General Characteristics of Thermally Cycled Tin Oxide Gas Sensors 1989

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Semicond. Sci. Technol. 4 (1989) 351-359. Printed in the UK

W M Searst, K Colbowt and Franco ConsadoriS

t Energy Research Institute, Physics Department, Simon Fraser University,
Burnaby, BC, Canada V5A IS6
Halitec Industries, 400-1 177 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Received 14 November 1988, accepted for publication 6 January 1989

Abstract. Theresponse,measured as conductance, of thermally cycled tin

oxide gassensorswas studied todetermine the potential inherent in this
technique with respect to increased selectivity and sensitivity. It was found that
t h e range of cycle temperature as well as the period of t h e cycle had a critical
effect on the amount of information that could be extracted from the conduc-
tance versustime curves. Significantly different conductance curveshapes were
seen for such gases as propane, carbon monoxide and ethanol when an offset
sinusoidal waveform was used to drive t h e sensor heater. The effect of varying
the concentration of the reducing gas wasexamined both to check the effect on
selectivity between gases and to determinethe functional relationship between
conductance and gas concentration as related to the time in t h e cycle period. It
was found that the conductance change at t h e low-temperature section of the
thermal cycle can vary at a rate faster than linear for low concentrations, and
because the clean air conductance is very low in these sections t h e thermally
cycled sensor is extremely sensitive to reducing gas.

1. Introduction produce annoying false alarms. One method which has

been only briefly examined in the literatureis the use o f
Although various metal oxides have been used as the thermal cycling of the sensor element asa technique to
basis of semiconductor gas sensors, tin oxide (SnO?) is improveselectivity [3,9, 11, 121. However,thishas
by far the most popular. It has been used in both thin been the basis of a number of recent patent applications
film and sintered powder form [l-31. In both cases the [13-171. As different reducing gases react at different
primary mechanism of operation is through the changes ratesas afunction of catalyst (sensor) temperature,
introduced in thesurface conductivity of thesemi- varying the temperature in a cyclic manner can lead to
conductor by chemicalreactions which occur on the uniquesignatures of thegas in question.Another
surface [4,5]. Atmospheric oxygen is chemi-adsorbed application of thermal cycling which does not seem to
onthesurfaceprimarily as 0- which, as it tiesup have appeared in the literature is the great increase in
electroniccarriers(n-type semiconductor),decreases sensitivity which can be obtained by proper measure-
the conductivity of thesensor.Any reducinggases, ment. This latter point will comprise one of the main
which may be present, will remove the chemi-adsorbed points of this paper. We will also examine, in general,
oxygen and restore the conductivity [6-81. Therefore, the properties of thermally cycled tin-oxide sensors,
any given mixture of atmospheric oxygen and a reduc- such a s the effect of the maximum temperature scanned
ing gas will produce a unique sensor conductance for and the effect of the cycle period. The sensor tested
that gas. Forsinteredpowdersthechanges in con- here is one in generalcommercialuse,asintered
ductance are greatest at grain boundaries. For thin powder tin oxide gas sensor manufactured by Figaro
films the oxygen induced depletion width can include Engineering Inc.
theentire film butthick films, wherethisdoes not
occur, may involve a combination of factors [4,9].
One of the main problems with tin oxide as well as
other gas sensors is their relative lack of selectivity; the
chemi-adsorbedoxygentends to react with a wide 2. Experimental details
spectrum of reducing gases[9,10]. If the gas onewishes
to detect is inflammable, like propane, or toxic, like
carbon monoxide, organic vapourslike ethanol or ace- Thermal cycling measurements were performed using
tone, to which the sensor is very sensitive, will often the TaguchiGas Sensor #S12 which is manufactured by

$02.50 + 09 @ 1989 IOP Publishing Ltd 351
W M Sears et a/

Figaro Engineering Inc. [18]. The active ingredient of 1.0

thissensor is sinteredtinoxidepowder mixed with
palladium and a binder, and baked onto the outside of
a smallceramictube which is covered by aninter-
digitated gold pattern [ 1, 191. The gold allows measure-
ment of theelectricalconductance of the tin oxide.
Inside the tube is a coiled metal wire which is used to
heat the sensor. The sensor temperature is determined
by the size of the voltage applied across the heater wire. c
As direct measurement of the sensor surface tempera- 0.2
ture is difficult, the sensor operating temperature will
be expressed in this paper as the 'heater voltage'. The 0.0
temperature of the sensor surface in air is expected to
be a direct but non-linear function of the heater vol- Tlme l S I

tage. Generally, a 5 V bias is applied to the heater coil Figure 1. The conductance of a tin oxide gas sensor as
which corresponds to a sensor operating temperature a function of time under different cycledheater
between 300 and 400 "C [ 1,191. This has been esti- voltages in 200 PPM ethanol. Maximum heater voltage
is: (A) 5.0 V; (B) 6.2 V; (C) 7.2 V. Curve (D): sinusoidally
mated by direct measurements of tin oxidesensor varying heater voltage, normalised to 1.0. '
conductance in a small oven equipped with a thermo-
The sensor surface temperature is affected not only
3. Results
by the heater voltage but also by Joule heating caused
by the current used to measure the conductance and by
3.1. General effects
the exothermic nature of inflammable gases the sensor
is detecting. This makes knowledgeof the exact surface In figure 1 we see the effect of the maximum heater
temperature under all conditions that much more diffi- voltage and therefore the maximum temperature on the
cult. response of the Taguchi sensor to 200 PPM of ethanol
The electrical leads are mounted to metal pins in a vapour. The heater voltage for the three curves shown
resin container which can be plugged intostandard was varied from a value close to zero to a maximum of
sockets. The container has upper and lowerstainless 5.0, 6.2,or 7 . 2 V . Thebrokencurve showingthis
steelmeshto allow gas to diffuse in buttoprevent sinusoidal variation has been normalised, and only one
flamesfromspreading outunderconditions of high period (50 S) of the waveform is shown, as the curves
concentration of inflammable gas. representasteady-stateresponse which is attained
After applying the heater voltage the sensor takes a within two cycles, after the injection of gas. After this
while to come to an equilibrium conductance. There is the curves are quite reproducible until the gas concen-
an initial surge in conductance as organic contaminates, tration is changed again. One may note that the right
adsorbed gases, and water vapour are burned or driven and leftmost values on the figure match.
off. After a few minutes a lower equilibrium value is The most obvious trend in the three curves is the
attained. The sensors tested here were all allowed a few separation into two peaks, one on the heating and one
hours to come to equilibrium before testing. on the coolingsides of the sinusoidalheating curve.
According to Figaro [18], the sensor is designed as The valley at about 20s represents loss of response at
an alcohol or toxic gas detector (e.g. CO) but it will higher temperatures. This loss is related to the catalytic
respond to a number of gases as shown below. reaction rate of the vapour [ll,20,211. At lower tem-
Inourexperimentstheheater was driven by a peratures the reaction rate is low, but rising, and the
HewlettPackardfunctiongenerator(model 3310B) partialpressure of the reducingagent in the local
which allowed theapplication of variouswaveforms, atmosphere is unchanged. This means that the sensor
frequenciesand DC offsets to the heater. The heater response (conductance) is limited by the reaction rate.
voltage was continuously cycled up and down in tem- At the higher temperatures the reaction rate is much
perature in a periodic fashion. For example, an offset higher and this keepsthe local pressure of reducing
sinusoidal voltage was applied to vary the heater vol- vapour low. In this case the sensor response is limited
tage from 0.2 to 6.2 V every 50 S (figure 1). by the diffusion of gas towards the tin oxide. It is also
The changes in conductance of thesensor were possible that at high temperatures the reducing vapour
measured at an applied bias of 5 V across the tin oxide. begins to burn (combine with oxygen in the air) slightly
Digital electrometers were used to simultaneously removed from the tin oxide surface. This would have
measure the voltage and current and this allowed the the same effect of decreasing the amount of vapour
real time measurement of conductance changes using a available to react with chemi-adsorbed oxygen on the
computer data acquisition system. tin oxide surface.
The sensorwas tested inside a lOOL box where gases The conductance of thesensorreachesan initial
and vapours were tested by direct injection. Laboratory peak at approximately the same temperature for the
air was used as the clean air baseline. threecurves:atabout 5.0 V forthe 5 V maximum

General characteristics of thermally cycled Sn02gas sensors

curve, 5.2V for the 6 . 2 V maximum curve, and 5.3V LI I l l 17

for the 7.2 V maximum curve. The peak on the down

side of the heating curve is expected from the explana-
tion above but this peak does not occur at 5 V, but at
2.5, 1.8 and 1.7V for the three curves A , B and C in
figure 1. This and the structure seen on the first peak
shows that the tin oxide surface changes significantly
throughout the cycle. We expect that the amount of
water vapour (hydroxyl groups) adsorbed on the sur-
face plays a large role in this [22-241. As the surface is
'cleaned'atthetop of the cycle thiswouldexplain
differences of the conductance curves on the heating
0 100 200 300 400
and cooling sides. The loss in absolute response of the
Tlrne l S l
7.2Vcurve (C) mightalsobe dueto this high-
temperature cleaning, in which case one expectsthis Figure 3. The conductance of a tin oxide gas sensor as
difference to be dependent on the type of gas or vapour a function of time for various reducinggases and
showing two periods of a 200 S thermal cycle.
tested. (A) 1000 PPM methane; (B) 200 PPM propane;
One shouldnotethatfromthepoint ofviewof (C)500 PPM carbon monoxide; (D) sinusoidal heater
sensorselectivity the6.2V cycle hasadvantages; it voltage, 6.2 V maximum.
shows more features than at 5.0 V and has a higher
conductance than at 7.2 V.
In figure 2 we examine the effect of the cycle period coolingpeaks to shorter relativetimes in the cycle.
on the gas sensor response. The vapour being tested is Moving from curve B to C to D to E one observes that
again 200 PPM ethanol. The heater voltage varies sinu- the heater voltage corresponding to the heating peak
soidally from 0.2 to 6.2 V, and the different periods position on curveFmovesfrom 5.9 to 5.2 to 4.5 to
have all been normalised to fit a common scale. This 3.8 V whereas the cooling peak moves from 1.2 to 1.9
makes it easier to compare the different features with to 2.7 to 3.1 V. Thus, as the period is lengthened the
respect totheir position in the cycle, which forthe heating and cooling peaks approach the same value.
lower frequencies is directly correlated to the sensor Therate of heater voltagechange persecond of
temperature. increased period change steadily decreases. One there-
Curve A in figure 2 shows onlyone feature, near the fore expects an asymptote near 3.5 V which is close to
maximum heater voltage. For a 10s period the sensor the average of the two peaks for the various periods.
response may not be able to follow the heater voltage This is to be expected since for an infinite period the
changes and the response becomes smeared out. The thermal history of the peaks should be the same and
asymmetry of the peak may be due to an asymmetryin therefore the surface conditions of the tin oxide should
cooling versus heating rates. The sensor also does not be the same on heating and cooling. The size of the
have time to completely cool as seen by the fact that the peaks should also approach each other, although thisis
conductance does not fall below 4 x lO-'S. less obvious from the data. These results point out the
As the period is lengthened more features appear fact that complete chemical equilibrium of the tin oxide
and there is a continuous shift of both the heating and surface takes significantly longer to reach than the time
requiredfor bulk thermalequilibrium.This will be
even more apparent for gas a such as carbon monoxide.
l 5 I 7 Thiseffect representsthe main'speed of response'
limitation in the use of tin oxide gas sensors.
Intheoperation of aselective gas sensora 50s
period represents a campromise between the desired
sharpening of features and the needof a quick response
to changing conditions in the air space being tested.
In figures 3 and4 we examinethe differences
between the response of a thermally cycled sensor to
variousgasesandvapours. An approximately 200 S
period is used to give distinctive features. The maxi-
mum heater voltageused was again6.2 Vandtwo
cycles are shown to emphasise thereproducibility of the
curves once steady state is reached.
Tlrne (arbitrary unltsl
For methane (1000 PPM) and propane (200 PPM),in
Figure 2. The conductance of a tin oxide gas sensor as
a function of relative time for various cycle periods in
figure 3, there is no well defined peak structure as there
200 PPM ethanol. (A) 10 S period; (B) 25 S period; (C) is for the othergases. The maximum response for these
50 S period; (D) 100 S period; (E) 200 S period; (F) gases occurs at the maximum heater voltage (6.2V).
sinusoidal heater voltage, 6.2 V maximum. This is true even when a maximum heater voltage of

W M Sears er a/

is less loss of partial pressure near the surface at higher

temperatures as the catalyticreaction rateincreases.
This may be due to a higher diffusion rate, related to
the average molecularvelocity, for hydrogen compared
to organic vapours. The cooling peak intensity is also

unusually high compared to the heating peak, possibly

2 6 2 reflecting the increased value of the valley.
0 3g

4 <
- The ethanol response occurs at slightly lower tem-
2 - peratures (3.9V heating, 3.1V cooling and 3.5V
2 average as seen before) and there is a shoulder on the
heating peak
other twogases.
0 Interestingly, this shoulder is at the same position as
0 100 200 300 4 00 theheatingpeaks of hydrogenandacetone.These
Time I s 1
features can serve as selection criteria in the use of tin
Figure 4. As figure 3 with (A) 500 PPM hydrogen; oxide gas sensors.
(B) 200 PPM ethanol; (C)200 PPM acetone; The type of waveform used in the thermal cycling of
(D) sinusoidal heater voltage, 6.2 V maximum.
the gas sensor can also have a significant effect on the
selective nature of theresponsealthoughthe main
7.2 Vis used and reflects the high temperatures needed featuresjust discussed remain. For
to oxidise these gases. There is some structure, how- reponseafterthe initialheating tendsto follow the
ever, consisting of a shoulder at about 5.2 V in the two shape of the heater voltagewaveform.Forasquare
gases. Forpropane,thisshoulder is of thesame wave (0.2 to 6.2V switching, 50s period) we observe
strengthastherest of thepeak giving anear flat thatafteran initialheatingperiod of about 8 S the
response over a range of temperatures. response becomes flat and remains so until the heater is
Carbon monoxide (500 PPM) produces more struc- turnedoff.Thestructure,admittedlysmall,seenfor
ture (figure 3, curve C) namely a heating peak at 2.0 V the sine wave largely vanishes. This flatness is due to
and a cooling peak at 3.1 V. This gives an average of the high reaction temperatures needed for the complete
2.6 V and represents the lowest temperature (highest oxidation of propane combined with the uniform tem-
reaction rate) of all gases tested. This is also reflected perature of the square wave over much of its cycle. A
by the fact that the conductance of the sensor at its triangular waveform shows much the same response as
lowest temperature is only slightly lower thanthe the sine wave but with a well defined peak for propane
cooling peak which is in sharp contrast to all the other at the maximum temperature in the cycle.
gaseswhoseresponsealmostvanishesas the sensor For the gases and vapours reacting at lower tem-
cools toroomtemperature.The tin oxidesensor, peraturesthechangesduetothewaveformare less
havingjust beenthermallycleaned, will respond to dramatic. As the sine wavehas no sharp edges, the
CO at very low temperatures (near room temperature temperature can more easily follow the heater voltage
in fact) for a very long time, but eventually adsorbed (the relationship is, of course, not linear) and is more
gases and water vapour will poison the surface. Thus useful for the discrimination of identifying features. It
the sensor cannot be used reliably at low temperature might be useful to design a waveform that would give a
for extended times and many commercial C O sensors linear ramp in temperature, by compensating for the
involve thermal cycling. non-linearrelationshipbetweenheatervoltageand
There are also features at 4.4 and 1.7 V of the CO sensor temperature. The square wave has the advan-
response. This complexity must relate to the changing tage of ease of generation and usefulness in the selec-
nature of the catalytic reaction of CO on the tin oxide tivedetection of gasessuchas propaneandcarbon
surface,and possibly tointeractions with adsorbed monoxide.
water vapour.
In figure 4 we have three very similar curves, which
3.2. Concentration dependence
imply a similar degree of catalytic reaction for hydro-
gen (500 PPM)andtheorganicvapoursinvolved, Figures 5 to 9 display the concentration dependence of
200 PPM ethanol and 200 PPM acetone. They all have sensor response to different reducing gases. The heater
strong well defined heating and cooling peaks. voltage (broken curve) is varied sinusoidally between
For hydrogen these peaks occur at 4.7 and 3.8V 0.2 and 6.2V. The responsesrepresenttheperiodic
with an average of 4.2 V. Acetone gives almost identi- (50 S period)butsteady-statevariation of thecon-
cal positions at4.7 and 3.7 V with an average also about ductance of the sensor in the presence of the various
4.2 V . The most significant difference between them, concentrations stated. Curve Ain the five figures repre-
besidestheirabsolute sensitivity ontheTaguchi gas sents the conductance due to laboratory air, before test
sensor, is the relative response at the maximum heater gas has been injected. Table1 lists conducatance values
temperatureandtheintensityratiobetweenheating takenfromthese figures, andothersnotshown,for
and cooling peaks.Thehydrogenresponseremains variousgasesandconcentrations.Laboratoryair is
relatively high between the peaks suggesting that there listed as zero concentration (G,)).

General characteristics of thermally cycled SnO, gas sensors

Table 1. Sensitivity of a thermally scanned tin oxide sensor.

0 to 5 s 7 to 12 S 18 to 22 S 27 to 32 S 43 to 47 S
0 0.18 - 22.3 - 36.1 - 6.2 - 0.01 -
10 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.03 0.2 7.6 4.3 0.7 0.0 0.0
50 0.38 2.1 24.6 1.1 28.4 0.8 14.0 2.3 0.0 0.0
200 1.46 8.1 63.5 2.9 66.9 1.9 34.2 5.5 0.09 9.0
1000 4.45 25 131 5.9 146 4.1 74 12 0.40 40
0 0.1 - 5.0 - 18.0 - 3.0 - 0.1 -
10 2.5 25 42 8.4 18.0 1.0 4.8 1.6 0.0 0.0
50 45 450 100 20 39 2.2 23.5 7.8 6.4 64
200 167 167037 186 78 4.3 84 28 64 640
500 317 317059 295 115 6.4 157 52 142 1420
0 0.1 - 5.0 - 18.0 - 3.0 - 0.1 -
10 4.9 49 87 17.4 43 2.4 10.230.7 0.5 5.0
50 38.3 383 203 40.6 106 5.9 117 39 9.0 90
200 106 106082 408 241 13.4 306 102 35 350
500 166 1660 651 130 426 24 555 185 62 620
1000 223 2230 815 163 588 33 767 256 90 900
0 0.1 - 5.0 - 18.0 - 3.0 - 0.1 -
1 0.3 3 25 5.0 12 0.7 3.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
5 5.2 52 78 15.6 32 1.8 14.3 4.8 0.25 2.5
20 40 400 179 35.8 60 3.4 49 16.3 3.5 35
100 208 2080 656 131 139 7.7 218 73 35.1 351
200 340 3400 886 177 192 10.7 339 113 66.7 667
500 680 6800 1897 379 321 17.8 839 280 172 1750
0 0.1 - 5.0 - 18.0 - 3.0 - 0.1 -
1 0.0 0.0 20 4.0 11.0 0.6 2.0 0.7 0.0 0.0
5 0.7 7 92 18.4 33 1.8 14.0 4.7 0.0 0.0
20 5.8 58 249 49.8 68 3.8 50 16.7 0.9 9
100 33.2 332 743 149 144 8.0 193 64 7.8 78
200 75 750 1153 231 195 10.8 350 117 20 200
500 139 1390 1580 316 319 17.7 665 222 46 460
Note: Go is the base conductance at zero concentration of reducing gas and AG is the increase in conductance
observed when gas is added. The units used in the table are ,USand represent the maximum value in the cycle
time range shown.

Thetable splits thethermal cycle upinto five muchlarger in the wings duetothe very low con-
regions or windows. The conductancesused in the ductance of the sensorin laboratory air in this region of
calculation of variables in the table represent themaxi- the cycle.
mumvaluewithineachwindow. AG is listed as the Figure 6 shows the response to concentration varia-
change in conductance (conductance at a set concen- tions of carbon monoxide. In contrast to propane, the
tration minus the value at zero) for the various concen- build-up of response in the wings, the areas of negli-
trations except zero where G,, is listed instead. AG/Go gible clean air response, is dramatic for carbon monox-
is the ratio of this change to the zero concentration ide with a significant change in shape with concentra-
value. tion. This shift in shape makes identification of carbon
Examining the sensor response for propane (figure monoxide difficult at low concentrationsalthoughat
5 and table 1) we see that there is very little change in higherconcentrationsthe large low-temperature res-
shape of the conductancecurvefrom low to high ponse is areliableindication. The rapidincreases in
concentrations.Theresponse follows the increasing responsefortheheatingpeakas well asthe low-
temperature,asrepresented by theheatervoltage temperature regions is reflected in table 1 in the very
curve, with a slight shift to the cooling side. There is large sensitivities shown, as high as a conductance ratio
also a widening of the response; the wings are increas- of 3000. This means that thermally cycling the Taguchi
ing faster than the centre. The latter can be seen more sensorcangreatlyincreasethesensitivity(measured
clearly in table 1 although the effect is slight for pro- early in the cycle) and the selectivity (measured late in
pane. the cycle).
Althoughtheabsoluteconductancechangesare Theconcentrationvariation of hydrogen gas in
larger at peak response, the sensitivity ratio AG/Go is figure 7, also shows enhanced sensitivity in the wings.

W M Sears et a/


Time ( S ) Time l S )

Figure 5. The conductance of a tin oxide gas sensor Figure 8. As figure 5 for ethanol. (A) clean air;
as a function of time (50 S period) for various (B) 20 PPM; (C) 100 PPM; (D) 500 PPM; (E) heater voltage.
concentrations of propane under an applied sinusoidal
heater voltage (6.2 V maximum). (A) clean air;
(B) 50 PPM; (C) 200 PPM; (D) 1000 PPM; (E) heater
voltage. the response due to carbon monoxide. This problem in
selectivitycan bealleviatedsomewhat by theuse of
responseratios of theconductancesat two or more
points in the thermal cycle.
Figures 8 and 9, giving the response of ethanol and
5 i 3
acetone respectively, are very similar. They both have
* strongheatingpeaksfollowed by deep valleys and
significantly weaker cooling peaks. The difference in
g 2 overall shape caused by the rapid rise of the cooling
peak with concentration is also common to both. Thisis
-< reflected in the sensitivities listed in table 1.
2 -
1 The maindifference is thelowertemperature of
1 reaction of ethanol vapour which results in higher wing
sensitivities. The significantly higher low-temperature
0 response of ethanol also means that it will interfere
0 10 20 30 40 50
Time l S )
more seriously with the selective detection of carbon
monoxide in that region.
Figure 6. As figure 5 for carbon monoxide. (A) clean In figure 10 we examine in more detail the issue of
air; (B)50 PPM; ( C ) 200 PPM; (D) 500 PPM; (E) heater
voltage. sensitivity
fromregion to region in the
thermal cycle. Plotted is the log to the base ten of the
change in conductance to added ethanol vapour versus
Although the response atlow sensor temperatures (the
the log of the concentration of the added vapour. This
45 S mark) is relatively low compared to the rest of the
is done as it is often found that the conductance change
response, at high hydrogen concentrations it can rival

I I I l 17

i6 20 I


I *
I I I 17

*, \
P 6
I \
/ \ 1
d l.

S 4


0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (S)

Tlme Is1
Figure 7. As figure 5 for hydrogen. (A) clean air;
(B) 50 PPM; (C) 200 PPM; (D) 1000 PPM; (E) heater Figure 9. As figure 5 for acetone. (A) clean air;
voltage. (B) 20 PPM; (C) 100 PPM; (D) 500 PPM; (E) heater voltage.

General characteristics of thermally cycled SnO, gas sensors

I I I 4. Discussion

Theease with which variousgasesandvapoursare

oxidised by the catalyticprocesses onthe tinoxide
sensor is given by the average peak heater voltages:
carbon monoxide (2.6 V), ethanol (3.5 V ) , hydrogen
andacetone(4.2 V), andmethaneandpropane
( > 7 V). Fromtheliterature[3,9,11, 121 theCO
about 100 "C, the hydrogen value to about 300 "C, and
the methane value to 500 "C surface temperature. By
l I I l varying the temperature of the sensor, three classes of
-1 0 1 2 3 gasescanbedistinguished: those that oxidiseatlow,
Log([ (PPM)) medium and high temperatures. It is important to cycle
the sensor heater to approximately 6 V to clarify struc-
Figure 10. The logarithm of the change in conductance tural differences between the response to variousgases
(AG)in ,USfor data taken from table 1 versus the
logarithm of the concentration of ethanol vapour in and vapours. The sensor is nominally rated for 5 V but
parts per million. (A) 0 to 5 S of cycle period, lower can be safely run at higher temperatures for extended
slope is 1.64, upper slope is 0.74; (B) 7 to 12 S, slope is periods, with the possible exception of the presence of
0.69; (C)18 to 22 S, slope is 0.52; (D) 27 to 32 S , slope high concentrations of stronglyreducinggases. The
is 0.90; (E) 43 to 47 S , lower slope is 1.90, upper slope
period of thermal cycling must be long enough to allow
is 0.99.
thesensortemperatureto follow theappliedheater
voltage, but it is not necessary to have complete chemi-
cal equilibrium.
The structure of the periodic conductance changes
(AG) and vapour concentration (C) are related by a which occurwhenthesensor is exposedtoreducing
power-law dependence [7] gases can be used to improve selectivity and sensitivity
of detection. By measuringtheconductanceatthe
AG = AC" (1) lowest temperature of the cycle. carbon monoxide can
be selectively detected whereas measuring the flatness
where logA is the intercept and n is the slope of the of response at thehigh temperatures will select propane
log-log plot.CurveC in the figure representsdata over other gases. The sensor also shows an increased
takenfromthe 18 to 22s region of the cycle.This sensitivity early in the heating cycle as the response to
region represents the valley oftheethanolresponse injected gases increases more rapidly with temperature
shown in figure 8 as well asthepeak in cleanair than the base conductance. The cycled response of the
response. We would also expect that this region would sensorcanbethought of asthermallyprogrammed
most closely correspond to theDC sensor response. The desorption which reflects both the catalytic sites on the
log-log slope is 0.52 from figure 10, representing the tin oxide as well as the reacting gases.
square-rootdependence very commonlyobserved in The chemistry which occurs on the surface of a gas
the DC operation of tin oxide sensors. sensor like tin oxide involves two main reactions.In the
Curve D, representing the cooling peak region at27 first atmospheric oxygen ( 0 2becomes
) chemi-adsorbed
to 32 S , has a slopeof 0.90. This represents a near-linear to the surface (0-),tying up electronic carriers (e-).
response,unusual in theoperation of gas sensors.
Curve A which comes from data taken from the very
2e- +0 2 3 2 0 - . (2)
beginning of the heating peakregion (0 to 5 S ) does not
showasimplepower law response. The low concen- Since the carrier density in the semiconductor (n-type)
tration part of the data gives a slope of 1.64 reflecting is decreased the conductivity decreases. This effect is
the very quick build-up of response in this region. At largest at the constricted contacts between the grains of
high concentration this slope falls to 0.74. This change a sintered powder. In general, 0; will also be chemi-
may reflect the movement of the heating peak to lower adsorbed on the surface. We neglect it because it is not
times in the cycle at higher concentrations.This is expected to react significantly with the reducing gas and
partly confirmed by the log-log slope of curve B (the at moderate temperatures will desorb or change to 0-
heating peak region at 7 to 12 S) which is 0.69, close to [6,10,19]. The concentration of 0'- is expected to be
the high concentration value of region 1. The log-log much lower than 0- and we neglect its effect here. We
slopes of curve E (43 to 47 S ) which are 0.99 for the are assuming that equation (2) is irreversible (second
upperregionand1.90forthelower, showasimilar order) with k , being the rate constant of the reaction.
overlap with the cooling peak(curve D). Allthis The presence of reducing gases (R) in the atmos-
implies major differences in chemistry occurring in the phere will produce a counter reaction.
different regions of the cycle. The other gases tested R+O-JRO+e-. (3)
give similar slope variations in the five regions. k?

W M Sears et a/

We assume this reaction is also irreversible, with a rate voltagedecreasesbecause of arelatively high series
constantk2, as theproduct(RO) will desorb. In resistance this effect is less certain).
equation (3) the reducing gas removes chemi-adsorbed This affects our equation as the rate constants are a
oxygen,frees upanelectroniccarrier,andthereby function of temperature. We can write
increases the conductivity of thesemiconductor gas
sensor. The two reactions (equations (2) and (3)) there- k = ko exp ( - E,/ KBT) (9)
fore act in opposite directions and for a given concen- where ko is the value at infinite temperature, E , is an
tration of reactants will reach a steady state, involving activation energy, K B is the Boltzmann constant and T
the continuous consumption of oxygen andreducing is the temperature. This leads to
Using the law of mass action we can rewrite these A Ink E,
equations as currents
" --
11= k,Nt[O,l (4)
which shows that with increasing temperature the rate
of change of the log of the rate constantwith respect to
temperaturedecreases,although it always remains
I , = 21, (6) positive. Given that we suspect a direct, although non-
and therefore linear dependence of the temperature on the reducing
vapourconcentration,therate of change of k with
respect to [R] should also decrease with increasing [R]
and should always be positive.
So given that the rate constants are function
a of [R]
whereNe is theconcentration of electronsandthe we can write
square brackets denote the concentration of enclosed
compounds.Wecandirectlyidentify Ne with the A log k, A log k,
conductance change A G (within a constant of propor- n=o*5(Alog[R]-Al~g[R]+1)' (11)
tionality and assuming no changes in carrier mobility)
as theabovetreatment gives zerocarriersforzero From the above argument, with increasing [R] the first
concentration of reducing gas. [R] can also be directly term increases n but the second tends to decrease it.
related to volume gas concentration expressed as parts Assuming that the temperature variation of the rate
per million. constantduetothe reducingagent dominates, we
We will now examine the effect of equation (7) on obtainslopes greaterthan 0.5 and possibly much
the log-log slope of conductance versus concentration greaterthan 1. Duetothe effect of equation (lo),
in equation (1) (A log N J A log[R] = n ) under various however, at higher temperatures the slopemay start to
conditionsandassumptions.First we assume that k, decrease,although still remainhigherthan 0.5. This
and k, are constant (fixed temperature), that [O-] is effectshouldbegreatestfor high [R] but low or
constant (relatively low concentration of [R]), and that moderate temperature and therefore should explain the
[O,] is constant (the atmosphere represents an infinite high slopes seen in the wings of the conductance curves.
source). For this case we find that n = 0.5. This repre- Withincreasing
concentration of reducing
sents the situation for the valley section of the ethanol another effect is seen. Because of the higher reaction
data (figure 10, curve C). rate the concentration of the reducinggas at the tin
If we allow [O-] to be a function of the reducing oxide surface begins to drop with increasing tempera-
vapour concentration, which we expect to happen at ture, as the gas is consumed faster thanit can diffuse in;
very high concentrations due to the rapid consumption it is also possible thatthe gas begins toburnsome
of chemi-adsorbed oxygen, we obtain distance removed from the surface. In both cases the
effect is to decrease the amountof vapour able to react
with chemi-adsorbed oxygen on the tin oxide surface at
the higher temperatures. Therefore we can write

Withincreasing [R], [ O - ] decreasesand A log[O-]

becomesnegativeandthus n becomes less than 0.5.
This effect is not seen in the results presented here.
As equation(3) is an exothermic reactionwe expect where [Rd] is the difference in concentration between
the temperature of the tin oxide sensor to be afunction the gas in the atmosphere, [R], and the gas near the
of the concentration of the reducing vapour, especially surface. [Rd] is a function of [R], both are functions of
at high concentrations. In addition Joule heating, due temperature, and so this explains the valleys seen in the
to the voltage applied across the tin oxide in measuring response of many of the gases tested.Itmustbe
theconduction, will becomemore significant as the emphasised thatthis is mostly a temperatureeffect seen
concentration and conductance increase also resulting as thesensor is heating,theabsoluteconcentration
in a rise in temperature (power = V 2 G , although if the near the surface continues to increase but at a rate less

General characteristics of thermally cycled SnO, gas sensors

than at low gas concentrations. This will have a slight [6] Morrison S R 1987 Sensors and Actuators 11 283-7
[7] Clifford P K and Tuma D T 1982-83 Sensors and
tendency to reduce the log-log slope. Actuators 3 233-54
We thus see that as well as the obvious advantages [8] Clifford P K and Tuma D T 1982-83 Sensors and
of thermal scanning with respect to selectivity (shape) Actuators 3 255-81
thereare also greatadvantages of sensitivity if the [9] Heiland G 1982 Sensors and Actuators 2 343-61
measurement is performed at the correct point in the [lo] Morrison S R 1987 Sensors and Actuators 12 425-40
cycle. [Ill Yamazoe N, Kurokawa Y and Seiyama T 1983 Sensors
and Actuators 4 283-9
[l21 Lalauze R, Bui N D and Pijolat C 1983 Proc. lnt.
Meeting Chemical Sensors at Fukuoka, Japan
Acknowledgments (Analytical Chemistry Symp. Ser. 17) (Amsterdam:
Elsevier) pp. 47-51
We wish to thank Halitec Industries for their sponsor- [l31 Le Vine H D 1975 US Patent no 3 906 473
ship of this research and in particular Vern Moen for [l41 Eicker H 1977 US Patent no 4 012 692
many valuable and encouraging suggestions. We also [l51 Owen L J 1980 US Patent no 4 185 491
[l61 Advani G N, Beard R and Nanis L 1983 US Patent no
acknowledge the financial support of an IRAP Grant 4 399 684
from the National Research Council of Canada. [l71 Bukowiecki S, Pfister G , Reis A , Troup A P and Ulli
H P 1986 US Patent no 4 567 475
[l81 Figaro Engineering Inc. Semiconductor Gas Sensors
References (technical information)
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