thinning, and
of silver fir. Damage by game drift processes. It is evident that the strict control of game. If
influences the success of natural in several parts of the distribution planting of silver fir is
and artificial regeneration. In area genetic variation has been required, culling for
occurrences with a low number reduced due to the mentioned height of plants in
of individuals, selfing, half- or decline of silver fir. This reduction the nursery should
full-sib mating may decrease the of population sizes may have be avoided since
genetic variation. Finally, the reached a stage where the genetic effects of this
effects of climate change could future survival of locally rem- procedure cannot be
lead to a threat to silver fir popu- nant populations is no longer excluded. In case of
lations. The increase of tempera- guaranteed. occurrences with a low
ture together with higher evapo- To preserve the popula- number of individuals,
transpiration and lower precip- tion-specific genetic structures enrichment planting in addi-
itation could result in a significant of silver fir, i.e. locally common tion to the natural regeneration is
change of the habitat of silver fir alleles and the area-specific recommended with plants from
as well as in higher susceptibility allele frequency distribution, other, larger occurrences of the
to or in the appearance of pests many different populations from same region to avoid a higher
and diseases. various distribution areas should frequency of half-sib offsprings
In several regions, Mediter- be selected and subsequent inbreeding in
ranean firs are often planted near the next regeneration stage.
silver fir stands as its substitute To avoid risks of
in harsher ecological conditions. interspecific
Both groups of firs intercross geneflow,
easily and interspecific gene flow
could cause a severe genetic
threat in areas where native
genotypes are to be protected or
where local adaptation
guarantees long-
term survival.
Abies alba Abies
Silver firAbies albaSilver firAbies albaSilver firAbies albaSilver firAbies albaSilver f

Distribution range of silver fir

reforestation using exotic Abies sampling of single trees does not years provided that outcrossing
species in the vicinity of silver fir affect the genetic structure if a has taken place among a mini-
stands should be strictly moni- sufficient number of individuals mum number of 20 individuals.
tored. Only in marginal areas, with is considered. However, sam- To overcome the negative effects
highly depleted genepools and pling should be done exclusively of isolation in silver fir relicts in
where ecological conditions are in indigenous populations, ran- the short term, the collection and
very degraded could interspecific domly in respect to the pheno- storage of pollen in combination
mating help to create new adapt- type but representatively in with artificial pollination of
ed genotypes. In all other cases, it respect to ecological variation. mature trees could be an effi-
should be avoided. Wherever possible, the genotype cient but expensive approach.
For small populations with a of the individuals sampled In the European Community,
decreased number of individuals, should be assessed and consid- silver fir is under the EU Directive
and in addition to in situ conser- ered, e.g. using gene markers to on the marketing of forest repro-
vation measures, the establish- avoid loss of genetic variation ductive material. For reforest-
ment of ex situ gene conser- and a reduced diversity. ation or re-introduction of silver
vation seed orchards is highly Complementary to in situ and fir, only forest reproductive mat-
recommended in order to over- ex situ conservation measures, erials are to be used according to
come the isolation of individuals seeds of silver fir can be stored the regulations and must be suit-
and to promote outcrossing. The in genebanks for about 3 to 5 able for the site conditions in
s alba Abies alba
firAbies albaSilver firAbies albaSilver firAbies albaSilver firAbies albaSilver firAbies alba


These Technical Guidelines were question. In nations not under EU law, the procurement of forest
produced by members of the reproductive material should follow the principles of approval, identifi-
EUFORGEN Conifers Network. cation and control. In every case, however, recommendations should
The objective of the Network is to be developed for the proper use of forest reproductive material.
identify minimum genetic conser-
vation requirements in the long
term in Europe, in order to reduce Selected bibliography
the overall conservation cost and
to improve the quality of stan-
dards in each country. Bucher, H.U. 1999. Abies alba Miller, 1768. In Enzyklopädie der Holzgewächse
(P. Schütt, H. Weisgerber, H.J. Schuck, U. Lang and A. Roloff, eds.). 16th
volume, ecomed-Verlag, Landsberg/Lech, 18 p.
Konnert, M. and F. Bergmann. 1995. The geographical distribution of genetic
variation of silver fir (Abies alba, Pinaceae) in relation to its migration history.
Plant Systematics and Evolution 196:19–30.
Citation: Wolf, H. 2003. EUFOR-
Korpel, St., L. Paule and A. Lafférs. 1982. Genetics and breeding of the silver
GEN Technical Guidelines for fir (Abies alba Mill.). Annales Forestales 9/5:151–184.
genetic conservation and use for
Liepelt, S., R. Bialozyt and B. Ziegenhagen. 2002. Wind-dispersed pollen
silver fir (Abies alba). International mediates postglacial gene flow among refugia. PNAS 99:14590–14594.
Plant Genetic Resources Insti-
Sagnard, F., C. Barberot and B. Fady. 2002. Structure of genetic diversity in
tute, Rome, Italy. 6 pages. Abies alba Mill. from southwestern Alps: multivariate analysis of adaptive
and non-adaptive traits for conservation in France. Forest Ecology and
Management 157:175–189.
Drawings: Abies alba, Claudio
Giordano © IPGRI, 2003. Vendramin, G.G., B. Degen, R.J. Petit, M. Anzidei, A. Madaghiele and B.
Ziegenhagen. 1999. High level of variation at Abies alba chloroplast
microsatellite loci in Europe. Molecular Ecology 8:1117–1126.
ISBN 92-9043-607-7
Wolf, H. (ed.) 1994. Weißtannen-Herkünfte—Neue Resultate zur Provenienz-
forschung bei Abies alba Mill. [Silver fir-provenances—recent results relat-
ed to provenance research of Abies alba Mill.]. ecomed-Verlag, Lands-
berg/Lech, 150 p.

EUFORGEN Secretariat c/o IPGRI

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00057 Maccarese (Fiumicino)
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