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A handbook of BAHASA INDONESIA PCT M Ure Ler lic) —— Edited by: I Nengah Sudipa A Handbook of BAHASA INDONESIA for International Students Contibuted by UKETUT TIKA NYOMAN SEDENG I NENGAH SUDIPA I KETUT WANDIA INYOMAN UDAYANA NNILUH NYOMAN SERI MALINI YANA QOMARIANA Edited by INENGAH SUDIPA Cover-designed by MADE HENRA DWIKARMAWAN SUDIPA Published by SWASTA NULUS in cooperation with PROGRAM STUDI SASTRA INGGRIS, FAKULTAS ILMU BUDAYA, UNIVERSITAS UDAYANA. DENPASAR Printed in PERCETAKAN SWASTA NULUS Jl. Tukad Batanghari VI.B No. 9 Denpasar-Bali Telp. (0361) 241340 + Email: First Editon: Januari 2017, iv + 136 halaman, 14,8x 21cm ISBN : 978-602-7599-45-1 ii Handbook of BAHASA INDONESIA for Intemational Students Table of Contents Table of Contents Lesson Pengantar “Greeting, nroduton and Reaves ete Lesson? Berapa Marea Numbers, Pring Reming hous, et esson3_KaponKullsh Mat ‘Time, Date, Day Week, Month, Yeu, ete ‘nda Apa Soharang a Bistanee, Locations, Prepositions, et Lesson Sayalarang Bangun Tertambat Day actives, avers, te Lesion 6 Bal Indah Seal Adjective, ating appreciating tc Lesson? Belsjor Bahasa Indonesia aston 8 Anda Menungau Sapa? Pre ME sn kena Duna Lesson 10 Bajin lebih murah Comparative Dege#5 nn Lesson 11 Tolong Bawa Tas I Impertve a ION nnn eston 12 Beribur eve : Laston ‘Questions Model of he oa test » 2 ° ” 10 Fy 1. Pengantar ‘nti unit you wear ~ Greeting thanking please! + _Pronuncing Indonesian words = Pronouns Request Nenatan Gans: Hal, setama ag, Renan aya Myoman Wel, good morning, (May 1) introduce myself, 1 am ‘ever Sven lo, seam pag ug, nama say Steven ‘Wel, g0d morning too, my name Steven" Guns: Ads dima. Steven? ‘where are youtrom, Steven? Sven «da Bern erman, pak dav mana? “from Bertn-Germany, where ae ton” ‘Gumy Saye dar Denpasar, sya Guru Bahasa Indonesia “Vom fom Deapesa-Bal, lam a indonesian teacher ‘even Oh, saya mahasona, Terma kash Pak “Oh, lama student, tharkyousi? Gum Sama sama ‘you welcome AISA RONEN ra ts 1 Sen ‘Unt Elis the speling of indonesia is conser phones. ‘The pronunciation sim t Spanish talon ‘Most consonant ae pronounced rough ain Engh. The main exceptions ar astoows Dent: Selamat sine Tom ‘Good atteroon, Tom ‘om Sere, apatatar Det ‘Aternaon ow ae you Dew cba, sett datang Bl ‘Fine, weleome to i" Torn Ya, soyasenang Bal ‘Wel 1am nappy in alr lspronouncedchfomety peed“) Dew! :Sishlan dud! al tolookfor,ee hte tole ‘Pease st down!” geass stays hard asin “ge: =o una tous ole ray Dewi :Terimatashikemball ‘no very sof arate ot pronounced betwen deren vowel ‘Myleasure habs» obs Firihed dup -> dup tole doh > suse steady mudah-> mado easy lhor-> ot tosee —tahu-> tau tohnow ilcome 1 INDONESIA Ai ound in words of Arabi dean, nd sound e the eh he cotta word usus speci ater ‘no ays soft a5 9 "nang dengar tohear tng ost. 00s awys hard, anger genag bother mange mango ied rote, an Spa tus united base io ‘There ate sievowels a .u¢.6, €28short ke the ain Yther two siphons, au: sot one ovr pay usualy unacentd sha, the the in "b compet four bel toby But ocasonaly, ¢sounde kein “pase” esa ‘vila abe chiltpepper ie the te an “bea ‘igo three mee in" ‘bodoh —sunit ——boleh_—may sete in "humor ‘yuh seven untuk for Fis pronounced ite the “ee pontel beach sampal_toresch ‘sk the ow now tm pulou land Nowee Under the influence ofovanese, fa as fen pronounced ie & in “passe sampol > sompe toresch Simian, fraleweften becomes: eu) Noreen vec: Say there words cops anal santai Bota mau aw reeting When peting and taking leave of one anther, Indonesians shake hands ty ot ey, as the way Americans do). Muss touch the ght hand tp their heart afterwards 252 greter of good. (Never use he le hand to shake hand or touch someone) King, ging oF other eye retirgs are rarely practiced In publ, except ter sa sex Selamat sa word ste a moe Indonesia greetings. came rom the Arabic salam, meaning pace, safety or saat. By se, the ‘lamaton Selamat! Mears “Congratulation!” Uke Erlsh “good” 14 flowed by the time of day aod other words to form mort Common gretings: Selamat datang Vilcome dctang = t come) Selamat pagh Good morning (p= orring unt 11 am) Selamat song Go0d dey (sang = midday, fom 31 am t0 3 Selumat sore Good ateroon (ar to ih) Selomet molam Good evening (nolan igh, ter dar Selamat itr Good night (eur =t0 seep) ‘Ana haboris ante common grating wich teraby means “What en?" (op0 = what labor» news) of ther words “How are you) The standard answers Kabar bik” meaning Ym fe" (ook al te) ‘9 wt so fi yout greeted with the folowing quertons, Joan strangers ‘Mou ke mone? Where are you going? an mene? Were ae you fom fom? his sald out of crusty, and the person sua not al that Interested in where you ae actualy going or coming or. Tie ust another way of saying “helo!” ‘You may answer: or pace) From [ples] Saya mou ke ace] am pongo sce Jalan jion 932 st goig fora wa Tidak ke mona-one Notanyhere a partcar When taing leave of Somene, i is pote to excuse oneself by sng: ‘Mort. aya pert tu. | a going now Goodbye for row) Sampoljumpaogl See you ngnn "Mor informa, youcan ao sy: Dot o* Bye! Goodbye lng Not: Bel Come fom the Ouch deg mei ay (ao vend 33 farewell. Bye rom Engh ‘tyouare the one staying tein, you respond by sai "Bon ogc” ‘Asin any langue, there are many ways of dressing someone in Indoneson.Bacauie Indonesans have 2 stone sense of scl Ihearhy, these forms of address often cary with them certain lass and other Seton. 1: important therefore Yo uee the oprgriate term. Some forms of adress ate quite “af” or “neutral” io this regard, and may be used i 2 wide varity of ‘stations these are the ones that shoud be learned fst are used rmostoften, ‘Bepak or Pak Geraray. Tatar] the most commen way adresaing a adult ale nIndones. sed very mah The “hc OS In Engh, Bapakis always used when addeesing ler men, and may ao be used to adress a contemporary of younger man atough other forms may ba used in ths ase ewe se boo. to oF Bu (erally “meter” ssn used to adres ll women partly oler,maried women. Note: Bapok and iu ate often veed flowed bythe persons at na, meaning Me Or re. So an: 30. Thief quite ner Yvoughout indonesia, and you can almost never go wrong resing someone inthis way (exept you are much ole than ‘he eran you ae adéresing. “Ando tem of ey recent coinage, intended to mean you" na etal way ao considered tobe rather formal are ewe ed among educated ads who meet forthe fst Une (a In Division comers, tc] on sd Engkow ae progous hat both meen “yu” in fie Bre fave to Dvn Geran cr tn Franch They ae wed in Informal stuatons w address case fren, children of soca Telarc gnarl ured = subst or nds you" Once youget to knew emaone wl you can ate ter ame 0 fxm kama "you" General spear, personal ponaurs ‘hs "you" equnatents can be tout coogi indonesian ‘Tuan (4), nyonya (madam), and none Cis") ae forms that Unless moy use oars you. Tum means master ad wes ed 0 edessansocrats and European during colori tines, ‘yoyo ant non ate Borrowed trom Porque, Asa fregn Willer, you may ony ever Rea these wed for you~ you wil ot 1 se term oust (Om ("Uncle") and Tent *hunt) are borrowed from Dutch nd are Used to a6eress older men or women, especially I they are not ood relations. ‘Mes erally means “older broter in Savaness, nde 3 pole form of ares fora contempexary or younger parsons commen ed in tava to adress a water a porter 0 padiab"beca”diver, and hence can hae the connotation of addressing a soc interior. ‘When in doubt itis better stick with ak ang can alo be sed in Jslarta or Sumatra, ‘Mook ek in Sumatra) is smilory used in va to sumenon a ates ors shop (On the whole Indonesians donot use the werd "you" hein ng Fist name (often preceéed by kinship terms ike Pak or Bu maybe sed, othe context may make Robes Singur Pua Ts peer | saa, aa dia, | Wor kam ay “nd person |Your anda, tamu, | You a talon, sal, anda lerghau tapak, bu, | sekatan, am sekalan Sidon [Hehe di They mereka Te Yara we eilodes he person speaking wth + rt: we indudesthe person speaking with amples Students say to ateacher “Kami (the students ony) adalsh manasa dt erman” Inching the each ‘tudetssaytatescher, "Mit ads ddl els? “We the eudent wth the teacher] ae ‘As Engh, interopative words and phrases ae used to form ‘po? wa? ‘pin? aie is? Slap? no? olou.? What about? Kepon? wen? Kenepe? Wy? Pardon? Dimona? Were? ogimona? How? (ang) mana? Which on? Ke mane? Townere? ar mona? From where? apo datang (in? hen dt you arave (here)? ori mana? Where are you from? Sipe namanyo? What's you Os, he) name? ogimonasoyebie.? ——Howcant.? enape dot bea...? Why cant 2 ‘Mou ke mone? Where ae you gong? Kol in bogimana? ‘wnat about tone? Diana? Winer? ‘mana komarkeci/WE/tolet? Where ithe restroom? ‘Apshah mes ode..? Do you sit have any? ‘Apahah di sin oda? Do youhave any. here? Tolang kash ar minum Please gve me some dinking water. Toong kash it Please give me that one. Tong kash dua, Please give eto [of them] ‘coba means “ey (on) and & 40 weed with verte such as Hat {seein te sense of “lease may see." when ashing t ook at Something na shop window oa display cae, or example oba thet tu. Pease etme have 2 lok at th “Sakon or Siobhan mears “Pease go ahead” or “Be my gust” and is used bya host oie hi or her quests to do something, oF 2352 response ta request for permission to do something Ris, for example, pete to walt fr an indonesian host or hostess to 29) “Stobkon!belore eying ay dks or snacks that have been paced before you. (Please note that Sfobton 1s never used when requesting something) ‘Sabon mask! Pease come in! ‘Slahen dud! lens sit down! ‘Sohkon minum este dik! ‘Sebken mokan! Pease et! ‘oleh soya mosut? May ome a? ‘Stebkon! Peat do Tela kasi sed to say “hank you" abo used to mean “no thank you" when reusing something beng offered. indonesans ‘end to se much ez often than it used in Engh. Seme-sama ("sama-saa") of Kemball ("et are the normal responses to terme kasi, beth meaning "Youre welcome.” 2 cont of inde NOON rete 2.Berapa Harga nti un, you wiles: Cainal Numbers, Orval numbers; phrases for shopping How much? wunh—aaven seventeen ‘elapan eight, ahteen sembian ine rieteen ten sepaleh sweaty ‘meenty one ‘eny 00 fonahundred Serb one thousand twohundred gua rbu two thousand tienratus three hundred tgarbu trae ee ‘thousand se prefix isang one eluh ten, multiples often bu thousand Ieloe tenn ‘ute milion rte sone ‘miyor —tillon ‘Ordinal numbers ae formed by attaching the peeficKE- to any ‘xin number (wih the exception of peta, "frst'the word yong is aed when no noun is mentioned o convey the sense ot “ihe stone” (erllythe one which Is the fst”), “he second one and 0 fort. Pertamaflesatu fest. Kea second etiga oa Teer vast eercses2 od the orinalnumber snd Mention your lsngsage | 1 boku arg eta 2 Oioguru arg) nea ‘etengohsparuhersepare one hit one tie seperempet one quarter igo per enpor ‘vee fourths ‘ve per tina two the : to setencon twoand a halt MASA PORES verti 6

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