Chapter Test 05

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45Zg wewmGm wcÖwj ¯úyUwbK mycvi G·vg e¨vP

P¨vÞvi †U÷ - 05 (23.07.22)

c~Y©gvb: 100 mgq: 1 N›Uv
01. †iveU †mvwdqvi wbgv©Zv cÖwZóv‡bi bvg wK? M wmwcBD N cvIqvi c‡q›U DËi :N
K AvBweGg †iv‡evwU· BDwbU
L m¨vg †iv‡evwU· 13. Kw¤úDUvi wm‡÷g cÖ‡mmi‡K wK e‡j?
M nv¯‹ †iv‡evwU· K †P÷ L †eªvBb
N n¨vbmb †iv‡evwU· DËi : N M nvZ N cv DËi :L
02. B›Uvi‡b‡Ui gva¨‡g DbœZ wPwKrmv c×wZ‡K ejv nq- 14. Another word for the CPU is-
K †Uwj‡gwWwmb L B‡jK‡Uªv‡gwWwmb K Execute L Micro chip
M RvqgvcøvRg N B-wUªU‡g›U DËi :K M Microprocessor N Decode DËi :c
03. wfwWI Kbdv‡iwÝs c×wZ‡Z Wv³v‡ii KvQ †_‡K †ivMxi wPwKrmv‡K wK
e‡j? 15. Microprocessor Kw¤úDUv‡ii wb‡¤œi As‡k e¨eüZ nq-
K B-†gwWwmb L †Uwj‡gwWwmb K Power Unit L RAM
M B-†Uwj‡dvb N †gwW‡Kj mvwf©m DËi :L M CPU N Hard Drive DËi :c
04. ÔA‡Uv‡g‡UW †Ujvi †gwkbÕ - 16. Kw¤úDUv‡ii mKj MvwYwZK Ges hyw³ m¤úwK©Z wnmvevw` ... m¤úbœ nq|
K e¨vswKs Kvh©µ‡gi Rb¨ e¨eüZ nq K Motherboard L Memory
L wU‡KU †Kbvi Rb¨ e¨eüZ nq M Hard Disk N CPU DËi :d
M ¯^í Li‡P Qwe †Zvjvi Rb¨ e¨eüZ nq
N fwel¨Z evYxi Rb¨ e¨eüZ nq DËi :K 17. †KvbwU Kw¤úDUv‡ii mKj Kvh©µg wbqš¿Y K‡i?
05. Kw¤úDUvi wm‡÷‡gi Ask KZwU? K K‡›Uªvj BDwbU L †m›Uªvj cÖ‡mwms BDwbU
K 2 L 4 M MvwYwZK BDwbU N hyw³ eZ©bx BDwbU D : L
M 8 N 11 DËi :a 18. Kw¤úDUv‡ii †K›`ªxq cÖwµqvKiY Ask MwVZ-
06. Kw¤úDUv‡ii mvsMVwbK Ask bq †KvbwU? K MÖnY gyL I wbqš¿Y As‡ki mgš^‡q
K BbcyU BDwbU L wi‡cqvwis BDwbU L ¯§„wZ I hyw³ eZ©bx As‡ki mgš^‡q
M †g‡gvwi BDwbU N cÖ‡mwms BDwbU DËi :L M Af¨šÍixY ¯§„wZ I wbqš¿Y As‡ki mgš^‡q
07. Kw¤úDUvi c×wZi `ywU cÖavb A½ n‡”Q- N Af¨šÍixY ¯§„wZ, MvwYwZK hy³ Ask I wbqš¿Y As‡ki mgš^‡q
K †K›`ªxq cÖwµqvKiY Ask I ¯§„wZ Ask DËi :N
L nvW©Iq¨vi I Acv‡iwUs wm‡÷g Ask 19. Kw¤úDUvi wm.wc.BD (CPU)- Gi †Kvb Ask MvwYwZK wm×všÍ MÖn‡Yi
M nvW©Iq¨vi I mdUIq¨vi Ask KvR K‡i?
N mdUIq¨vi I †K›`ªxq cÖwµqvKiY Ask DËi :M K G.Gj.BD
08. Kw¤úDUvi nvW©Iq¨vi ej‡Z eySv‡bv nq- L K‡›Uªvj BDwbU
K ¯§„wZ Ask L †K›`ªxq cÖwµqvKiY Ask M †iwR÷ªvi †mU
M k³ avZe Ask N †KvbwUB bq DËi :K
N Kw¤úDUvi I mswkøó hvwš¿K miÄvg DËi :N 20. gvB‡µvcÖ‡mm‡ii †Kvb AskwU WvUv cÖ‡mwms G Rb¨ e¨eüZ nq?
09. Kw¤úDUv‡ii hš¿vsk ev hš¿‡K wK e‡j? K ALU L Control Unit
K gwbUi L AvDUcyU M Register Array N Accumulator DËi :a
M nvW©Iq¨vi N mdUIq¨vi DËi :M 21. wmwcBD‡Z, .... BDwbU Kw¤úDUv‡ii wi‡mvm©mg~n wbqš¿Y K‡i|
10. Kw¤úDUvi‡ii nvW©Iq¨v‡ii g‡a¨ KqwU Ask Av‡Q K Command L Arithmetic logic
K 3wU Ask L 4wU Ask M Memory N Control DËi :d
M 5wU Ask N 6wU Ask DËi :K 22. †g‡gvwi Ges ALU Gi g‡a¨ ms‡hvM ¯’vcb K‡i-
11. †KvbwU Kw¤úDUvi Gi mwnZ m¤ú„³ b‡n ev Ask b‡n- K Kx‡evW© L i¨vg
K WvUv L †g‡gvwi
M K‡›Uªvj BDwbU N gvDm DËi :M
M mdUIq¨vi N †gvevBj †dvb DËi :N
23. Which of the following is not a processor used in
12. wb‡¤œi †KvbwU nvW©Iq¨vi bq-
K gvDm L gwbUi
K Pentium L Athlon
M AMD K6 N Zylog DËi :d K w¯úKvi L wcÖ›Uvi
24. †KvbwU gv`vi †evW© Gi Ask bq? M gvDm N gwbUi DËi :M
K wmwcBD L †g‡gvwi 37. †KvbwU Kw¤úDUv‡ii MÖnY gyL bq?
M cvIqvi mvcøvB N †iwR÷ªvi DËi :M K Kx †evW© L evi‡KvW
25. Kw¤úDUv‡ii cÖavb wcÖ‡›UW mvwK©U †evW©‡K ejv nq- M gwbUi N I Gg Avi DËi :M
K Mother Board L ROM Baord
M RAM Board N System Unit DËi :a 38. †KvbwU Kw¤úDUv‡ii BbcyU wWfvBm bq?
26. Small circuit board on which the main memory K Printer L Keyboard
DRAM is physically packaged is called- M Mouse N Scanner DËi :a
K SIMD L DIMM 39. Mobile Phone- Gi †KvbwU Input Device bq?
M DIMR N SIMR DËi :b K Keypad L Touch Screen
27. Serial port connector- G Pin msL¨v KZwU? M Camera N Power Supply
K 9 L 16 DËi : d
M 18 N 24 DËi :a 40. Which of the following is not an input device?
28. USB stands for- K OCR L Optical scanners
K United serial Bus M Voice recognition device
L Universal Strategic Bus N COM (Computer Output to Microfilm)
M Universal Serial Bus DËi : d
N Uninterupted Strategic Bus DËi :c 41. Computer keyboard is aslo known as-
29. Mv‡bi B‡jKUªwbK hš¿cvwZ Kw¤úDUv‡ii mv‡_ ms‡hvM †`qvi Rb¨ †Kvb K Function Board L Control Board
†cvU© e¨eüZ nq? M Console N None DËi :b
K PS2 L USB 42. GKwU cÖvgvwYK Kx-†ev‡W© msL¨vm~PK KZ¸‡jv Kx _v‡K?
M HDX N MIDI DËi :d K 20 L 17
30. All Computers (Mainframe, Mini or Micro) must M 15 N 13 DËi :b
K ALU L Control Unit 43. Kx †ev‡W©i Shift, Ctrl, Alt Kx ¸‡jv‡K ejv nq-
M Primary Storage N All of above DËi :d K Function key L Numeric Key
31. CPU speed of a personal computer is- [m M Space Key N Modifier key
K 32 KIPS L 100KIPS DËi : d
M 1 MIPS N None of these 44. Key Board G F1 – F12 †evZvg¸‡jv‡K Kx ejv nq?
DËi :b K Delete Key L Space Key
32. A register organized to allow to move left or right M Function Key N Special Key DËi :c
operations is called a-- 45. Who invented QWERTY keyboard?
K Counter L Loader K Steve Jobs
M Adder N Shift register D :d L Christopher Latham Sholes
33. Which of the following processors use RISE M Brain Sams
technology? N Anderson Palimar DËi :b
K 486dx L Power PC 46. In most application ‘F1’ stands for?
M 486sx N 6340 DËi :b K Help L Save
M Cut – paste N Copy – paste DËi :a
34. In order to play and hear sound on a computer, one
needs- 47. Kw¤úDUvi Kx-†ev‡W© msiÿY evUb wn‡m‡e †KvbwU e¨eüZ nq?
K a sound card and speakers K F12 L F8
L a microphone M F6 N F10 DËi :a
M all of them required 48. †Kvb short cut key w`‡q spelling check Kiv nq? [BDBL
N none of them required DËi :a Officer : 16]
K F7 L F9
35. A .... is a flash memory storage device that plugins M Shift + F7 N F11 DËi :a
into a USB port
K USB snap drive L USB flash drive 49. You can detect spelling and grammar errors by?
M USB memory maker drive K Press Shift + F7 L Press Ctrl + F7
N None of above DËi :b
M Press Alt + F7 N Press F7 DËi :d
36. wb‡Pi †KvbwU Kw¤úDUv‡ii GKwU BbcyU hš¿? 50. Kx-†ev‡W©i Exit †evZvg n‡”Q-
KF3 †evZvg L F4 †evZvg 63. GKRb †jvK mßv‡n 4,500 UvKv Avq K‡ib Ges3,000 UvKv e¨q
MF9 †evZvg N F10 †evZvg DËi :L K‡ib| Zvi Av‡qi mv‡_ m‡qi AbycvZ n‡e-
51. nU Kx wKfv‡e †Pbv hvq? K3 t 2 L3 t 1
K †gvUv †jLv †`‡L L wb‡P `vM †`‡L
M2t1 N5 t2 DËi : L
M Dc‡ii `vM †`‡L N wPKb †jLv †`‡L DËi :L
64. hw` K t L = 5 t 4 Ges K t M = 6 t 5 nq, Z‡e M t L =?
K 25 t 24 L 24 t 25
52. Which of the following is not an E-Banking product?
K ATM L SMS banking M 3t2 N †Kv‡bvwUB bq DËi :K
M plastic money N School banking 65. GKwU e¨emv‡qA I B Gi g~ja‡bi AbycvZ 2 : 1,B I C Gi
DËi : d g~ja‡bi AbycvZ 4 : 3 Ges D I CGi g~ja‡bi AbycvZ 6 : 5
53. Radio link is a tool of banking communication in a- n‡j A I D Gig~ja‡bi AbycvZ KZ?
K WAN area L LAN area
K 9 : 20 L 3:5
M Remote area N VAN area DËi :c
M 5:3 N 20 : 9 DËi : N
54. evsjv‡`‡k Ô†Uwj e¨vswKsÕ e¨e¯’v cÖ_g Pvjy K‡i- 66. 63 wjUvi cwigvY wgkÖ‡Y GwmW I cvwbi AbycvZ 7 t2; H wgkÖ‡Y
GwmW I cvwbi cwigvY KZ?
K National Bank L Grindlays Bank K 39 wj. 24 wj. L 49 wj. 14 wj.
M Standard Chartered Bank M 24 wj. 39 wj. N 29 wj. 34 wj. DËi : L
N American Express Bank DËi :c 67. 143 UvKv‡K 2 t 4 t 5 Abycv‡Z fvM Ki‡j e„nËg Iÿz`ªZg
55. Kw¤úDUv‡i †gKvwbK¨vj wWfvBm‡K ejv nq-
K Data L User
As‡ki cv_©K¨ KZ UvKv n‡e?
K 36 UvKv L 39 UvKv
M Software N Hardware DËi :d
56. Physical components of a computer are called- [Rupali M 40 UvKv N 42 UvKv DËi : L
Bank Ltd. Senior Officer : 13] 68. `yBwU msL¨vi we‡qvMdj 66 Ges Zv‡`i AbycvZ 7 t5 n‡j
K Software L Hardware msL¨vØq KZ?
M Malware N Terminals DËi :b K 231, 165 L 223, 116
M 22, 120 N 190, 124 DËi : K
57. Which of the following is NOT a paripheral device? 69. GKwU †kÖwY‡Z 36 Rb QvÎx Av‡Q Ges H †kÖwY‡ZQvÎx I Qv‡Îi
K Motherboard L Scanner AbycvZ 9 t 11| H †kÖwY‡Z kZKiv KZ fvM QvÎx?
M Monitor N None DËi :a K 25% L 33.33%
58. A complete microcomputer system consists of-/ ...... M 45% N †Kv‡bvwUB bq DËi : M
Gi mgš^‡q GKwU c~Yv©½ gvB‡µvKw¤úDUvi MwVZ nq| 70. wcZv I cy‡Îi eq‡mi AbycvZ 7 t 3| 4 eQi c~‡e© Zv‡`i eq‡mi
K microprocessor L memory AbycvZ wQj 13 t 5| eZ©gv‡b Kvi eqm KZ?
M peripheral equipment K 56 eQi, 34 eQi L 66 eQi, 24 eQi
N all of a, b and c DËi : d M 46 eQi, 36 eQi N 56 eQi, 24 eQi DËi:N

59. wb‡Pi †Kvb hš¿vskwU Kw¤úDUvi evbv‡bvi Rb¨ AZ¨vek¨K? 71. 1 t 2000 †¯‹‡j GKwU kn‡ii g¨vc AvuKv Av‡Q|1.2 wK.wg. `xN©
K CD-ROM L Floppy Disk GKwU iv¯Ívi ‰`N¨© g¨v‡c KZ n‡e?
M Printer N RAM DËi :d K 24 †m. wg. L 60 †m. wg.
60. wb‡Pi †KvbwU‡K Kw¤úDUv‡ii gw¯Í®‹ ejv nq? M 60 wg. N 24 wg. DËi : L
K Memory L CPU 72. 5 eQi c~‡e© wcZv I cy‡Îi eq‡mi AbycvZ wQj 3 : 1 Ges 15 eQi
M Hard Disk N RAM DËi :b c‡i wcZv I cy‡Îi eq‡mi AbycvZ n‡e 2 : 1| wcZv I cy‡Îi eZ©gvb
61. AbycvZ Kx? eq‡mi mgwó KZ? [
K GKwU c~Y© msL¨v L GKwU †gŠwjK msL¨v K 55 L 65
M GKwU fMœvsk N GKwU †Rvo msL¨v D: M M 80 N 90 DËi : N
62. `ywU msL¨vi AbycvZ 3 t 5 Ges GKwU msL¨v 36n‡j Aci 73. GKwU Kjg 10% jv‡f weµq Kiv nj| KjgwUiweµqg~j¨ I
msL¨vwU- µqg~‡j¨i AbycvZ KZ?
K 30 L 40 K 11 t 10 L 9 t 10
M 50 N 60 DËi : N M 10 t 11 N 10 t 9 DËi : K
74. `ywU msL¨v Z…Zxq GKwU msL¨vi †P‡q a from b at
c on d of Ans: D
h_vµ‡g 20%I 50% eo| msL¨v `ywUi AbycvZ KZ?
K 2t5 L 3t5 87. How money do you have in your pocket?
a many b few
M 4t5 N 6t7 DËi : M c much d some Ans: C
75. 72 †KwR IRbwewkó GKwU wgkÖY A Gi 17 fvM, BGi 3 fvM 88. ‘I never interfere  my grown up children,’ Mrs.
GesC Gi 4 fvM Øviv MwVZ| wgkÖ‡Y BKZUzKz Av‡Q? Chowdhury said.
K 9 †KwR L 12 †KwR a in b with
M 17 †KwR N 15 †KwR DËi : K c about d at Ans: B
76. GKwU wÎfy‡Ri wZbwU †Kv‡Yi AbycvZ 3 t 4 t 5n‡j, †KvY 89. I need  milk.
wZbwU‡K wWMÖx‡Z cÖKvk Kiæb| a a few b a little
K 300, 400, 500 L 420, 560, 700 c a hot d a lot Ans: B
M 450, 600, 750 N 480, 640, 800 DËi :M 90. He is innocent  the charge.
77. K I L- Gi †eZ‡bi AbycvZ 7 t 5| K, L A‡cÿv 400 UvKv a of b with
†ewk †eZb †c‡j, L Gi †eZb KZ? c to d on Ans: A
K 900 UvKv L 1000 UvKv 91. I have  interest in the matter.
a not b any
M 1100 UvKv N 1600 UvKv DËi : L
c none d no Ans:D
78. `ywU msL¨vi AbycvZ 2 Ges cv_©K¨ 15, †QvU msL¨vwU-
92. Is he jealous – her fame?
K 15 L 10
a of b for
M 20 N 30 DËi : K c with d over Ans: A
79.`yBwU msL¨vi AbycvZ 5 t 8| Df‡qi mv‡_ 2 †hvMKi‡j AbycvZwU 2 t 93. Choose the correct sentence :
3 nq| msL¨v `yBwU wK wK? a I have many works to perform.
K 7 I 11 L 10 I 14 b I have many work to perform.
M 10 I 16 N 12 I 18 DËi : M c I have much works to perform.
80. GKwU cv‡Î jvj I meyR e‡ji AbycvZ 3 t 1 | hw`cv‡Î ïay GB d I have much work to perform. Ans: D
`yB iK‡gi ej _v‡K, Z‡e wb‡Pi †KvbwU me©‡gvU e‡ji msL¨v 94. One should not lament  the past.
a with b for
n‡Z cv‡i bv?evsjv‡`ke¨vsK Awdmvi-01
c to d of Ans: B
K 96 L 80
M 72 N 54 DËi : N 95. We should use time we have in our hands to
complete our preparation.
81. I did not have luggage, just a the little of b the few
two small bags. c the little d little
a little b a little
Ans: C
c much d many Ans: C 96. They live  catching fish.
a for b upon
82. Did you get an invitation  the party? c up d on
a for b about
Ans: D
c to d at Ans: C 97. There were  guests than I expected.
a less b lesser
83. Choose the correct sentence.
a Less people get American visas now a days. c fewer d few Ans: C
b Less people get American visas now a day. 98. A good judge never jumps  the conclusion.
c Fewer people get American visas now a days. a at b on
d Few people get American visas now a day. Ans.: C c for d to Ans: D
84. Rana`s father wants him to be an engineer  a doctor. 99. Only of these are any good.
a instead b instead of a few b a few
c expecting d expect to Ans: B c one d little Ans: B
85. For an investor who  money, silver or bond are good 100. Honesty is indispensable  success.
options. a about b for
a has so little a b has very little
c at d of Ans: B
c has so few d has very few Ans: B
86. Youth is impatient  restraint.

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