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CHCDIS007 Facilitate the empowerment of people with disability

Student Name: Click or tap here to enter text.

Student ID No: Click or tap here to enter text.

Unit Code and

CHCDIS007 Facilitate the empowerment of people with disability

Due Date of
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Actual Submission
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Extension date: Click or tap to enter a date. ☐Not Applicable

☒Student ☒Case Study/ ☒ Observations ☐Oral ☐Other

Type of Questions scenarios questions
assessment [Tick]


Nature of Assessment

☐Summative Assessment or ☐Formative Assessment

☐Evidence gathering method


☐I acknowledge that I have submitted all assessments in this unit of competency and they are my
own work.
☐I have not copied any of my answers from others. I have read ALACC plagiarism policy and
agreed to abide by this policy.
☐Other if any:

Student Signature Click or tap here to enter text. Date Click or tap to enter a


Assessment ☒ 1 ☒ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ 4
☐ Other

Assessor comments: Click or tap here to enter text.

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072
t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:
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CHCDIS007 Facilitate the empowerment of people with disability

Students Comments: Click or tap here to enter text.


Assessor Comments: Click or tap here to enter text.

Final Assessment
☐ C / NYC


☐ I declare that I have received a fair, valid, reliable and sufficient feedback for my performance.

☐I have received the feedback and outcome of the assessment: ☐ Yes ☐ No [Tick]

Student ID Click or tap here to enter text. Date Click or tap to enter a date.

Student feedback:
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Student Click or tap here to enter text. Signature Click or tap here to enter text.


I have ensured that this assessment [Tick]

☐Complies with the assessment requirements of the relevant training package or VET accredited course;
and have conducted in accordance with the Principles of Assessment

☐And Rules of Evidence gathering,


© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072
t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:
ABN: 49 122 509 602 CRICOS NO: 02933E RTO 21872 Page 2 of 11
CHCDIS007 Facilitate the empowerment of people with disability


Feedback provided to the student [Tick] ☐ Yes ☐ No

Re-assessment Required [Tick] ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Not Applicable

Reassessment evidences collated [Tick] ☐ Yes ☐No ☐Not Applicable

Assessor Name: Click or tap here to enter text. Date:Click or tap to enter a date.
Signature: Click or tap here to enter text.

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072
t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:
ABN: 49 122 509 602 CRICOS NO: 02933E RTO 21872 Page 3 of 11
CHCDIS007 Facilitate the empowerment of people with disability
Assessment 1: Student Questions



Research and outline the changes in the legal, political and social frameworks that may impact the disability
support services.

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2 Briefly describe your understanding of the social versus medical model of service.

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3 Briefly outline your understanding of institutionalised versus person centred, self -directed model of support.

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What is your understanding of social constructs of disability? How can your own attitudes impact on your

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How will you empower a person with a disability? What adjustments may you have to make to your own
approach to facilitate empowerment?

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Why is it important for a person with disability to understand their rights? How can you assist them in
understanding their rights?

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7 What support practices can be implemented when supporting a person with the following conditions:

Genetic factors
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Physical trauma
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© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072
t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:
ABN: 49 122 509 602 CRICOS NO: 02933E RTO 21872 Page 4 of 11
CHCDIS007 Facilitate the empowerment of people with disability
Assessment 1: Student Questions

Psychological trauma
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Chronic lifestyle conditions

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Acquired brain injury

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How can you deliver services ensuring the rights and needs of the person are upheld in the context of person

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Give an example of a cultural needs of a person. How can you ensure these needs are identified, accepted
and upheld?

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Give an example of a breach of human rights. How will you respond if you identify this?

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Give an example of a sign of possible abuse or neglect. How will you respond if you identify this?

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12 List five (5) strategies that can be implemented to encourage people with disabilities to offer their opinions
and be involved in decision making experiences?

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13 Give five (5) examples of how you will provide assistance to enhance communication of needs, interests and
requirements of a person with a disability?

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What advocacy services and other complaint mechanisms are available for your clients?

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072
t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:
ABN: 49 122 509 602 CRICOS NO: 02933E RTO 21872 Page 5 of 11
CHCDIS007 Facilitate the empowerment of people with disability
Assessment 1: Student Questions

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15 Give an example of a scenario where you may have to seek support from more experienced and qualified
staff. (include how you sought the support)

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Briefly describe the impact of the following developmental and acquired disabilities on clients:

Acquired brain injury:

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Autism spectrum disorder:

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Cognitive disability:

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Developmental delay:

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Intellectual disability:
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Neurological impairment:

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Physical disability:

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Sensory disability, including hearing, vision impairment:

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© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072
t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:
ABN: 49 122 509 602 CRICOS NO: 02933E RTO 21872 Page 6 of 11
CHCDIS007 Facilitate the empowerment of people with disability
Assessment 1: Student Questions

Speech/language disability:

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Briefly describe your understanding of the following:

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Rights based approaches

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Click or tap here to enter text.

Active listening
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Social justice and the importance of knowing and respecting each person as an individual
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© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072
t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:
ABN: 49 122 509 602 CRICOS NO: 02933E RTO 21872 Page 7 of 11
CHCDIS007 Facilitate the empowerment of people with disability
Assessment 1: Student Questions

Student Declaration

I have read the plagiarism policy and declare that this is my own work.

Name: Click or tap here to enter text.

Signature:Click or tap here to enter text. Date: Click or tap to enter a date.

Student Feedback
Please provide your feedback for the following :

Did you find the questions relevant to the topic?

Click or tap here to enter text.

Did you find the question provided you with more knowledge and skills and understanding the specific topic?

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Did you:
☐ get support to complete this unit
☐ the information provided in the classroom helpful
☐ the learning resources were valuable in searching responses to the questions?

Click or tap here to enter text.

Assessor Declaration

I declare that I have assessed this trainee in the above unit of competency.

I also declare that the assessment was fair, valid, reliable and consistent.

Name: Click or tap here to enter text.

Signature: Click or tap here to enter text. Date Click or tap to enter a date.

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072
t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:
ABN: 49 122 509 602 CRICOS NO: 02933E RTO 21872 Page 8 of 11
CHCDIS007 Facilitate the empowerment of people with disability
Assessment 2: Case study/scenarios


David is 28 years of age and because of an accident has undergone three years of rehabilitation and now uses a
wheelchair. During this time David has been living in a rehabilitation unit and has progressed to the point where
he feels quite restricted in the environment.
After three months of research and evaluating his options, David purchased a small unit that best suited all his
criteria for choice. For the first four months living in this unit he was extremely happy. He found he could take
himself to the local shops whenever he chose and could visit his parents when he pleased. Unfortunately for David,
he suffered a bad fall while transferring himself onto the shower chair. He fractured his wrist and was suddenly
faced with extreme loss of independence as he was no longer able to wheel himself any distance, nor could he
prepare meals or dress himself effectively.
Although David is still happy with his decision to live independently, his recent fall meant he has had to
temporarily return to supported accommodation. Although his return to supported accommodation is only on a
temporary basis, David is now wondering if he should consider moving from his independent unit to a living
arrangement that offers low levels of support on a permanent basis.

1 How will you support independent action and thinking for David?

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2 How will you assist David to identify the options for action on the issue?

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3 What assistance can be provided to enhance communication of their needs, interests and requirements?

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Lucas is in his mid-20s and has an acquired brain injury. He uses a wheelchair to get around. He has
difficulty understanding complex language and has low literacy skills. He also has problems with memory,
planning and organising. He needs assistance with communication due to his considerable cognitive
1 problems.
Identify the support strategies that you will implement to assist with communication and promote his

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You are the supervisor of a work unit. A person with Multiple Sclerosis works in your area as part of the
team. There is a requirement for a significant amount of travel coming up and you know that the person at
2 times has problems in maintaining balance. There are three people, including the person with MS, who would
have to travel. What do you do about organising the unit’s travel to maximize independence of the person
with Multiple Sclerosis?

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072
t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:
ABN: 49 122 509 602 CRICOS NO: 02933E RTO 21872 Page 9 of 11
CHCDIS007 Facilitate the empowerment of people with disability
Assessment 2: Case study/scenarios

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Your organization is holding a meeting and would like to have clients/ people with disability contribute to
providing direction and decision making. How will you encourage your clients to participate in the meeting?

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Rebecca uses a wheelchair and requires assistance in transferring onto the toilet and although you are
capable of assisting Rebecca on your own, it states quite clearly in your organisation’s policies and
procedures that there must be at least two carers present in any act of manual handling. This makes it
4 difficult for you to allow Rebecca to retain her independence and participate in the transfer. You are
concerned that you are unable to uphold her right to independence.
What will you do to resolve this situation and ensure you comply with organization policy and at the same
time uphold your client’s rights?

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© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072
t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:
ABN: 49 122 509 602 CRICOS NO: 02933E RTO 21872 Page 10 of 11
CHCDIS007 Facilitate the empowerment of people with disability
Assessment 2: Case study/scenarios

Student Declaration

I have read the plagiarism policy and declare that this is my own work.

Name: Click or tap here to enter text.

Signature:Click or tap here to enter text. Date: Click or tap to enter a date.

Student Feedback
Please provide your feedback for the following :

Did you find the questions relevant to the topic?

Click or tap here to enter text.

Did you find the question provided you with more knowledge and skills and understanding the specific topic?

Click or tap here to enter text.

Did you:
☐ get support to complete this unit
☐ the information provided in the classroom helpful
☐ the learning resources were valuable in searching responses to the questions?

Click or tap here to enter text.

Assessor Declaration

I declare that I have assessed this trainee in the above unit of competency.

I also declare that the assessment was fair, valid, reliable and consistent.

Name: Click or tap here to enter text.

Signature: Click or tap here to enter text. Date Click or tap to enter a date.

© Australasian Lawrence Aged Care College Pty. Ltd. T/AS ALACC Health College Australia
Level 1/169 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072
t (03) 9480 4445 / (03) 9484 5081 m 0404 000 993 w website:
ABN: 49 122 509 602 CRICOS NO: 02933E RTO 21872 Page 11 of 11

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