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Grade and Section:

Footnote to Youth
Elements of Short Stories
Who are the main
characters in the short
story? Give their

Describe the setting of the


In what point of view does

the story has been told?

In 5-7 sentences only, give

the plot of the short story.

What is the general truth

that was emphasized in the
short story? Prove your
answer by citing some
lines from the story.

Directions: After reading the stories Footnote to Youth and We Filipinos are Mild Drinkers, fill
out the table below by recognizing the different elements of short stories from the literary piece
that you’ve read.
Grade and Section:

We Filipinos are Mild Drinkers

Elements of Short Stories
Who are the main
characters in the short
story? Give their

Describe the setting of the


In what point of view does

the story has been told?

In 5-7 sentences only, give

the plot of the short story.

What is the general truth

that was emphasized in the
short story? Prove your
answer by citing some
lines from the story.

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