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A Thesis Proposal to the

Faculty of Graduate Studies
Tanauan Institute
Tanauan City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
Master of Arts in Education
Major in Educational Administration
And Supervision

Clarisse P. Gonzaga
Chapter 1



The pressures placed on our society as it changes from a manufacturing

to an informational and technological economy are well documented. Industries

and businesses are hard pressed to stay ahead of the learning curve with regard

to staying competitive. Computers are one of the main tools driving this change

to an information age. It is within this climate that teachers are asked to prepare

students for the next century by training the next generation of information.

Nationally, the push to integrate computers into our classrooms comes from

government, business, and industry.

Computers have touched every part of our lives: the way we work, the way

we learn, the way we live, even the way we play. It almost is impossible to go

through a single day without encountering a computer, a device dependent on a

computer, information produced by a computer, or a word that was introduced or

whose meaning has changed with the advent of computers. Because of the

significance of computers in today’s world, it is important to be computer literate.

Being computer literate means you have knowledge and understanding of

computers and their uses.

The researchers decided to conduct a study on the literacy development

and knowledge attained of having computer education by intermediate teachers

of Private Schools in Sto. Tomas District. To give light on the importance of

computer education.

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

The 21st century society requires special skills and knowledge from

individuals to be relevant to the society and participate actively in the economy of

nations. To acquire these special skills and knowledge, Information and

Communication Technology (ICT) comes to the fore to drive the education

system. In Nigeria, the National Policy on Education recognizes the importance

and place of ICT in ‘advancing knowledge and skills in the modern world’, but

serious effort to provide ‘necessary infrastructure and training for the integration

of ICT in the school system’ as stated in the policy is yet to be seen. Most public

and private primary and secondary schools lack the basic infrastructure, and

teachers are yet to be ICT literate. Relevant educational software packages,

especially for education in chemistry are scarce. There is need, as part of the

chemistry teacher education program, to include courses in ICT that will enable

the chemistry teachers to construct teacher-made educational software packages

for teaching specific chemistry concepts. This is necessary in order to fill the gap
created by lack of relevant software packages in the school system for teaching

and learning of such concepts. This paper proposes a framework for the

construction of teacher-made educational software packages for teaching

specific chemical concepts.


Effects of having Distribution and Significant

computers and other analysis of the relationship between
technologies in questionnaires on the the use of computers
instructing use of computers by by the intermediate
intermediate pupils the intermediate teachers and
teachers among strategies in its
 Microsoft intermediate pupils of instruction.
Word Private Schools in
 Microsoft Implications of the
Sto. Tomas District
Excel study to Computer
 Microsoft Gathering of Data Education
Power point
Statistical Analysis Proposed Action Plan
Performance of the and Interpretation of
intermediate Data Gathered


The first box is the Input which contains the use of computer by

Intermediate teachers to their classroom instruction in Private Schools of Sto.

Tomas District including Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point.

The arrow pointing to the second box is the process which includes the

distribution and analysis of the questionnaires on the use of computers by the

intermediate teachers among the intermediate pupils of Private Schools in Sto.

North District.

The last box is the Output that contains the end result as to the significant

relationship between the use of computer by intermediate teachers and its

strategies in instructions.

Statement of the Problem

This study determined the use of computers by the intermediate teachers

and its relationship to classroom instruction of Private Teachers in Sto. Tomas

District. Specifically it answers the following questions:

1. What are the computer programs used by the intermediate teachers?

2. What are the strategies used by the intermediate teacher in their

classroom instruction?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the strategies used by the

intermediate teachers and the strategies of the teachers in its


4. What is Teachers’ Performance based in IPCRF?

5. Based on the result of the study, what action plan can be proposed?


There is no significant relationship between Computers used by the

Intermediate Teachers as Classroom Instruction in Private Schools of Sto.

Tomas North District.

Significance of the Study

This study was conducted to give valuable information concerning the

importance of having computer education of Private Schools in Sto. Tomas North


The result of this study could be beneficial to the following.

School Administration. The result of this study would reveal the

importance of providing more computers for better learning.

Teachers. This study will help teachers to incorporate the use of

computers into the grade level curriculum. The study will also provide a list of

strategies and recommendations to improve computer use by Private School

teachers in Sto. Tomas North District to their classroom instruction.

Parents. They will also be provided with some facts regarding the

computers; its advantages and disadvantages in order to improve the child’s

academic performance in school.

Students. They may gain some knowledge about the use of computers

and the effect of these in their academic performance.

Researchers. The results of this study will orient them on the supposed

scheme or activities they should deal with when situation or problems arise that

they are truly functioning as incumbent teachers in school.

Scope and Delimitation of the study

This study is concerned mainly with the use of computers of intermediate

teachers in a classroom instruction of elementary pupils of Private School in Sto.

Tomas North District.

This gives emphasis on the different methods and strategies used by the

teacher in classroom instruction. It also attempts to give some related facts about

the effects of computers to the academic performance of the pupil. The study is

also limited to the intermediate teachers of Private Schools in Sto. Tomas North

District used as locale of the study.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of the study, the following terms were defined.

They are arranged alphabetically stressing on conceptual definition.

Classroom. It is a learning space, a room in which both children and

adults learn. The classroom provides a space where learning can take place

uninterrupted by outside distractions.

Commission of the European Communities (CEC). It

the executive body of the European Union responsible for proposing legislation,

implementing decisions, upholding the EU treaties and managing the day-to-day

business of the EU.

Communication and information technology (CIT). It is an umbrella

term that includes any communication device or application, encompassing:

radio, television, cellular phones, computer and network hardware and software,

satellite systems and so on, as well as the various services and applications 

Computer. This is an electronic device for storing and processing data,

typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.

Information Technology (IT). It is the use of any computers, storage,

networking and other physical devices, infrastructure and processes to create,

process, store, secure and exchange all forms of electronic data.

Instruction. It is was defined previously as “the purposeful direction of the

learning process” and is one of the major teacher class activities.

Media. This includes every broadcasting and narrowcasting medium such

as newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, billboards, direct mail, telephone, fax, and

Microsoft Excel. It is a spreadsheet application developed by

Microsoft for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. It features calculation, graphing

tools, pivot tables, and a macro programming language called visual basic for

applications. It has been a very widely applied spreadsheet for these platform,

especially since 5 in 1993, and it has replaced Lotus 1-2-3 as the industry

standard for spreadsheets. Excel forms part of Microsoft Office.

Microsoft Powerpoint. This is a product that provides users with an

interface to design multimedia slides to be displayed on a projection system or

persona computer. The incorporates images, sounds, videos, text, and charts to

create an interactive presentation. Microsoft Powerpoint interacts with other

Office products such as Microsoft Word and Excel, and is included with most

Microsoft Office packages.

Microsoft Word. It is a widely used commercial. Word processor

designed by Microsoft. Microsoft Word is a component of the Microsoft Office

suite or productivity software, but can also be purchased as a stand-alone


Projector. It refers to an instrument used for projecting a beam of light of

for throwing an image or a seems or images on to screen.

Technology. It pertains to application of scientific knowledge for practical

purposes, especially in industry. Technology allows humans to study and evolve

the physical elements that are present in their lives.

UNESCO. It a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN). Its purpose

is to contribute to peace and security by promoting international collaboration

through educational, scientific, and cultural reforms in order to increase universal

respect for justice, the rule of law, and human rights along with

fundamental freedom .


This chapter presents the review of the related literature and

studies taken from books, journals, and researcher conducted by foreign and

local writers and researchers.

All data and information reflected have some bearing on this study.

A. Related Literature

Foreign Literature

Technology has been a growing force in education, business, and

private life for quite some time. More and more people use email instead

of writing letters and sending them through the postal service, and many

times, cards are sent for birthdays and other special occasions instead of

paper greeting cards. My Space, an international site that offers email,

social networking, communities, videos and web logging on the Internet is

where the students can communicate with friends, virtually designing and

maintaining their own website for fun. In addition, more and more homes,

schools, and business offices have computers and Internet access. A

decade ago, access to technology was limited, and wiring schools was

one of the nation's education priorities. Ten years of substantial

investments and government interventions have vastly improved this

According to Billings and Mathison (2011), there are two reasons

that educational technologies assist in raising learners’ achievement. The

first reason is that they perform a very good job of engaging the learners

in the material. The second one is that they get learners excited to take

part in the educational tasks.

According to Zare-ee (2011), one of the most effective changes in

higher education is the utilization of Information and Communication

Technologies (ICTs). Modern ICTs in higher education has a short history

but spreading with high speed in various contexts.

Güven and Sülün (2012) considered the effects of computer-

enhanced teaching in science and technology courses on the structure

and properties of matter, such as the periodical table, chemical bonding,

and chemical reactions, for 13-14 year olds in Turkey.

Hung et al (2012) explored the effect of using multi-media tools in

science learning in an elementary school's science course in Taiwan.

Learners were asked to complete a digital storytelling project by taking

pictures with digital cameras, developing the story based on the pictures

taken, producing a film based on the pictures by adding subtitles and a

background, and presenting the story.

Walker (2012), technology integration helps learners become

capable information technology users, information seekers, analyzers,

evaluators, problem solvers, decision makers, creative users of

technology tools, communicators, and collaborators

Young et al. (2012) studied on ‘Preparing instructors for quality

online instruction’. They found that warned an instructor’s online role can

be more difficult than one experienced in traditional classrooms. Online

instructors were thought to have the extra burden of preparing courses

well in advance, constantly facilitating the course, modeling good

communication skills, and adjusting courses for the varied needs of


Mohamadkhani, Nazari Farokhi, and Nazari Farokhi (2013)

demonstrated that the use of new technologies has a great effect on

listening comprehension.

Reid (2013) studied on ‘Quality assurance, open and distance

learning, and Australian universities’. They found that determined online

instructors moved through different phases of their online learning

experience, and their needs changed at each stage. Furthermore,

considering educational leaders were responsible for the quality of online

programs and instruction they also needed to engage in professional

development, and experiment with online learning environments,

infrastructures, and technologies.

Tseng & Kuo (2014), the development of social relationships

among online teacher-members help obtain potential resources and

reliable support through their social network. As an example, having a

virtual classroom would allow students and teachers to communicate

synchronously using features such as audio, video, text chat, interactive

whiteboard and application rating

Hess (2014) investigated the impact of using e-readers and e-

books in the classroom, among 9-10 year olds in the USA. The e-books

were used in daily teacher-led guided reading groups, replacing traditional

print books in these sessions. Teachers also regularly used the e-readers

in sessions where the class read aloud, and e-readers were available to

learners during the school day for silent reading.

Davud (2014) stressed that the Current world, it’s almost

impossible to imagine that someone can live without computers.

Computers have become an electronic device of almost every day use for

individuals of every age. They are essential in almost all the business

dealings that are nowadays. The most that any industry has gained from

the discovery of the computers is the business industry because of its


Warschauer (2015), the use of Google Docs aided the students in

activities such as collaborative writing and editing, and improved

interactions between writers and readers. Game-based applications have

found to improve the motivation and engagement of students in classroom

Local Literature

As stated by Celeste (2011), there is no doubt that modern

technology has an effect on the study habits of students today. The

positive side of modern technology is that it makes things easier for

students to research for their homework and projects. However, it is also

right to mention that technologies are also a major distraction for students.

Escuro (2012) said that, “Usage of this gadget can be controllable.

It’s up to the parents to teach their child to be responsible on their

mobile phones, to ask them to pay-up when their mobile runs out of

money. Or to get some agreement from the mobile companies that

automatically cut- off usage when the child overuses their allowance for

the month.”

According to Fabian (2012), the world is changing fast.

Technology continues to advance at lightning speed and anyone who

doesn’t keep up is in danger of being left behind. As a result, the

way students study has changed significantly. While books still remain a

valuable tool, the need to spend hours and hours sitting in the library has

reduced dramatically. Students now have numerous options

available to them when it comes to learning techniques.

Oak (2011), discussed that Computer knowledge coupled with

certain other job skills, increased one’s chances of getting a job. Those

with the knowledge of computers are considered trainable for many kinds

of jobs, and thus gain a competitive advantage over the others. As most
jobs involve the use of computers, computer education is an eligibility

criteria for almost all the modern-day jobs. Higher education involving

network administration, hardware maintenance, or software skills opens

doors to better job opportunities.

Plomantes (2013) enumerated that with the use of computers it is

expected that the creative way of learning will be achieve. First, teacher

and students afforded the opportunity to gain access to a lot information.

Second, the accessibility to lot information is not just desktop based but

also globally through the use of computer. Third, teacher and students

learning progress at place at the student and teacher themselves. Then,

there is a immediate feedback and high productivity and lastly: increase

the management is also advantages.

Quimbao (2011) pointed that computer would help the teacher as

much as they would help the students, This was basically true since the

students would

later on become the teachers and people on the labor force. What would

be learned by the students would bw applied later on. Today, applicants

who were computer proficient were given more; priority than those who

were not.

Lucido et al., (2012) stated that technology caused part of the

school change and reform that the school could no longer be isolates from

the rest of society with the recent trends for the idea generation.
Sloan (2013) stated that to know the “how”, teachers should be

trained better. It can notes that the teacher or instructions should not only

knowledgeable about computer capabilities but also the knowledge of how

does the computer can affect the students environment.

Gates (2012) discussed that more and more research studies

demonstrate that daytime sleepiness from chronic sleep deprivation and

poor quality sleep has significant impacts on daytime behavior and

academic performance, as well as concentration, attention, and mood.

Even 20 fewer minutes of needed sleep may significantly affect behavior

in many areas. One study showed that those students with C’s, D’s and

F’s got about 25 fewer minutes of sleep and went to bed an average of 40

minutes later than A and B students.

Label (2011) on said that childhood is a time of giggles, jumping

exuberance, best friends.

The absence of stress is a safety net where the children are

protected, secure and happy and worry free. Children under stress who

experience loss or who have attention, learning or conduct disorders are

at higher risk for depression.

B. Related Studies

Foreign Studies

Powers (2011) described our new technology driven world as giant

room, in which everyone is standing within reach of their neighbors. In this

room, people are constantly poking one another and then asking them

question, or telling them about their days. In this world, it becomes to

possible to escape. The constant connection with others, aside from

completely disconnecting from it, and leaping out into the unknown, or

what's outside the room.

Turkle (2013) a PHD at Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

studied that technology do have pros and the cons, and how out decisions

about technology use will affect today's children as they develop.

Lemke (2014), conducted an interview with the technology and

learning magazine outline specifically why technology in the classroom is

truly a benefit for students. As she conducted the interview, she comes up

with the study that technology accelerated and enriches basic skills.

Students who have access to the technology become more quickly

engrossed in the materials, and as such are able to absorb the information

more quickly. Technology prepares students for the work force at a young

age, which is becoming more and more of a vital skill as technology in our

society becomes more relevant.

Greenfield (2014), confirmed a correlation of highest visual

reasoning skills in children in this generation. One particular study note

that children who were adapt at video games were better a key hole

surgery. These results have been created to posters attention to detail,

hand eye coordination, as well as survival tactics. Character are crafted

with such detail that they could be mistaken for real people. Because of

this sort of exposure, children today are more used to these images and

as such can react to and understand them quicker than previous


Stone (2011), on article in time magazine, said that eight to

eighteen years old spend seven hours and thirty eight minutes a day using

entertainment media.

As they have become so absorbed into it, that social and entertainment

media become a constant distraction. These distractions affects the way

children's developing brains and absorb new information and can lead to

continuous partial attention (CPA). CPA is the state we enter into when we

are using technology and are forced to split out attention between several

different tasks.

Recen (2015) on his study entitled "The knowledge and skills in the

Computer of grade five students" specifically deals in the learning

acquisition of the respondent in their computer subject.

Logsdon (2014) conducted an experimental study wherein group of

students taught with computer was much against in a conventional


According to the results, the student taught with a computer

performed significantly, better than the control student. This study tried to

determine the instruction aided by a computer in their learning.

Asan (2011) studied about the Computer Technology Awareness

by Elementary School Teachers. A Case Study from Turkey found out that

position of teachers (classroom versus major teachers) have no significant

relationship in familiarity with computer technologies. This study showed

that gender, amount of teaching experience and school status has a

significant relationship in familiarity with some types of computer

technologies. These findings indicate that there are three basic needs.

One is a need for purchasing sufficient hardware and software for basic

education schools. This kind of placement will allow an opportunity for

teacher to become familiar with computers and apply computer technology

to his/her instruction the laboratory would ensure teacher access to

computer during school hours.

Yusurf (2012) his study investigated on his study that teacher's

perceived self-efficacy in the implementation of computer education in

Nigeria secondary schools. Chi-square indicated no significant difference

between male and female teacher's competence in the use of computers,

basic computer operations, and the use of application software. Based on

these findings it is recommended that practicing teachers should be given

in-service professional development training in the use of technology and

that pre-service teachers should be given basic and advances training in

the use of technology in education.

Arkin (2011) said that Teacher's attitude towards computer

technology use in the vocabulary instruction. The findings of this study

showed that teachers were largely underutilizing computer technology

resources in their instruction even though these resources were available

in their school.

Despite generally positive attitudes, most of the teachers reported

not using the online vocabulary enhancement resource at all the teaching

vocabulary. To understand how to achieve better integration, we need to

study teachers and what makes them use computers, and we need to

study computer technology resources and what makes teachers want to or

need to use them.

Local Studies

According to Ondo (2011), the positive effect of computer are;

Pupils increase vocabulary whole learning to identify objects, picture and

materials. Pupils develop senses of their sight and hearing. They learn to

discriminate and classify. They learn to follow directions and to take turns.
They become active, alert and ethusiastics. They acquire confidence.

Those high tech fun games have their negative effects. They are often

times believed to be source or causes of some types of violence due to

their violent images and suggestions.

Maguire (200qq), stated that there are online games, which allow

the player to play and communicate with other people around the world by

connecting the internet that may cause isolation. For instance, some

young people would rather communicate through the internet than

communicate face to face in real life.

Liwag (2012), cited recent studies that showed evidence that

technology could negative impact on a child vision. She said that about

25-30 percent of technology using children need corrective eyewear to

work comfortably and safely at the modern technology. She added that

flicker frequencies or quickly flashing image in some video games could

also trigger seizures.

Arellano (2013), was related to the present study because students

performance was significantly related to the adequacy of instructional

facilities and good learning. Teaching computer does not need to be

boring lectures nor always eye training hands on.

Pacarro (2012), stated that technology is an initiator of change. He

also said that there is a time that "nobody can dispute the fact that

technology has a great impact on education because it acquire a very

important role in improving educational system." He also included that it is

very important for people of today to gain the necessary knowledge which

will allow them to use other technology with proficiency and that it is a

concern of all levels of education.

Jimenez (2012) mentioned that the students progress in computer

education should be assesed by quizzes and examination in ways which

recognize the importance old skills processed of computer literacy.

Evaluation is also a means of rewarding their abilities to reproduce and

apply knowledge in computer education.

According to Cabel (2013), on the study of Paccarro (2012), the

computer is the most sophisticated device for instruction. This can support

and enhance the academic program with this technology. Now powerful

personal computer has added a new dimension that is not possible with

books and the traditional classroom lectures. Though interactive computer

graphics, a computer Based Training System can demonstrate certain

concept more effectively that the books or even teachers.

Adao (2013), emphasized the importance of understanding

computer concept and terminology. There is a need basic understanding

of automated technology. According to

him understanding of computer will enable people to be comfortable in an

increasing computer oriented environment by removing the fear of

unknown that may people have about thus understanding will also enable
individual to keep abreast of new development and could utilize the new

development for well-being and growth.

Balite (2013), pointed out that computer education was an

important issue in the context of national development. It was developing

at such pad and its implication was so widespread that anybody even

children could not simply afforded to ignore it.

Aller II (2014) pointed out that the importance of teaching computer

for curriculum development. As stated, to improved teaching was to

improved education, schools, quality of graduates and to be manpower to

country's progress.

The above cited reviewed literature and studies were all gathered and

found useful in the present study since they all dealt with the importance of

education, the teaching-learning qualities and the significant role of technology in

early childhood education.

It was found out that Billings and Mathison discussed that technology have

both positive and negative impact on student achievement. The study of Zare-ee,

Guven and Sulun, they discussed that learning outcomes are better with ICT.

Hung et al, Walker and Young et al explained that there should be continuous
improvement in the curriculum because the student will become future labor

force and computers can improve the quality of teaching and learning.

In addition Fabian, Jimenez and Pacarro discussed that technology was

the initiator of change. They stated that technology enhanced the countries’

overall educational and development efforts and accelerated and development

efforts and accelerated and enriched the basic skills of students.

However, relayed by Aller II, Balite, Cabel, Sloan and Yusurf technology

was very useful guide in helping the learners as well as the teachers to acquire

more knowledge in today’s curriculum. Adao, Greenfield, Lenke and Plomantes

both agreed that with the use of computers it is expected that the creative way of

learning will be achieve.

Davud discussed that it’s impossible to imagine someone can live without

computers. While Oak and Quimbao discussed that computer knowledge will

increased one’s chances of getting a job.

Lucida et al,. and Powers both believed tht technology caused part of the

school change and reform that the school could no longer be isolates from the

rest of society.

Furthermore, Arellano, Logsdon, Ondo and Recen discussed technology

was absolutely essential if its use in school was effective especially if used in

Early Childhood Education. Arkin, Asan, and Carlson and Galio discussed that
teachers can ue technologies based on the school they work by purchasing

sufficient hardware ad software together with professional trainings. Maguire

discussed that people can communicate around the world by connecting to the


However, according to Celeste, Gates, Label, Turkle and Stone

technology is seducing youths to a new form of addiction, but certainly twisting

their minds and may cause stress to the part of their learnings. They also

believed that it could be a negative impact on a child vision. As an addition

Escuro discussed that the usage of gadget can be controllable. It’s up to the

parents to teach their child to be responsible in using it. All the cited discussion

has been used as reference in the conceptualization of this study.



This chapter presents and discusses the methods, procedures,

instruments, respondents and the statistical treatment used in the study.

Research Design

The researchers used the descriptive method of research in employing

observations and questionnaire- checklist for the information needed in the

knowledge acquired and skills developed by the intermediate teachers of Private

Schools in Sto. Tomas North District in their computer classes during the school

year 2020-2021.

According to Manuel (2012), Descriptive method involves the description,

recording, analysis and the interpretation of the present nature, composition of

phenomena, the focus of which is on prevailing conditions on how persons,

group or thing behave and function of the moment.

Aquino (2011) cited that descriptive research is fact finding with adequate

interpretation. It is something more and beyond just data gathering and carried

up to the level adequate interpretation.

The Respondents

The respondents of the study were the intermediate teachers of Private

Schools in Sto. Tomas North District.

Table 1

Name of Schools in Sto. Tomas North District and the number of teachers
as respondents of the study

Schools in Sto. Tomas North Number of Teachers-Respondents


1. St. Thomas Academy-Avida 8

2. AMS Learning School 7

3. Mother Barbara Micarelli 6

4. San Bartolome Adventist 5
5. Maranatha Christian School 7

6. St.Thomas Montesorri 6

7. Immaculate Conception 5
8. Hope Christian Academy of 6
9. Nikiesha's Interactive Camp 5
Child Development Center
Total 55

Locale of the study

The teacher respondents came from nine (9) private schools in Sto.

Tomas North District namely: St. Thomas Academy-Avida, AMS Learning

School, Mother Barbara Micarelli School, San Bartolome Adventist School,

Maranatha Christian School, St.Thomas Montesorri, Immaculate Conception

Montesorri, Hope Christian Academy of Sto.Tomas and Nikiesha's Interactive

Camp Child Development Center.

Data Gathering Instrument

The instrument used in gathering the pertinent data is questionnaire.

Part I consists of information about the perception of the teacher of

Sto. Tomas North School toward the significance of using computer in

Classroom Instruction by what strategies do the teacher employ in

computer instruction.

Part II is about the appropriate category that will describe the level

of the teachers by using computer programs.

The Questionnaire made Three Categories with values ranging

from highly proficient, proficient, less proficient by checking the level of

corresponding categories.

Categories Scale

Highly Proficient 3

Proficient 2

Less Proficient 1

Categories Scale

Very Satisfactory 3

Satisfactory 2

Poor 1
Validity of the Questionnaire

The first draft was constructed and submitted to the adviser for the

correction, modification and enrichment. Based on the adviser’s constructive

criticism and suggestions and the second draft will be made and submitted to a

panel of experts composed of three Doctors in line of Education who were not

involved in the study for its content to be able to establish its validity.

Reliability of Questionnaire

To establish the reliability of the questionnaire, the answers from

questionnaire was collected and evaluated through percentage and rank,

weighted mean and Pearson correlation. The Pearson correlation will be used

whereby after a week of the first administration of questionnaire will be

administered again. This will be done to verify whether the perception of the

teachers and students after the first and second test administration will show

significant bearing with one another.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher first seeks permission to the Division Superintendent and

Supervisor of the District for the distribution of the questionnaire. Survey

questionnaire will be used to collect data from the respondents.

The questionnaire was given to the school principals or heads was used to

gain information about the Computer Instruction of Intermediate teachers as their

classroom instruction. After validating the instrument, the researchers personally

administered the final copies to the actual respondents. Then the data was

subjected to appropriate statistical tools.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The following statistical tools were used in this research to be able to

arrive with the correct presumptions.


x = Weighted Mean

∑ fx=¿ ¿ Sum of the frequency times raw score

∑ f = No. of Respondents

N ∑ xy−∑ X ∑ Y
The formula for the Pearson r is: r =

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