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avop'® as o ye . A 4 | EF nvinamentat eit LI ae namontnt © y ol femed, of Lagat ( onerin aS Ub divimg orc nope diving thin g8 Lompar lames 1 Seer G emer ek evisline Emvitomentut tA oe 55 ele. ak here ue a J. Bake palsy bw Rusinisrlt em vitea remind ved 4S tecol, ooo! cle emt To hen Gat Shakeel ot 2 BeosvsTet Lem be lireow expan Ecosystéhl: The im Gna clin be Seas OF Segamibans amd uhh on vivormonek tb 2 fae true lune Gx) Coon parent 4 Ecosys@: peiskerN : Strnclin. of Ecos ysléoo cose J - Biglgar: Abiolit compare of Crom tivimd ) Biolic comps ivim . fora Dv gpm . Toogane Eu: Corbehydrelc - FO! protien c,N,0 ace Trophic S wlpterephics can produce . pj elinotrop*5 aaa ted by Thermsiolwed Tee ppreoolae pook The Producers ant Con Suv MD Finnpltad Ecosy sli, ‘ . producer ae yood Ey. plans Consumtr- gn gunnth: ler food fx: Amienall De conn fresev- D ¢ cnepo srs Ce SmI vo animal, TRY, eee amnion 3 pl, Backea , Pe, cms Prodact jae Portman onlinns » pore de chia bed - ‘cna forekin 2 Disb bucleim ans Constencp lean goed: Peake Yen Loon + = “en . ‘Leda diac 4 o£) taf ontEon se crcpertn g depl to des onevG7- Enogy Flow ivle Ecosys lx a Se ule Etosys Ling, Sew pRovi _ Lieb absorb Tes onig y aml aoa ke foo: plots Gh fumed by arncomals. Degol boots of Pim aed Ore cleamfoseol Cealen phy em eeper Po OVGAMESOS On ees as /ESiS cod Hy OS CHO + O2 Sam by olvabe. me Some De carr poser gt Carbo hy CHO pO, REfirgtes Coe ES 2 SS CQ M20 - ae en as LOA . (These Aa being they beso Rewrmocky _ 8 Eoivay cas ner lhvbe neclad mar Aesbbyeot. One form enevgy 6 Cuverlid tude arte Foro - Fon pholday v hhees 4 SSTay nergy ts tonvertiol ris chemical omnorg 7 gy 2 Cans foreme a , Kereta alidayS So tihng wiKamever enev Ags Qo de ce Me form Food Chain Tho se. eating and beovp colin ue an : oe a : evans Jer GP meng Y bs Kappeniong lon food Chan [peat PR prlet by Fegew. | Pool wel They sande totlern vfeod chams 4% called Food web Agen = a w athe re \ pew Ecilipicod prove miole pyramid BY Nurs BERS PYRAMID BY ENERGY. pallor pon Various Gyrpnpehceet (0) PY” SR clane 4 ae 6 colopi tet P ee aap or2 Commer &" a P megenelg in eked Ecole i Fimo thy fel. gtabke Com one Ie ohana. Pom portant CG neon one Giver 1H Mm | Cc Flo Rio de he ® read Siccearbion Fhe Saya otha here Grr clips eeole Ecolopi td Suc ety'on N t Ves el alin : De velopmanl q bone(or emf aaa | Ro Zmvasio + Establish moml one (or) ete SEECY Crloils Gy amronels) vi, he bem, SOP EO 2: goompeliton: Co nape hiner for “" orb tle Coming OX Sas by aw 8 Ranch paplecemel BEAT thin BLED onurily (P &. etabrhgalewv: coobt Stabe cow, ot Cae rj anionals ) Pim nally estab his Nba eck gf el-— 6 oye a O Sevgng = ene colleel noite Comyeen YE © atten osplin. o, B ion i (Tex atensa rPeune | Lpaaad PO erpetin Ne, Hr io oe @ Ni Bagenegl 1 Me a} oe g eo cimaaptos) Ne ue aT at _[orrane) EA ee Forest £¢0- plas by amol es I Foxes! contours aoriemeds, ances: lg Fovests Thin found mroro iy ses)eh) vee & Tero pict Raw Uz eapratat. Hi gh tum poroliere : Gi) Tropical De cede forest: Ths 2 ford. em The eynln a man : orest 1, Dele Oat Ra . nag le oh ae oun Chenndinisies on A bowe 4 Man alas At male | Beco gt wy own. Hour’ $e mand mls od Pl oiened Lerasle eco ysl as paw est Bco84s em pvicke comport db ee Ait, wal, aa piolke Y aporsel Devopret ex! Fung! Gi fi cc ada Ex: plane Ves. Cans uct Rabbits Ait emt be pari sy Sora ae Lio fouling — Tg, (Ee He PES : Fixes Sun a \o ee @ Vevect _Leerysler ; | 35 of worlds land ava 2 hess raryy | Tropieet Aeosoct found fn Africa (cahara Aeteat, Pyrdio ( Rafeulan Thar desert) Sand dunes emperate Aesese - found > gouty Calfornee | i i oe 4 C Mafavedteres bd Very hot Surnmer y Veu i f i / cold winley. | Cold clerest — found 5 chine COtobr desnve| ! Vey ‘cole wsrater, I! Chanactertetés des bet Ccosgeleng . : Atr oy - ~dkimab hot annual rarnfav bor, than 27 ems ~- poor’ sort quay ~ hasdly | t ang Vegetation. | ST accteere Jt, Sfenkan $B desexr Ecosyetem = | ic Bb loptien < comport’ teenpecatire , yarnfaut, | i Sentigne water ec, i Ln Brotie., carmporent eg pryduceen (geen, afer Olomuren (fox, steer els , reptiles eb) _ aes -clocornipbs de (punige y “bactesta), i \ p~ Poser! Cees? : ; Bio tte | i Abtott rant comperant : t\ \ erp cma i \ | Pe cet CorBune” ecormporen ew Poss Hewes Snatees, ens fag’, i boii : ie gushes TA genet ee Tyagi —>[ pane | [ey Sake i | ' @armeland corpo : : Pt ace St . °. - aland | aor of easttr's chat 5 gpasier i Tyner: . o @ wo Taoptert + lanef @ Tempeak y OAs (aves Gio polar gpartond ” Cpraractente'sHet : Low vain falls, vich fa nutvend ge eager etauctos Y functions of oe land : dena 1 | j | essere Proton. VB vie component component \ | Bx pidtacerd, Vee gOS) OE oT - \ C)Na, Py ete i { — . ' | Povdecter comumen eae i 1 Ee ghar, Ext Cow, deck, Bxr> fungs rub, shee po 2 fern Bacterta ' Gmatt ie anty eT So (prac Kats" Snavos . . paal. Pla, ge, @) Aq aatte ¢ eorycling : an es Be Ag uate | 1 Ccosestomn = : “forah celts : ‘ Sati iets Ceory stem _ f eoustera ae hea ‘ Pond a Révex - Oc0an ecosyttem Estuarine | Cearing ieee co ay 2 Aquatic nev ehe (eeay no’ { Deate wrt waty” bodtes . Fovirgms| Iva divésonltcd by wdlen's bairntty. | f @ fra ovortex €cosyilens : on de, paeae lates | Tey 7s Yivexs, t | (ed chaey iniaibs cory tem z Oceans , eae ! tren wv acter A Leos yitems : : : . : Ciy Ch Pond ecosystem : stagnant ryecter ~ @ fy works gs MOO Agee, aquatt'e cl of shes, birds i £ Chatacteuthts: pond & temporary , only Fearon | pond gets poltuted. 4 Stancbuse funete AS: Abiolts eorpen at oaganic “ component : prone fr aquatte plant Cphyteplantes { mf wphytes J. Cons usnet; Dye eae cores arnert (zooplarkta) be wndar{ consumer (small firhe- belt consums ( (aige paver). ecompes er > ungt, backerta P demperdlune, wall, Ligue (neigant e waste. Biotte water ecosyit™ A siimachineh, ‘ond fond eae Bore comperent- Abo He component H hytoplavikte™ » Tempnakit, prg'er Zoo lank for é wat , . nutrients oe fish, ete. Producer -|—» i penned [Secondary phase plow k Fons. ume. [>| coneuumer« Zoo plovak bone | Saal Fri a “[ Terr big pith iy pa —Bateath fosnys GI Lak e Corcyckem: Netusal shatlew wel beds ' Tignes | Orlgotacphre laker ~ low nutacent. Butsophi'. lakes ~ over nipwirs hort Dystophie later. low pH Perteytuad lakes — osated by man Aperelly dy 7 the Constguchisin % da ‘ ~9gex b. : MVE Chara rtenihi features 2% late ewsystins. Later water. ured foo A taking as welleys Crrigat'on Pret poses. Staucture Spire Pen thon. of loke Li Kom - component + temperatura i Ferbietrty, nucleating On LOy . \ ponent » Prrducer =Phitoplovcikton, . COnsumerCecoplomtons) ” Seconda, ’ CPrsects » Fribos) Clatge fines) ebackyia. fet trasy Gaeebatet = tung! bales water ¢ cosey tine ne Abfotic component «| = Biotte Component - ed : Aer Water ete . &]* phytoplankton, i Zeoplamktoni, frther ‘ ete. Pa invitsty Come enue ( Cecendarts | Tetfary | |. conus mt Precturct'|— phytoplanefon —“evoplamtton ~ Barteria, | Revere 4 wate ecosys lam : |. water = oxyqrnated. chorattersthe? stacety {lowing fresh’ weber - Atqnly nowushed 1. sivext Go ‘etacam Kunnt 1 i Stauckue a, funclon of | ecosystem : | Abfotfe component: Temperature , light, nuta tent i | | Etotic cwovmponent : producer - phytoplankton, algar | i Commun - Parmory Cinrects ,snoile fisher) | | Secondary ('rds, mammals) | ; Decomposer Ss bacteata | fang . Rive wata ecosystivw —=... | Albfot'c cormporent » + Biotte Component Pgs phy toplamkton , { | | Jege ain, (ater, I Fonapedtune “Zoo plimktons, Frith of Paimory | sevordany TexHaxy Jpmeees | —> |Paes Com ag Cen = |e ho ee ps4 4 toplam Wbon Loop bak ton ‘Small-fih -—-—J Big F - a [Pecos : Brac tania, Frog’ dee Gait wate Ue torystien » (i) Deen Lcomttimn: — gal wales 4 minora’ | Cliacaetes Hees Occupres large surface ava. 7. , “th bod vensity ~ Comme'al achivin, may be casted. out, Slxuctue an » fwenctons: Abrone Com Penen( + tenperdhurs , hub dite nutgienG | Natl ky, cq» Broke Covmponant. + . Prrctu cen — Rhy teplouktons. Canadas = , PR) Cray oo ? Second ine) Chering * ahd oo Ma Cre) i Tea wary (cod rhoddock Gat ek: ‘ages = “fama, Bactpura , ¢ | | | | | | ! . O Cean €osys tern Abiotic Biotec Component Component . 1 oplaw die a : : fb, shoag ete Abr, woth, * Phyteplomkton To { | | i : proclixces|_s Parncuy secondany Teat oat: eee cons ae Cons wente| one a 5 mh pep Zoo plotren “Sie fr oy Calin ' , feanay’ ~ 13- sv =(b anne Seow on CO ea —— oe The meeting called — eatuarene, iyéve and 44 “i | chraracterteltes: i : Affectect by teclee “of fhe 4ea - salinity : wi be trea. ! i bent ty puenttesy Of Fabcani'ne ecorystion: | Abrone component § Leomperatiun, , fun bidity rrudeten G Sodtum a Potent um salt - i | te fotfe . Seapine’ | _ | Pre di con ~phujhe plantetiing; yo, Seaw ee \ consumes - 045be1, crabs, Seabrad; Small fisher. ; Deconeposer - fungt, bactearta Es buarne Ccoey tome Abione i ioc componsnt, componen Ais, ware, . 2: prytoplonic bon , Beoplesk tons, tempeiaiins , _ fis, cab ete ' | { | ws t minerals: 4 nu tacerte Produ = onsunnes - De worpose|- ak, oF, ih Bactecta , furg! phy op lank tor Be fodivewr'ty 6 clef Crud ap" tes - 0 | Vater Ptr on (abrl' ty among all fp levi’ a4 oaganiime and the C cons bem fa why, ret cee. | On rip Feorrree of blodivensn't, ys Etodi Venter ty & ba Ot cat for al haoman lever, eae Coerd Plant Z mae, ooganiirne, animals ,, fou ous afer medint, ie Prcdtarat’ P recur et ete. , : Been Prvteck “foros ar cheonr welt; “y | prdictve lomd. oss 088 af biodiversity t : ai! Kiet wit bose rnediunat tant, | The plank speues betome Cx tink ' Exi Taxu .8Accaré & a tare Foun I on Himalayan le 107 believed b | be. of no” value row found ty Cb eve Bqatnst cancog Plant Ras become Speer now Making (oltue “of biodiversity ry af Bg ft | bro auveloly) | | I I I + Howerves thi an ond angered ‘ , i. Bivephae & Ba life #4 “rn & fu he nran Perna s : A, Bredtveutts te ersentrat fou Re exthigince ef Ihe human berg, ee aiee valiir 1g comsum plive oo paodun neve vec ltie 2 Boca vale. ben Ethical ve lice : { valiwe . age Aesthe He s. tonal value: i Liem OPH . Congeump reve Use: L Coe ‘There axe Atrect: we Voeluws, where | the biodivecrty proelucl are brarvested and comuned Levectly . £%: Food, fuet ; drug ete: | a : f | Pdr 3000 tHrwoltsond spec's ob oP anb i ayunveda, homeopathy , unani . | Product ~ Lource “ase. oe ae i i t | Perit tb'a _ fungus +.) AMbbiokte | ‘ \ Staeptomyun | AcHaimyde | Ant btoh'c Gentine C’nchona ' Malatta t ise aesas batk taaatmenti \ a } Produckve Ure: al: e] Ts Belo diversi ty preeench have. got Commurctal Value: Paoducdl ake maticeted | Sold. These, pAvclucth are may be Pe | [ror plewnt and amtmab. e- Animal product Anrrvat dtlle Stk worn wool Sheo + Booed j Fish ond antmab i Tusk Elephant. Plast pAroctuct | Drclusteg, I 2, lace \peeeal i Paper fadustag tontthe ae ; Pndustay; trnaber induct, ade | “4 fentile industag | Vegetables . food Indaatigy 1 Sockal value z Refeu to tte manner fn which co - seiownces ase teeabed by Hoa ourty. | \ Bx riNEEM , PEEPBL taoor are Cortstclered | w&° be holy ‘trees. Antinralr Uke cow | veh MUG |, peacock, are worshipped, | Ethtcad_ Values: | Ths tn volver: ethical Mee wos lie | © QL? be yeni: amuse be Presoived" . . . | I pE x Gone Aever is cons'dend ‘ty be holy | siven, i Ss Aes thike Volut. pod (00) beats fot en nalene, Can allrach Guise hiodiver ss i san Me for f a Leo launisen 6. oplimal values > un Know polonbias. a tka. Lio divewsi skntde ood feonenrns $0 e. : Tal br . oe bd Pn Himalayan, OA Fes Comey and otha den veri: = Grorts) tase: pe cae, eri Ree | giodvrn ye COR, ‘IC Land | Gouke niet Bockeet leas | { oy) ve . f Broniaee Reick, REE Ex: Deyh | Ve die pain relic ice speel® Eco sy slim ao hefyenen = povend to SY slime oy eephorn A Clo ry yn ae psu l reo syst iver sly ‘ ro Vc A ola VOY ue Ex 7 dy vent sile : elev opie oe OCominn nity ces) tho Ags o Aerio 4 Perse hor) Abe M0 oh raasioy a ft [Uso few sha m, ffrardanth bcsrathen iver’ Monch Thaeats Te "bed vein “Ang © dtd ia aonca Pn a nakuwal Ecorystom tend ty Jodub - ty pied ety | Pottutton leaols t Bolen, 24 ecosystem | and comes tHueat ty. Tht Leolog’eah cyek. ¢. Habitat. lots. I 2. poachippgd Roaching) : 1 Baa wie We cen fi { Gases fer the bois °F Brodrveicsity : | 1. factors, Poe tatenathigh Raor tal wee : j Pegarestatron i Reifsucwon og wetlands) aw matectal + ' | PRoduttron ef tugs ! a Peveloprnntat ANH Dy, : t ! wlleg al’ brace. * : > Peaching » CKitliog) : i . Pye ee sc barineiie Poaching , : 2, Commuter Bl [Peachitng ‘faeton (nflenetag Pe Peng « Human Peputaton Commaccer’ pepelatorn 7 oe tos lon bak » fur , herbal Produ th 4 Ho = laws Sheutd be we sheutd net buy oy animal Pern dres® [Bre clive Y ; ust aeng thaaren : for coat; pwues gkin. Tegal hunting be banne Bet, Man - - wot tefe confi ¢ . | Man -wittdlige congliect arcses, | crhese witldaye. start caméng damage | and dangu. & He man. Tr the last five ygascs’ 175 people wero. Kelle by elephant fr BZambalpua, Oncua . Ln TetatvoaHon the Villageu have. kélled © 98) elephanb : { Ln Mamaharanagen , Mysore mang | elephant wee keélled because Of tre | damage Prey have done to $ ugar cane 06 bog mods of anim ale should ) band. “couon ckaps | The agontzed vilog4 somuternes keo p dynamite “ty Kugastcans 4teldt whi'ch eu plods When the Rkephant senter Polo He. ag Fourtinal fred hoe fn Hal ray Gandhl posk leopard 5 hawe killed “9 people to ty attacker =] ocho vs fr{ licen ern gy man - animal conlet - “shatoning of pores, deforestation - Human enchroochment of the fovest we, Inpeusecl animal Seething of ford. Eloctat wire fencing - cath Compenta Hon Not Pnough Food Crops om Gubage. neag tty fo seb Remreadint ME OA LEMOS # Aceguali compentatfon may be patd. | Awareness PrPyams. eotace Powewd fenuhg f nop lands nea 2 fore cea forest “Zone. Aagirned =providin Buplerent food amd. wetes fe? .antemal. » Devetepmint conel Conmstauchonal works ~ tn, y cHhourrd, forest Region. must be t stopped. ota | Coomera tion. 9 _ bFod vest. rey feet 2 5 Stor auautathable Aevelopmrent blocveuriy fe . PL prliclian otexhuenhy | Cneta-vetad; & Calle} “beaServation Gebiodswersily ! Cons enva Hon. @3: ‘hep MONOgernrent, : oy blospineig Geld He acetone ftitamable beneprp scot patent. Peres att on whit Matnbeuatng iG Potentiag meet te “fe needs Of heture Fe nevrcatites, i 1 fle ec ae ea) te cons eval ok broad tvers(7y a $b os . Ex —SITV a core va tor Consenvaleon = Fs i Type by $t4a@ equ @On- srry Consesvatt'on of bre driven ae consenvatica: (within habrtat) po | Dr-sita lonceuvation ftrvolves Protector 1 °d flora. 4% fauna withrn ( natwal {habitat , where fle Ape tes normally 1 Occur. | Th -ethe corsenvatron natural ha boital 1S catled as ~ potected one” i \ Drpor tant Pn-sttu conservator, | (N atonal parks; wiidliye sainckiaries, i biosphere vesenves, Gene sanctuaues. i ' me thocds ot Pr-sthu conseuvatton | -Asound ~7.0f the -Fotal geoyraphiced ater | 4 Hie county & uted fer tn thy consestvalia, 1 i i \Tn- *SiTO wee aicor es Numbeis avatlable Ve os p ner, ALSO VOR sy nacenis | Brose 7 "Pek phon), ‘Wectional por les ae call «owed Wwe 1d - Uf 6 Ganeb ar (ed [et Ge ne SANCHUA AU CES - ga - Advan Tapse Ca) here be 4 Tn -6 be eascralin: Pew cheap Aad Barwin com vematnh Petncleen fogs a Doe ee wrge onto 25 equines a: Ex Sila Conservelions Kobitah]: 9 po i ls cao a i ek 67 be fhe Pied) nina powrad or oalinel Kabilat could valen a brook eg. . [ovtsicle 1G. rabiel gc ee OBE Ex Zoo, Zoo loge cok Ge Bolarital gudins, Museurms, wale gen Baws Expo Sve aa anew cp hos F Kiualindrd (o1) Eadon Ba (GE gered pecs: “Buk | Ag prces Can anion ery 4 plo) “ip gad be tndongored G0) Knsalinded , whoa Ai vent sie teaen Padliecl & A Colca dare teonkess & ’ pro Uk U6 bn 2 hemanediale Spa fePocemfindlion Cline, «py Maw peacock ee Pe ; i « . rs a Woe t Tae Specved Cplas or amicable) Em deance sprceret (SKE A core wows Bee eG Cobar Abeer - onl a 7 ave cmdad Envcle ome apace’ p00 MenramAd im Deka Fee Se G axel a eae by ore a -__.- i d, Medi at pl b Ba eony ¢ : Pre toy Lezards Contam py Hor § Ren -DPrp Bek. A olala, boo k ergne™ mittens (he Lest ofa and anc mals . e of “ech anger | eso rcord lanl Rect Deola peas rf signal fov Kove pects | nc ch One J a le lek cc langevel corel “4 oot pO Te tre Ae lane Pea ae onsepine “ : de Na aa, Br bree » peecte comes 2 hot- spot Her St * Por s of Be rrr 6? YS Ce E (eel ryote i con a phia < ¢ ar Va ae ae data ane “ge ude mre 7?’ c dau ge re tad, epece® also] havea lars lkes ff ust & hae t Fo he ee ende: ae se jhe ide wee len or Pha ge le Cue Vee i Ast s Ss Ab Ss : =a 3 “__ ~~ wesliver Ghats Kuckeoh los Eantiy Nona _ Mega a diver ' There ase ricaly world cand 02 of ‘Hem contathn 0% Owl Planet ts ibrodivexcrty « This amect 6 known ac Mega bPvenesteg requons. The fotto ming 12 Countares - Australes Brazel, chine, Fcaade?, sp, Ti Prdonena , madas ascay, Meri'co, Pore y Pegiors ate known as imega devenity Since Phe have Fhe World's selected sret ane faunal Fone, Bn heir as mega Atvercsity naton: ‘Enda i ene ameng 12 mega A versrh Countares of, the ts he Ide on No . 84450 tanimal, Species eee 193 Countaces pit beoyca rrp cock mega’ ~ At'vert c OPPO Col clans: picalius, Dm Fl Bis

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