Lesson 9

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International Computer School WOWWIZ©

Name: _______________________

Lesson 9 High-and-Low Level Languages

Activity 9.1: Writing a program using Python Language

1. Which programming language did you use to complete the



Computer Science 1
International Computer School WOWWIZ©

Activity 9.2: Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is machine code?

A. A programming language that consists of instructions written in
B. A high-level programming language
C. Another name for assembly code

2. What is a high-level language?

A. A programming language close to the computer’s instruction set
B. A programming language close to the programmer’s spoken/written
C. A series of binary digits

3. What is a low-level language?

A. A programming language close to the programmer’s spoken/written
B. A programming language close to the computer’s instruction set
C. A programming language used by beginners

4. Which of these is a high-level language?

A. Python
B. Assembly language
C. Machine code

Computer Science 2
International Computer School WOWWIZ©

5. What is the purpose of a translator?

A. To turn machine code into object code
B. To turn source code into machine code
C. To turn machine code into source code

6. In machine code, what are the two parts of an instruction?

A. Opcode and logical operator
B. Opcode and operand
C. Opcode and data

7. What does assembly language use?

A. Mnemonics
B. binary
C. English statements

8. What is the difference between a compiler and an interpreter?

A. A compiler translates all code in one go while an interpreter
translates one instruction at a time
B. An interpreter translates all code in one go while a compiler
translates one instruction at a time
C. A compiler translates source code into object code while an
interpreter translates object code into source code

9. What is an instruction set?

A. The set of instructions in high-level language
B. The set of instructions a processor understands
C. The set of instructions a programmer uses in a particular program

Computer Science 3
International Computer School WOWWIZ©

10. What does an assembler do?

A. Converts a high-level language into assembly language
B. Converts machine code into assembly language
C. Converts assembly language into machine code

Activity 9.3: Assembly Language and Assembler

Tick () whether the statement is True or False

Statement True False

Assembly language uses mnemonic codes.

Assembly language programs do not need a

translator to be executed.

Assembly language is a low-level

programming language.

Assembly language is specific to the computer


Assembly language is machine code.

Assembly language is often used to create

drivers for hardware.

Assembler translates a low-level language

program into machine code.

Assembled program no longer need the


Computer Science 4
International Computer School WOWWIZ©

Activity 9.4: Translators

Fill in the blanks with each statement that applies to each translator.

One high-level language statement can be

Translates a high-level language program
translated into several machine code
into machine code.

No executable file of machine code is

Compiled programs are used without this.

Executes a high-level language program a

statement at a time.



Computer Science 5
International Computer School WOWWIZ©

Activity 9.5: Glossary

Interpreter Compiler Machine code
Translator Mnemonic Assembler

Vocabulary Description

A program that translates assembly languages into

machine code.

A program that translates high-level programming

languages into machine code. Programs can either
be interpreted or compiled.
This is a computer programming language used to
write programs, it needs to be translated into
machine code through a compiler, interpreter or

A program that translates high-level programming

languages into machine code.

This is a computer programming language which

closely represents machine language, it more
difficult to understand but they execute quicker.

Low-level language that is directly understood by

the CPU. It is represented by binary numbers.

Convert program code into machine code to be

executed by the CPU.

Short text codes used for writing instructions in

assembly code.

Computer Science 6

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