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Check for Understanding

After studying the main lesson, you may now answer the following multiple choice questions
and provide the rationale for each item.

1. Which of the following forms of contraception would be applicable to a patient who

belongs to the Baha’i religion? (Select all that apply)

a. Condoms d. Bilateral tubal ligation

b. Diaphragms e. Cervical cap

c. Intrauterine device

Answer: A,B,E

Rationale: Baha’i teachings state that the human soul comes into being at conception. Birth
control is allowed as long as it does not involve aborting a conceptus: Members are
discouraged from using methods of contraception that produce abortion after conception has
taken place

2. Buddhism is founded by Gautama Buddha in which of the following countries in


a. China c. Nepal

b. India d. Thailand

Answer: B

Rationale: Buddhism was founded in the 6th century bc in northern India by Gautama

3. According to Buddhism, this is a state of greater inner freedom and spontaneity, it is

the goal of all existence

a. Nirvana c. Dharma

b. Saga Dawa d. Sangha

Answer: A

Rationale: Nirvana or Enlightenment, a state of greater inner freedom and spontaneity, is the
goal of all existence. When one achieves Nirvana, the mind has supreme tranquility, purity,
and stability.
4. Roman Catholics must practice which of the following every Wednesdays and
Fridays of the Lenten season? Select all that apply

a. Only fish is allowed during those days

b. A person is permitted to eat one full meal

c. Abstinence from meat is also required on those days

d. Avoidance of all forms of animal products

e. Observe a vegetarian diet during those days

Answer: B,C

Rationale: When fasting, a person is permitted to eat one full meal. Two smaller meals may
also be taken, but not to equal a full meal. Abstinence from meat is also required on these
days and on all of the Fridays of Lent. The sick are never bound by this prescription of the

5. Which of the following religious representatives in the Roman Catholic sect is allowed
to do anointing of the sick?

a. Priest c. Lay minister

b. Deacon d. All of the above

Answer: D

Rationale: The priest, deacon, or lay minister will usually bring the necessary supplies for
administration of the Eucharist or Anointing of the Sick.

6. Which of the following means of contraception is considered acceptable under the

Roman Catholic faith? Select all that apply.

a. Condoms d. Mucus inspection method

b. Temperature method e. Birth control pills

c. Ovulation method

Answer: B,C,D

Rationale: Only natural means of contraception, such as abstinence, the temperature method,
and the ovulation method, are acceptable.

7. Which of the following is not considered a sacrament of the Roman Catholic sect?

a. Baptism c. Holy communion

b. Reconciliation d. Bar mitzvah

Answer: D

Rationale: The Roman Catholic Church recognizes seven sacraments: Baptism,

Reconciliation (or Penance or Confession), Holy Communion (or the Eucharist)
Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders, and Anointing of the Sick (or Extreme Unction).

8. Christian Scientists ordinarily do not use which of the following with regard to the
care of an ill patient?

a. Medicines c. Prosthesis

b. Immunizations and vaccines d. Obstetricians

Answer: A

Rationale: Christian Scientists ordinarily do not use medications. Immunizations and

vaccines are acceptable only when required by law.

9. Which of the following common beverages are you going to avoid giving to a patient
who belongs to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Select all that apply.

a. Orange juice d. Iced tea

b. Milk e. Cola

c. Coffee

Answer: C,D,E

Rationale: Alcohol, caffeinated beverages (such as tea, coffee, and soda), and tobacco are
forbidden. In recent years, “recreational drugs” and nonmedically indicated sedatives and
narcotics have also been considered forbidden substances.

10. What is the stance of the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints regarding contraceptives?

a. Contraceptives are permissible

b. Any form of prevention of the birth of children is contrary to church teachings

c. Only natural forms of contraception are allowed

d. It is upon the discretion of the married couple to use contraceptives

Answer: B

Rationale: According to church doctrine, one of the major purposes of life is procreation;
therefore, any form of prevention of the birth of children is contrary to church teachings.

Thinking about Learning

CAT 3-2-1

This strategy provides a structure for you to record your own comprehension and summarize
your learning. Let us see your progress in this chapter!

Three things you learned:

1. I have learned the meaning of spirituality and religion in the lives of clients across the

2. I have learned to identify the components of a spiritual needs assessment for clients from
diverse cultural backgrounds.

3. I have learned the ways in which spiritual and religious beliefs can be incorporated into the
nursing care of clients from diverse cultures.

Two things that you’d like to learn more about:

1. Cultural considerations in the nursing care of dying for bereaved clients and families.

2. The health-related beliefs and practices of selected religious groups in North America.

One question you still have:

1. N/A

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