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Group Laboratory Grading Rubric Meal Plan:

Members: (Surname only) Main/Protein dish:
Vegetable dish:
Section: Date:
Excellent Very Good Good Average
Criteria Score
5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points
Mise en place The students The students The students The students
demonstrated demonstrated some demonstrated some demonstrated
willingness in willingness in willingness in willingness in
preparing all the preparing all the preparing all the preparing all the
ingredients. Arrange ingredients. ingredients. ingredients but didn’t
very well all the Arrange well all the Arrange some of the arrange them
ingredients ingredients ingredients systematically.
systematically. systematically. systematically.
Safety Student demonstrated Student demonstrated Student only Students did not
safety and sanitation proper safety and demonstrated some demonstrate safety and
practices and ensured sanitation practices safety and sanitation sanitation (using
they were practiced by most of the time. practices.. equipment in the
others in the group. appropriate manner,
hand washing,
cleaning up and dish
Waste Food and/or supplies No food and/or Acceptable amount of Large amount of food
were conserved, not supplies wasted food and/or supplies and/or supplies wasted;
used wasted waste could
have been prevented
Workflow Student followed the Student followed the Student followed the Student followed steps
step-by-step step-by -step procedure step-by -step while looking at their
procedure and and shows procedure while notes all thru the video.
shows memorization of some memorization of looking minimally at
the steps. the steps. their notes.
Sanitation Student left working Student left working Student left working Student left working
(Appearnce/ area very clean and area clean and tidy. area fairly clean and area untidy. Very few
Uniform) tidy. All dishes were Some dishes were tidy. Not all dishes dishes were washed.
washed. Tables were washed. Tables were were washed. Tables Tables were not clean
clean and dry. clean and dry. were fairly clean and and dry.
Exceptionally neat, Dressed properly, hair dry. Dressed improperly;
clean; arrived ready restrained, and hands Dressed properly for needed to make major
to begin work washed—no activity, minor modifications to attire,
modifications modifications to hair hair, and/or hands in
necessary before and/or hands in order to order to participate
beginning activity work in kitchen
Teamwork Student worked Student worked within Student helped but with Student did not work
within group and group, did all assigned minimal effort, partially within his group,
demonstrated tasks some prodding. helped other team wandered away from
exceptional members or needed a group or showed little
teamwork by taking lot of prodding to stay group participation.
initiative by working focus in the group.
together with other
Time Exceptionally Completed activity and Average organization; Did not complete in
management organized; all clean-up tasks on completed activity time allotted due to
(Target hours to completed activity time relatively on time inefficient use of time
be finished: 2 ahead of time.
Technique Exemplary Proficient at skill Properly demonstrates Needs practice and
(Skill Level) demonstration of skill, without supervision skill with some coaching to meet
level is beyond prompting average skill level
expectations at this
time, can assist
Dessert was made to Product was good and Product was acceptable Product was not
Final Product recipes specifications. presentation and taste but presentation and satisfactory. Recipe was
according to The food was presented were good. taste were lacking. not followed according
appearance well and was an Food was made Slightly overbaked. to specifications.
excellent product. according to the Did not spread
Professionally done. recipe but was more properly, burnt.
like home baked.
Final Product Correct preparation of Correct preparation of Correct preparation of Final food product was
according to food products resulted food products resulted food products resulted in edible; but lacked in
taste in excellent in very good good flavor profiles. flavor.
flavor profiles. flavor profiles.
Total Score:

Total points Percentage Satisfaction Rating Pass/Fail rating

46 or higher 92%- 100% VS P
41- 45 82%-91% S P
36-40 72%-81% S P
31-35 62%-71% S P
30 and below 60% and below U P
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