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PodHouz Marketing Strategy (1st Year)

There are a few key strategies that we can use to help our debate application go viral
at launch:

1. 1 Million downloads within 1 year

2. More than 150 emerging content creator collaboration
3. Using 100+ journalism/mass com interns for creating more content around
politics with burning topics
4. Choose the languages we want to support. Consider the languages spoken by
our target audience and the resources we have available for translation and
5. Design the platform. Consider the user experience and how users will navigate
the platform and participate in debates. We want to consider features such as
translation tools, moderation tools, and ways for users to engage with each
6. Create engaging content: To get people to start using our platform, we need to
offer them something valuable. This could be in the form of interesting
debates, thought-provoking discussions, or informative talks.
7. Create high-quality content: To generate buzz and encourage people to share
our platform with their friends and followers. The success of our platform will
depend on the quality and relevance of the content that is shared on it. We will
encourage users to create and share interesting, thought-provoking content
that engages and inspires others.
8. Utilise social media: Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and
Instagram can be powerful tools for spreading the word about our platform.
We will use these channels to share updates, engage with our audience, and
encourage people to share our content.
9. Collaborate with influencers: Partnering with influencers or thought leaders in
our industry can give our platform more visibility and credibility. We can
reach out to influencers and ask them to participate in debates on our
platform or share our content with their followers.
10. Run contests or promotions: Offering prizes or incentives for people to share
our platform can be a great way to encourage people to spread the word. We
will run contests or promotions through social media or on our own platform
to encourage participation.
11. Invest in paid advertising: While organic reach on social media can be limited,
paid advertising can help us to reach a larger audience. Consider investing in
targeted advertising campaigns on social media or other platforms to help get
our platform in front of more people.
12. Offer incentives: Consider offering incentives or rewards for our users who
create and share high-quality content or refer new users to our platform. This
can encourage more activity and engagement on our platform.
13. Monitor and analyze our results: Use analytics tools to track the performance
of our marketing efforts and see what is working and what isn't. This will help
us to adjust our strategy and continue to improve the effectiveness of our
marketing efforts.
14. Consider offering a free trial or introductory offer: Offering a free trial or
introductory offer can help to generate interest in our platform and encourage
people to try it out.

Overall, the key to going viral is to create high-quality content that is engaging and
informative and to use a variety of strategies to get the word out about our platform.

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