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Soal 1

The shape of radishes may be long (SLSL), round (SRSR), or oval (SLSR). If long radishes are crossed to oval radishes and the F1
then allowed to cross at random among themselves, what phenotypic ratio is expected in the F 2?

Soal 2
Heterozygous black guinea pigs (Bb) are crossed among themselves. (a) What is the probability of the first three
offspring being alternately black-white-black or white-black-white? (b) What is the probability among three
offspring of producing two black and one white in any order?

Soal 3
Tall tomato plants are produced by the action of a dominant alleleD, and dwarf plants by its recessive allele d. Hairy
stems are produced by a dominant gene H, and hairless stems by its recessive allele h. A dihybrid tall, hairy plant is
testcrossed. The F1 progeny were observed to be 118 tall, hairy : 121 dwarf, hairless : 112 tall, hairless : 109 dwarf,
hairy. (a) Diagram this cross. (b) What is the ratio of tall : dwarf; of hairy : hairless? (c) Are these two loci assorting
independently of one another?

Soal 4
Normal leg size, characteristic of Kerry-type cattle, is produced by the homozygous genotype DD. Shortlegged
Dexter-type cattle possess the heterozygous genotype Dd. The homozygous genotype dd is lethal, producing grossly
deformed stillbirths called “bulldog calves.” The presence of horns in cattle is governed by the recessive allele of
another gene locus p, the polled condition (absence of horns) being produced by its dominant allele P. In matings
between polled Dexter cattle of genotype DdPp, what phenotypic ratio is expected in the adult progeny?

Soal 5
Amultiple allelic series is known in the Chinese primrose where A (Alexandria type¼white eye) > an (normal type¼
yellow eye) > a (Primrose Queen type ¼ large yellow eye). List all of the genotypes possible for each of the
phenotypes in this series.

Soal 6
In peaches, the homozygous genotype GOGO produces oval glands at the base of the leaves, the heterozygous
genotype GOGA produces round glands, and the homozygous genotype GAGA results in the absence of glands. At
another locus, a dominant gene S produces fuzzy peach skin and its recessive allele s produces smooth (nectarine) skin.
A homozygous variety with oval glands and smooth skin is crossed to a homozygous variety with fuzzy skin and
lacking glands at the base of its leaves. What genotypic and phenotypic proportions are expected in the F 2?

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