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First of all, excess of many emotions and things is harmful. Ambition not only affects us
negatively, but also destroys us from the inside. Everthing cannot be good. Macbeth and Lady
Macbeth are two great examples of how bad ambition can be. The desire to grow and rise
blinds ones eyes. Ambition and greed will prevent us from seeing the truth and then
involuntarily drag us into a chaotic event. In time your will understand the intense pain and
collapse that comes with it. Just like Macbeth. For example, whenever Matbech hesitated in
the face of revenge and the desire to kill, Lady Macbeth manipulated and deceived him. Or an
another example “ Macbeth is motivations to usurp the throne are born of his mad ambition to
fulfill a magical prophecy.” The desires that bind us to themselves cause to lose yourself, just
like in Macbeth. Ambition affects not only us but also those around us, and it is hardly
possible to notice it. Whenever it hurts, then we realize how bad ambition is and with terrible

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