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Title: Digital Instructional Material Innovation Project

Gonzales, Donna Faith
Valdez, Nouf Amiel
Rodriguez, Trisha Kaira

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Title of the Project Audio-Visual Slideshow Presentation

Background and Rationale We are all aware that the pandemic has contributed to the
development of the blended learning trend, which combines
traditional and online instruction. Numerous facets of people's
lives have been impacted by the Corona outbreak, including
schooling. Many students, according to teachers, learn best when
the material is well-understood by both the students and the
professors. Due of the pandemic, the students failed to pay
attention to their teacher's presentation. Some pupils are napping,
engaging in other activities, or living their own lives.
This study therefore demonstrates how to use an audio-
visual slide presentation for students who are not listening to their
teacher. Many students don't always pay attention as a result of
online learning and boring presentations. This software assists
pupils in paying attention when the teacher is speaking. As a
result of their wonder and excitement at what they observe, the
pupils will be more attentive during the discussion. The ability
for the students to video or audio record their session for later
viewing or listening also makes the life of the teacher easier. The
pupils are not forced to listen to the debate because of the
teacher's beautiful presentation or audiovisual display.

Statement of the Problem/ When pandemic starts, government declare to have online
Opportunity class because the pandemic is still spreading around the world. So
students, teacher's are studying at home. There's a lot of changes
that teachers and students experiencing because of the pandemic.
Before students and teachers always prepared to go school, but
now that there's still pandemic where here in the house to study.
Students and teachers still adjusting because of the online class,
and we need to be honest that sometimes we don't listen to our
teachers while they discussing because there's a lot of distraction
in your surroundings and sometimes being lazy.
So, me and my group mate, think an innovation or a
project that can helps students and teachers in their online class.
So like what I said that sometimes we don't listen cause it's
boring and there's a lot of distraction in our surroundings so this
project can help teacher's and students to be more active in online
class. This project call AUDIO- VISUAL SLIDESHOW
PRESENTATION. We know the word PPT or Power Point
Presentation, and we always use this PPT when we have a
reporting in class sometimes, this PPT is not catch in our eyes
because it's kind of plain in our eyes. But this AUDIO-VISUAL
SLIDESHOW PRESENTATION is different, you can make your
presentation in a creative way, colorful, and it can catch eye of all
students so they will focus to that report. If you're shy while
recording a report you will use a avatar to replace your face, and
you can be more creative using this project.

Significance of the Project This study will be valuable and significant to student's
participants, Parents, Teachers, and to the future app innovators.

To the student's participants,

This app innovation will help the students participates to improve
their listening skills and be active during the discussion. It helps
the student's participants to invite others on what are the benefits
they will get on using this app innovation and how will affects
their learning progress because of this app innovation.

To the Parents,
This study will serve as the basis to help share with other parents
the information about the learning progress of their children and
ideas to help each other in parenting. It may also help them to
understand the learning outcomes of their children in the class
and how will they support their children inside and outside the

To the Teacher,
This study helps the teachers to improve the listening skills of
their students through the help of this app innovation. This study
provides additional knowledge on what strategy to use to educate
students. Through the use of this app innovation, the teachers will
easily do their job to teach and monitor the learning progress of
their students.

To the App Innovators,

This may serve as a basis for future innovators for the study that
will conduct.

Framework of the Project

Project Concept

Implementation Plan


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