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Essay on youth unemployment

John Cabarcas Rojano Lic. Laura Florez Cera

Luisana Paba Villa Universidad del Atlántico
07 June 2022

The Unemployed Youth

“Hope is the motivation that allows the unemployed to get out of bed every morning with
boundless enthusiasm in their job search”.
Emanuel Cleaver

In the next argumentative essay, we will analyze unemployment in the youth population,
principally the causes that have led to increase its rate and also its relationship with education in
this part of the population of the country, taking specifically the youth of the municipalities of
Candelaria and Repelón, and also the consequences that this can develop in the individual and
also in their own social environment.

Dans l'essai argumentatif suivant, nous analyserons le chômage dans la population jeune,
principalement les causes qui ont conduit à une augmentation de son taux et aussi sa relation
avec l'éducation dans cette partie de la population du pays, en prenant spécifiquement les jeunes
des municipalités de Candelaria et Repelón, et aussi les conséquences que cela peut développer
chez l'individu et aussi dans leur propre environnement social.

Keywords: Unemployment, Youth, Education, Education, opportunities, social classes,

government, skills, inequality.

During the years our country has gone through different social problems that have

affected all its citizens and its economy, among them we can highlight corruption,

discrimination, addictions, class difference, crime and finally, unemployment, which in recent

years has devised an increase rate not only in adults but also in the youth population.

Unemployment is the situation or state of a person who is able to work, but has no job or has lost
Essay on youth unemployment

it, and has had a great impact on the youth in different parts of our country including the Atlantic

and the municipalities including the municipality of Candelaria and Repelón. This situation has

resulted in the backwardness of the development and economy not only of the municipality but

also of its inhabitants, in this case the youth.

Currently it is believed that 70% of the youth population of the municipality of

Candelaria and 60% of the population of the municipality of Repelón are unemployed, the reason

for this situation varies between municipalities, while in the municipality of Candelaria the main

reason for unemployment revolves around the lack of infrastructure that can provide jobs, in the

municipality of Repelón this problem is given more by the disinterest of youth to prepare, study

and improve themselves.

However, these are not the only causes that generate unemployment, these can vary

depending on the place and its current government, and it also depends on each person, their

determination and desire to prepare themselves to later begin to hold a position within a

company, it should be clarified that the lack of employment has generated many consequences

not only for the unemployed person but also for the people around them and for their society.

Nowadays we can see how young people have more difficulties when it comes to

integrate into a job, due to their young age and the skills that they obtained from their schools

over time but sometimes they are not enough, regardless of their background, place of origin,

social position among others, if the company believes that the young person does not have any

useful skill for them they simply will not hire them, hence the importance and the relationship

between Youth, Unemployment and Education.

Essay on youth unemployment

Youth, Unemployment and Education

The human being from its creation until today has been characterized by its ability to

change during its process of formation and development ranging from the physical to the

sociological, all these stages are marked by different situations that they experience throughout

their lives, being the stage of youth, very important for personal development and integrity of

them as individuals, It is at this time that they discover and put to the test all their skills and

knowledge that they have learned throughout their lives at home and in their schools, in order to

meet their needs and this is when they begin their journey into the world of work, but more have

been the problems and setbacks that have been hired than the help that their supposed

governments have given them.

Currently, the lack of jobs has occurred for different reasons, we can start with the

inequality and discrimination that has occurred in this sector, because if a person is young and

also does not have sufficient economic support, that is to say that he/she is poor, he/she tends to

have more complications than an experienced older person and a young person with good

economic resources. Normally it has also been seen that some companies have as a requirement

to have a certain amount of work experience that young people cannot cover and not being able

to obtain such experience, they are doomed to repeat this situation again and again, while older

people without previous knowledge or studies in the same situation are hired without any


In case the young person manages to get a job, he/she still runs the risk of being fired,

this usually happens when the company begins to go through a crisis, the first to be fired will be
Essay on youth unemployment

the young people because, as the cost of dismissal depends on the time the employee has been

working and due to his/her short time in the company, it is cheaper to terminate their contracts

than to fire someone with more experience and who has been contributing to the company for a

long time.

Education is also an important factor, since 60% of the young people in these

municipalities do not finish their academic studies and if they do, they decide not to continue

them, thus losing the possibility of obtaining a university or technical degree, among others, with

the intention of being able to live “more freely” many of the young men think that to get a job it

is not necessary to study and they use as examples, Many of the young men think that in order to

get a job it is not necessary to study and give examples such as being a soccer player, motorcycle

taxi drivers, workers, among others, while the young women think that in order to live

comfortably it is only necessary to get a partner at an early age so that these people can support

them economically.

During the covid-19 pandemic that occurred in the year 2020, the dropout rate in schools

increased considerably due to the fact that the schools were not able to provide a good education

and this was reflected in the ICFES tests of that year.

However, the young people who even with all these obstacles achieved a certain degree

of preparation beforehand, this did not allow them to secure a job, and this is due to the

insufficient job creation in these municipalities which results in young people not finding work

and the few employers not finding employees with the skills they need.
Essay on youth unemployment

Unemployment Consequences

Young people are facing a series of challenges in the labor market, it has not been easy to

recover from all those effects that we had to go through in 2020 thanks to covid19, let's

remember that thanks to this health emergency many companies, premises, stores and businesses

had to close, taking away the opportunity for many people to work or/and continue working and

among this affected population, our youth and much more serious for our young people in the


Some specialists have insisted on the evident consequences of the labor and social

exclusion of the new generations in the exercise of the citizenship and in the growing public

insecurity, subjecting young people to engage in bad behaviors, misallocate their time, get drunk,

become owners of other people's property, steal, get money in bad ways; it should be clarified

that not all young people engage in this behavior.

On the other hand, many young people who as a result of unemployment have emotional

problems such as depression, stress, anxiety, problems that are silent killers for the human being,

and that lead to make incorrect or wrong decisions for their lives, we believe that these problems

do not lead to serious effects to people, but they are a very serious consequence of


Many young people between the ages of eighteen and twenty-four are responsible for the

financial expenses of their household and are the only ones who work, others became parents at

an early age and have responsibilities with their children and partners, also young people who

want to achieve their independence, or currently live with their parents and want to help them

with household expenses.

Essay on youth unemployment

In Repelon and Candelaria municipalities in Atlántico, you can see a part of the young

population lost, young people without secondary or higher education, without job opportunities,

or subjected to labor exploitation.

The consequences of this phenomenon are reproduced over several years, youth

unemployment is a phenomenon that leaves "scars" throughout the life cycle of individuals,

affecting not only their income, but also their employment status and the probability of

unemployment in the future; in other words, it is a problem with perpetual effects.

However, all these consequences can be eradicated and avoided by creating aids for

young people and for their insertion processes in companies, because there are more benefits, as

young people we know that having a decent job allows us to dedicate our time to other products,

healthy things that strengthen our self-esteem.

To summarize, we can determine that there are many causes and consequences generate

unemployment in today's youth, such as lack of education, lack of interest, and lack of

government support, which, although in recent decades, have tried to provide better attention to

the issue of labor insertion of young people, they have not succeeded because they have not yet

taken the necessary measures to eradicate this problem.  Unemployment being a social

phenomenon that greatly influences the economy and development of municipalities and the

youth population, which currently encounter many obstacles that prevent them from finding

employment, including inequality, racism and injustice, which generates long-term problems not

only for young people but also for their social environment.

We can also notice how education influences unemployment and the possibilities that this

can offer to get it, because this also shows the quality with which the person can perform it, and
Essay on youth unemployment

this can be reflected in how he makes use of his skills, but getting a job in some cases also

depends on the attitude of the young person and his desire to improve and move forward.


published in the magazine Nueva Sociedad 232, March - April 2011,


José Francisco López, 04 January, 2019 Desempleo juvenil.

Victor E. Tokman, 07 November, 202, Serie Prosur

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