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f Nomor Seri \jazah: 16.1.501514 UNIVERSITAS PGRI ADI BUANA SURABAYA Memberikan ljazah Kepada : CNani Kuswipanti Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Gresik, 30 Guli 199% NIM : 125000107 Tahun Masuk : 2012 Program Pendidikan : SARJANA (S1) Fakultas + Keguruan dan Stu Pendidikan Program Studi : Bimbingan dan Konseling Tanggal Lulus { 23 Agustus 2016, berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Rektor Nomor: 155/SK/VIII/2016 Status : SK Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI Nomor: 047/D/O/1998, tanggal 23 Juni 1998. iberikan setelah yang bersangkutan memenuhi semua persyaratan yang ditentukan, dan kepadanya segala wewenang dan hak yang berhubungan dengan jjazah yang dimilikinya, serta berhak memakai gelar akademik Sarjana Pendidikan (5,Pa.) | Surabaya, 23 Agustus 2016 pant A! Dekan, Ey » MS. IP. 196801031992031003 Drs Djoko Hadi Walijo, 5.T., MM, DBA. NPP, 8505083/DY Certificate Series Number: 16.1.501514 UNIVERSITY OF PGRI ADI BUANA SURABAYA Awarded this certificate to: CNani QKuswipanti Place and Date of Birth + Qresik, Gulp 30", 1904 Student Registered Number : 125000107 Enrollment Year : 2012 Education Program : Bachelor Faculty : Geacher raining and Education Department : Quidance and Counseling Graduation Date : August 23", 2016, as issued by Rector's decree number: 155/SKIVIIN/2016 Status : The authorization of General Directorate of Higher Education, Ministry of Education of Republic of Indonesia number: 047/D/O/1998, June 23", 1998 This certificate is awarded, after the aforementioned has successfully completed and satisfactorily fulfilled all the prescribed requirements at undergraduate program, and is rendered the authority related to the certificate, and earned the academic degree: Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pa,) NIRL: 16.8.20712.074258 an Sufetdaya, August 23", 2016 PBN rector one : z % RE Y i. : Drs, Hfoko Fa ato, 5, MM, DBA : “GP 5H MS NPP. 8505083/DY NIP. 196801031992031003

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