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Form No.

Main Campus Effective Date:
C.P.G. North Avenue, Tagbilaran City, Bohol
Related Process:

Course Code : EE 425 Course Credits (Units) : Total :2 Lecture :2 Lab :0

Course Name : Management of Engineering Projects Contact Hours/week : Total :2 Lecture :2 Lab :0
Co/Prerequisite : Engineering Economics College : College of Engineering and Architecture
Component : Professional Courses Department : Department of Electrical Engineering
Course : BSEE 4 Semester, Academic Year : First Semester, A.Y. 2021 - 2022

VISION: A premier Science and Technology university for the formation of a world class and virtuous human resource for sustainable
development in Bohol and the country.

MISSION: BISU is committed to provide quality higher education in the arts and sciences, as well as in the professional and technological fields;
undertake research and development, and extension services for sustainable development of Bohol and the country.

GOALS: 1. Pursue faculty and education excellence and strengthen the current viable curricular programs and develop curricular programs
that are responsive to the demands of the times both in the industry and the environment.
2. Promote quality research outputs that respond to the needs of the local and national communities.
3. Develop communities through responsive extension programs.
4. Adopt efficient and profitable income generating projects/enterprise for self-sustainability.
5. Provide adequate, state-of-the-art and accessible infrastructure support facilities for quality equation.
6. Promote efficient and effective good governance supportive of high quality education.

CORE VALUES: 1. Search for Excellence

2. Responsiveness to Challenges
3. Student Access
4. Public Engagement
5. Good Governance


Innovative and service – oriented professionals.
Within three to five years after graduation, the graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering program of BISU-MC
shall have:

1. Practiced Electrical Engineering discipline effectively as professionals in their chosen field of expertise in the areas of power
system operation, machine automation and process control, electrical design, power electronics, entrepreneurship, property
management, energy transition initiatives, academe, and in the allied fields.
2. Exemplified significant involvement in projects considering the public safety and environmental concern, adhering to the
national and international policies, laws, code of ethics, and standards.
3. Manifested professional growth through career advancement or promotion of positions with increasing responsibility.
4. Engaged in life-long learning through advancement of expertise by continuing professional education and industrial training
courses, gaining advanced degrees and furthering research and development activities.

PROGRAM OUTCOMES: Per CMO #88, series of 2017

Program Outcomes Performance Indicators

1. Comprehend and understand engineering problem statements

a. Apply knowledge of mathematics and sciences to solve engineering 2. Define and articulate problems in engineering terms
problems; 3. Select appropriate mathematical methods in solving engineering
problems to come up with a solution.
1. Design an experiment to acquire data by determining the key inputs
and formulating an experimental methodology
b. Develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and 2. Select appropriate measurement equipment, perform calibration, and
interpret data. acquire measurements
3. Analyze the data, evaluate the accuracy of the results, and draw
conclusions or make predictions
c. Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs 1. Develop design specifications
within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, 2. Generate design concepts for a system, component or process and
political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and perform analysis and verification
sustainability, in accordance with standards. 3. Incorporate public health, safety, welfare and environmental concerns
in design decisions.
4. Perform simple techno-economic analysis of a design
1. Meet commitments and due dates, and contribute quality work to the
project team
d. Function effectively on multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams that
2. Communicate professionally and consistently, encourage and listen to
establish goals, plan tasks, and meet deadlines.
ideas from all team members, and avoid and resolve conflicts when
1. Articulate a complex problem in engineering terms.
e. Identify, formulate and solve complex problems in electrical 2. Apply appropriate methods to solve complex electrical engineering
engineering. problems
3. Evaluate effectiveness of a solution and modify as needed

f. Recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering 1. Demonstrate knowledge of a professional code of ethics and apply it
practice. to a real engineering problem
2. Use proper citations to properly acknowledge other people’s work
1. Discuss analysis of electrical engineering problems
2. Write a comprehensive laboratory and technical reports
3. Produce comprehensive reports and presentations of appropriate
g. Communicate effectively with a range of audiences
length and technical breadth and depth for a given audience and
4. Defend research work or design project from a panel of experts
h. Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, 1. Describe and explain the ways in which the engineering profession
economic, environment, and societal context and work products can impact society and the environment.
1. Demonstrate the ability to access and utilize information from external
sources, including vetting sources for validity and synthesizing
i. Recognize the need for additional knowledge and engage in lifelong information from multiple sources
learning. 2. Research, read, and synthesize scholarly articles
3. Learn simulation software and apply them to solve engineering
j. Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the field of 1. Keep up with rapid changes in technology
electrical engineering 2. Aware with the notable technology developments
k. Apply techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for 1. Use appropriate software tools for specific electrical engineering
electrical engineering practice. design and simulations
2. Geared with soft skills and technical skills necessary for the electrical
engineering field
l. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and 1. Participate in project management, including assigning tasks to team
management principles as member and/or leader in a team to members, developing a schedule, tracking progress, and adjusting the
manage projects in multidisciplinary environments. project schedule as needed to ensure completion
2. Participate fully in team work, meet commitments and due dates, and
contribute quality work to the project


Program Outcomes
Course Outcomes (CO) (Legend: I – Introduced, E – Enabled, D – Demonstrated)
At the end of the course, the learners should be able to:
c f h



I – Introduced – An introductory course to an outcome; E – Enabled - A course that strengthens the outcome; D – Demonstrated – A course demonstrating
an outcome

The course covers the principles of management, theory and practice, various approaches to decision making, managing production
and services operations; and project management. Emphasis is also given on the managerial functions of planning, organizing,
staffing, leading and controlling.

Course Learning Objectives Time Teaching and

Content/Subject Matter Assessment Task Remarks
Outcome (LOs) Frame Learning Activities
 be responsive of the Orientation (Course Syllabus, Week 1  Presentation of 
student’s role and VMGO, Classroom Policies) BISU VGMO
responsibilities in BISU.  Presentation of
 be aware on the activities  Check the students’ University,
and requirements for Certificate of Program and
compliance by the end of Enrollment Course Policy
the semester.  Revisit the VMGO of  Open Forum
 be mindful of the challenges the university
and importance of the  Distribution of course
electrical engineering syllabus
profession  Class orientation on
the classroom policies,
course requirements,
students’ performance
assessments and
grading system.
 Discussion on the
importance and
application of the
course in the Electrical
engineering industry.
CO1 1. Engineering Management  Lecture  Oral Participation
Principles  Discussion  Written
 Demonstration Examination
Week 2  Collaborative

CO1  2. Decision Making  Lecture  Oral Participation

CO3  Discussion  Written
Week 3  Demonstration Examination
3. Root Cause Analysis Week 4  Collaborative  Work projects
b. 4Ms Week 5 Learning
c. 4Ps
d. 5Whys
e. Ishikawa
f. Fish Bone Diagram
CO1  4. Planning and Organizing  Lecture  Oral Participation
CO2 Technical Activities  Discussion  Written
CO3 Week 6
 Demonstration Examination
5. Staffing the Engineering Week 7
Week 8  Collaborative  Work projects
Organization Learning

CO1  6. Communicating, controlling Week 9  Lecture  Oral Participation

CO3 and leading Week 10  Discussion  Written
Week 11  Demonstration Examination
 Collaborative  Work projects
7. Managing Service Operations Learning

CO1  8. PERT/CPM  Lecture  Oral Participation

CO2 Week 12  Discussion  Written
CO3 Week 13  Demonstration Examination
Week 14  Collaborative  Work projects
Week 15 Learning

CO1  9. Project Management  Lecture  Oral Participation

CO2  Organization  Discussion  Written
CO3 Strategy and Project  Demonstration Examination
Selection  Collaborative  Work projects
 Defining the project Learning
 Developing a project
 Managing Risk Week 16
 Project Schedule Week 17
and Resources Week 18
 Bill of Quantities
 Interpretation of
structural and fire
protection plan and
other working

Learning Resources: RLM 1:

RLM 2:
RLM 3:
Integration of Values: Patience & Diligence, Responsibility & Commitment, Interpersonal Relation, Effectiveness in doing the task, Self-worth,
Honesty, Compassion, Empathy, Cultural Competence, Sensitivity, Resourcefulness, Professionalism

Grading System: Components in the midterm and final grade computation include:

60% passing mark/transmutation of raw scores or cumulative related scores

1. Major Examinations - 30%
2. Major Outcome-Based Projects
(product or performance-based outputs) - 30%
3. Class Works
(quizzes, class participation, assignments, attendance, & other outputs) - 40%

Final rating is the average of the Midterm & Final Ratings.

(Note: other rubrics/ assessment tools attach in another page)

 Attendance (excerpt from Student Handbook)
 Academic Dishonesty during examination
 Academic Policies
 Policy on Virtual Classes
1. Attendance
• Be at the site 5 minutes before the start of the session and follow the class schedule religiously.
2. Students’ Profile
• Use as screen name the registered name in the ISMIS account.
• Use decent screen picture fit for school.
3. Class
• Be dressed for school.
• Open camera at the start, middle and end of the class.
• Make sure there is a stable internet connection.
• Recharge the laptop and power banks beforehand.
• Minimize sound distractions.
• Mute the microphone when you’re not speaking.
• Raise hand or type on the chat box to ask questions or clarify issues and wait for the recognition of the host.
 Others:
1. Students must come to class prepared and have accomplished assignments due that day.
2. CHEATING is strictly prohibited. A student caught cheating and the student who allowed his/her work to be
copied will both be given a grade of 5.0 for that exam.
3. Special examinations are only given to students with valid reasons such as when the student is very sick or is
representing the University for any event that will be held outside the school campus (Refer to classroom
Policies 3). However, a document that will prove the given reason is to be passed to the instructor. As for other
excuses, the instructor will determine its validity.
4. Student fails to submit projects, plates or any paper activities will be given a grade of 5.0.

Designed by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

Instructor, BSEE Department Chairperson, BSEE Department Dean, College of Engineering Architecture

Sample Rubrics for Assessing Projects/Activities

4 3 2 1

1. Promptness Submits on due date 1 – 2 days late 3 – 5 days late More than 5 days late

2. Content Completeness Very comprehensive and Comprehensive with 1 – 4 Lacking some concepts with Incomplete with 10 or more
and Accuracy accurate errors 5 – 9 errors errors

Impressive, orderly Neat presentation; very

3. Neatness of Presentation Readable with little thought Not so readable; no careful
presentation, very readable & readable with acceptable
and Package for packaging thought for packaging
creative packaging packaging
Work/project exceeds the Does not meet the standard,
Meets the standard; displays Shows partial application
standard; thorough & effective show basic but inconsistent
4. Proficiency the application of essential of knowledge & skills;
application of knowledge & application of knowledge &
knowledge & skills needs further development
skills are evident skills

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