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Chapter I

Since the last COVID (19), it has increasingly encouraged business owners to move into
business. Initially, there was only an offline store, and now it has switched to an online store.
Because of that, our company wants to provide the best service for customers through online
stores. In this case, digital marketing can really help us. We decided to use the services of PT.
Laksamana Technology after consulting with our team.As we know, several web stores were
designed by PT. Laksamana Technology, known for the aesthetics given to each project in
collaboration with PT. Laksaman Technology.

1.1. Bussines Profile

a. Company name
Our company has the name “PT. Bertha Darmawan Boutiqo”.

b. Company's address
Office and Marketing Location “PT. Bertha Darmawan Boutiqo” is located in
West Denpasar, Buana Raya Street No. 127x.

c. Company background

This boutique company started with the fashion preferences of boutique

owners; their creativity is expressed through the boutique business. Enthusiasm
for the environment around her gave her the enthusiasm to form a company in the
fashion sector. Because of the good enthusiasm from customers, we decided to
recruit dozens of trained employees and create teams for the various divisions that
needed them.

1.2. Business Vision & Mission

A. Business Vision

to become a well-known fashion company that can provide fashion products that suit the
tastes of each individual customer.

B. Business Mission

In connection with the vision of “PT. Bertha Darmawan Boutiqo” then our mission is:

1. Provide education and guidance to the public about the importance of fashion as
part of appearance.
2. Prioritising the quality of Boutique Paradise products starting from the selection
of raw materials, designs to the final result.
3. Provide input or consideration in choosing the right fashion according to the
consumer's personal or appearance.
4. Serve customers both individually and wholesale as well as possible and strive to
fulfill all customer desires in terms of fashion so that customers get what they
want to look more trendy.

1.3. Company Logo & Motto

Logo Meaning :

Give the world's women an elegant impression. The word "elegant" has a meaning that
refers to a woman who is calm, wise, and charming. classy and has good self-control, so
it is not easy to be underestimated by others.

1.4. Business fields

PT. Bertha Darmawan Boutiqo provides and produces various kinds of women's
fashion needs at low prices and good quality. PT Bertha Darmawan Boutiqo is also trying
to design a variety of styles so that it can cover a wide market.

Chapter II
Organizational structure

2.1. Struktur Organisasi pada PT. Bertha Darmawan Boutiqo

2.2. Job Description (Working Hours/Day & Monthly Salary)

NO Position Jobdesc Workin Working salary

g hours days

1 Owner ● licensing 8 hours Monday - Rp. 4.500.000

operations friday
● financial
● evaluation of
the company's

2 General ● take decisions 8 hours Monday - Rp. 3.500.000

Manager and friday
for meeting
● as well as

directing all
duties and
inside the firm

3 Production ● Maintain 8 hours Monday - Rp. 3.500.000

Manager vigilance in all friday
pertaining to

4 Operation responsible for the 8 hours Monday - Rp. 3.500.000

al company's friday
Manager operations,
starting with the
inventory of raw
material stock,
-purchasing and
delivery of goods
to customers.

5 Marketing responsible for 8 hours Monday - Rp. 3.500.000

Manager selling products friday
-o ering products
to enthusiasts or

6 Finance takes control of 8 hours Monday - Rp. 3.000.000

Manager the company's friday
cash flow and

7 Warehouse Responsible for the 8 hours Monday - Rp. 3.000.000

availability of all friday
products in and
out of stock, and
for weekly stock

8 Logistics take full 8 hours Monday - Rp. 2.500.000

responsibility for friday
product delivery

9 Purchase responsible for 8 hours Monday - Rp. 2.000.000

acquiring raw friday
materials and
other items at
reasonable costs
and of high quality

10 Taylor responsible for the 8 hours Monday - Rp. 3.000.000

product's creation friday

11 Design responsible for 8 hours Monday - Rp. 2.500.000


designing things
and creating

12 Promotion O ers goods to 8 hours Monday - Rp. 3.000.000

consumers or friday

13 Shell Responsible for 8 hours Monday - Rp. 2.500.000

product sales friday

14 Admin responsible with 8 hours Monday - Rp. 2.000.000

ordering friday

15 Finance Responsible for 8 hours Monday - Rp. 2.500.000

finances and make friday
daily cash reports

16 Cashier Responsible for 8 hours Monday - Rp. 2.000.000

financial income friday
and expenditure

Chapter III
Product & Marketing

3.1. Product Description

Pt. Bertha Darmawan Boutiqo is a fashion company that designs and sells clothing.
The items presented include various types womenswear at low prices that are always

Some of products available are listed below.

3.2. Marketing strategy

The fashion business is a business that will never die, because the name fashion
style is a necessity for every woman in general. Every woman must be looking for a style
of dress that fits her, and it is a constant. For this reason, the fashion business is a
business that can be said to exist in any circumstances.

Chapter IV

4.1 Conclusion

We hope that this collaboration can encourage people's love for domestic products
and online shopping. so that it can make it easier to get a product, especially the fashion
that we offer without having to come to the store and also to meet the need for high

For your attention and cooperation, we thank you.

Denpasar, 8 November 20222

Bertha Yuniarvia Darmawan

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