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What is Critical Thinking

➢ First and fore-most critical thinking

according to Hullfish and Fish Smith
(1961) he described critical thinking
as an ability to question, to
acknowledge and test previously held
assumptions, to recognize ambiguity
to examine interpret, evaluate reason
and reflect, to make informed
judgements and decisions and to
classify and articulate and justify
➢ Brigadier Sushil Bhasin also describes
critical thinking as an act of thinking
based on a reason and not emotions,
It involves questioning , analyzing ,
interpreting , evaluation and making a
➢ John Dexey referes critical thinking as
reasonable, reflective thinking that is
focused on deciding what to believe
and do.
➢ Other definitions from other sources
say critical thinking is a process of
actively and skillfully analyzing,
synthesizing and evaluating
information to reach an informed and
reasoned involves the
ability to think First objectively and
rationally about a subject or problem
inorder to form a judgement.
➢ Basically, from all definitions that I
have stated above from various,
prestigious sources we can all agree
that critical thinking is all about
questioning, analyzing, interpreting,
evaluating and making a well
reasoned judgement based on facts
on what you hear, read or see.
What Does Critical
Thinking Entails

➢ Critical Thinking entails the ability to

analyze information objectively, weigh
evidence, and draw conclusions based
on facts. It involves the ability to think
logically, question assumptions, and
evaluate arguments. Critical thinking
also involves the ability to identify and
evaluate sources of information,
recognize bias and propaganda and
distinguish between facts and
personal opinion.
➢ In other words critical thinking entails
the ability to identify and analyze
assumptions, draw logical conclusions,
evaluate evidence and recognize the
strengths and weakness of an
argument and to identify any illogical
statements an errors in reasoning as
we are humans we are also prone to
make mistakes.
➢ Critical thinking is an essential part of
academic studies as it helps students
to develop their analytical and
problem solving skills. It encourages
students to think critically and
objectively about a subject or problem
and to draw their own conclusions
based on evidence. It is their own
conclusions based on evidence.
It is also important for students to be
able to evaluate the quality of
information they receive, and to be
able to distinguish between fact and
Characteristics of a Critical

➢ According to Ruggiero, 2012 critical

thinkers are people who can move
beyond typical thinking in advanced
way and produce both more ideas and
improved ideas than normal thinkers.
So Critical Thinkers:
▪ Acknowledge personal
▪ See problems as exciting
▪ Have understanding as a goal
▪ Use evidence to make
▪ Are interested in others ideas
▪ Are skeptical of extreme views
▪ Think before acting
▪ Avoid emotionalism
▪ Keep an open mind
▪ Engage in active listening

➢ Ruggiero 2012 only cited a few of the

many characteristics that a critical is
supposed to have the stated only the
Skills of Critical Thinking and
➢These are just the basic skills that one
can develop inorder to be a critical

SKILL ONE: Questioning

▪ One should have an inquisitive and
curious mindset and always seek the
truth rather than accepting things
without questioning
How to apply questioning skills
▪ Question the relevance and reliability
of what you hear, read or see.
▪ Question the authority and purpose
of what you hear, read or see.
SKILL TWO : Analysis
▪ One should be able to make reason
and make a connection between
ideas .
How to apply
▪ Carefully examine ideas and
▪ Systematically consider all aspects of
a problem and look at each element
in wider context.
SKILL THREE: Evaluation
▪ One should be able to compare
different view points and arguments,
and point out their strengths and
How to apply
▪ Recognize and avoid flaws of
▪ Consider what is implied in what you
see, hear or read.
SKILL FOUR: Synthesis
▪ Consider the bigger picture or
context and use strong evidence and
reason to formulate conclusions,
decisions, judgements and

How to apply
▪ Use logic and reason to formulate
conclusions and arguments.
▪ Use strong evidence based on
analysis and evaluation to support
your judgement.
➢ Research: Research is a critical thinking
process that involves gathering and
analyzing information to answer
questions or solve problems
➢ Classroom Discussions: Classroom
discussions are an important part of
academic studies, as they allow
students to discuss and debate topics
and ideas in a critical manner.
➢ Writing assignments: Writing
assignments are an excellent way for
students to practice their critical
thinking skills. Writing assignments
require students to analyze, evaluate
and synthesize information in order to
make an argument.
➢ Problem Solving: Problem solving is a
critical thinking process that involves
identifying a problem, analyzing it and
coming up with a solution.
➢ Group Project: Group project are a
great way for students to practice their
critical thinking skills in a collaborative
setting to analyze and evaluate
information in order to come up with a
Leads University Library
➢ This three stage model, adapted from
LearnHigher, will help you generate
questions to understand, analyse, and
evaluate something, such as an
information source.
➢ Starting with the description stage,
you ask question such as: What?
Where? Why? And Who? These help
you establish the background and
➢ Here you will ask questions such As:
How ? Why? What if? These help you
to examine methods and processes,
reasons and causes, and the
alternative options. For example, if you
are reading a journal article, you might
▪ How was the research
▪ Why are these theories
▪ What are the alternative
methods and theories?
➢ Finally, you come to the evaluation
stage , where you will ask so what?
And what next? Questions to make
judgements and consider the
relevance; implications; significance
and value of something.

You may ask questions such as:

▪ What do I think about this ?
▪ How is this relevant to my
assignment ?
▪ How does this compare to other
research I have read?
➢ key for career success
➢ better decision making
➢ we form well informed opinion
➢ better citizens
➢ promotes curiosity
➢ allows creativity
➢ enhances problem solving skills
➢ activity for the mind
➢ creates independence
➢ Time consuming
➢ Loss of opportunities
➢ Relationships are damaged
➢ Loss of social life
So in a nutshell critical thinking is one of
the most important skills to acquire as
student. Everything should be
questioned, analyzed , interpreted and
evaluated until a well informed
judgement is made.
Tavaraidwa Dube
Victor Choto
Benjamin Sarati
Mahlangu Agape
Dorothy Matongo
Ashley Kabaya
Ivy Mudengezerwa
Persuade Matuku
Ayanda Kumalo
Sandra Sithole
Hezel R Katope
Tanatswa Mashayamombe
Ngondzaishe Makuleke
Rutendo Jaji
Lisa Shoko

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