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Ph:0333-4082706; 0300-0040248; Website:
Test Code: T-1 (Teacher Copy) Time Allowed: 90 Min

1. If A and B are any two over lapping sets then (A − B)  A = ?
A) A − B B) 
C) A D) B
2. The Set of integers is a Group w.r.t.
A) addition B) Multiplication
C) both a & b D) None of these
3. a, b   and a = b or a  b or a  b is called:
A) Transitive property B) Reflexive
C) Trichotomy property D) Multiplicative property

4. The solution set of the equation x 4 −1 = 0 is

A) Group w.r.t addition B) Abelian Group w.r.t addition
C) Abelin Group w.r.t Multiplication D) Monoid w.r.t addition
5. Set 1,−1is closer under:
A) Addition B) Multiplication
C) Subtraction D) All of these
6. S = 0,1,2 is a set of residue classes of Modulo 3, then additive inverse of ‘2’ is
A) 1 B) –2
C) 0 D) 3
2 − 7i
7. The real part of is:
4 + 5i
27 − 27
A) B)
41 41
41 − 41
C) D)
27 27
8. If A and B be two non – empty sets, then any subset of the Cartesian product A B is called
A) Domain B) Function
C) Range D) Binary Relation
9. Multiplicative Inverse of cos  + i sin  is
A) cos  + i sin  B) cos  − i cos 
C) cos  − i sin  D) cos − i cos
10. The modulus of the complex number =?
1+ i
A) 2 B)
1 1
C) D)
2 2 2
 −1− i 3 
 
 −1+ i 3  = ? ?
 
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−1+ i 3 −3−i 3
A) B)
2 2
( −1 − i 3 )
C) 2(−1 + i 3 ) D)
12. i104 + i105 + i106 + i107 = ?
A) 1 B) -1
C) − i D) 0

13. i 2 .i 4 .i 6 .i 8 = ?
A) 1 B) 0
C) -1 D) i

14. If z = − 3 + i , then arg(z) = ?

A) 30 o B) 150o
C) 60 o D) 120 o
15. Argument and modulus of i is:
 
A) ,1 B) ,1
2 4

C) ,1 D) 0, 1
16. To each element of a group, there corresponding how many inverse elements?
A) Only one B) At least one
C) more than one D) Two
17. Which one is an Irrational number
A)  B) 2 + 3
C) e D) All of these
18. The set of natural numbers ‘N’ is a monoid w.r.t
A) Addition B) Multiplication
C) Division D) Both A & B
19. If A & B are any two sets then A  B = B, then:
A) A  B B) B  A
C) A − B = B D) A = 

20. When four consecutive natural numbers 4n, 4n + 1, 4n + 2, 4n + 3 are divided by ‘4’ give the
residue classes modulo,
A) 1 B) 3
C) 4 D) 5
21. If n( A  B) = n ( B) then
A) A  B B) A B = B
C) B  A D) A− B = A
22. Let S be a non empty set. Then what is the identity element of ( P ( S ) ,  ) :
A) P ( S ) B) empty set
C) Set S itself D) no identity
23. if both p and q are false than the False statement is
A) p  q B) p  ~ q
C) p → q D) p  ~ p
24. A declarative statement which may be true or flase but noth both is called
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A) Quantifier B) disjunction
C) Proposition D) negation
25. The tabular Form of x / x  P  x  12
A) 1,2,3.........11 B) 1,2,3,5,7,9
C) 2,3,5,7,11 D) 2,3,5,7,9,11

26. A conditional is falsse if

A) Antecedent is true and consequent is false
B) Antecedent is false and consequent is true
C) Both antecedent and consequent are false
D) Both antecedent and consequent are true
27. All 2 2 non singular matrices over the field of real number form a non abelian group under
A) Addition B) Multiplication
C) Division D) Subtraction

28. Number of elements, of the power set of the set a, b, c are
A) 4 B) 2
C) 8 D) 9
29. A statement which is always false is called a/an
A) Conditional B) Absurdity
C) Inverse D) Contingency

30. Polar Form of −1 + i is

 3 3    
A) 2  cos + i sin  B) 2  cos + i sin 
 4 4   4 4
 5 5   3 3 
C) 2 cos + i sin  D) 2 cos + i sin 
 4 4   4 4 

31. The number of significant figure in (0.3104 x 103)2.
A) 2 B) 4
C) 16 D) 7
32. A student performs an experiment, with simple pendulum and measure time for 10 vibrations if
he measure time for 50 vibrations, then error in the measurement reduce by a factor of:
A) 5 B) 15
C) 10 D) 20
33. The dimensions of are:
A) [LT-1] B) [ML-1T-1]
C) [ML2T2] D) [ML2T-3]
34. If y = at + bt2, where x is the distance in km, t is time in sec, unit of b are:
A) kms-1 B) kms-2
C) kms D) kms2
35. The error in measurement of mass of sphere is 1% and error in radius is 0.5%. The error in
density is:
A) 0.5% B) 1.5%
C) 2.5% D) 3.5%
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Ph:0333-4082706; 0300-0040248; Website:
36. Two vectors A and B having magnitude 3 each. if A  B = 2 î − 5k̂ . What is the angle between A
and B

A) cos −1
29  − 5
B) tan −1 
9  2 
C) sin
−1 29 2
D) sin −1 
9 5

37. If the angle between the vectors A and B is  , the value of the product A .( B  A ) equals.
2 2
A) BA sin  B) BA cos 
C) BA cos sin  D) Zero

38. At what angle should be two forces 2F and 2F act so that the resultant force is 10 .
A) 45o B) 90o
C) 60 D) 120o

39. If A = B + C and the magnitude of A, B and C are 5, 4, 3 units respectively. Then the angle
between A and C is:
 −1  3 
A) B) sin  
2 4
−1  3  −1  4 
C) cos   D) tan  
5 5
40. What is the maximum number of components into which a vector can split?
A) 2 B) 3
C) 4 D) more than four
41. If we travels 1 mile due east, 5 mile due south, 2 miles due east and finally a mile due north. How
far are we from the starting?
A) 3 miles B) 5 miles
C) 7 miles D) 9 miles
42. A force makes an angle  with a smooth incline plane act on an object of mass m on the plane
as shown in figure. The magnitude of resultant force on the object is:

A) F − mg cos  B) F cos  − mg sin 
C) F sin  − mg cos  D) F sin  + mg cos 

43. If r and F both are reversed the torque will

A) reverse B) remain same
C) become zero D) may all possible
44. The angle between A  B and A + B is:
A) 0o B) 90o
C) 45o D) 60o
45. A unit vector perpendicular to a and b is:
ab ab
A) B)
ab ab cos 
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ab ab
C) D)
ab sin  sin 
46. What is the value of 600 m+600mm with due regard to the significant digits?
A) 601m B) 600.600m
C) 600m D) 600.6m
47. ˆ ˆ ˆ newtons. The
A body constrained to move in y-direction is subjected to a force of F= − 2i+15j+6k
work done by the force in moving the body to a distance of 10m is
A) 190J B) 150J
C) 160J D) 20J
48. The resultant of two forces of magnitude of 3N & 4N is 7N , Their dot product is
A) 7N B) 12N
C) 1N D) Zero

49. A 45 kg boy is sitting on a see saw 0.6m from balance point as shown below. How far on other

60 kg boy sit so that the see saw will remain in balance

A) 0.30m B) 0.40m
C) 0.35m D) 0.45m

50. ( ) ( )
ˆi. ˆj  kˆ + j. kˆ × ˆi is
A) 1 B) 0
C) 2 D) -1
51. What is the unit of k in the relation U = where U represents the potential energy, y
y + a2

represents the displacement and “a” represents the maximum displacement i.e., amplitude?
A) m s-1 B) J m
C) m s D) J s-1
52. If the value of R is 10.845 ohm and the value of current is 3.23 amp., the potential is 35.02935; its
value in significant number would be:
A) 3.50 V B) 35.029 V
C) 35.0 V D) 35.030 V
53. Given the relation A/B = m, where A stands for force and m stands for linear density, the
dimensions of B will be:
A) same as that of pressure B) same as that of work
C) same as that of momentum D) same as that of latent heat
54. The sides of a rectangle are 6.01 m and 12m. Taking the significant figures into account, the area
of the rectangle is:
A) 72.12 m2 B) 72.1 m2
C) 72.00 m 2 D) 72 m2
55. Screw gauge is more precise than vernier callipers by:
A) 10times B) 1000times
C)100times D)50 times
56. Solid angle subtended by a sphere’s surface is multiplied by square of its radius is equal to :
A) density of sphere B) volume of sphere
C) mass of sphere D) surface area of sphere
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→ → → → → → → →
57. If |A| = |B|, and A ⊥ Bthen the angle between (A+B) and (A−B) is:
A) 0o B) 60o
C) 30 D) 90o
→ →
58. If the vectors A and B are of magnitude 4 and 3 making angles of 30o and 90o respectively with
x–axis, their scalar product will be:
A)0 B) 6
C) 18 D) 21

59. The vector v3 in the diagram is equal to:


→ → → →
A) v1 − v2 B) v2 − v1
→ → →
C) v1 + v2 D) v1 cos θ
60. Two vectors have magnitudes of 10m and 15 m. The angle between them when they are drawn
with their tails at the same point is 30◦. The component of the longer vector perpendicular to the
line of the shorter is:
A) 0 B) 7.5 m
C) 5 m D) 15 m

Read the passage carefully and then answer the best suitable option given after each question at the end.
Did you know that some people don't do their reading assignments? It's shocking, but it's true. Some students
don't even read short texts that they are assigned in class. There are many reasons for this. They may be
distracted or bored. They may be unwilling to focus. They may be unconfident readers. Whatever the reason, it
has to stop today. Here's why.
Reading stimulates your mind. It is like a workout for your brain. When people get old, their muscles begin to
deteriorate. They get weaker and their strength leaves them. Exercise can prevent this loss. The same thing
happens to people's brains when they get older. Brain power and speed decline with age. Reading strengthens
your brain and prevents these declines.
You can benefit from reading in the near-term too. Reading provides knowledge. Knowledge is power.
Therefore, reading can make you a more powerful person. You can learn to do new things by reading. Do you
want to make video games? Do you want to design clothing? Reading can teach you all this and more. But you
have to get good at reading, and the only way to get good at something is to practice.
Read everything that you can at school, regardless of whether you find it interesting. Reading expands your
vocabulary. Even a "boring" text can teach you new words. Having a larger vocabulary will help you better
express yourself. You will be able to speak, write, and think more intelligently. What's boring about that?
Do not just discount a text because it is unfamiliar to you. Each time you read, you are exposed to new ideas
and perspectives. Reading can change the way that you understand the world. It can give you a broader
perspective on things. It can make you worldlier. You can learn how people live in far away places. You can
learn about cultures different from your own.
Reading is good for your state of mind. It has a calming effect. It can lower your stress levels and help you relax.
You can escape from your troubles for a moment when you read, and it's a positive escape. The benefits of
reading far outweigh those of acting like a doofus. So do yourself a favor: the next time you get a reading
assignment, take as much as you can from it. Squeeze it for every drop of knowledge that it contains. Then move
on to the next one.
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Ph:0333-4082706; 0300-0040248; Website:
61. Which best expresses the main idea of the second paragraph?
A) Reading is exciting. B) Reading strengthens your mind
C) Age affects the body in many ways. D) Working out keeps your body in shape.
62. Why does the author think that you should read books that are boring?
A) You will eventually grow to love them if you read them enough.
B) You will get better grades in reading class.
C) You will make your teacher very happy.
D) You will learn new words.
63. Which best expresses the main idea of the third paragraph?
A) Reading can benefit you.
B) You can learn to program video games or design clothing by reading.
C) You can learn amazing things and become a better person by reading.
D) Knowledge is power.
64. Which is not a reason given by the author why students fail to complete reading assignments?
A) Students may be bored B) Students may be distracted
C) Students may be unwilling to focus. D) Students may be tired
65. Which best expresses the author's main purpose in writing this text?
A) He is trying to persuade students to do their reading work.
B) He is teaching people how to become better readers.
C) He is explaining why people don't do their reading work.
D) He is entertaining readers with facts about the mind and body.
66. Which best describes the author's tone in the first three sentences?
A) Surprised B) Sarcastic
C) Informative D) Irate
67. Which of the following is not one of the author's main points?
A) Reading broadens your perspective and makes you a better person.
B) Reading is a relaxing activity with positive mental side effects.
C) Reading helps you perform on tests and get into selective schools.
D) Reading keeps your mind in shape and prevents losses due to age.
68. Which is not one of the author's arguments in the fifth paragraph?
A) Reading gives you a broader perspective on the world
B) Reading changes the way that you understand the world
C) Reading helps prepare you for your job in the real world
D) Reading teaches you about distant lands and cultures.
69. Why does the author believe that reading is good for your mind state?
A) It has a calming effect. B) It can lower your stress levels.
C) It can help you relax. D) All of these
70. Which title best expresses the main idea of this text?
A) Reading: Good for the Mind in Many Ways
B) Reading: The Key to a Successful Academic Future
C) Reading: Improve Your Vocabulary While Being Entertained
D) Reading: The Best Way to Improve Your Writing Skills

71. An ordinary optical compounds microscope can make clear image of an object of size greater
than or up to
A) 500nm B) 200nm
C) 400nm D) 100nm
72. A quantitative analysis means to _________ a substance
A) identify B) burn
C) estimate D) purify
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Ph:0333-4082706; 0300-0040248; Website:
73. An element with odd atomic mass has mostly _____ stable isotopes
A) only one B) not more than three
C) not more than 2 D) more than 3
74. Molecular ions can be formed by passing
A) a fast moving beam of electrons B) X-Rays
C) alpha particles D) Any of these
75. m/e in a mass spectrum is taken as
A) abscissa B) any of these
C) ordinate D) Slope
76. 1 gram of hydrogen atoms equals
A) 1 mole B) 6.022x1023 atoms
C) 1-gram atom D) all are correct
77. How many moles of Nitrogen atoms are present in 90 grams of urea?
A) 4 B) 2
C) 5 D) 3
78. Number of peaks obtained in a mass spectrum of an element Br are 2, both of the peaks are of
almost equal height it means that
A) Br has 2 isotopes of same mass number
B) Br has 2 isotopes of almost same relative abundance
C) both are correct
D) none is correct
79. If the 4 g H2 and 32 g of O2 are reacted to form water the reagent in excess is
A) H2 B) Both will be completely consumed
C) O2 D) Both a & b
80. The most dought full yield is:
A) Actual yield B) Expected yield
C) Theoretical yield D) % age yield
81. Which quantity is not equal to 2.3 grams of sodium
A) 6 grams Urea B) 4 grams of Calcium
C) 1.2 grams Carbon D) 0.6 grams Urea
82. N2 and CO have same:
A) No. of e- B) Mass
C) No. of e+ D) All are correct
83. Stoichiometric relationship is a ___________ relationship.
A) Qualitative B) Qualitative as well as quantitative
C) Quantitative D) Neither qualitative nor quantitativew
84. CO2 will not be absorbed in aqueous solution of
A) KOH B) Both KOH and NaOH can absorb CO2
C) NaOH D) Mg[ClO4]2
85. Which factor has no effect on molar volume of ideal gases
A) Molecular size B) Gravity
C) Molecular mass D) All of these
86. Number of Mg atoms in 12 grams is
A) 6.022 x 1023 B) 3.011 x 1022
C) 3.011 x 1023 D) 3.011 x 1024
87. Which of the following compound does not show same empirical and molecular formula?
A) water B) sodium chloride
C) sulphuric acid D) ammonia
88. Which one is 3400 times heavier than Haemoglobin?
A) Ne B) H2
C) He D) Ca
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89. A chemist working on a chemical finds out that the chemical is composed of two elements H and
O, what type of analysis has he performed?
A) Quantitative analysis B) Investigative
C) qualitative analysis D) salt analysis
90. Ignitable substances can be filtered by using
A) gooch crucible B) cotton
C) Filter paper D) all are correct
91. NaCl is not crystallized by cooling its aqueous solution because
A) its solubility in water is almost constant at all temperatures
B) its solubility is smaller at high temperature
C) It is insoluble in water
D) It reacts with water
92. The amount of crystals collected at the end of crystallization tells about
A) success of the process B) Time consumed
C) purity of substance D) rate of crystallization
93. Water bath is used if the solvent is
A) volatile B) explosive
C) inflammable D) Reactive
94. The purification technique based on distribution law
A) crystallization B) chromatography
C) solvent extraction D) both B and C
95. Distribution of solute among two immiscible solvents is independent of
A) Temperature B) original amount of solvent
C) nature of solvents D) original amount of solute
96. Which one is sublime material?
A) camphor B) benzoic acid
C) iodine D) all of the above
97. To locate the position of lead ions on a chromatogram the locating agent used may be
A) H2S B) HCl
C) Ninhydrine D) animal charcoal
98. A mixture of 16 amino acids was obtained by hydrolysis of a protein, how can these amino acids
can be separated and identified
A) by precipitation B) by sublimation
C) by solvent extraction D) by chromatography

99. chromatography is a
A) purification technique B) both of A and B are correct
C) identification technique D) decomposition process
100. The equilibrium established during solvent extraction is ________ in nature
A) static B) Equilibrium is not established
C) dynamic D) Any of A and B

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