What He Did During Seven Years.

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Hello. Nice to meet you. I like your clothing, it looks cool.

You are not smiling

Why don't you?
Life is great, isn't it?
What do you think about it?
My name? Doesn't matter.
I am just someone that likes to help people.
Maybe I could help you.
You might think that you don't need help, but the truth is that we are human
We always need help.
I searched for a long time, chasing this story. And I am happy with the result.
It's not perfect, I still have some parts to find, but for now, this will work.
Because this is:

What he did during seven years of his life.

Enjoy <3.

I saw you today. You had the same white dress as always, and you were looking at
me. No matter where I went, you kept following me, but I wasn't worried, angry,
sad, depressed, or mad. I was happy because today, I saw my love.
I remember that day when we were together in that lake. You, me, my girlfriend…
Everything was so happy, and you saw it all, and you smiled with passion… with
happiness. You showed me the beauty of darkness, and you taught me that I was never
alone. You were always there in my dark moments, helping me out.
You don't talk too much, I know, but you don't need too many words to make me feel
loved. You look beautiful tonight. I don't want to wait to see you again. Why don't
you stay with me forever? I need you.
There was a night when I didn't manage to see you. I am sorry, but I have an
excuse. Sickness took the power of my body, and I couldn't fight it. Maybe I was
able to go to see at least for a few minutes, but mama didn't let me. "It is
unnecessary", she said. But it wasn't. She doesn't understand.
We don't know what will happen tomorrow or today. What if that was the last time I
would be able to see you? She doesn't know, no matter how many times I tried to
What if I die? Will you be there with me too? No, you have more friends. They need
What if I am not enough for you? Your color is so strong and melancholic… just like
My eyes are always dark for not sleeping, but I don't care. This is my life, I must
enjoy it, even if that means breaking the rules of normality.
I can't remember the first time we met. I've tried to, but there is no memory.
There is nothing there, like if I always knew you. I am trying to create new
moments and new adventures… with you. If I invite you to go to the forest with me,
would you accept? You always do. I love you.
Let's go to the forest. Which one? Anyone. It doesn't matter. It has to have trees
and there shouldn't be anybody else, we have to be alone.
Can you dance with me? Can you follow my lead at least? I am not a good dancer, but
I can learn. Just as I learned everything about you.
People feel alone at night, they say that daytime is full of fun, but that's
because they don't know you. I wish I could see you all the time, but you are
probably working all day. You're so hardworking. I am lazy, I am not as I would
like to be. I love you.
What do you think about me? Am I stupid? Smart? Humble? Dishonest? Trustworthy?
Liar? What am I, if not just your follower?
I can't follow you if you're not in my sight, so what do I do? Should I go with you
to work? But that would disturb you. You need to focus. You need concentration.
I feel broken and hollow, but you are so full and perfect. I like to help people,
but sometimes I feel that they don't need my help at all. I am just not important
You were wearing red that night on May 15th. You were so pretty that I couldn't
hold me, so I called everyone.
"Guys, come to see her!" "She is beautiful tonight!"
Of course, they never came. It didn't matter though. They lost the opportunity, so
I took it. I enjoyed your company myself. Are you mine?
Do we have a person that we can call ours? Probably some people do. People with
children, but what do I have if not your lovely watch? Do you belong to me?
No, you're an individual. I can love you, but it won't matter. In the end, you have
a path, and it doesn't matter how many times that path will cross together with
mine, we are individuals. Do I have a path?
I think I do, everyone does, but where is this path taking me? I wish it was for
you. You're the only thing that I want as an objective for my life.
Years are passing and I still see you every night, but it's not the same. I'm
growing up and I want to be closer to you. I want to kiss you. I know that we are
just friends, but I don't care. I want to kiss you. I still love you.
I'm studying a lot now. But worry not, I will still be able to see you as always.
Are you worried?
I want to be big. Important, like you.
"You don't have to be tall to reach the farthest", my father used to say. Is it
true? It might, but it can also be relative. Relativity is a weird thing, isn't it?
He was a genius.
And there we are, something bad happened. A girl was trying to kiss me and she was
so cute, but I just couldn't. She never talked to me again. I want my first kiss to
be with you, why people can't understand me?
Can people ever understand fully someone else's feelings? I think it is impossible.
They try to use our shoes, but they will never fit. They never know what it's like
to be me.
I miss you. Last night I got sick again and mama… you know. I was angry at her, but
it isn't her fault. She is just protecting me. Nobody understands, but maybe that's
life. We don't understand them and they don't understand us. We live in a world
where we try to know everything else and we don't even know ourselves. I got full
credit for REALLY big project work. I was the only one who matched the size and
scale with perfection. Of course, I did, I've been studying everything about it
since I met you. You built me, you created my world.
We are almost there, I started university as I wanted to. I'll soon work with you.
You will see.
Can you see it? Can you see me? I am here. I will always be here. Every night, as
it has always been.
Follow me, please. They invited me. I have friends!
They want me to go to the forest with them, to a yellow forest, will you go? What
will I tell them? What if I explain to them what I think about you and they look at
me weirdly, like everyone else? People never understand me, and they will never do.
Should I lie? Should I ignore reality? I want to have friends.
No. I am not going to lie. If they don't accept us for what we are, they are not
our friends. I am going to say the truth no matter what. I am what I am.
I'm not going to change.
I love you.
They must understand it.

They laughed.
They thought it was funny.
I didn't want to ask why, but maybe they think that I am not enough for you. Are
they right? Please, accept me.
That's the main feeling of my life. Why do they just laugh, and they never accept
me? I love you.
I don't talk to them anymore, I decided to talk only to the people that deserve my
I want to be always close to you, but how can I-
I know how to. I will follow my dream and I won't stop.
have you ever heard of honor classes? I got invited to some of them. It is so fun
to be surrounded by people that like the same things you do. I got a job in an
animal care place. It feels so good to help without needing to receive money for
it. It feels like a brand new person because sometimes we think that money is
everything, but hello? It is not.
I wanted to buy you a present this week, and I spent a lot of time searching for
the perfect one, but I bought something. I found a suit that you are going to love.
I am going to show it tonight.
Did you like it? I'm sorry I cried, did it make me look bad in my suit? I ruined
everything. I wanted to give you a happy night, but in the end, the only thing I
did for the entire time we were together was cry with no stop.
I promise it won't be the same next night.
It was the same.
Every day is the same. I can't even talk to you like I used to before. I think that
my brain and my body are asking for more. I want to feel you more, do you know?
I wrote a poem for you.

It's called "when the darkness comes"

When the darkness comes

and I get to see you, my dear,
it does not matter if there is a storm
I will see your white dress with no fear.

When the darkness comes,

my deepest feelings and fears,
come together, joined with bonds
to make me forget about tears.

But these nights have been strange.

Now I care about tears, is this age?
Is it making me remake my base?
Why am I crying these days?

Maybe I just want you to know

that I am just dying, so take
my hand and let's dance, do not say no.
Because for you, I would always stay.

I'm not good at writing poetry, but I wanted to make this for you. Did you like it?
I got a hundred on my hardest test. It was complicated, yes, but I studied. I think
that I can reach my objectives, just have to be strong.
I met someone nice yesterday. Her name is Tatiana, she's doing my same career.
She's fun and delicate. I think I like her.
Still, I am afraid of saying my feelings to you. What if she doesn't understand
that you've been my only company for all these years? She has to. Otherwise, I
won't accept her.
I told her, and she...
She understood.
She told me that I was going to make it as far as I wanted to.
She's going to help me with my studies.
She's so nice.
I think I love her.
We kissed, and you saw it.
I know you did.
Nothing is going to change. I love you. You're still the best thing in my life.
You've done so much for me.
Without your help, I wouldn't be here. You deserve everything.
And I'm going to give it to you.
I'm going to do my best.
I finished my career. I did it, I've accomplished my dreams.
People call me Dr. when they see me.
"Dr. in Astrophysical science", isn't that great?
I think that I am going to make it.
My path is getting harder, maybe, but now, I am sure that I have it.

I went to a restaurant yesterday with her. We had so much fun... It feels like a
dream... All my life trying to find someone that understands me, and I finally did.
Everything is going so good between us... I am sorry for taking so long with my
visit. It's just complicated, do you know? I'm going to make it though. I'm really
close... I can feel it.
I'm getting the best grades I could ever imagine. I am going to make it. I know I
I have friends now. Real friends, people that understand me. I met them thanks to
my girlfriend, they are her friends from High school. Nice people.
She's helping me so much with my studies... Although she is focusing on another
type of Astronomy (Biological tests), she's actually great at physics. I am so
happy with her.
Two months remaining until my graduation.
One month now. It feels so good to finally finish university.
She's going to work with me at the NASA in Orlando, FL.
What do you think about it? Do you like Orlando? It's a little bit hot during
summer, but it's going to be fine, I think. It shouldn't be that bad.
The graduation is tomorrow.
I wrote my words. I am going to tell them who is my life's strongest support.
Even though she has helped me, you are the one, and I am going to say your name out
loud. People are going to listen.
Hello, there.
May I introduce myself?
I am Dr. Astrophysics, and I work at the NASA.
I did it.
I finished my studies. Now it's time to work. Let's go to Orlando!
We are here. Florida is pretty. Altough, I am going to miss the beautiful
landscapes of my old life. It's for a reason though...
People here are different. They have different cultures and the way of teaching in
schools is WEIRD. But I'm getting used to it. Don't worry.
I started working on a project. It is so cool to be surrounded by so smart people,
like my boss. Mr. Townley is one of the best scientists I've ever seen. He is
great. My life is great.
I'm planning on getting married with her. We have been together for my best days
and I have to do it. I will ask her when I find the perfect ring.
I found it.
A ring with the shape of the Earth made of Platinum with gold details. It is so
cool. This is it. I am going to ask her.
I asked her.
She said yes with the cutest smile I've seen on her face.
We are going to marry after our project ends. We are working on a space travel that
has been planned for years, and now it's going to happen. We are going to do the
most exciting thing of our lives.
You'll see.
Everything is going just as Mr. Townley thought. He's so happy.
He made me the physical investigation chief of the project, and my fiancee is now
the Biological Research chief.
Together we are going to travel. Do you know where? It's a surprise.
You'll be happy about it. I promise.
On december 19th it's going to happen. It will be an awesome date for our lives.
She told me today that I am the natural satelite that proctects her planet. I felt
so good. I really love her.

It's already november and things are getting better, we are actually ready for it.
It's just waiting.
The day is coming.
I am so nervous.
My parents are also here, they're happy about it. They're staying in a hotel close
to our lab. They come here often, I think they're interested.
Or maybe they're just trying to be nice. They never cared about me studying this.
They never supported me with it. They wanted me to be a lawyer, even though they
knew that I didn't like it, they kept talking about, and even saying that my love
work wouldn't give me what I needed. I know that they just want what's better for
me, but still...
At the end you were the first one supporting me.
Thank you.
I owe you so much.
I love you.
I really do.

Today is a very important day.

Today I will go to you.
Today it is.
December 19th.
Everything will change now.
I will make it, we will. She's coming with us.
Our crew will finally do it.
It's time.
We are on.
I'm writing this while engineers are preparing the motors.
We are going up.
Here we are getting through the atmosphere.
Everything is so beautiful.
I don´t feel lonely as I though I would.
When I was a teenager, I looked at my future, worried. Thinking that there was
nobody out there for me either than you.
But I was wrong. There are people waiting for all of us, and when the right moment
comes, they will get out of their hideouts, to meet us.
to make us happy.
to fulfill our hearts.
But you
You gave me the path
This path was built by you.
You sent me into a direction, in which I found my life.
My real life.
We arrived.
We are here now.
It feels... lonely
Have you been alone all of this time? I thought I knew it already, but I just
imagined so.
This feels so... empty.
There are flags, yes, but no friends. No love.
You were giving me everything, and you had nothing.
You healed me and didn't care about yourself.
I will fix it.
I swear I will.
My fiancee is looking at everything in the horizon, seeing also the emptyness.
She also understands you. I knew she would.
I will fix this.
You will never be alone again.
Just wait for me.
I will come.
And I will never leave again.
"Promise?", she asked.
"Yes, I promise." He answered.
Nobody heard them talking.
But I know they did.
Nobody wants to admit that she responded.
But I know she did.
She gave him her heart with a hug that lasted forever.
Yes, they hugged.
One hundred years later and we still feel love when we go there.
Because there is a place with his name, a place that humans visit when they feel
That place may look sad.
But it is not.
It hides a story of love and happiness.
Because in that place there is a stone.
A stone that came from the Earth.
It has a name written.
A name that has a message attached to it.
People don't know any other detail, and I am not even sure about it.
But I like to think that inside that grave, he lies with a smile, and with a suit
on, and with his wedding ring with her shape.
Because that's how humans work.
We should always remember what made us be what we are now.
And if that "what" is a "who", go there and say thank you.
Thank you for being there for me.
Thank you for "the large" size of your smile when I was happy, and the "Gigantous"
number of tears that you dropped when I was sad.
Thank you for those jeans that you gifted me. Even though they didn't fit me, I
loved them.
Because that's what we are, a team.
And we will contiue together for eternity.
So when you think that nobody loves you, look up.
Thank you for reading.
I hope you enjoyed it.

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