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Used to

Zdań z konstrukcją used to + bezokolicznik używamy kiedy opisujemy dawne sytuacje lub zwyczaje,
które już się zmieniły.

Twierdzenia Przeczenia Pytanie

We used to live In the city. We didn’t use to go hiking Did you use to live near the sea

They used to live abroad, but they moved back to this country last year.

She didn’t use to be a student, but she finished Her university course In June.

She didn’t use to eat meat, but now she Has chicken sometimes.

I used to like cats, but i prefere dogs now.

I didn’t use to enjoy TV, but now i find most of the programmes boring or annoying.

We used to spend a lot of time together, but now we hardy ever see each other.

He didn’t use to sapek a foreign language, but He started going to Spanisz les sons last year.

My grandad used to have a lot of Money, but he’s quite rich now.

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