Interrogatories To Defendant Dismas Charities

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: 11-20120-CIV-SEITZ/SIMONTON TRAIAN BUJDUVEANU, Plaintiff, vs. DISMAS CHARITIES, INC., ANA GISPERT, DEREK THOMAS and ADAMS LASHANDA Defendants. _________________________________________/ PLAINTIFF TRAIAN BUJDUVEANUS FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES TO DEFENDANT DISMAS CHARITIES,INC. Plaintiffs, Traian Bujduveanu, Pro Se, pursuant to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, propound the following Interrogatories to be answered under oath by Defendants, Dismas Charities,Inc., Ana Gispert, Derek Thomas and Lashanda Adams, within thirty (30) days of service hereof. INSTRUCTIONS 1. These Interrogatories are continuing in character so as to require you to file supplementary answers if you obtain further or different information before trial. 2. Pursuant to , you are under a duty seasonably to amend any answer to these interrogatories for which you learn that the answer is in some material respect incomplete or incorrect and if the additional or corrective information has not otherwise been made known to us during the discovery process or in writing. 3. For any interrogatory or part of an interrogatory which you refuse to answer under a claim of privilege, submit a sworn or certified statement from your counsel or one of your employees in which you identify the nature of the information withheld; specify the grounds of the claimed privilege and the paragraph of these interrogatories to which the information is responsive; and identify each person to whom the information, or any part thereof, has been disclosed. 4. Answer each interrogatory fully. If you object to any interrogatory, state the reasons for objection and answer to the extent the interrogatory is not objectionable. If you are unable to answer an interrogatory fully, submit as much information as is 1

available, explain why your answer is incomplete, and identify or describe all other sources of more complete or accurate information. 5. For any record or document responsive or relating to these interrogatories which is known to have been destroyed or lost, or is otherwise unavailable, identify each such document by author, addressee, date, number of pages, and subject matter; and explain in detail the events leading to the destruction or loss, or the reason for the unavailability of such document. 6. No agreement, understanding, or stipulation by the Department of Justice or any of its representatives purporting to modify, limit, or otherwise vary these interrogatories shall be valid or binding on the Department of Justice unless confirmed or acknowledged in writing (or made of record in open court) by a duly authorized representative thereof. 7. Unless otherwise stated, these Interrogatories refer to the time, place, and circumstances of the occurrence mentioned or complained of in the Complaint. 8. Where name and identity of a person is required, please state full name, home address and also business address, if known. 9. Where knowledge or information in possession of a party is requested, such request includes knowledge of the party's agents, representatives, and unless privileged, his attorneys, and includes knowledge obtained from other persons or sources, even if such knowledge would be hearsay under applicable law, and even if the person receiving such information did not believe it, failed to confirm its validity, disregarded it, or had other knowledge that cast doubt on the information. 10. In the event that any document requested by these interrogatories or to which you refer in your answers to these Interrogatories is withheld on the basis of a claim of privilege, set forth for each document withheld: (a) A description of the factual and legal basis for the claim of privilege or objection in sufficient detail so as to permit the court to determine the validity of the claim or objection; (b) A general description of the document including its size, length, form and subject matter; (c) The name and address of the person(s) or entity involved in the creation of the document; 2

(d) The date on which the document was created; (e) The names and addresses of all persons who have had access to the document from the time of its creation to the present; (f) The date on which the document was created; and (g) The name and address of the present custodian of the document, and the names and addresses of all persons who have received copies, summaries, or explanations of the document. 11. In the event that any document to which you refer in your answers to these Interrogatories has been destroyed or discharged, or has otherwise left your possession, custody and control, set forth: (a) A general description of the document including its size, length, form and subject matter; (f) The date, manner, and reason(s) for destruction or discard; and (g) The names and addresses of persons authorizing and carrying out the destruction or discard of the document. 12. These interrogatories are addressed to all Defendants in this case. DEFINITIONS 1. The word "documents" is used in these Interrogatories in the broad and liberal sense and means written, typed, printed, recorded or graphic matter, however stored, produced or reproduced, of any kind and description and whether an original, master, duplicate or copy, including, but not limited to, papers, notes, accounts, books, advertisements, letters, memoranda, notes of conversations, contracts, agreements, drawings, telegrams, electronic mail, tape recordings, communications, including inter-office and intra-office memoranda, reports, studies, working papers, corporate records, minutes of meetings, notebooks, bank deposit slips, bank checks, cancelled checks, diaries, diary entries, appointment books, desk calendars, photographs, transcriptions or sound recordings of any type of personal or telephone conversations or negotiations, meetings or conferences or things similar to any of the foregoing, and to include any data, information or statistics contained within any data storage modules, tapes, discs, diskettes, or other memory device, or other information retrievable from any storage systems, including, but not limited to, computer3

generated reports and printouts. The word "document" also includes data compilations from which information can be obtained and translated, if necessary, by the respondent through detection devices in a reasonably usable form. If any document has been modified by the addition of notations or otherwise, or has been prepared in multiple copies which are not identical, each modified copy or unidentical copy is a separate "document." 2. Defendants means Dismas Charities,inc., Ana Gispert, Derek Thomas, Lashanda Adams. 3. The term Dismas Charities means Dismas Charities,Inc.,the corporation operating 28 halfway houses, in 18 states, with the headquarter in Louisville, Kentucky, and the business operated at 141 N.W. 1 St. Avenue, Dania, Florida 333042835 (in whatever business form, including corporation, close corporation, partnership, limited partnership, unincorporated association, proprietorship, S corporation, limited liability company, or any other form), including any real property owned, leased or otherwise occupied at that location, personal property of any kind at that location, and any other rights commonly attributed to the business known as Dismas Charities,Inc,, including by way of example and not limitation, trade names, liquor licenses, copyright and trademark rights. 3. As used herein, the term "communications" shall mean sign language, any oral or written utterance, notation, or statement of any nature whatsoever, by and to whomsoever made, including, but not limited to, correspondence, conversations, dialogues, discussions, interviews, consultations, agreements and other understandings between or among two or more persons. 4. As used herein, the term "or" appearing in any Interrogatory should not be read so as to eliminate any part of the Interrogatory, but, whenever applicable, it shall have the same meaning as the term "and." For example, an Interrogatory stating "support or refer" shall be read as "support and refer" if an Answer that does both can be made. 5. "Complaint" means the complaint filed in the above referenced action. 6. "You," "your" or "your company" refers to Defendants Dismas Charities,Inc., Ana Gispert, Derek Thomas and Lashanda Adams, the party to whom the Interrogatories are addressed; in both their individual capacity, and its successors, assigns, employees, agents, attorney, and all other persons purpoting to act on their behalf. 4. The phrase "describe in detail" as used in these interrogatories includes a request for a complete description and explanation of the facts, circumstances, analysis, opinion and other information relating to the subject matter of a specific interrogatory. 5. "Identify" when referring to an individual, corporation, or other entity shall mean to set forth the name and telephone number, and if a corporation or other entity, its principle place of business, or if an individual, the present or last 4

known home address, his or her job title or titles, by whom employed and address of the place of employment.

6. "Identify" or "identity" means to state or a statement of: a. in the case of a person other than a natural person, its name, the address of its principal place of business (including zipcode), its telephone number, and the name of its chief executive officer, as well as, if it has a person other than a natural person that ultimately controls it, that other person's name, the address of that person's principal place of business (including zipcode), that other person's telephone number, and the name of that other person's chief executive officer; b. in the case of a natural person, his or her name, business address and telephone number, employer, and title or position; c. in the case of a communication, its date, type (e.g., telephone conversation or discussion), the place where it occurred, the identity of the person who made the communication, the identity of the person who received the communication, the identity of each other person when it was made, and the subject matter discussed; d. in the case of a document, the title of the document, the author, the title or position of the author, the addressee, each recipient, the type of document, the subject matter, the date of preparation, and its number of pages; and e. in the case of an agreement, its date, the place where it occurred, the identity of all persons who were parties to the agreement, the identity of each person who has knowledge of the agreement and all other persons present when it was made, and the subject matter of the agreement. 7. "Including" means including, but not limited to. 8. "Person" means any natural person, corporation, company, partnership, joint venture, firm, association, proprietorship, agency, board, authority, commission, office or other business or legal entity, whether private or governmental. 9. "Relating to" means containing, constituting, considering, comprising, concerning, discussing, regarding, describing, reflecting, studying, commenting or reporting on, mentioning, analyzing, or referring, alluding, or pertaining to, in whole or in part.

INTERROGATORIES 1. Identify your correct legal entity and identify, stating the date on which such entity was formed, the State of incorporation, the name(s) and address(es) of all officers, directors, general partners, limited partners and all other parties with any interest in your organization.

2. Identify any previous or subsequent incidents of which you are aware that occurred in substantially the same manner as the incident complained of in this lawsuit, or which also occurred at ALL Dismas Charities Premises, including a description of all premise liability claims made involving this property over the last 10 years.

3. Identify any procedures which you followed, at and before the time of the occurrence, concerning Plaintiffs medical needs and issues.

4. State whether or not the Premises were equipped with a video surveillance camera and, if so, whose responsibility it was on the dates of the occurrence to monitor the surveillance camera and whether there are still tapes from the dates of the occurances and the week both before and after the occurance 5. Describe what training procedures, if any, are followed in the course of training Defendants employees with regard to Dismas Charities halfway house employment. This includes any and all written material, slides, photographs, films, videotapes, etc. which Defendant utilizes in training employees.

6. State if Dismas Charities, Inc., was ever involved in a widespread corruption scandal, for renting luxury sports boxes at the Papa John Cardinal Football Stadium,and at the basketball arena in Louisville, at a cost of over $150,000 per year.

7. State in your own words what you believe happened to the Plaintiff while he was on the Premises, and include in your answer the basis upon which you have formed that belief.

8. State if , Dismas Charities,Inc., was ever accused of corruption, spending public money without being accountable for how they do it.

9. State if Ray Weis,The CEO of Dismas Charities,Inc., was paid in 2008, a salary of $600,000 to manage the corporation, and if the Executive Vice President, Jan Kempf received over $450,000 salary, in 2008. 10. State if any Dismas Charities,Inc., employee ever solicited and received money from prisoners in exchange for certain favors.

11. State if Dismas Charities,Inc. made any contributions for a political campaigns in the last 10 year. If so, list all Political Campaign Contributions, made by Dismas Charities,Inc., for the last 10 years, and to the parties and/or person that they were made to, and . Identify all Dismas Charities employees who have participated at any political event, and made contributions on behalf of Dismas Charities,Inc.

12. State if you ever been a party, either plaintiff or defendant, in a lawsuit other than the present matter, and if so, State whether you were plaintiff or defendant, the nature of the action, and the date and court in which suit was filled. 7

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, TRAIAN BUJDUVEANU,certify that I have this 24st day of August,2011 served a true and correct copy of the foregoing PLAINTIFF TRAIAN BUJDUVEANUS FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES TO DEFENDANTS DISMAS CHARITIES,INC.,ANA GISPERT,DEREK THOMAS AND LASHANDA ADAMS, Upon Defendants, by causing to be deposited with the United States Postal Services, First Class Mail, proper postage affixed thereto, addressed as follows: Dismas Charities,Inc. 141 N.W. 1 St. Avenue Dania, FL 33004-2835 Ana Gispert Dismas Charities,Inc. 141 N.W. 1 St. Avenue Dania, FL 33004-2835 Derek Thomas Dismas Charities,Inc. 141 N.W. 1 St. Avenue Dania, FL 33004-2835 Lashanda Adams Dismas Charities,Inc. 141 N.W. 1 St. Avenue Dania ,FL 33004-2835 David S. Chaiet,Esquire Attorney for Defendants 4000 Hollywood Boulevard Suite 265-South Hollywood,FL 33021

EXECUTED ON THIS 24th DAY OF AUGUST, 2011 ___________________________________ TRAIAN BUJDUVEANU, PRO SE 5601 W. BROWARD BLVD., PLANTATION, FL 33317

______________________________ DISMAS CHARITIES,INC.

STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF__________________) Dismas Charities,Inc., being duly sworn, deposes and say that the attached Answers are true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge, information and belief.

________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC _________________________________ (Print, Type or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Public) Personally Known______OR Produced Identification_______ Type of Identification Produced: SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me this_____day of______________,2011 My commission expires:


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