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Metabolic and Systemic

Consequences of Acute
Limb Ischemia
Frank Padberg Jr., MD  •  Walter N Durán, PhD

Key Points
• The severe consequences of acute limb • Continued research into the mechanisms
ischemia are considered in three broad of microvascular dysfunction may enable
categories: ischemia, reperfusion, and local the development of new therapeutic
effects (compartment syndrome). interventions, which could be administered
at the time of reperfusion. These
Ischemia investigations focus on the structural
• Tissue and organ tolerance for ischemia is basis of hyperpermeability, knowledge of
highly variable. The duration and extent endothelial cell function, enhancement of
of ischemia are major factors affecting barrier function in the vascular wall, and
outcome. leukocyte interactions.
• Prompt restoration of blood flow remains
Local Effects
the most effective intervention to minimize
the deleterious effects of ischemia– • A diffuse increase in microvascular
reperfusion injury. permeability produces the clinical
• Innovative experimental approaches finding of tissue edema. Reperfusion
developed to ameliorate the adverse effects edema constrained by a restrictive fascial
of reperfusion have yet to translate into envelope results in compartmental
clinical practice. hypertension.
• Compartment syndrome remains primarily
Reperfusion a clinical diagnosis; however, measurement
• Revascularization produces both local of compartment pressures may resolve an
and systemic effects from release of indistinct clinical presentation.
toxic metabolites and stimulation of • Prompt, thorough fasciotomy decompresses
inflammatory mediators. compartmental hypertension.

Acute limb ischemia may result from remote organ cellular dysfunction, increases in microvascular
arterial trauma, arterial occlusion, throm- permeability, and produces tissue edema. Increased perme-
bosis of a previous reconstruction, or ability to macromolecules is one of the earliest signs of dys-
thromboemboli. The magnitude of acute function in skeletal muscle. Intravital microscopy techniques
ischemic injury increases proportionally indicate that a significant increase in macromolecular trans-
with the duration of ischemia and the port occurs during the reperfusion phase.2 The cellular altera-
mass of tissue affected. The mechanism tions produced by ischemia are exaggerated by reperfusion.
of injury in reperfusion involves a series In addition, reperfusion causes new injury due to complex
of events including inadequate oxygen delivery, reduction interactions between the newly reintroduced molecular oxy-
in cellular energy stores, accumulation of noxious metabo- gen and the cellular metabolic state set up by ischemia.
lites, and oxygen-derived free radical injury.1 The release of Significant secondary complications such as tissue necrosis,
toxic metabolic products into the systemic circulation causes neuromuscular dysfunction, amputation, sepsis, multisystem

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Chapter 15  Metabolic and Systemic Consequences of Acute Limb Ischemia 279

Table 15-1
SVS/ISCVS Criteria for Limb Viability. Clinical Categories of Acute Limb Ischemia
(Based on SVS/ISCVS Classifcation)
Category Description/Prognosis Sensory Loss Muscle Weakness Arterial Venous

I. Viable Not immediately threatened None None Audible Audible

II.    Threatened
a. Marginally Salvageable if promptly Minimal or none None (Often) inaudible Audible
b. Immediately Salvageable with immediate More than toes; often Mild, moderate (Usually) inaudible Audible
revascularization associated with rest
III. Irreversible Major tissue loss or ­ Profound, anesthetic Profound, paralysis Inaudible Inaudible
permanent nerve damage (rigor)

organ failure, and death may follow acute arterial ischemia– is often less clear after an episode of arterial thromboem-
reperfusion (IR) of skeletal muscle.3-5 When the increase in bolism.4,8 Combined arteriovenous injuries are more likely
permeability occurs within a restricted space, progressive to result in tissue edema, especially when associated with
swelling may obstruct venous return, capillary perfusion, and venous occlusion. Coexistent hypotension exacerbates the IR
finally arterial flow. The combined effect produces ischemic injury.
injury to the tissues within that space. This condition, known Edema due to reperfusion of an ischemic extremity may
as compartment syndrome, may be amenable to interventions develop several hours following revascularization; therefore,
including mechanical decompression by fasciotomy or phar- monitoring for compartmental hypertension should be a rou-
macotherapy designed to prevent or reduce tissue edema. tine part of the careful postoperative evaluation.
It may be difficult to distinguish isolated compartment
syndrome from acute limb ischemia. Clinical situations in
CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE which acute compartmental hypertension may mimic acute
The morbidity and mortality associated with acute limb isch- arterial ischemia are noted in Table 15-2. The most common
emia are significant. The mortality rate for acute limb ischemia nonarterial cause is fracture with secondary hemorrhage
is 9% to 25%.5,6 The major amputation rate is 13% to 25%. within a compartment. Other examples include prolonged
Factors reported to be associated with reduced risk of mortal- compression of a muscular part, which may result from posi-
ity are patient age less than 63 years, heparin administration, tioning for protracted surgery or prolonged immobilization
and percutaneous transluminal angioplasty. Increased risk of
mortality has been associated with embolectomy, amputation,
and fasciotomy.6 In one large review, approximately 10% of
the amputations were performed as the primary procedure for Table 15-2
limbs deemed nonsalvagable. In one small series of patients Causes of Compartment Syndromes
with severe, bilateral limb ischemia and paralysis from acute
aortic occlusion, mortality was 63% with amputation and Decreased compartment Closure of fascial defects
paraplegia present in two of the three survivors.4 volume Application of excessive traction
Patients presenting with acute limb ischemia are classified Increased compartment Bleeding
content Major vascular
into three basic categories corresponding to recommendations coagulation disorder
for management.5,7 The three categories of ischemia—viable, Increased capillary filtration
threatened, and irreversible—are in turn based on the clinical Bites–Reptiles or insects
findings of sensory loss (none to extensive), muscle weakness Ischemia–reperfusion
(none to paralysis, rigor), and presence (or absence) of a pedal Trauma
Intraarterial drug injection
Doppler signal (Table 15-1).5,7 Cold
Effective management of acute limb ischemia and its sequelae Orthopedic injury
may require fasciotomy. A contemporary study based on the Increased capillary pressure
U.S. National Inpatient Sample reported fasciotomy in 4.3% of Acute venous obstruction
limbs coded for acute embolism and thrombosis of the lower Diminished serum osmolarity
Nephrotic syndrome
extremities. Fasciotomy was more common (25%) in a concom- Other causes
itant, retrospective experience at an academic institution. Those Infusion infiltration
requiring fasciotomy were also at greater risk of amputation and Pressure transfusion
death, presumably reflecting more advanced ischemia.6 Muscular hypertrophy
Popliteal cyst
Externally applied Tight casts, dressings, or splints
ETIOLOGY pressure Increased pressure on the
limb due to prolonged
Ischemia followed by restoration of blood flow precipitates immobilization during long
increases in permeability and local edema. The duration of surgical ­procedures or after
­recreational drug use
ischemia can often be assessed accurately after trauma but

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
280 SECTION III  Acute Limb Ischemia

after recreational drug use.8-12 A dressing or a cast that is too failure, acute respiratory insufficiency, arrhythmias, and neu­
tight can cause external pressure. Crush injury and constric- romotor dysfunction. Acidosis and hyperkalemia result
tion from a circumferential burn eschar can be ­devastating.3 from the washout of accumulated byproducts of anaerobic
Less common causes of compartment syndrome include metabolism. The factors responsible for the development of
massive soft-tissue swelling following the bite of a poison- IR injury are the toxic metabolites of molecular oxygen such
ous snake or insect due to release of toxins, unintentional as superoxide radicals and hydroxyl radicals. The electronic
extravascular infusion of intravenous fluids or medications, configurations of these free radicals are highly unstable, and
and iatrogenic compartment syndrome resulting from pro- they react with other molecules to stabilize rapidly; however,
longed application of an extremity tourniquet or military in so doing, they cause structural and functional changes in
antishock trousers.13 Other unusual causes include phleg- cell membranes and organelles, resulting in their disruption.
masia cerulea dolens, malfunctioning pneumatic venous Many of these reactions result in the further release of free
compression boots, and intraaortic balloon counterpulsa- radicals, which, by themselves, are capable of propagating
tion devices.14-16 Complications related to intraarterial drug this process.23
injections include diffuse arterial injury and acute ischemia
from ligation of the infected arterial pseudoaneurysm.10 Specific Tissues: Organs
Common clinical situations involving arterial compro-
mise and associated compartmental hypertension include Studies suggest that the fundamental mechanisms of reperfu-
thromboembolism, occlusion of arterial reconstructions, sion injury are similar in many organs, including the gastro-
primary arterial thrombosis, thrombosis of an aneurysm, intestinal tract, skin, heart, kidneys, and brain. Remote organ
arterial injuries, and high-velocity injuries with extensive injury, including lungs, kidneys, heart, gastrointestinal tract,
soft-­tissue damage.4,6,8,17-19 and brain, as a consequence of IR is a major cause of morbid-
ity and even death from multiorgan failure.
Vulnerability to ischemia and reperfusion injury is vari-
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY able and depends on the organ, the tissue, and the clinical
The clinical components of acute limb ischemia may be con- situation. The brain, kidneys, and bowel are more susceptible
sidered in three broad categories: ischemia, reperfusion with to ischemia reperfusion injury than are the extremities. The
its potential systemic effects, and local tissue hypertension. duration of ischemia that can be tolerated by an organ is also
Some tissues are more susceptible than are others. variable; it is as short as 3 to 4 minutes for the brain and as
much as 40 to 60 minutes for the kidneys.
With respect to the extremities, the most sensitive tissues
Ischemia are the sensory and motor nerves, followed by skeletal muscle,
The magnitude of the ischemic insult is directly related to skin, and bone, which is why a neurosensory deficit is often
the duration and mass of ischemic tissue, as well as the the earliest clinical finding, preceding muscular dysfunction.
severity of hypoperfusion. Skeletal muscle can tolerate Bourne and Rorabeck have shown that muscle blood flow
complete ischemia for 4 to 6 hours, after which the injury and peroneal nerve conduction velocities decreased propor-
becomes irreversible. Studies performed in our labora- tionately to the duration and magnitude of tissue hyperten-
tory using canine models demonstrated that 6 hours of sion.24 Peroneal nerve conduction was lost with 30 minutes of
complete ischemia consistently produced skeletal muscle complete arterial ischemia.
necrosis. This was verified in whole-limb preparations
with both tourniquet and multiple ligation–induced isch- Local Tissue Hypertension
emia and with isolated gracilis muscle preparations.20,21
Following clinical episodes of arterial embolization in Increased microvascular permeability promotes local
humans, mortality and amputation rates increase when edema. Arteriolar and capillary flows are the most sensitive
the ischemia is prolonged for greater than 6 hours.22 When to changes in compartment pressures. Subcutaneous tissues
ischemia is prolonged, the microvasculature loses its integ- tolerate uncontrolled edema reasonably well, but when the
rity and massive increases in permeability may accompany edema is contained within a fascial compartment, the pres-
restoration of arterial perfusion. Systemic hypotension in sure soon exceeds the intraluminal pressure of the venules,
the presence of acute limb ischemia amplifies the ischemia resulting in regional venous obstruction. Compartment syn-
reperfusion injury response in the affected tissues. Isch- drome has been described as a clinical condition in which
emia, along with reperfusion injury to these tissues, may increased pressure within a fascial compartment compro-
result in permanent impairment of function, amputation, mises the circulation and function of the tissues within that
or death. space.11
Ashton measured critical, closing pressures in the capil-
laries and found they were 21 and 33 mm Hg in the leg and
Reperfusion the arm, respectively.25 Depending on the situation, com-
The reperfusion phase following ischemia is complex and partmental pressures as low as 20 to 40 mm Hg may result
may produce both local metabolic abnormalities and a sys- in compromised arterial inflow and tissue ischemia. Signifi-
temic inflammatory response due to the release and acti- cant nerve damage has been reported when pressures of 30 to
vation of toxic metabolic products. Hemodynamically, 40 mm Hg were present for 6 to 12 hours.12 Early mechani-
reperfusion is characterized by diffuse hyperemic flow to cal decompression by fasciotomy is believed to be effective in
the entire extremity.21 Clinically important consequences minimizing the secondary local complications of compart-
include the development of acidosis, hyperkalemia, renal ment syndrome.

Descargado para Enrique Juarez ( en Hospital General de Mexico-JCol de por Elsevier en mayo 10, 2018.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Chapter 15  Metabolic and Systemic Consequences of Acute Limb Ischemia 281

Additional management options include restricted flow resto-

DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT ration, outflow washout, preperfusion agents, and leukocyte
Ischemia depletion.28-32 However, none of these modalities has yet been
shown to have clinical utility.
Clinical recognition of the severity of acute limb ischemia
is critical to successful management since timely revascu-
larization is the most effective means of minimizing the
Local Tissue Hypertension
­deleterious effects of injury. Immediate limb viability is not The clinical diagnosis of compartmental hypertension may be
usually in question when ankle brachial indices or absolute quite subtle, since it is normally suggested by various nonspe-
ankle pressures can be obtained (Society for Vascular Surgery/ cific clinical findings. As a result, heightened suspicion and
International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery category I); good clinical judgment play large roles in formulating therapy;
these measurements quantitate the degree of arterial insuffi- objective measurement of intracompartmental pressures may
ciency and can be repeated as needed. The threatened limb, help determine the need for surgical intervention in patients
characterized by minimal sensory loss and absence of muscle with inconclusive findings. The clinical findings of compart-
weakness (category IIA), is salvageable with prompt revas- mental hypertension are often subtle and delayed in onset.
cularization. Associated ischemic pain at rest with mild to Pain is an early complaint and is often remarkable because it
moderate muscle weakness (category IIB) requires immediate seems to be out of proportion with the physical findings; how-
intervention. An anesthetic extremity with muscular paralysis ever, its absence may be falsely reassuring in a patient with
and absence of a pedal Doppler signal is indicative of profound spinal cord injury or an altered level of consciousness. Severe
ischemia.5,7,10 Depending on the severity of these findings and tenderness, paresthesia, paresis, and pain on passive stretch
the duration of ischemia, such limbs may have sustained irre- are signs of compartment syndrome. Unfortunately, all of
versible ischemia5; the presence of profound limb anesthesia these findings are nonspecific. On palpation, the compartment
and muscle rigor suggests irreversible ischemia (category III), may feel tense and sometimes even boardlike. Neurological
and such patients should not be revascularized. The morbid- findings such as hypoesthesia, paresthesia, decreased motor
ity and mortality of acute limb ischemia are increased when function, or a combination of these, especially if progressive,
ischemia has persisted for more than 6 hours, fasciotomy is are strongly suggestive of compartment syndrome. The ear-
required, or amputation is performed.5,6,22 liest abnormality is often numbness in the dorsal web space
Early recognition of the extent of ischemia is the first step, between the first and the second toes; sensory innervation of
followed by expeditious revascularization. Immediate admin- this anatomical site is distributed through the lateral anterior
istration of heparin is beneficial, but thrombolysis has not tibial nerve, a branch of the deep peroneal nerve that exits the
been proven superior to surgical intervention.5,8 Diagnostic anterior compartment. However, in the trauma setting, these
arteriography is advantageous when the clinical evaluation deficits must be differentiated from those due to direct nerve
suggests a problem proximal to the inguinal ligament or the injury, highlighting the importance of an adequate baseline
clavicle but is often unnecessary in traumatic extremity inju- neurological examination. Loss of pulses or diminution of
ries. When time is short or prolonged transport is needed, arterial Doppler signals constitutes a late sign of compartmen-
temporary bypass using an appropriately sized carotid shunt tal hypertension and indicates pathological elevation of com-
is a valuable tool for diminishing the ischemia. This is most partmental pressures in the absence of arterial injury. Changes
useful in battlefield or trauma surgery. in venous Doppler signals in the affected extremity have been
suggested as an early marker since normal venous pressure is
Reperfusion rapidly exceeded as compartmental hypertension progresses;
however, this observation requires further clinical corrobora-
Reperfusion after successful revascularization releases toxic tion and the technique has not been widely adopted.
metabolites that have accumulated during the ischemia. The Ulmer applied probability theory to articles on compart-
reperfusion syndrome is characterized by acidosis, hyperka- ment syndrome to evaluate the reliability of clinical diagnosis.
lemia, myoglobinuria, renal failure, and refractory dysrhyth- The four findings evaluated were pain, paresthesias, paresis,
mias.26,27 The presence of myoglobin in the urine is signaled by and pain on passive stretch. In general, the sensitivity of clini-
a dark, reddish color; the urine is dipstick positive for hemoglo- cal findings for the diagnosis of compartment syndrome of
bin, but no red cells are present on microscopy or pigmented the leg is low (13% to 19%).33 The positive predictive value of
granular casts are noted in the sediment. Urine myoglobin of the clinical examination was 11% to 15%, and the specificity
more than 20 mg/dl is predictive of acute renal failure.5 Cre- and negative predictive value were both 97% to 98%. These
atinine phosphokinase is a marker of ischemic muscle injury; findings suggest that the clinical features of compartment syn-
half of those patients with creatinine phosphokinase greater drome of the lower leg are more useful by their absence in
than 5000 U/L also develop acute renal failure.5 Replacement excluding the diagnosis than by their presence in confirming
of intravascular volume helps avoid renal hypoperfusion and the diagnosis. The probability of compartment syndrome with
increases parenchymal and tubular flow; in addition, adminis- one clinical finding was approximately 25% but increased to
tration of intravenous mannitol and alkalinization of the urine 93% in the presence of three clinical findings.33
can minimize precipitation of myoglobin in the renal tubules.3 When an at-risk patient complains of pain that is clinically
Acidosis and hyperkalemia contribute to myocardial irritability; suspicious of compartment syndrome, the first step should
specific antiarrhythmic therapy to reduce these sequelae may be to remove all circumferential dressings. If a plaster cast is
be supplemented by infusion of dextrose, insulin, and ­fluids. ­present, it may be split and removed or a window may be cut
Pharmacotherapy aimed at prevention and ­treatment of reper- for additional evaluation. If the clinical findings are convinc-
fusion-induced injury continues to be actively investigated. ing, complete fasciotomy should be considered. However, if

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
282 SECTION III  Acute Limb Ischemia

Measurement of compartment pressures: Wick technique Measurement of compartment pressures:

Stryker needle measurement

Heparinized saline

Transducer Pressure

Measurement of compartment pressures:
Standard intra-vascular transducer system
Figure 15-1.  Measurement of compartment pressures: wick technique.
Continuous monitoring of tissue pressures can be maintained for as long
as necessary. This may be helpful in the patient who has an evolving OR/ICU monitor
clinical course and whose examination is equivocal.
BP Critical care environment
the diagnosis remains uncertain, determination of compart- CVP
ment pressures may be of value. CP

Measurement of Compartment Pressures
Whenever it is impossible to assess sensorimotor function (i.e., needle
in patients with altered level of consciousness or spinal cord
injury and in children), measurement of compartment pres-
sures is one of the few methods available to establish or exclude tubing
the diagnosis of compartment syndrome. Feliciano et al.
recommended that compartment pressure measurements be
considered routinely in the susceptible patient.34 Reperfusion
edema may develop insidiously and may not be evident imme- 3-way
diately. Continuous or repeated pressure measurements may B stopcock
be required, in conjunction with repeated clinical evaluations,
when fasciotomy is not performed at the initial procedure. Figure 15-2.  Measurement of compartment pressures. A, The Stryker
Several catheters have been used for measurement of intra- is a portable instrument that allows single-puncture measurement of
compartment pressures at the bedside. B, The standard intravascu-
compartmental pressures. Wick or slit catheters (Figure 15-1) lar transducer system may be used to determine tissue pressures at a
are equally efficacious for continuous monitoring of com- given time, and the same needle may be used to probe multiple fascial
partment pressures. The Stryker needle (intracompartmental ­compartments.
pressure monitoring system, Stryker Surgical, Kalamazoo,
Michigan; Figure 15-2A) is a portable instrument that allows
single-puncture measurement of compartment pressure at
the bedside and is currently the most popular method in the
North America. However, no special instrument is required pressure measurements should be considered in equivo-
for measuring compartment pressure in the operative or criti- cal cases to aid in clinical decision making. In the final
cal care setting. A standard intravascular transducer system analysis, the decision to proceed with fasciotomy remains
can be used for one-time determination of tissue pressure; controversial and must be based on clinical judgment and
when flushed between measurements, the same needle and experience.
transducer may be used to probe multiple fascial compart- Based on experimental work, decompressive fasciotomy
ments (Figure 15-2B). A decrease in tissue pressure following is recommended when intracompartmental pressure exceeds
decompression may also be documented. 30 to 45 mm Hg. Unfortunately, no specific threshold pres-
sure exists at which compartment syndrome occurs. Matsen
et al. demonstrated uniform damage when tissue pressures
Indications for Fasciotomy have exceeded these values,35 but compartment syndrome can
Fasciotomy should be performed whenever firm clinical occur at pressures as low as 20 to 30 mm Hg. The duration of
evidence exists of compartment syndrome. However, since the compartmental hypertension, the systemic hemodynam-
the clinical findings are often nonspecific, compartment ics of the patient, and the presence or absence of coexisting

Descargado para Enrique Juarez ( en Hospital General de Mexico-JCol de por Elsevier en mayo 10, 2018.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Chapter 15  Metabolic and Systemic Consequences of Acute Limb Ischemia 283

peripheral vascular disease are among the factors that may

lower the threshold for performing decompressive fasciotomy. Anterior compartmental syndrome of the leg
Heppenstall et al. emphasized the concept of compartmen-
tal perfusion pressure (CPP), defined as the mean systemic Tibialis anterior Deep peroneal Extensor hallucis
arterial pressure minus the compartmental pressure.36 An muscle nerve longus muscle
increasing compartmental pressure with coexistent systemic
hypotension can rapidly reduce the CPP to zero. Compart-
ment syndrome is seen often when the difference between the Extensor
mean arterial pressure and the pressure in the involved com- digitorum
partment is less than 40 mm Hg; blood flow ceases when the longus
CPP is 25 mm Hg or less.37 muscle

The forearm and the lower leg are the usual locations for com-
partment syndrome. However, the alert clinician is aware of its
occurrence at less common sites such as the hand or the foot or
even less commonly the shoulder, the upper arm, the buttock,
Symptoms and signs
or the thigh. These unusual sites are more typically involved
• Weakness of toe extension and foot dorsiflexion
when there has been prolonged inadvertent compression of
• Pain on passive toe flexion and foot plantar flexion
muscle groups, such as when an unattended subject remains
• Hypesthesia in the dorsal first web space
collapsed after a stroke or drug overdose. The compression is
• Tenseness of the anterior compartmental fascia
relieved when the affected extremity is moved and reperfusion A
commences. Compartment syndrome may be more common
in the forearm and leg because the musculature is constrained Deep posterior compartmental syndrome of the leg
by firm, well-defined fascial boundaries in a relatively limited
anatomical space. Posterior tibial Flexor digitorum Tibialis posterior
nerve longus muscle muscle

Operative Treatment Flexor hallucis

longus muscle
Mechanical decompression of established compartmental
hypertension is achieved by the release of skin and fascia by
incision. When a tense firm fascia is incised in the limb with
compartmental hypertension, muscles bulge into the opera-
tive field, change color from pale to dusky to bright red, and
become soft and pliable.

Compartment syndrome may involve all four compartments
of the leg. The anterior tibial compartment is most likely to be
involved (Figure 15-3A) but significant damage is most common
in the deep posterior compartment (Figure 15-3B).12 The likeli-
hood of compartment syndrome is increased after combined Symptoms and signs
arterial and venous injury, as opposed to isolated arterial or • Weakness of toe flexion and foot inversion
venous injury. Once recognized, immediate fasciotomy is indi- • Pain on passive toe extension and foot eversion
cated for decompression of the muscle compartment to prevent • Hypesthesia of the plantar aspect of the foot and toes
tissue necrosis and irreversible loss of neuromuscular function. • Tenseness of the deep posterior compartmental fascia
B (between the tibia and Achilles tendon)

Anatomical Considerations Figure 15-3.  Compartmental syndromes of the leg. A, Anterior compart-
A major nerve traverses each of the four compartments of the mental syndrome of the leg. The anterior compartment contains the deep
peroneal nerve (DPN), along with three muscles: tibialis anterior (TA),
leg (Figure 15-4), the identification of which is important in extensor hallucis longus (EHL), and extensor digitorum longus (EDL).
localizing symptoms. Knowledge of their anatomical course is B, Deep posterior compartmental syndrome of the leg. The deep pos-
useful in performing successful uncomplicated fasciotomy. The terior compartment contains the posterior tibial nerve (PTN), as well as
deep peroneal nerve arises from the common peroneal nerve three muscles: tibialis posterior (TP), flexor hallucis longus (FHL), and
flexor digitorum longus (FDL).
and traverses the anterior compartment to exit as the anterior
tibial nerve. It carries sensory innervation to the ­ dorsum of
the foot in the first web space and motor fibers to the fore-
foot extensors. The superficial peroneal nerve also arises from

Descargado para Enrique Juarez ( en Hospital General de Mexico-JCol de por Elsevier en mayo 10, 2018.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
284 SECTION III  Acute Limb Ischemia

The four compartments of the leg Single-Incision Fasciotomy

Single-incision four-compartment fasciotomy begins laterally
Sural Posterior over the posterior fibular border from just below the fibular
nerve tibial nerve head to 4 cm above the malleolus (Figure 15-6). Anterior and
SPC DPC posterior skin flaps are raised, and longitudinal incisions are
made in the anterior, lateral, and superficial posterior com-
partments. Retracting the muscles of the lateral compartment
anteriorly, the attachment of the soleus to the posterior fibula
aids identification and incision of the deep posterior compart-
ment. Care must be taken to avoid injury to the peroneal and
posterior tibial neurovascular bundles, which are located adja-
cent and medial to the fibula. Some authors have expressed
LC AC difficulty with this approach when severe disruption of tis-
Superficial Deep
sue planes occurs. In addition, tibial fracture management is
peroneal peroneal difficult through this incision.
nerve nerve

Figure 15-4.  The four compartments of the leg. Anterior compartment Fibulectomy Fasciotomy
(AC), lateral compartment (LC), superficial posterior compartment (SPC),
and deep posterior compartment (DPC). Fibulectomy fasciotomy achieves decompression of the pos-
terior and anterior compartments through fibulectomy via
the periosteal bed. Fibulectomy must not include the fibular
the common peroneal nerve and exits the lateral compartment head or the distal 8 cm of the fibula to minimize deformity
midleg; it provides sensory innervation to the medial great toe and to maintain stability of the ankle. Removal of the fibula
and the second, third, and fourth dorsal web spaces. This nerve requires considerably more dissection than the other methods
is identified during fasciotomy to prevent injury. The posterior and destabilizes the limb if the tibia is fractured. In addition,
tibial nerve forms the nerve of the deep posterior compartment free tissue transfer techniques based on the fibula are no lon-
and is responsible for plantar sensation and toe flexion. The ger available after its excision. Since equivalent decompression
superficial posterior compartment contains the gastrocnemius is achieved with the single- and dual-incision techniques, this
and soleus muscles and is traversed by the sural nerve that pro- procedure has not gained widespread acceptance.
vides sensory input to the lateral aspect of the foot.
Fasciotomy of the Thigh and Buttock
Fasciotomy of the Leg Thigh and gluteal compartment syndromes are rare and sel-
Three techniques of four-compartment fasciotomy are com- dom recognized. They occur most commonly in individuals
monly discussed for decompression of the leg: with altered mental status who remain in one position for an
• Dual-incision fasciotomy extended period following drug or alcohol use. The physiology
• Single-incision fasciotomy and manifestations are similar to those seen in the more com-
• Lateral or fibulectomy fasciotomy mon and readily recognized compartment syndromes of the
lower leg. Diagnosis is often delayed, resulting in significant
morbidity and possible mortality. The mainstay of treatment
Dual-Incision Fasciotomy
consists of fasciotomy and debridement.
We prefer dual-incision, four-compartment fasciotomy to Decompression of the anterior and posterior compart-
ensure complete skin and fascial decompression of all com- ments of the thigh may be accomplished with full-length inci-
partments (Figure 15-5). The temptation is to spare the length sions. The gluteus is easily decompressed through longitudinal
of the skin incision in the hope of avoiding the need for sub- cutaneous incisions. Individual epimysial envelopes may also
sequent skin grafting; however, inadequate fasciotomy is most require separate incisions for decompression.
often the result of inadequate skin or fascial incisions. The ini-
tial incision includes skin and subcutaneous tissue down to
the fascia. The lateral and anterior fasciotomy is then started upper extremity
in the midportion of the leg over the junction of the anterior Fasciotomy of the Upper Extremity
and lateral compartments, with particular attention paid to
the identification and preservation of the superficial pero- Compartment syndromes in the upper extremity are uncom-
neal nerve that exits the fascia at the level of the midleg. The mon and difficult to diagnose. Intracompartmental pressure
­fascia is incised from the extensor retinaculum at the ankle measurements may help confirm the diagnosis. In addition to
to just below the fibular head using a long, blunt-tipped scis- acute disruption of arterial flow, compartment syndrome in the
sor. The medial fasciotomy begins in the middle third of the upper extremities should be suspected in patients with supracon-
leg. The saphenous vein is retracted anteriorly, and the super- dylar fracture, fractures of the forearm, brachial artery puncture,
ficial posterior compartment is incised. The deep posterior ­subfascial intravenous infiltrations, crush injuries, extremity
­compartment is opened posteromedially, where the superficial replantations, and gunshot wounds. The deep volar compartment
posterior muscles form the Achilles’ tendon and the avascular of the forearm is most vulnerable as it is supplied by the anterior
plane of the posterior intermuscular septum is incised. interosseous artery, which has no significant collateral flow.

Descargado para Enrique Juarez ( en Hospital General de Mexico-JCol de por Elsevier en mayo 10, 2018.
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Chapter 15  Metabolic and Systemic Consequences of Acute Limb Ischemia 285

Dual-incision fasciotomy

Patella saphenous
Fibula head
Common peroneal

malleolus Medial malleolus

A Lateral fasciotomy C Medial fasciotomy

Fasciotomy membrane Superficial
Anterior incisions peroneal
compartment Saphenous nerve
vein and nerve
Anterior tibial
artery, vein
and deep Superficial
peroneal nerve peroneal
vein and nerve Lateral
Posterior tibial Deep posterior
artery, vein compartment
and nerve Fibula Fibula
Peroneal Interosseous compartment Peroneal
artery membrane artery
Posterior tibial artery,
B D vein, and nerve

Figure 15-5.  Dual-incision fasciotomy. The longitudinal incisions are illustrated in the top figures (A, C); the level of the cross-sections (B, D) are indi­
cated with a dotted horizontal line. A, B, The anterior and lateral compartments are decompressed by longitudinal fascial incisions beneath a lateral skin
incision. The superficial peroneal nerve exits the fascia close to the skin incision. C, D, The superficial and deep posterior compartments are decom-
pressed through longitudinal incisions on the medial aspect of the leg. The greater saphenous vein and nerve are preserved and retracted anteriorly.

Technique of Fasciotomy predominantly located on the volar aspect. Decompressive

fasciotomy should relieve the median ulnar and radial nerves
Fasciotomy is performed through the incisions outlined in and the thumb and finger muscles (Figure 15-8). Although
Figure 15-7. Typically, a dorsal incision and a volar incision volar release is usually sufficient, dorsal incisions may also be
are required to decompress the forearm. A curvilinear volar needed. Intraoperative compartmental pressure measurement
incision allows release of the flexor compartment. The course may be valuable in determining the need for a dorsal inci-
of the incision may be altered to accommodate preexisting sion. A longitudinal incision provides release to the extensor
traumatic wounds. In the forearm, the muscles at risk are compartment. In severe cases, the deep intramuscular fascia

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
286 SECTION III  Acute Limb Ischemia

Parafibular fasciotomy (single incision fasciotomy) Incisions for forearm fasciotomy



C peroneal nerve Figure 15-7.  Incisions for forearm fasciotomy.

Cross-section of the forearm

Superficial Radial Median Ulnar Ulnar

branch of artery nerve artery nerve
radial nerve



Figure 15-6.  Parafibular fasciotomy (single-incision fasciotomy). A, The

skin incision runs along the fibula. B, The lateral compartment (LC) lies
just under the skin. C, The anterior compartment (AC) is exposed by
retracting the anterior skin flap. D, The superficial posterior compart- Anterior interosseous Interosseous Posterior interosseous
ment (SPC) is exposed by retracting the posterior skin flap. E, The deep artery and nerve membrane nerve (deep branch
posterior compartment (DPC) is exposed by retracting the lateral com- of radial)
partment anteriorly and the superficial posterior compartment posteri-
orly and then dividing the fibular attachments of the soleus. Figure 15-8.  Cross-section of the forearm.

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2018. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Chapter 15  Metabolic and Systemic Consequences of Acute Limb Ischemia 287

enveloping the flexor digitorum superficialis, the flexor digi- microvessels. One of the key concepts of the structural basis
torum profundus, and the flexor pollicis longus may have to of increased microvascular permeability relates to widening of
be opened as well. The thick transcarpal ligament is divided the intercellular gap junctions due to endothelial cell contrac-
distally to perform a carpal tunnel release. The proximal inci- tion.38 The postcapillary venules are the main site of hyperper-
sion should release the lacertus fibrosus to decompress the meability induced by inflammatory mediators as studied by
median nerve at the elbow. electron and fluorescence microscopy.39 These microvessels
are also responsible for the permeability alterations in IR.
The signaling pathways for inflammatory agents that cause
CONTRAINDICATIONS hyperpermeability involve the activation of protein kinase C,
TO REVASCULARIZATION activation of nitric oxide (NO) synthetase, and synthesis of
AND COMPLICATIONS NO.40-45 Reports are consistent with the hypothesis that endo-
thelial NO synthetase activity and release of NO result in acti-
In cases of prolonged and advanced ischemia, tissue necro- vation of soluble guanyl cyclase and synthesis of guanosine
sis may have already occurred and revascularization may be 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate.46 Guanosine 3′,5′-cyclic mono-
contraindicated. Ascertaining the extent of preexisting tissue phosphate activates the mitogen-activated protein kinases
damage is one of the most difficult decisions for the surgeon, p42/44, which are important in the regulation of baseline,
especially in moribund patients with acute ischemia, who can as well as agonist-induced, permeability.47 The final step in
neither provide a history nor cooperate with the clinical exam- the sequence of molecular modifications appears to involve
ination. For the patient with a painful, immobile, insensate proteins located at the cell junctional–cytoskeletal complex.
extremity, functional recovery may be limited by neuropathic Studies performed mainly in tissue culture have identified
pain, weakness, contracture, and loss of protective sensation. vascular endothelial–cadherin and β-catenins as possible key
Reperfusion following reconstruction, fasciotomy, or both molecules. Phosphorylation induced by mitogen-activated
may result in the release of toxic metabolites into the systemic protein kinase and disorganization of the vascular endothelial–
circulation, resulting in myoglobinuric renal failure, systemic cadherin may result in structural changes in the cellular
inflammatory response syndrome, sepsis, shock, multisystem cytoskeleton and hyperpermeability.48
organ failure, and death. All of these effects are exaggerated in Hyperpermeability, a hallmark of inflammation, is among
a patient with concomitant hypotension. the important initial events in the microvascular response to
The decision to proceed with revascularization and fasciot- IR. Knowledge of the dynamics of this fundamental process
omy rather than primary amputation is based primarily on the and the development of adequate therapies has focused on
severity of the clinical findings, the duration of ischemia, and investigating how to prevent the onset and the maintenance of
the muscle mass involved in the ischemic insult. If the dura- the elevated permeability. Thus, we have learned much about
tion of profound limb ischemia is more than 6 to 12 hours, the how to counteract or inhibit the action of specific agents that
likelihood of tissue salvage becomes small and the risk of com- elevate permeability. Less effort has been devoted to under-
plications following revascularization increases significantly. standing the mechanisms that normally enhance the barrier
However, systemic effects of IR are less pronounced when less properties of the microvascular wall, knowledge that once
tissue has been subjected to the ischemic insult. Thus, time is acquired might be applied to prevent or terminate excessive
not the sole determinant in the decision-making process. The increases in microvascular permeability.
experienced clinician must individualize therapy according to
the specific circumstances of each patient. Endothelial Cell and Vascular Wall
Fasciotomy incisions may create new issues related to
wound healing in a patient with preexisting chronic peripheral
vascular disease. Thus, comorbidies predispose the patient to The xanthine oxidase–containing microvascular endothe-
additional complications such as conversion of closed to open lial cells, along with the neutrophils, are the most probable
fractures, osteomyelitis, delayed wound closure, wound sepsis, sources of oxygen-derived free radicals. Ischemia activates a
bleeding, and cosmetic deformity. Reasons for perceived fail- calcium-dependent protease that catalyzes the conversion of
ure of fasciotomy may relate to associated profound ischemia, xanthine dehydrogenase to its oxidase form. As ischemia con-
delay in fascial decompression, incomplete fasciotomy, and tinues, adenosine triphosphate is degraded to hypoxanthine,
errors in technique. Following successful revascularization, which is then converted to uric acid by xanthine oxidase with
most patients experience few problems with wound healing; the production of superoxide anion. Superoxide dismutase
however, additional operations for split thickness skin grafts converts superoxide anion to hydrogen peroxide, which in the
or closure by direct suture may be required. presence of ferric ion produces the hydroxyl radical, a highly
toxic oxidant. Support for the role of oxygen-derived free rad-
icals in the microvascular dysfunction associated with IR1,29
MECHANISMS OF MICROVASCULAR comes from the observed efficacy of free radical scavengers
DYSFUNCTION AFTER IR in the reduction of the indices of IR-induced microvascular
Increased Microvascular Permeability dysfunction to about half of their unopposed values.
NO, derived from L-arginine, is produced by vascular
The microcirculation represents the first barrier in IR injury and perivascular cells and has been implicated in IR-induced
in all tissues and may be a useful target for therapeutic microvascular dysfunction. It may serve as an antiadhe-
interventions. Increased permeability to macromolecules, sive substance to protect the endothelium against leukocyte
stimulated adhesion and emigration of leukocytes, and no- ­adherence.49 In addition, the uncoupling of NO and forma-
reflow ­phenomenon are characteristic responses of ischemic tion of peroxynitrite (ONOO−), a powerful reactive oxygen

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288 SECTION III  Acute Limb Ischemia

metabolite, leads to formation of hydroxyl radicals.50 Per- the vascular wall barrier properties will be clinically relevant
oxynitrite, the reaction product of superoxide and NO, is as they contribute an approach that will allow vascular sur-
potentially more harmful than either superoxide or hydroxyl geons to implement a directed and timed enhancement of the
radical due to its longer half-life. barrier properties of the microvascular wall.
Endothelial cells are involved in the control of blood flow,
microvascular permeability, vessel contractility, angiogenesis, LEUKOCYTES
coagulation, leukocyte traffic, and immunity. These endo-
thelial functions are exquisitely modulated by endogenous After a period of controversial reports, it now seems estab-
and exogenous factors. Deviations from the normal balance lished that hyperpermeability in response to an inflammatory
because of a deficiency or an excess of the regulatory factors challenge is regulated by endothelial cells, mainly through
may lead to pathological states. Thus, a better understanding endothelial NO synthase.41,44,58 Endothelial NO synthetase–
of the endothelial pathophysiological mechanisms involved in modulated processes are orchestrated in synchrony with cell
IR may provide opportunities for successful clinical interven- contraction and junctional reorganization induced by poly-
tions. Most research on IR and inflammation has focused on morphonuclear leukocytes.59-61 Support for the involvement
prevention of hyperpermeability and on modulation or control of leukocytes in IR comes from experiments in which either
of proinflammatory agents that increase basal permeability. the animal or the experimental muscle has been rendered leu-
Much less attention has been given to elements that would kopenic by radiation, chemical, or physical means.62,63 Leuko-
normally contribute to the maintenance of the integrity of the penia decreases the impact of IR on changes in microvascular
microvascular wall and that would enhance its barrier proper- permeability by reducing the increase in transport of macro-
ties. Based on the premise that knowing how hyperpermeabil- molecules from a sevenfold down to a twofold increase com-
ity signals are terminated is just as important as understanding pared to that obtained in the untreated ischemic muscle.62,64
how they are generated, it seems important to foster advances nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (reduced form)
in signaling processes that are aimed at maintaining the barrier oxidase (NADPH oxidase), within the leukocytes, converts
properties of the microvascular wall and should contribute to cytoplasmic NADPH to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
inactivation of the inflammatory increase in permeability and phosphate (oxidized form), resulting in the formation of
return the barrier properties of the microvascular wall to base- superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide, with subsequent
line levels after IR. release of hydroxyl radicals. Leukocytes also possess myelo-
Recent advances in cell research have provided a solid peroxidase, an enzyme that catalyzes a reaction between
framework to consider cyclic adenosine monophosphate hydrogen peroxide and chloride to form hypochlorous acid,
(cAMP) as an important second messenger in regulating and a powerful oxidant. Levels of myeloperoxidase have been
promoting cell adhesion and, by extension, the integrity of the found to remain constant during ischemia and to increase at
microvascular barrier. cAMP is produced by adenyl cyclases 15 minutes and 1 hour of reperfusion.65 In addition, activated
and is a pleiotropic-signaling second messenger. The classical neutrophils release elastase, collagenase, and cathepsin G,
view has been that most, if not all, actions of cAMP proceed by substances that are able to degrade microvascular basement
activation of protein kinase A and are terminated by phospho- membrane and lead to increases in permeability and cellular
diesterase 4–catalyzed degradation. This view has been signifi- dysfunction.
cantly changed since the recent discovery of Epac, an exchange
protein activated by cAMP,51 which is a guanine nucleotide
exchange factor and responds with specificity to activation by OTHER CHEMICAL MEDIATORS
Specific stimulation of Epac–Rap1 enhances the endothe-
lial barrier properties in human umbilical vein endothelial Calcium ions modulate the activity of leukocytes, as well as the
cells,53,54 a process involving formation and tightening of cell contractile properties of endothelial cells, and play an impor-
junctions through vascular endothelial–cadherin.55 Prostacy- tant role in the pathophysiology of skeletal muscle IR injury
clin and forskolin, which enhance cAMP production, induced and associated microvascular injury.65 Thromboxane A2 has
cortical actin rearrangement in a Rap1-dependent manner been implicated in causing microvascular alterations in the
and decreased permeability in human umbilical vein endo- lung following reperfusion of ischemic canine hindleg.63
thelial cells.54 These findings provide a subcellular explanation Platelet-activating factor is a vasoconstrictor, a strong pro-
for a report that iloprost, a prostacyclin analogue, reduced the moter of microvascular permeability, and a powerful neutro-
impact of IR on hyperpermeability in striated muscle.56,57 phil chemoattractant.66 The possibility that hydrogen peroxide
Current management of acute limb ischemia is based on may be the stimulus for platelet-activating factor synthesis in
the restoration of blood flow to the ischemic extremity as IR is indirectly supported by experiments in which human
rapidly as possible to reduce the degree of ischemic injury. recombinant superoxide dismutase administered intrave-
Superimposed on this algorithm is the use of pharmacologi- nously caused a 30% decrease in neutrophil adherence.67
cal agents and nonpharmacological methods for reducing IR
injury. These algorithms respond to the double jeopardy fac- PREVENTIVE STRATEGIES
ing the vascular surgeon—namely, that unattended ischemia
leads to necrosis, making prompt restoration of blood flow a What can be done to protect organs and tissues from the
must, but reperfusion compounds the problem, and its con- effects of ischemia and reperfusion injury? Early operation
sequences (including compartment syndrome) may interfere and revascularization decrease ischemic time, temporary
significantly with survival of the organ and the patient. Stud- bypass shunts maintain tissue perfusion, and oxygenation and
ies advancing knowledge of the mechanisms that maintain tissue cooling may be used to decrease metabolic demands.

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Chapter 15  Metabolic and Systemic Consequences of Acute Limb Ischemia 289

In elective ischemic events such as transplantation, tissue pres- ­ arrier properties, and discouraging leukocyte adherence to
ervation can be enhanced by preischemic interventions. How- the endothelium.
ever, with acute limb ischemia, additional opportunities only Since IR injury cannot be well controlled, the alert phy-
present themselves during management of the reperfusion sician must remain ever vigilant when faced with the com-
phase. Hypothermic and controlled reperfusion can reduce mon clinical settings in which compartmental hypertension
edema and necrosis.68 The clinical applicability of biochemical is known to occur. The incidence may be much higher than
interventions designed to reduce reperfusion-induced injury reported because some of its late sequelae, including joint
in end organs remains unproven. Much experimental work stiffness, claw toes, and equinus deformities, may be quite
has been done to study pharmacological intervention for the subtle. The diagnosis of compartment syndrome is not always
prevention and treatment of reperfusion-induced injury. The straightforward. However, in clinical practice, its recogni-
potential beneficial effects of substances such as verapamil, tion is often delayed and fasciotomy is performed too late.
mannitol, prostacyclin, monoclonal antibodies, superoxide Clinicians are advised to err on the side of early fasciotomy to
dismutase, hetastarch high-molecular-weight carbohydrates, avoid significant and permanent morbidity. Measurement of
and heparin continue to be investigated. Many of these agents compartment pressures may be useful in equivocal cases or
have demonstrated benefit in experimental studies that have in sedated or neurologically impaired patients who are diffi-
not translated into clinical advantages. cult to assess clinically. No substitutes exist for experience and
Because leukocyte–endothelium interactions play an sound clinical judgment.
important role in bringing about IR damage,63,69 these cells
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