Human Rights

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Human rights are the basic rights available to any human being by virtue of his birth in human
race. It is inherent in all human beings irrespective of their nationality, religion, language, sex,
color or any other consideration. The Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 defines Human
Rights as: “human rights” means the rights relating to life, liberty, equality and dignity of the
individual guaranteed by the Constitution or embodied in the International Covenants and
enforceable by courts in India”.

Protection of human rights is essential for the development of the people of the country, which
ultimately leads to development of the national as a whole. The Constitution of India
guarantees basic human rights to each and every citizen of the country. The framers of the
Constitution have put their best efforts in putting down the necessary provisions. However,
with continues developments taking place, the horizon of human rights has also expanded. The
parliamentarians are now playing a great role in recognizing the rights of people and passing
statues, amending provisions etc. as and when required.

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