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Tuesday, the 2nd of March, 2021

1. As you know, there are more than one version of this story. What do you think
will happen next? Will Rapunzel be reunited with her family? Will the witch be
defeated? Let’s watch a video and see if you were right.

2. Let’s read and see what happens in our story. Are there any differences? What
about similarities? Write them down in the following table:

Differences Similarities
The couple from the video are peasants, The witch kidnaps the baby in both the
whereas the couple from our story are video and the book
In the book the royal couple could not Rapunzel is locked in a high tower
have children, whereas in the video, the
mother was pregnant
In the video, Rapunzel is the name of Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your
the plant, whereas in the book it is about hair…
a magical flower
In the video the witch takes the baby Rapunzel has beautiful voice and long
from the parents, whereas in the story blond hair
the baby is taken from her crib
In the video the man that helps
Rapunzel is a prince, whereas in the
story he is a farmer’s son.

3. Match the sentences with their translation:

Her sweet melody was heard by a He looked for the door of the tower,
farmer’s son who went towards the but none was to be found.
S-a uitat și tot s-a uitat după ușă, dar
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your nu era niciuna de găsit.
hair to me.
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, lasă-ți părul în

Melodia ei dulce fusese auzită de fiul

unui fermier care se îndreptă către

4. a The farmer’s son went to the

tower because:

a. he was curious

b. wanted to help the girl

c. was a thief

When seeing the man in the tower,


a. was scared

b. cried for help

c. hit the boy

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