ADIOS Brand Guide

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Brand Guideline

Defining the Brand Typography

What is ADIOS? Brother 1816
Brand Values Halyard Text
Tone of Voice Cormorant Garamond
Persona & Personality Type Specimen: Ideal Hierarchy
Vision & Mission

Logo Icon Construction
Clear Space

Contents Colour
Secondary Logo
Social Icons & Favicons Concentric Circles
Sub Brands Weave
Incorrect Usage Shooting Stars
Motif 1
Motif 2
Core colours
Browns & Beige
Blues & greens Representative website pages

ADIOS Brand Guidelines

the Brand
What is ADIOS?
A decision making ADIOS stands for A Dialogue In Objective Silence. Adios is
a system, a method, a protocol that trains you
systematically to improve your clarity of thought and

tool to help one

peace of mind so you can make decisions that are right
for you.

We spend to much time looking outward and too little

time looking inward. And many of us do not have a

attain clarity of defined set of personal guidelines that we refer to

regularly before making any decision. With an internal
reference point missing and our attention constantly on
the outside, we make unhealthy choices which leads to

thought and peace

an agitated state of mind. ADIOS helps you to have an
objective mindset about the things that matter or should
matter to you. And also trains you to make decisions that
give you peace of mind.

of mind

ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Defining the Brand 4

Practical Brand Values
ADIOS is built on very clear foundational values. We are

Clear, not clever

completely transparent and want to make the users feel
welcome. We aim to win complete trust of our users and
we strive to do that everyday.

ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Defining the Brand 5
Tone of Voice
Clear It should make the users feel clearer, at home and
nurtured. Going back to the platform should be like going
to meet someone who loves you unconditionally,

Precise someone you can trust, someone who has your

well-being as their purpose. It should make you feel
independent and confident. Coming back should feel like
a really happy reunion with a familiar, trustworthy person.

Logical Clear, precise and direct. No mincing words, no poetry,

no philosophy. 100% practical. 100% effective. Secular &


ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Defining the Brand 6

Authentic Persona & Personality
We are rational and logical. We don’t dwelll on emotions

or impulse. We are completely honest and genuine.
ADIOS is a long lasting system that makes the user feel
warm and cared for. Our approach is rigorous and

ADIOS is like a paternal authoritative figure but with logic
and reason.

ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Defining the Brand 7
Clarity of thought & peace of
Vision & Mission
mind for all. Provide them with:

1. a systematic method - Contemplation - thinking

deeply about matters that matter

2. to achieve clarity of thought, so they can answer all

their personal and professional questions
Mission 3. Independently, without leaning on anyone else
eventually once they learn it

Through a systematic method in- 4. And through that clarity of thought, make such
decisions that lead to a more peaceful mind

contemplation while being

completely independent.

ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Defining the Brand 8

Logo without tagline The O in ADIOS is replaced with a ‘circle & dash’- where
the circle represents the everchanging nature of life and
dash represents ADIOS- a strong foundation that helps
an individual navigate through all the chaos of life to
achieve peace of mind.

There are two primary versions of the logo- with and

without the tag line, ‘Clarity of Thought. Peace of Mind.’
Both versions can be used depending on the space they
are being used in. But the version without the tagline
should be given precedence.

C L A R I T Y O F T H O U G H T.
P E AC E O F M I N D .

Logo with tagline

ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Logo 10

The logo is set in a simple grid, as shown on the left. The
space between ‘circle & dash’ and ‘dash & clarity of
thought’ has been visually adjusted to look the same.

The width and height of the dash is not equal to the letter
I. Rather, it has been adjusted visually to look the same.

The width of the circle and the dash is also not the same
and has been adjusted for visual balance.

C L A R I T Y O F T H O U G H T.
P E AC E O F M I N D .

ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Logo 11

Clear Space
Minimum clear space around the logo should be
maintained at all times. Do no use the logo with tagline
on small scale as the tagline will become illegible.

Minimum Clear space

ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Logo 12

The logo should primarily appear in dark grey but when it
is placed on a dark background, it can appear in white. No
other colour should used for the logo unless there is a
need to do so. The same holds true for the tagline when
being used with the logo.


RGB 88 160 148

CMYK 45 0 7 37
Hex #58a094


RGB 245 245 245

CMYK 0 0 0 4
Hex #f5f5f5

Dark Grey

RGB 94 94 94
CMYK 0 0 0 63
Hex #5e5e5e

ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Logo 13

0.5 cm or 14 px high The logo is scalable to 0.5 cm (14 px) in height for small
size use, without losing its legibility. For large scale use
the logo can be easily scaled to any size depending on
the space it is being used in.

The logo version with tagline is not meant for small scale
usage and should not be scaled below 60 px (in height).

2.2 cm or 60 px high

ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Logo 14


Social Icon Construction

Social Icons & Favicon

Social icons will only use the circle and dash glyph.
Primarily the background of the icon will be the brand
colour but can be white or dark grey too, if the need be.

The favicon will either be the primary logo or the glyph

depending on the tab size of the browser.
Social Icons

ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Logo 16

Sub Brands
This is currently representative to keep in mind how sub
brands can be taken forward as and when the need


ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Logo 18

Incorrect Usage
Do not strech the logo horizontally or vertically. Always
rezise it diagonally using the shift key.

Do not scale the logo any more than the mentioned limit.

Do not rearrange the logo lockup and do not rotate or

reflect the logo.

Do not fill the logo with any other colour than the ones
mentioned in the guidebook.

ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Logo 17

Core Colours
Brand Colour The primary brand colour is teal blue. While the other
colours are a set of blues, greens, browns and beige that
can be used as and when the need arises*. The colours
are muted and soothing to create a sense of peace and
calm in the ever attention-seeking digital space.

*To see an example of the usage of colours, go to the

application section of the brand guideline.

Base Browns & Beige Primary Base Base Blues & Greens

ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Colour 20

ADIOS teal is a soothing colour that gives a feel of
calmness. It’s the right amount of bright/dull- not too
stark and not too muddy.

It has the balance that a user would seek on the ADIOS

website. When used with the rest of the colour palette,
the teal blue stand out enough to highlight important
areas but also doesn’t steal the presence of other

ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Colour 21

Browns & Beige
The palette consists of a set of warm as well as cool tones
of colours. Along with three neutral colours to balance
RGB 161 153 152 RGB 206 197 196 RGB 233 228 220 out the warm and cool colours.
CMYK 0 5 6 37 CMYK 0 4 5 19 CMYK 0 2 6 9
Hex #a19998 Hex #cec5c4 Hex #e9e4dc

RGB 192 174 160 RGB 224 207 191 RGB 234 222 216
CMYK 0 9 17 25 CMYK 0 8 15 12 CMYK 0 5 8 8
Hex #c0aea0 Hex #e0cfbf Hex #eaded8

ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Colour 22


RGB 237 237 235 RGB 245 245 245 RGB 233 229 229
CMYK 0 0 1 7 CMYK 0 0 0 4 CMYK 0 2 2 9
Hex #ededeb Hex #f5f5f5 Hex #e9e5e5

ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Colour 23

RGB 189 197 201 RGB 208 213 216 RGB 228 231 234
CMYK 6 2 0 21 CMYK 4 1 0 15 CMYK 3 1 0 8
Hex #bdc5c9 Hex #d0d5d8 Hex #e4e7ea

Blues & Greens

RGB 188 198 193 RGB 205 211 207 RGB 224 229 223
CMYK 5 0 3 22 CMYK 3 0 2 17 CMYK 2 0 3 10
Hex #bcc6c1 Hex #cdd3cf Hex #e0e5df

ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Colour 24

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff
Brother 1816
Brother 1816 should be used in all caps for buttons, and
Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm
Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss
in sentence case for smaller headers.

Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy
Zz 0123456789
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Typography 26

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff
Halyard Text
This font should only be used for large chuncks of text
Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm
Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt
like body copy.

Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Typography 27

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg
Cormorant Garamond
This serif font should only be used for headlines and in
sentence case only.
Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn
Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu
Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Typography 28

Type Specimen: Sub Headline
Ideal Hierarchy
Headline & Sub Headline are set in Cormorant Garamond
Bold, body copy in Halyard Text Light and the button in
Brother 1816 Book. This is just an ideal example of how
Headline Text
the hierarchy should be, but it can be modified as and Body Copy Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed
when the need arises. diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam
erat volutpat.

Lorem Ipsum sit dolor amet?


ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Typography 29

Contemplation Icons in small scale


Icon Construction & Style

The icons should be constructed in a square grid so as to
keep all the icons in one size. The icons should be flexible
enough to fit in any shape as well as stand independently.

Icons should be very precise and clean in treatment with

no extra embellishments than required.

Note: Icons on this page are representative. Focus is on

Progress the style of the icon if and when required further.

ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Iconography 39

Representative Application
Welcome Back, Jane. Contemplation Cirriculum

Find the answers to your crucial personal and

professional questions and make decisions that are
right for you.


Adioscope Assignment

Core Level 1 Journal Progress

Batch: April 24, 2021 | Evening
Welcome Back, Jane. Contemplation Cirriculum

Find the answers to your crucial personal and

professional questions and make decisions that are
right for you.


Adioscope Assignment

Core Level 1 Journal Progress

Batch: April 24, 2021 | Evening
What would you like to contemplate today?
Lorem Ipsum sit dolor amet


Batch: April 24, 2021 | Evening




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Concentric Circles
Stroke width - 0.25 px
There is no variation of stroke width in this pattern.

Opacity: Progressive
The opacity towards the outer end of the pattern will
be maximum and towards the innter end, minimum.

There is no fixed colour for the pattern.

The pattern can appear on one or two sides of the

page. The lower offset path value can not be less than
110 px. There should be minimum 3 circles in the
pattern at all times.

ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Patterns 31

Stroke width - 0.25 px
There is no variation of stroke width in this pattern.

Opacity: Randomized
The opacity for this pattern can be at random to give a
sense of movement.

There is no fixed colour for the pattern.

The pattern can only appear on one side of the page,

however, it can be horizontal or vertical depending on
the space on a page. The space between the dashes
can not be less than 38 px. There should be minimum
3 rows/colums in the pattern at all times.

ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Patterns 32

Shooting Stars
Stroke width - 0.25 px
There is no variation of stroke width in this pattern.

Opacity: Progressive
The opacity of this pattern gradually decreases towards
the centre of the page.

There is no fixed colour for the pattern.

The pattern can either appear horizontally or vertically

but only on one side on the page. The arrangement of
elements can be random but not haphazard.

ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Patterns 33

Stroke width - 0.25 px
There is no variation of stroke width in this pattern.

Opacity: Randomized
The opacity for this pattern can be at random to give a
sense of movement.

There is no fixed colour for the pattern.

The pattern can only be vertical and only on one side on

the page. All the lines should be equidistant from each
other. The minimum space between the lines shouldn’t
be less than 70px.

ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Patterns 34

Stroke width - 0.25 px
There is no variation of stroke width in this pattern.

Opacity: Randomized
The opacity for this pattern can be at random to give a
sense of movement.

There is no fixed colour for the pattern.

The pattern can appear on two sides of the page,

however, it can only be vertical. Please do no change
the original ADIOS glyph, i.e., The dash and circle can
should always be in a pair and the space between
them should never be altered. There should be
minimum two colums of the pattern at all times

The space between the pairs is equal to the space

between the dash and circle in the glyph.

ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Patterns 35

Motif 1
Stroke width - 0.25 px
There is no variation of stroke width in this pattern.

Opacity: Progressive
The opacity of this pattern gradually decreases
towards the centre of the page.

There is no fixed colour for the pattern.

The pattern can only appear on one side of the page.

There should be minimum three colums of the pattern
at all times.

ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Patterns 36

Motif 2
Stroke width - 0.25 px
There is no variation of stroke width in this pattern.

Opacity: Progressive
The opacity of this pattern gradually decreases
towards the centre of the page.

The pattern can only appear on one side of the page.

There should be minimum three colums of the pattern

at all times.

ADIOS Brand Guidelines | Patterns 37

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