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worksasintended / klipper_linear_movement_analysis Public

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forks Movement Vibrations Analysis
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This is a klipper extension allowing to measure vibrations on linear movements on
different axis. Unlike with previous solutions, the acceleration phases in the moves are not
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part of the analysed data.

worksasintended python 3 compatibility (#12) … on Nov 9, 2022 65

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This extension adds two new GCODE commands:


most Latest
usecases it is sufficient to only use MEASURE_LINEAR_VIBRATIONS [VELOCITY=
on Nov 7, 2022
<velocity>] [AXIS=<x|y|a|b>]

This will measure the vibrations frequency spectrum and create a file in the directory
defined in the config as follows:

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Python 96.4% Shell 3.6%

Full set of options:

MEASURE_LINEAR_VIBRATIONS [VELOCITY=<velocity>] [AXIS=<x|y|a|b>] [FMAX=<maximum

frequency considered default 120>] [FMIN=<minimum frequency considered default
2xVELOCITY>] [D_IDLER=<diameter of idler>] [XMIN=<VALUE>] [XMAX=<VALUE>] [YMIN=

The settings XMIN, XMAX, YMINN, YMAX overwrite the measurement rectangle defined in
the config.

The settings STARTX, STARTY, ENDX, ENDY allow to define a movement between any two
points. Be aware that this causes the movement to possibly happen on a path different to
the defined axis. In this case the axis is only used to find the adxl corresponding to the
axis in case of multiple accelerometers. Also make sure that the defined points have a
distance big enough to reach target velocity.

D_IDLER defines the diameter of an idler in mm. If set, the peak frequency graph will
show a frequency corresponding to a full rotation of set idler. This is a way to identify
decentered idlers. Please be aware, that those frequencies are usually pretty low. To get
useful results measure at the fastest speed possible and set FMIN to a low value as well
as you need to choose the longest travel distance possible.

FMIN, FMAX define the frequency range considered. All data outside this range are
ignored. Be aware, due to the nature of an fft it does not make sense to use extremely
low frequencies that correspond to less than half the measuring time.


A minimal, and in most cases sufficient approach is to use

MEASURE_LINEAR_VIBRATIONS_RANGE [AXIS=<x|y|a|b>] [VMIN=<minimal velocity>] [VMAX=
<maximal velocity>] [STEP=<steps size of veloctity changes>]

This goes through a range of velocities, plots the frequency responses and calculates the
power of the vibrations as well as the frequencies of the main peak for each tested
velocity, creating plots as following:
Full set of options:
MEASURE_LINEAR_VIBRATIONS_RANGE [AXIS=<x|y|a|b>] [VMIN=<minimal velocity>] [VMAX=
<maximal velocity>] [STEP=<steps size of veloctity changes>] [D_IDLER=<diameter of
pulley or idler>] [FMIN=<minimum frequency considered default 5>] [FMAX=<maximum
frequency considered default two times VMAX>] [XMIN=<VALUE>] [XMAX=<VALUE>] [YMIN=

Please read above about the different options, as most of them are identical to

Log into your raspberry pi via ssh. Clone the git repo via

git clone


Copy, paste and excecute the following command:

bash klipper_linear_movement_analysis/

This will install the extension. The installation of matplotlib requires some time and
creates significant load on the rpi, I suggest NOT to do this, while the rpi is used for

To update the package via Moonraker or a web frontend, add this to your
moonraker.conf :

[update_manager LinearMovevementAnalysis]
type: git_repo
path: ~/klipper_linear_movement_analysis
primary_branch: main
env: ~/klippy-env/bin/python
requirements: requirements.txt
managed_services: klipper

The moonraker config can either be accesed via ssh or via one of the common klipper
webfronts, like Fluidd or Mainsail.
Add the section [linear_movement_vibrations] to your printer.cfg to activate the
plugin Example configuration:

accel_chip: adxl345
x_min: 5
x_max: 175
y_min: 5
y_max: 175
output_directory: /home/pi/klipper_config/linear_vibrations/

Make sure the defined output directory is writable. The one in the example configuration
shown above will create a folder linear_vibrations that can be accessed via the file
browser in the web frontend, assuming you are using RatOS. Similar to the
input_shaper folder , you can find it in the machine tab in the config root. If you are
not using RatOS and are unsure which directroy to use /tmp/ is a save bet. Be aware,
that the pngs will not be automatically removed. x_min, x_max,y_min, y_max define a
triangle in which the measuremnts will be performend. z If you are using multiple
accelerometers, you can also define them as such (untested feature)

accel_chip_x: adxl345 rpi

accel_chip_y: adxl345

After these steps, reboot your raspberry, as otherwhise the newly installed pythin
libraries are not loaded into the env.

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