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Hurry Up!

Why are you so slow?

What??!!! Wait for another two weeks???!!!

I can’t wait to know this competition’s results.

These expressions are very common in our life when it comes

to wait for something or someone. It changes a human from

being patient to Impatient.

Yes Ladies and Gentlemen this is the topic for my speech for

today….. IMPATIENT

Good morning everyone.

What is Impatient?

According to Cambridge dictionary impatient is defined as

easily annoyed by someone’s mistake or not willing to wait for

something to happen. 

Impatient can also mean eager for something to happen.

Impatient varies in degree from one person to the next. When

you practice patience, you gain the ability to achieve a desired

goal without feeling frustrated.

Ask yourself Ladies and Gentlemen.

Have you changed over the last few years?

Specifically, have you become a little more irritable?

Impatient, maybe?

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It takes an average of 22 seconds for people to express

frustration if their TV or computer doesn't start streaming a

movie properly. I don't know about you, but I'm more of a 6 to

8 seconds sort of human. If Netflix or Youtube isn't

immediately delivering, my toes begin to make involuntary

curling motions, as does at least one of my lips.

Ladies and Gentlemen

Every human being nowadays are living in a world where

instant fulfillment is the norm. We grow frustrated when a

text takes more than five seconds to send. Do you all agree

with me? I am sure you do.

Do you get annoyed when your Whastapp videos downloading

keeps buffering and buffering and buffering and suddenly…

downloading failed! How does that make you feel? Do you feel

like slamming your phone down? Does your fist clenched?

Getting impatient right!

Ladies and Gentlemen

Impatient people run the risk of feeling overwhelmed. Instead

of trying to accomplish a defined set of goals, impatient

people may feel like they must rush and complete defined

tasks as quickly as possible. As we all are aware that everyone

is now busy with e-learning. Teachers have to prepare their

lessons and assignments for students using the new

technologies or in other words I can say is paperless.

Let’s ask our teachers here. I’m sure each and every educator

here nowadays prepare their teaching lesson online using

Google Classroom, Delima and CIDS. Am I right?

Well it’s just a matter of clicking here and there and finally

the lesson is done. The excitement and relief fills in the air.

But, what happen if suddenly one wrong click and the system

is disrupted and a blank page appears. Here comes the needle

and burst the joy into blaze of fire. The anger that harbors

in yourself is like a larva that will evoke from a volcano. Am I

right teachers?

Not only that. The extra workload of preparing online reports

and online co-curricular activities gives stress and mood

swings when facing the laptops and computer all the time.

Even we students do feel the same in terms of attending

online classes one after another. It is totally frustrating

when the network becomes tortoise and interrupts our


So, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It’s really obvious how one become so impatient and the mood

to work just get killed by all the negative feelings and finally

you might lose the motivation to do the best job possible. You

see how being impatient changes a human.

Ladies and Gentlemen

There are many issues in life that makes a human so

impatient. Believe it or not! When your online order shipping

takes more than two days you become restless and keep to

ponder the cause of the delay. This is where you will start

contacting the seller and enquire about the shipping details

etc. Watching your favourite show on Astro and suddenly the

interruption message appears with blank screen makes you

even more annoyed. I personally experienced this in my home

when my Mom starts letting out words …even the rain gets

scolding besides her kids. Just because of the rain she

missed the scene of he favourite serial. Oh my God! After all

these serials will be repeated so why do you let impatience

conquer you.

Even the younger generation grow frustrated when they

cannot have a new gadget this moment or when they have to

wait for a new video game to download. You see…our world is

quickly changing and ask less and less of our patience. 

Dear audience,

The world is changing too. We all have been affected by the

current COVID-19 pandemic since March 2020. However, the

impact of the pandemic and its consequences are felt

differently depending on our status as individuals and as

members of society. While some try to adapt to working online,

homeschooling their children and ordering food via Foodpanda

or Grabfood, others have no choice but to be exposed to the

virus while keeping society functioning.

Impatient behavior impacts relationships and one's mental

well-being. Being impatient can cause people who are trying to

help you to withdraw their interest and effort.

During Movement Control Order (MCO) many divorce cases

happened and some even lodge reports to police station on

having argument and fight between spouses or family

members. Being under one roof and and not being tolerate

enough creates problem in the relationship.

Wearing masks using sanitizers and scanning their QR code on

MySejahtera whenever they are in the public or at work. All

these bring transformation in human from being impatient to

be a more patient individual. I know sometimes we do get

annoyed when it comes to scanning My Sejahtera or even

writing in a log book at the entrance. Right? Whether we like it

or not this norm has become a part of our routine now to stay

safe all the time.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Impatience robs us of a great deal of joy, and it prevents us

from enjoying peace of mind and peace of heart.  Remember

impatient can make a wise man to do foolish things. If we can

find ways to deal with it, we can get so much more out of our

time.  We don't have that much time on this planet, but when

we think about it, we have a lot of time.  Let's use it

productively and get something out of it, rather than being

miserable just because we want something now that we can't

even get now…..we have to wait.  Let's make the wait enjoyable.

Now everyone is folding their hands to God to keep Covid-19

from spreading everywhere. We humans do play a vital role to

be patient enough to face the pandemic and together break

the chain. All these takes time. Remember Rome was not built

in a day.

Dear audience,

Being patient we will experience more optimism and feelings

of rejoice and demonstrate better decision-making. In

regards to our social lives, patience fosters empathy and

respect for others and strengthens our relationships with

others. Patient wins in an impatient world.


IMPATIENT to I’M PATIENT and see the difference!!!.

Thank you.

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