Class Prophecy 23

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Class Prophecy 2023

“Sir, ayoko na hehe”

It is around 11 am, the sun is shining above the students who are sweating from playing
volleyball. It’s been a while since I came to this school, in that very field, I remember how I and
my friends used to play the same sport that they are playing. Returning to this place, I can
clearly remember how my dreams of becoming a successful psychometrician sparked at this
university. It feels nice going back to the place where everything started, I should thank Lianne
later. She’s still inside the university’s guidance office, I’m pretty confident that she’ll be hired,
Lianne is one of the best Psychometricians I know. She’s currently taking her Master’s Degree
to be a successful Psychologist. Since it’s taking a long time for Lianne to finish, I decided to
look around, the university changed a lot from what I remember. I took a short visit to the
accounting office, I am planning to leave as soon as possible, but someone called my name,
“Camille!” It’s Jen together with her friends; Hanna, Kristine, Raven, Geneva, Chinee, Jill
Ann, and Nicole. I ran back to them, and they greet me with smiling faces. They are now
working as personnel for this very office where we used to pay our tuition fees before the exam,
I shivered at the thought of having my friends telling me to pay up for my remaining balances.
Just as we finished saying our goodbyes, Lianne arrived, but before I could even ask about her
interview, she pulled me across the hallway until we arrived in the JHS Building. Puzzled, I
looked at her, she was pointing at someone inside the classroom. It’s Julie Jane together with
Joanna Marie, Reynalita, and Irish. I almost shouted in delight when I saw my former
classmates laughing together, the difference is, they are now successful teachers. I can still
remember how these four told the class during work immersion that they want to be a
successful educator, and now they are. My train of thought was disturbed when someone called
our name, it was Ionie and Marvin, co-owners of a Law Firm in Albay. From what they are
wearing, and based on their faces, the meeting that they just attended might be successful.
These two, different from what they wanted to be during SHS, have become amazing lawyers. I
can still remember how I and my friends always answer when a question arises during a
discussion on Philippine Politics and Governance, a special subject in our strand during the
second semester. Before they even have their way to where we are, they were stopped by a car
when parked right in front of them, it was Anivere Cadiz, standing tall in his white uniform.
Shocked by the sudden appearance of a friend, all of us run our way to him. Despite his uniform
and cool car, Anivere is still the same, saying “Namiss niyo na naman ako.” We took our time
jokingly hitting him, but yes, we do miss those times when we are all in the same class. He
talked about how amazing it is being a Mariner, he also mentioned that he is working with Vien,
Jade, John Lloyd, and Andrew in the same crew. We didn’t ask for it, but he also told us that
he and his wife, Donna Follero is living happily in their house in Baguio. As far as I remember,
Donna, Alecza, Fionah, Jess, and Waine are now working in a Law Firm in Naga City. After
we exchanged our goodbyes, Anivere left in a hurry, I forgot to mention that he has an
appointment with his friends, Nash and Joshua, who are also successful Mariners from the
USA. Since we’re already here, and the students are inside their classrooms, we decided to
look around in the university we used to call our second home. While walking around the
premises, we saw familiar faces, it’s Lowella Iglesia, Samantha, Carl, and Ronn. Just like how
they all used to be, they’re all laughing loud as if the world is filled with sunshine and rainbow.
Lowella, with her blue uniform and badges, Samantha and Carl wearing their teacher’s uniform,
and Ronn, with his camera, that he uses to capture the beauty of human nature. Who would
want to stop them from doing what they are doing? They look so happy so we continued our
way to the Senior High School building. But before we even arrived at where we are planning to
go, we heard a loud familiar voice coming from the forum. Curious, we changed our route and
made our way there. Just like what we expected, we saw Nik, Leander, Luis, Lourd, and Kian
playing in a band together just like what they used to do. Beside the stage is Kathleen, Shalyn,
Kristel, Jimpee, Christine, and Clarisse, with their students from Montessori grade school.
Before I could even ask what is the event, the title of the program was flashed on the screen,
“Women can Lead”. The crowd started to clap their hands for the two-person walking across the
stage. Surprised, we also clapped our hands because of awe. It’s Andrei Quien and John
Daryl Olay! discussing the power of a woman, and how they are as important as men. Because
of how interesting the topics are in this event, we decided to stay. And yet again, we were
surprised with the next part of the program, the topic of “Equality”; Kurt, Kyle Angelo, and
Niambi together with her husband, Fran Moran, are the founder of “Equality begins with
Kindness” Organization made such an impact not just on us but on everyone inside the venue.
The organization is quite known all around the Bicol Region, that’s why it’s not a secret how
many volunteers give their donations to them. The people behind the transparency of how the
organizations manage their funds were Annisa, Mary Dorothy, Kirsten, Mikee, Aprelle, and
Elisha. They are quite known because of how they are so professional as financial advisors for
the organization. The event ended earlier than we expected, before we can even go out from
the venue, a team of Engineers approached the head of the organizer. It was Adam Jarehd,
Edrian Nomer, Lester, Samuel, and Krystian, all of them carrying their plates and documents.
I didn’t have the chance to say goodbye to them because my friends already left. Trudging my
way outside the venue, I saw my friends talking to Kyle Heneken, Shane, Jasmine Averil,
Emma, Catherine, and Ma. Lourdes. Everyone’s attention is on them, it’s not a surprise
because these beautiful ladies are wearing their uniforms, as white as the idea of their job. But
what catches my attention were the people in front of them, Ella Sophia, Gwyneth, Aljomae,
Ashleigh, Ana Mae, and JC, wearing their white lab coats with their statoscope hanging
around their necks. Ella, despite her young age, is awarded Distinguished Neurology Award by
American Neurological Association because of her admirable passion as a neurologist. Excited
because of their appearance, I came running to them to give my greetings because it’s been a
while since we had all seen each other. We were all talking about our life stories in the middle of
the hallway, but we were interrupted when someone called our names, it was John Carlo, EK,
Jay Hanz, and Kurt Leo, the Professors of the College of Nursing here at the University. They
invited us to watch a contest where their co-worker, Ralph Cortan joined, it’s a bodybuilding
competition where his friends Justine Yu and Blaise Arbo, known internationally as
professional bodybuilders, also joined. His former classmates; Aniza Mae, Wendy, Katrina,
Zyra, Nash Dylan, Kurt Wiljohn, and Aaron Nilo, who founded their clinics in different areas
not just in the Philippines but internationally, will also be present at the event. While talking, they
mentioned John Carlo Dayao, Chris Justine, and Arnel, who are now renowned doctors in
the field of medicine and are famous pro-volleyball players as members of the Brazil
International Volleyball Team. Talking about the achievements of their friends, I also boosted
how amazing and successful my friends are from STEM. Remier Rave Acbang, was now a
successful Biologist, a mentor for young scouts all around the Philippines, and the owner of the
largest medical company in the Bicol Region. Kimberly Rae is the owner and founder of
“Batumbakal Drugstore” and is a renowned pharmacist in the field of medicine. Emerlyn
Angela, despite taking the STEM strand, founded her own Real Estate Photography Business,
with her partner, business partner Mark Tristan Quiano, who’s know a renowned Lawyer and
Photographer. Rhoda Annellee, Anne Joachim, Vincent Johnray, and Daniel Benedict are
now working as successful doctors, under the Hospital that was founded by Matt Samonte.
Ann Carmela, someone who used to be my co-officer, is now working in Canada with some of
her friends; Lysa, Glorynin, Keisha, and Alexandra. Their former classmates; Kim, Justin,
Gian, Vince, Joeberth, Aszher, and Clint have founded a project to support the parents of the
students who are taking the course Engineering, and this has made them known in the field as
successful engineers in the country. After all the boasting and stories about our friends, we
decided to skip our way to the senior high school building and take a short visit to the SGO
Cafeteria. But we weren’t able to even take a seat because there was also an event happening
there. With just one glance, I already know what the event is all about. With their statoscope on
the table, coats neatly folded, and the word MEDICINE flashed on the screen; I can almost tell
that those people will be there. And I am right; it is Jester, Ashlie, Erika, Artsyl, Russel,
Charles, and Martin talking about different courses in the field of medicine. This is also an
event to commend Jester and Ashlie as co-owners of the largest Pharmaceutical Company in
the United States. Behind every success is a supportive friend. And there in the crowd, sitting
and laughing at everything that Jester is saying, are Earl Jaylord, Jim Kenneth, Kin Iroz, and
Ezekiel Gerod. One will think that they are just someone who visits and supports their friends
but they are quite known in the world of successful engineers. These four made a huge
contribution to the Philippines by developing new and more effective devices that could detect
and identify how strong a storm can be. Awarded by the President, the name of these four will
forever be looked up to by everyone in the field of engineering. Talking about the making of
someone amazing, I suddenly remembered the name that these people made for themselves;
William, Lui, Cheevy, Austin, Allen, Hubert, Kyle, and Kerby are awarded, Game of the year
at the BandLab NME Awards, this is for the game they developed that has become a huge trend
all over the world for how many decades. Seanjan, Leda, Fionah, and Ike Daniel also made
name for themselves by producing medical devices that made a huge change in the field of
medicine. Josefa Karol, Mariana, Jandy, Marly Lyn, Caroline, and the newly wedded
couple, Vhicky with her wife, Necole, made it possible on becoming successful doctors in
Manila, having their clinics inside and outside Bicol Region. I didn’t notice that I’d been
distracted the whole time, I only came to my senses when someone asked me if I can move so
they can stand beside us. They are with Marvin, if I remember right, these people are Justin
Donall, Bernadette, Daniella, Samantha, and Lara Jumaira. They might be guests in these
events, considering what they are all wearing, white uniforms with their statoscopes in their
hands. They were followed by another group of nurses, one of them is familiar as she was a
classmate in JHS, Tayshaun Liyah. She’s with her friends; Ella Kim, Sweetie Mae, Fiona,
Princess Lalaine, Angel, and Kirsten. Once they arrived, we then decided to leave because of
some appointment that we all need to do. Marvin and Ionie left first because they need to check
on some documents in their company, Lianne needs to study for her finals, and, I need to be at
home by 4 pm because my cousin will be having his wedding this evening. Philip Salvadora
and his soon-to-be wife, Genhelom are now both successful Accountants and have started their
businesses. Our JHS friends: John Christian, Jeremie, Maegan, Eric, Aeya, and her friend
Freud will also come to the wedding. JC, Jeremie, Maegan, and Aeya are now commended for
their work as Engineers, and Eric for becoming a professional chess player that represents the
whole Bicol Region, inside and outside the country. Their SHS classmates will also be present
at the event; Angelica, who’s now a nurse and have a business co-owned by Earl Berdol.
Alisha, who made it on becoming a Business Analyst that made her famous among different
business owners. Janelle, Jay, Romaiz, Daniel Charisse, Erika, and Shiela are now
successful Entrepreneurs, owning businesses across the whole region. I arrived on the venue at
around 4:30 pm, there I saw some of the people I already met in school earlier, but there are
also some who just arrived. I then sat on the table together with Mark James Laniog, Princess
Mae, and Marvi Kailah, who are now successful doctors and models in Europe. Their friends:
Zildjian, Nikolai, John Iji, Renze Gabriel, and John Michael is also there, but what caught
my attention is their briefcases and plates, these guys might’ve just finished their work,
Engineering is really tough. The whole ceremony is successful and magical just like how
everyone has expected it to be. One of the highlights of the event is the venue for the reception,
it’s none other than the “SOLE HEIR” restaurant. This restaurant is now one of the most famous
restaurants internationally, having 200 branches all around the world. This restaurant is co-
owned by Kyra Louise, BellyJoy, Blaise, and Aldin. Their friends and former classmates
manages the other branches and act as the Head Chefs; Wilmor, Jasper, Kent, Keith, Mika,
Angelica, Caryl, and Elanie. After the event, I gave the newly wedded couple my gift for them
and waved them goodbye. I still have an appointment tomorrow that I am really am looking
forward to. I contacted Arvy for a project, I need someone who can cover the oath-taking
tomorrow. Arvy is now an award-winning journalist and has founded her own company which
produces new generation of journalist that speaks up and believes that “hindi na muling pipikit,
ang mga nagising.”. It’s so nice knowing that a friend like her also believes the same sentiment
that I have, but right now, the only thing in my mind is how can I lead this country for its
betterment. Well, I think that will be all for tonight, I still need to rest and make sure that I’m
ready for tomorrows special occasion, this is Camille Salvadora, your soon-to-be 20 th president
of the republic of the Philippines.

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