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Department of Marketing Management

Integrated marketing communication 2nd test for 2nd year 2nd semester marketing
management regular students (10%)

Time allowed: 25 minutes

General Instruction: put your answer on the answer sheet provided only.

Student full Name ___________________________________ID No_____________

Part I: Write true if the statement is correct and write false if the statement is incorrect (1
point each)

1. Market niches are broader classes of buyers who have similar needs and can be
reached with similar messages.
2. AIDA model is an exceptionally uncomplicated and basic model of the consumer
response process, in that it explains this complex process in a mechanistic manner.

Part II: Choose the best answer (1 point each)

3. ____________is a paradigm for setting and measuring advertising objectives, and its
basic premise is that advertising effects occur over a period of time.
A. The hierarchy effects model B. The information processing model
B. The AIDA model D. The innovation adoption model
4. Which one of the following is a negative thought about the spokesperson or
organization making the claims?
A. Support arguments C. Source bolsters
B. Source derogations D. Counterarguments
5. The hierarchy of effects model suggests that consumer move through a series of steps
en route to purchase. Which of the following shows the correct order of these steps?
A. Knowledge, liking, Preference, awareness, Conviction, purchase
B. Awareness, liking, Preference, knowledge, Conviction, Purchase
C. Awareness, Knowledge, Liking, Preference, Conviction, Purchase
D. Knowledge, Awareness, Conviction, Liking, Preference, Purchase

6. DAGMAR is:
A. a model of consumer behaviour B. a method of setting sales objectives
C. the most often used method of setting objectives D. a model of advertising goal

Part III: Essay

7. Write the characteristics of source factors? (1point)

8. What are the several factors of source power?(1point)
9. What are the types of message appeals? (1point)
10. Write the specific steps of the objective and task method of budgeting, which reflects
a bottom-up approach methods? (1point)
Student full Name _______________________________ID No______________
Part I: true or false part II: multiple choice
1.________ 3.__________ 5.__________
2.________ 4._________ 6.__________
Part III: Essay


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