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— “iy uwt@ | Sy ‘ : favtronmnted Poll lon « AD Nation that destyo estroge fleetf- forests are tts, ous land , Pest geyrag ths sof l sungs of Hee aty and gig fresh strergin to owt people” a Fi on — Yrankléo Roosevelt ! Envbrenmental pollution can be : aesuthed as“ tte unfavousablo Deere icon Ba more eed Pedustares, owes Plant uA ate, potuitants Ch west poltuen te att, wate and land ‘ ‘‘ Types of poluabants : w Biodegradable Pollutant : @ Nor bieceqxadable * pollu tombs . Clamifiration of Polution: vo a Ate Pollution cD Wats Pouuton ey ci) Sof] Potton \ (Y mMaréne Polluton | ; ( Noise qottuton a (> Themal spoturton Pre ahs, cow Pouatron Hazards | repasthon ob atmos phett ay SE Conctiterenty uy: Cox = 0-08" pan 5 e7- Pagan 2 099) aut _ Ye Wale Vaperes => Veniabbe Arypren, C0, 0, (Mer 80, Nitare 9 Traces ‘ anile : m i efc | Law pollutfon: | 2 Bh may be cegned a" Ke Drvienee 0 one ©? more contaminant jee dust, smoke | prmsk and odoun fr } atmesphey. which ate in fusc’ous b Ven beings, plant cond animals” Sources olluHon = YP t Natuial soucws! Fe l | Ex: Blo egieal che cass of mation , forest Veleant ekup hors : 1 Tadtoactive matarats etc, ae Man-made OCH VI Hes: Fx: Vehiaclor emiitions | fossil fuel busing, agp Puethveas aclvitter tema. powe Plang. : frre, (Classification oF arn ‘Pollution: : Bowes of arr pollution : . (pacmnony pollutant = Prirnoay Pellctoort. aun fle from or ‘pee " je dtrvect harms ban t Co No SO,.(, NO, CO, 2 S envilted He ¢ pluto lo pellritzer Ce Mit “Secoloy a endasy &P Eres fermd (a fhe atmesphere as ger Of Me (ateatton between primar desu i ‘ ; At pollutans - Also patra od Ge? poituash } sacl with aslo 'cernpertent present ra 5 ats & form secondary poltateut, — No /NOg ISL HINO, » Ex Hy Sa, non Hatoy ed? tants f a f rMMAgN ALE ollu * Pcs an oR —_e effect ] lL Carbon imonoxice : 5 . ) Lt en Let formed | clue © nerds Combousiten . of Carbon -Cotetitag fuels. { AC FO, —.alo . Humon sounces: C9 asotte smoleiag _. (n compote busintag Of fossite- f unts - Hout LL coma {20 motos. Vehicde exhawt Heath effect : to + Reach with heamoglobis and veduea | boo Fhe alorlity ef blood to Coat orygen This causes heod aches, anemea, ut 1 fe Gometires PE causes brain c(t demmagie i ond. claath _ Environmental ebsyecb : \ Pt chowases fra tevuperabrue af, tke a jConsio aleba La eremin a. Netrege n Dipwide: d Recicish bw qu qiven phe tectsmial | simeg . Piro toch Hak sey tiyclardos i parifeutater , oxveter of nitrogen, ovens, \ aldehydes | Perors aclyl rilrates, Pn the almephew tl can he Gnvertect Pate netate Gerd. : | N 0g + Mots tire —s Wo | Heawrewrr fo ewes: 2 i fuet eee (0 vehicles, power i tadusta ral Pleoot ; Heatih affect - i Lung Creitation and demoge Perv ironmen tal effect : Au'd depose ’on can homage trees, Soll, aguatte leye (a lakes, Nilate aol (ar. Correde metale and’! Cause. damage b butldrn are cetlroqed by oxtdes of > Babrits } nt hregens o. Subphun didxrcte (309); a | Colous less -and theta Hig qu. Hormed from the Combush'on Bh sulphi, SO, convent te SUlphwe acd . | + [0J+ 1,0 ——sH, SO, Abeer oe SOU Led? pak Lureviting “ a auch jurblic bide a wa pel i: wegie ‘hnortThei Aldsfeleru’ al ; “y p . Jntiac nnentel effects Redun vieebrirty Aer depostio damaget teed , orl, polar wralel , Tepericed a | “Joust. Effect sedepended . ‘| ave af edt me “ fore {actor a, Darttatton nese we eatloade ‘ a pa Vehictes otc. throat. Lungs ee a domnags, Cope) ! © iMrelurdes Hfny ; Camang astarna Bg sotva pout rhea : bronchikt’ . and daoples of : Reduces “yy quid « Laagy i Visibility - t anticle sf : . fv ri 7 bia Teeveegis fe eon ata bufidtnas, treet etc. oO Use unleaded Ppetwl: #1 @ Ube petrol wht contains Jess nitrogen 2s | and — sutphur. i diy Rectuce the niuniber of pacvab | Verte on the Yoad- | & Levelop an “efftelent pubue francport tem 21, | iq. Plant faeces on fhe Aoad steer aund shred plant absorb notre and ~ CO, . (b) Cont vol Mmeasute at Padiutmial centres: . 1 ie 2 Stolie - @ 0 ee pate ey fica CEE: P Matadte we hit ~) ‘ a) JV a hi | [chang & ba Ra "preciprla by . ae - fll Olechrrstate Precpttator: w o Hexe herty gas a peed care ial a ne. of Ceckeoder, The panteles in Hae as. attached to Me electioder lepending 1 Br iehe charges Huey are havi When; Fo the cussenP | “eee bo, He Aust | Po trotes fe down. thy “oa comrag ligceenn tulle bem ale acl ge. ® Bag house felte: Hea a petteatar type of bay ie : LG used lo Cite out dust ashley, i i Bags cova be “Cleaned anh ‘ured for” +] a no, of times. Dust pasticlt cre L Paapped Chside . the bags. i cyclone sepexater | Wet Aonebber are Hw alter | pretheds for cheanrng the drag gecses, i | Water poltutfon : . Walon pelutfon may be dgind at pty alteavon w Physreas | thumital tich whith may cate Araxmpes etfeck on hurnans gt and aguabt : { Causes : 5 i & py . Hl to Prfecttous Agents zi i | v QP Oxeyger chimes i 4 3 | ‘o , ~S3. Drovganic is i J chamieals ! + go: i ts, Ongt at | ee 1 os i. HP lant nulaient | Heat (the imo} e polin tra) % peu 1S mondo, 1. Now_pewt save 2 BAerce Com ay yy 33 and brolegrcal Chanacteuihy of wati S lye. Soe Efjew Bauteite, Viruses, — atiseasor, Pv to z0a | Gewungse, affluent fron platen factories pollu bin. wat soluble | Waker tnorgante compounds ae - ofl, gendtie L human lege eee ce lige appectel. : — Witvat rons, ~ proipheti torr G Sa o i owrh of algae 3 : wales pola tron. he Sediment — soll, oft - reduces i Photosyn thes fs { Radioactive Psotopes of matertals | — Canwr ete Uranium, Haovism _ Crassive heab - og tlavigr Bralivcdd alin, ral Rew tbe ~ pallales wali a Diaterd* paige Cd Ameunt 06 & dtolved na giver l qitecatity ef weten ak a pastieulen / _ Teint penatticte and presire Broctwmrcal Oxygen demand (ep): wwe LY BOP caw be olegined a1 to amou, os for Q, requrrcel by bey absobi. bacteuwa Sat Ste brochiearcally ont olr'ee the organts as 22 matter “present 1 waste water. gh os 1 Usuatty BoD: takes a 0. of ‘days fo aly it conipplitron i So. normal, BOD ts Catited Hot! Cut. for 5 days - Thats th represented os BOD, > Chumical Oxygen Pemond Ceop): CoD fe the omeunt, Of 0, reque foo chemical oxtdatton 04. Organi: ‘rmattey some ordering agen Uke Ry 0,0, and KMnOy ; Control meciwees ap woter.Po tlesles moni & Wate polluton Should . be Saicated by Stat ond central gavenninen f . mgr Ow 8. ase @) Yxte polluiin by tndusteces should - ie be thatned and contrwlted by W Stal pollution contrl = boaid ai! . (F Central pottuson contr! board. Ww CSauita ble laws may be- ke veloped Traptiensdaliow enix eerhin ener A13 Mee Corsi FRrLh be kre ae : UY GeeUagy” plows tireutel beecrne must 5 for indurtstes “S ww Regular savuple collect on awd . analyst 2a ehentd be caused out by contol boatds : s w Grdurtates and orqantial’on whrdr 4 Vistate Bele and vegulattons. are finned: oc teractions’ aver) license & withdrawn - Ss ow Plants, frees and forest aonb! pollution and Hey aut ar nakeusal ate condi Honwts Qa Wit) plant more taees’ tn and astound crHes. (i) Reuse and recycle. of tacated effluents shoutd be © encouxaged. © Publ awareness Should be enceusas i trough TY, Racdtor Newspaper et. to veouu., wal polluttos ODhJaste water treatment : plant : i cod Sewage Exeatrment plomt : : oy i Effluent taco tment plomt . Objectives cB Convertir of havivyul hevunle compounds Te Rraove ball snc Te qevmat élusenoc dagec compound fle Sips m wack. walt Pres tensed any Incl antl (0 piven articles at greanov or eonenl bbe ene Rombe mate at a Freie @ condangy Oe S ea dines” pacman oe game paseo rer met, Tp deme BY FRICK LIN anukad« uw ) Fincusti fal eveste @ Nuclear power wlant waste ty Thoumal | pewer plank wasts CD) Clamical ig Othe fnduthates waste i Havardous waite | & Texte waste i Gi Reactive: waste : (iin Coxrveive waste © Radioactive -warle Industates woste Effects: Dmpre per much _pottution to the pros Cox Sstepc) of — soltdweals Managenent: flow chant z. _ Jgolid waste | 4 gn esation disposal of soltl waste cues 3 environment Collection f vwartes | ‘ Transportation pa Seqregalto (sites. veuiy Wm sure Pareguryytisy . od OtepE ID VeIved Reduce , Recycle g Reuse (i) Dispesal of solid waste Redece Anute Recyelo . 4, é ing less Yeewmaterah Re fitable R yebing & Contar rors Teprasuin les. Waste Apb wse Atscanded material ae Ee ald cans and Reduction at the ; i bottles CMe matted ACU ' Rubber rings and new cans an! can be made ~ botites au prcdired from cued : - P wobetyrer! Ly Bae | lenge | Disposing: of solid wate: fs condiin of waite fo PONT BONY i ! leunral git Enefneration composting, 4) Land gett: Solid wastes (ose. ee | Santtary land ly. Advantages : © simple i economical. dy Segregation Ss not requried. cit) low lyin auas can be converted Pte Useful ascas dir advantages : of. © a & al ho saa is agalens pe “jae: uy Prifretalion : Hygente wor Of Atiposal. Munieipal tuade ate buunt in a [mina catled GaeiauaRer, - Tomponature fs usu a ler Tompenalure ts A ally ees 700° — Jov2° 0 Advantager: Oo Pr Yequrrer lille Apa : . cid Safer methed . disadvantages : capital fost & high ; (io Giages , smoke coming oul Of Fhe frsmace Cause pollution. - © Compositing + > Populas mothed. Weaste & convented ftlo mannwe- b blologécal acHon . Waste G clumped - tnto pra- Mio -ox¢anfame axe tniyodued .. Pitt Ue loveud., within aq | few clays Wet G& conveuted fnte Mannose) Advantages = . yebenton| » @ Mannwe froeases water Capacity 4 coil. Wi) Manus can be, sold: disadvantages: i € O° Mast. of the faxmens SHU ase i \ | not fami Ua with composting ! ' ui Ino sgank ware shoud be 5 Sepasatl cmt firs B. Arne Pelton = ; a Masine pollution i chetined 2 He dfecheurge of evaste into He sea Yesuthing fr haum to: living vesouncer, haxauds to human eetlh hinduanie t Fis houy and — tmpatiment of quality fo use ef “Sea water. Coral reexs - bene tt i AUpport Iarine specie. factors affecting corat reegs: + Sediment’ duce to Atforetation + Dnductaéed cues tes . aga icultunad TUN ~ob he + Boat anchors. Gources ef marine Pollutfon: a Dumping oO} the wastes- | © OF. pottation * of rmanine walio | Ffpects Of masutine potuition: | + Damoge of roanine spauina 4 flora Presence of heavy metals > Ol Prevents uptaking at oxygen. Control measwees: WWF ~ A). lod of pretection mearusy th Plans. for coneuving’ mautne. bfocttveusity must be teteen : ints of human reeds. Awiuunerst vlan. + Cras tkrmanya geen presen « Oe math pranag ° A ltount ay eT ny bbs : — Is, : } . Co: oppernution G the nee aa “4 ve » Preatnent ‘of wa sles by fodiusta res + Removal of ofl. ir onove (ou portant , Not fe e pollution: . uC (oie polluron fi depined as the ttnwanted , unpleasant! 0» drragascable : Bound: Hrat canes Aebeconger! for a living besng, unvl os sound b& deerpet (4a) Nede level 37-60a8 go. dB . bove 120 dB oa atatul bb ears | ne Ge iow 120 le Gs vou id. 1 BY une ac sound & Bel ousmcs > (go BLadistatal. Gi) Transport » Gin Netghbouthoad noise Efject t affect hurean healt , wongoot finally loading bo heating impaneraent ov doopress. Control © Sou. controll -matnbenasnce a machine. orling of machines . @ We of pre ( Pescnal Protection Equposele ‘ Ake oxze Cor conf fs) ‘i planta tRe&e s i vy abscapeive at Utes ay ape gre - fp aus freer rictse w Prcwetboing (iets Da ae time MWg hat -time = 40 Stlent zone 2. ; | 56 i Ae 1 ‘|, Resreden Hal rong Ae ‘Commeneial Zone oa wy 3 “ oO Prdust, ia} tone. ae a » Additton of exuss heat to Wwatu Mat mates ft hawnput foo man’ ond oquatte lye | Sourtees + . : é * Nucleay Pewes plank . : " coal fired Poweu plant Endustatal effluent . Domest sewage. netic + Hyd - eles powex Ffjects 0% - trumal Pollution: ; *. Recluction of Do | + Dnowore tn a 7 Rey Paterson wrth biologrcal acHvrH os . CReprocuuction and Mor tality ) : ~ joed S tovouge. foo fesh Conti! measutes + » OOO chon calipPelal «lots. D Nucleay He xauds? ocem Ces . = wo Natural SOULS OO Man mecle sowres- tffect of nucleon harwrds ! ; eg dose | exposure aig ects brain y Nenveet system Eye gel apjectéd — cot) cestaucten Causing cataxach. INTERNAL BLEEDING ~: Shown by red «pol outsrds. Aeuk ridéation vith bléesting . ' Unborn .childun vutnenaste te boatn damage, contwl meatwes: | atdcness ~meucked . by Yoribing « Nucleay dovites Should be atuwed have explosion underground . i . Pn nuckeay veattorr clued cycle coolant | Syste with / as2ous coolowtts mm be tured i fo prevent “enxtoaneous activation preduch. | Minfimurn numbey Wee aeitUing °{ nuclear Trslallatfeng fr nuckay mires . Che of high chimneys and Ventila tong | : Dispose b 4 large akea. i ‘Priporat of nutleay: vale; Clorsijreation of waste: ) Toh. level weste. Curm)- cethd 4 stove “or goo bj irl cabana ie pels us Both @ Gade Carpet tonion Z ae Sy Meditum beeen weare (MEMS ~ pated belrw oesite . Séa ovel. + Pow Devel waste (Lew) _ fn steel deums , Conacte lined trenches . Role 0}. an Prd tvtctuas in Preventon of ® pottarion ; y W Plavt more trees W) Help mere in pollution Prevention. tha — Peltutton . Corts} | | “Ce water, energy hitently , . . te i ey Use cre free rep ridqenators ‘ @ Reduce Aetoreitation . ow We solax energy | more . WW Ute natural manu. i WD Reduce, garbage by reuse and Peeg cls; a Case \ studtes : uo ce a Te Tay’ Trapezium Zone case Cardia ghd Bs | oo Trageds eyenale cD The. tdepect Ge REY opel isocyamale Vine arts eee | (4) Memma Mala. Dastart. (were) at JOP, OA “eecuw ng cuoung le Accel’ |. Atacand “occur @ | Made cyiacLean exe EX: CHERNOBIE Tp hee at cn Chermobyt &” ln 9 F ae aie ee eee [A mer, Hots porpery on : oe nee we po Yet bio o¢ ase’ Wy obo cous t+ Des me Lee brah Aen, + lz aur 5 En: SC CUN a : Ae Sop VW \ ian’ te Disaster managemen M3 On \v ‘Dinas Uh the geographiced press, Pr th defined ccs He evant Gonuntrol a apace and delivaud in Hoes, “flood: =e = A flood fs an ovutflow of waren wrenevet lhe magnitud, of flow of wal on exceods Hu. camying capacily of the Channel 04. over wrthin Ly. banks, Causes ay" flood: Heavy rath fou Meeting oy Fes. Deforestation Breaking © bunds th hitiy quas. Efyects of floods: Areas ge submerged b cwatey hand get A}f ected by mud y slit. Spreading of Auease. Extinctron of Some ,Cvilizaton fn some Coastal aswas tlood managpnint ; By consinueting dams Channel management ov oivert flow management Coun control dts coasted bir Lay 9 bambweof fiy proper non nageen yao? a i Cyclone a metenrelag/eal Phenomenon, nen tatense clepress ions forming vex the Open 7 cea and moving towards te land. On Teaching * the thors fh mover tit tg Mtexror Of Ihe land or along Ho Lines, DUB at- Mame vf Ctyelones Hae fcane Shore “* Satettrls timages, te wed by meteorological ep artrunts, for forecasting fo ‘nt + : (ONLY ah tos Uy clone /rhour %& Extra location oh cyclone f ens my o bsexving satellite Pickwour Convfneorerty, . y Rada sy slime. eee eee Presence, oltsection of tyebones © De te diffecue te step te fosmasion Of eyclones Weatien ctondstions which Strength andl weveal fhe Bur He. affect of cyclones tan be Vetus by plasting wees oy coastal gets Gn eh dame, coined — byeais = th ete. : 2 embankments rs case study t eyclont fo 4 Easth quaker! cayth quate li a sudden vibrab An = Caused on earths curpaw due to sudden release Of premuu i Stored fn the vos cunder, the earthy Osuta in i299 Ocean we: é ‘ . The eauth’s wut has reveal plates. They. collide with Zach pres velease® of Apremute . i vibrations “on the culate Of tecton fe okhe , coming The” coed the eanth , Courses of eath quale é & Undeigqround nudcear beating. ‘ ground weiter level. worker Utee dams. ete. nt w) Decune' & f di) Constauch’on : Ritehex senestty of : Scale eanih quake. les than — Fasten i (nsighi “eonat to HF 9 5 & 6.9 — > destructive 4b 64—> demagiing oC 4 be t{—> MA natn. gli Ran® yy I@yreat 2 ney feed op earthquasce i a , ‘dept 96 nga,” SS G) detautor of browses shops ete, (iy Death Pg people. thy Low of propecty. Barth quictee managemsnt; 16 Doonage to prpety 4 Iie can be prevented by concn tng Rasthquase “rerfront les beutidrags. “Vu wean Pouses, Aub ite maps. ne 07 : (a) tuner of tantyal vo hk —==———— Baad © mit TP Advices the central” vO of pallet on: + Letts clown. -stendaids. at’? and water Establittes labs, for tre analyrts oh ars. Advises atate boands. Technical arsittance CG stats beans. ne : Fee at en Matters! . Pdenti fr'es industaces canting Pollution, Encounages' fiduutares te Tetycle.. and “ He Wwoeesbop funtions of Slate board Advises on gtate gove . \ Dotpecrion of plants, factes Orgnani ze edu tational : Soomurte tafheckion form Fndaslrias ousel onal

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