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Transform Aviation Training with

Virtual Reality and Augmented
Reality Solutions

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TCS Internal

The rate at which technologies have developed over the past decade has been exponential, and we could not have
imagined their existence. Virtual and augmented reality are examples of this; illustrating just what the future could
hold. Virtual and Augmented reality has become a great asset for aviation industry to provide better service and train
their staff in a more accurate way. Augmented reality (AR) is an enhanced version of the real physical world that is
achieved using digital visual elements, sound, or other sensory stimuli delivered via technology.

The potential for AR within air travel is wide reaching. In this whitepaper, we will discuss how virtual reality and
augmented reality is transforming the aviation industry and helping the aviation industry in many ways for example:
Airline’s maintenance repair overhaul, Training optimization program, Cabin crew and flight deck training, Aircraft
inspection training and Airline in flight entrainment Lounge management. There are significant ROI on adoption of
this technologies like improved training experience, increased business performance, reduced cost, fast engagement
and in line with next age mobility.

Augmented & Virtual reality enhancing Aviation training sector

In the last couple of years, there have been significant reduction in air incidents, due to airline crashes and failures.
While the fatalities due to airplanes significantly have diminution in the last 50 years, making airline travel one of the
safest modes of transportation, there is still a long way to go. By improving training practices of the airline crew by
leveraging AR/VR technology can make the aviation industry safer.

Up surged demand for high operational efficiency coupled with increased cost saving in aviation is one of the major
factors boosting the growth of the AR/VR in aviation market. The use of AR/VR for training in the aviation industry
offers enhanced productivity and improved effectiveness of the learning process while vividly reducing the cost when
compared with traditional means. Both civil and military aviation highly depend on training practices. These training
practices are not limited to only pilots but also are used for the cabin crew. These enable crew members to work
accordingly and smartly in critical situations in different aircraft. Besides, licenses for cabin crew and all pilots are
required to be regularly renewed, which results in more training requirements.

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The aviation industry uses traditional flight simulators to train its personnel. However,
these simulator trainings have some limitations, such as the number of probable
scenarios is restricted, Accuracy of rules, some situation hard to model and only one
crew can practice on it at a time, which becomes quite expensive and time-consuming.
With the advent of AR VR setup in flight training, these practices are proved to be
more cost-effective than traditional aircraft simulators. AR/VR provides an immersive
and interactive approach that connects the aviation training ecosystem to improve
the efficiency of various tasks.

Aircraft maintenance and MRO training: By adopting virtual reality and augmented reality, it becomes possible for
aircraft mechanics and MRO technicians to learn to inspect different parts of the aircraft even without leaving their
desks. Across the world manufacturers of aircrafts and operators has experienced the power of VR/AR technologies
and investing on their platforms. Mobility portable devices, which comes with a virtual reality headset, touchpads
and infrared cameras that allow its mechanics to inspect and repair aircrafts in a completely immersive environment.
This solution offers the benefit of freeing us up from limitations in connection with the availability of aircraft and
parts. By bringing the aircraft into the classroom, it helps to align the theory and practice components of the training

Aircraft inspection training: Virtual reality training can provide airlines and ground handlers a safe environment to
learn and enhance their aircraft inspection skills. Virtual Reality (VR) for Aircraft inspection enables training on various
conditions of aircraft inspection on all types of aircrafts to eliminate any possibilities of a failure during operation. The
headset puts teams on a visual airside and allows them to interact with virtual replicas of aircrafts and conduct a visual
inspection of a virtual aircraft on a cargo bay or an apron.

Cabin crew training: Cabin crew staff aren’t just responsible for ensuring all the passengers are comfortable, but they
are also responsible for ensuring safety. Before the take-off, cabin crew is expected to ensure all the equipment like
flashlights, extinguishers, and life vests are present in the aircraft and working well. They are required to monitor the
cabin for any smoke and suspicious passenger behaviour. Moreover, flight attendants also need to demonstrate all
the safety instructions before they take off. By substituting classroom training with VR training, cabin crew can learn
how to handle difficult real-life situations like medical emergencies, cabin emergency evacuation, real-firefighting,
an imminent crash or hijacking through a virtual environment. With the immersive VR technology, cabin crew staff is
able to make mistakes in virtual training and learn from them, which directly leads to better on-site job performance.

Flight deck training: The flight deck crew includes the pilot and co-pilot who sit in the airplane cockpit. VR part task
trainers help familiarize the flight deck crew with the cockpit and train them on the necessary skills needed to react
quickly and handle even the most difficult situations. With a virtual environment and head-mounted display (HMDs),
pilots can familiarize themselves with the cockpit controls and different scenarios they might face while flying.

Pre-flight inspection: With Virtual reality can greatly simplify and speed up the airline staff training in conducting an
external aircraft inspection. Wearing an head mounted device, employees can virtually walk around an aircraft, detect
existing issues, and check whether all necessary safety equipment is correctly placed. The ground crew VR training
plays a significant role in ensuring passenger safety. Without necessary skills and knowledge, the ground crew put
both pilots and passengers into danger since this is the crew that makes sure that everything’s alright with an airplane
and it’s ready to take off real inspections can’t properly prepare the ground crew for detecting common aircraft issues
since a set of potential situations is highly limited in this case. Virtual reality enables you to design any fuselage or
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wing problem as well as any other aircraft issue thus training the ground crew to detect and eliminate them
accurately. Using the immersive VR technology, you will be able to properly train your ground crew and make sure
they’re ready for any unexpected situations.

The conclusion
In future, Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) and their ecosystems would leverage digital collaborative
platforms that would enable seamless Aviation Training experience. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR)
are revolutionizing the aviation industry as immersive technologies shape the future of aviation and aviation training.
Certainly, both VR and AR are set to revolutionise the world of aviation. Their proven impact on training, safety and
entertainment bodes well for the industry. These technologies become a commercial flight requisite; it opens a whole
new door for the AR/VR development market itself. It cannot be denied that augmented and virtual reality is already
making ground in the aviation industry. Aerospace companies and tech-developers must think strategically together
about how they can further improve the supply chain to prepare for a future driven by technological innovation.
Importantly, airline companies can leverage AR and VR technologies to provide cost-effective operations and
immersive training that will reduce risks on the runway.

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TCS Internal

About the author

Santosh Swain – Domain Consultant, Travel, Transportation and Hospitality, TCS

Santosh Swain, an Airlines Domain consultant, is part of the travel, transportation and hospitality, North America
unit’s domain, technology, and innovation practice team. He has worked extensively with leading airlines and airports
across the globe for 15years.

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