Quiz 47

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TM TM JEE (Main + Advanced) 2020

JEE (Main + Advanced)

Path to success KOTA (RAJASTHAN )
Path to success KOTA (RAJASTHAN)
Single Correct Answer Type 20 Q. [4 M (–1)]
1. A small hole is made in a sphere as shown whose inner surface is made reflecting. Find number of
reflections before the ray comes out of the sphere.


(A) 20 (B) 19 (C) 9 (D) 11

2. A particle is projected with speed 6 m/s as shown. It is tied to a string having breaking
strength 80 N. (Length of string is 1m and mass of particle is 1kg)
(A) String will not break (B) Particle will oscillate
(C) String will break in the subsequent motion (D) Particle will complete the circle. 6m/s
3. Two particles instantaneously at A & B respectively 4.5 meters apart are moving with uniform velocities as
shown in the figure. The former towards B at 1.5 m/sec and the latter perpendicular to AB at 1.125 m/sec.
The instant when they are nearest is:

A A' B
4.5 m

(A) 2 sec (B) 3 sec (C) 4 sec (D)1 sec
4. A steel rod rigidly clamped at one end and free at the other has longitudinal stationary waves set up in
it and it vibrates in a mode in which there are eight displacement nodes other than the rigid end. The
young’s modulus for steel is 2.0 × 1011Pa and its density is 7.8 × 103 kg m–3. The frequency of the
source that sets the longitudinal waves in the rod is 10 kHz. The length of the rod is
(A) 1.2 m (B) 2.1 m (C) 0.6 m (D) 3.2 m
5. A vessel containing a liquid is heated with its contents. The pressure at the bottom of vessel due to the
liquid should. (no evaporation take place and there is no spilling)
(A) increase (B) decrease
(C) increases if gliq > 3 avessel (D) decreases if gliq > 3 avessel
6. One mole of an ideal gas is kept enclosed under a light piston (area = 10–2 m2) connected
by a compressed spring (spring constant 100 N/m). The volume of gas is 0.83 m3 and
its temperature is 100 K. The gas is heated so that it compresses the spring further by
0.1 m. The work done by the gas in the process is (Take R = 8.3 J/mole and suppose
there is no atmosphere):
(A) 3 J (B) 6 J (C) 9 J (D) 1.5 J
PHYSICS / Quiz # 47 E-1/6
TM JEE (Main + Advanced) 2020
Path to success KOTA (RAJASTHAN )

7. A concave mirror of radius of curvature 20 cm is shown in the figure. A circular disc of diameter 1 cm is
placed on the principal axis of mirror with its plane perpendicular to the principal axis at a distance 15 cm
from the pole of the mirror. The radius of disc increasing according to the law r = (0.5 + 0.1t) cm/sec.

The area of image of the disc at t = 1 second is:

(A) 1.2 p cm2 (B) 1.44 p cm2 (C) 1.52 p cm2 (D) none of these
8. The right end of a string is tied to a ring that can slide without friction up and down the rod, left end of
the string is tied, rigidly to another rod. Two pulses are sent along the string toward the right rod, the
pulses reflects from right rod and then from left rod and so on. At a given point of time the string’s
appearance is illustrated in the figure below. The string’s appearance at a later point after complete or
partial reflection may be

(A) (B) (C) (D)

9. A steel rope of length L, area of cross-section A, Young’s modulus Y, is hanging from a celling in
equilibrium. The elastic potential energy per unit volume at a point L/3 from ceiling is [Density = d]
(A) 2(dgL)2/9Y (B) (dgL)2/9Y (C) 2(dgL)/9AY (D) 2(dgL)2/3Y
10. A beam of light from a point source S passes the motionless glass slab of thickness l and hits the wall
in time t1 . When glass slab moves towards wall with speed v<<C then light beam hits the wall in time
t 2 . Then ( C ® velocity of light in free space, n ® refractive index of glass slab)


1 æ nvl ö
(A) t1 = t 2 (C) t1 - t 2 =
C çè C ÷ø
(B) t1 < t2 (D) None

E-2/6 PHYSICS / Quiz # 47

TM JEE (Main + Advanced) 2020
Path to success KOTA (RAJASTHAN )

11. An object is moving parallel to the principal axis of a mirror with a speed 2m/s
of 2m/s. Find the speed of image when it is at a distance of 60 cm in front 2cm
of the concave mirror of radius of curvature 80 cm. A
(A) 4m/s parallel to principal axis. (B) 8 m/s parallel to principal axis.
(C) 16 m/s parallel to principal axis. (D) None
12. A particle is moving with constant speed of 2 m/s along the curve x2 = 4y. Find the acceleration of
particle at the instant when it crosses the origin.

x =4y

(A) 2m/s2 (B) 1 m/s2 (C) 4 m/s2 (D) 10 m/s2

13. Two masses 3kg and 6 kg are joined together by a string of length 2m . The initial separation between
them is 1m and particle of mass 6 kg is projected perpendicular to the line joining between them with
speed 2 m/s. Find tension in the string when it becomes taut (Ignore gravity).

3kg 6kg

(A) 1N (B) 2N (C) 2 2 N (D) None

14. To what height h should water be filled so that container appears to be filled by 75%
æ 4ö
ç m W = ÷ :-
è 3ø


(A) 20 cm (B) 27 cm (C) 24 cm (D) 26 cm

15. A particle is projected perpendicular to the line of greatest slope as shown on an inclined plane having
µ = tanq. Find the speed of particle after a long time.

v v
(A) zero (B) (C) (D) v
2 3
16. A road passes at some distance from a standing man. A truck is coming on the road with some constant
acceleration. The truck driver blows a whistle of frequency 500 Hz when the line joining the truck and
the man makes an angle of q with the road. The man hears the note at a frequency of 600 Hz when the
truck is closest to him. Also the speed of truck has got doubled during this time. The value of q is :-
(A) 30° (B) 45° (C) 60° (D) 53°
PHYSICS / Quiz # 47 E-3/6
TM JEE (Main + Advanced) 2020
Path to success KOTA (RAJASTHAN )

17. Number of images formed by the two plane mirrors will be :-


(A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) 8

18. An object is kept on the principal axis of a concave mirror of focal length 10 cm, at distance 15 cm
from the mirror. Mirror is cut in two equal pieces along principal axis and the piece below principal
axis is removed. If remaining piece is shifted up by 2 cm perpendicular to principal axis then find by
what distance (in cm) image gets shifted perpendicular to principal axis ?
(A) 6 (B) 4 (C) 3 (D) 5
19. A body of mass 1kg is thrown vertically up in air from earth’s surface. A constant air resistive force
acts on the body opposite to its velocity. Body returns to earth’s surface with speed equal to half of
initial speed. Find resistive force (in N) acting on the body.
(A)10 (B) 8 (C) 4 (D) 6
20. A uniform rod of mass 6m is kept on smooth horizontal surface. A small ball of mass m strikes the rod
at one end with certain velocity and comes to rest just after collision. Coefficient of restitution between
ball and rod is

1 1 2 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 2 3 5
Numerical Answer Type Question 5Q.[3(0)]
(upto second decimal place)
1. A wave pulse starts propagating in + x direction along a non - uniform wire of length 10 m with mass
per unit length given by µ = µ0 + a x and under a tension of 100 N. The time taken by the pulse (in sec)
to travel from the lighter end (x = 0) to the heavier end is (µ0 = 10-2 kg/m and a = 9 × 10-3 kg/m2).
2. A parallel beam strikes the convex mirror (as shown) of radius of curvature 10cm and aperture diameter
12cm. the focal length of the mirror for given beam is 1.25 f0cm, find f0.

E-4/6 PHYSICS / Quiz # 47

TM JEE (Main + Advanced) 2020
Path to success KOTA (RAJASTHAN )

3. A small ball of mass 100 g is attached to a light and inextensible string of length 50 cm. The string is
tied to a support O and the mass m released from point A which is at a horizontal distance of 30 cm
from the support. Calculate the speed (in m/s) of the ball at its lowest point of the trajectory.


4. A uniform disc of radius 6 cm is kept on smooth horizontal surface with its plane vertical as shown in
figure. At height h from horizontal surface when a horizontal force is exerted on the disc, it starts
rolling without sliding. Find h (in cm).

5. A heavy disc with radius r = 0.5 m is rolling down hanging on two string wound around the disc very
tightly. The free ends of the string are attached to a fixed horizontal support. The string are always
under tension during the motion. At some instant, the angular velocity of the disc is w = 2 rad/sec and
angle between string is a = 60°. Find the velocity of centre of mass of the disc (in m/s) at this moment.

PHYSICS / Quiz # 47 E-5/6

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