Activity 3 - Gender As A Subject of Inquiry

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A. Contemplate. The following are common statements we hear from people.

Reflect why you think

people agree or disagree with the statement. Reflect about your own thoughts: Do you agree or
disagree with each statement? Why or why not?

Statement Why people agree Why people disagree

Boys should not cry.

Girls are bad drivers while boys

are superb drivers.

Boys should not be allowed to

play dolls.

Women should be prim and

proper. It is ok for men to be
rowdy, they are men anyway.

B. Communicate. The following are common statements we hear from people. Reflect why you think
people agree or disagree with the statements. Reflect about your own thoughts: do you agree or
disagree with each statement? Why or why not?

Would you be willing to befriend someone who…

Is a native of a different country?

Does not have the same religious

belief as you do?

Has a physical or mental disability?

Does not speak your language?

Total points of this activity: 20pts

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