Animal Reproduction of Representative Animals Reviewer

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Animal Reproduction under the microscope. ★ Protandry- an
● Reproduction is the biological Hermaphroditism organism which
process by which new ● This is when an organism has begins its life as a
individual organisms – both a male and female female changes into a
"offspring" – are produced from reproductive system. male.
their "parent" or parents. ● In hermaphroditism, the
Reproduction is a fundamental organism may or may not have Simultaneous Hermaphroditism-
Type of hermaphroditism when the
feature of all known life; each a partner for fertilization to
same organism has both the male and
individual organism exists as occur. female sex organs and produces both
the result of reproduction. ● In hermaphroditism, the types of gametes. Common examples
organism can reproduce either are worms, snails, and sea stars
sexually or asexually.
2 Types of Reproduction
Sexual Reproduction
● A male and female gamete is
Wilhelm August Oscar Hertwig needed in order to produce
● (April 21, 1849 – October 25, offspring. The offspring's traits
1922) made his great discovery 2 Types of Hermaphroditism
and genetic makeup are
right at the beginning of a long Sequential Hermaphroditism- A type of
combinations of its parent.
scientific career, which made hermaphroditism that occurs in many
him an eminent zoologist and fish, gastropods, and plants. Occurs
scholar of the theory of when the individual changes their sex
evolution. at some point in their life.
● Hertwig is credited as the first
man to observe ★ Protogyny- an
sexual reproduction organism which
by looking at the begins its life as a
cells of sea urchins male changes into a
Asexual Reproduction attached to its body. When the Mechanisms of Fertilization
● A parent organism will not need bud is developed, it will detach
a mate or partner for it to itself from the parent and form a
produce its own offspring. It new organism.
does not involve the ❖ Examples: Coral and
combination of gametes or sex Jellyfish Coral
cells. The offspring is exactly ● Parthenogenesis- occurs when
the same as the parent. the embryo of an organism can
Two (2) Types of Fertilization
grow and develop without
● Internal Fertilization - Occurs
fertilization. when the fusion of gametes is
❖ Examples: some inside the female body.
species of ants and Gametes involved:
honeybees Only male gametes are
Advantages of Sexual Reproduction discharged into the female
● The population is less likely to genital tract.
Types of Asexual Reproduction
catch diseases all at once.
● Binary Fission- Occurs in ❖ Examples: Reptiles,
● Has genetic variation. Birds, Mammals,
single-celled organisms. It is
● Has more chances of survival. Pteridophytes
when a parent cell divides itself
Disadvantages of Sexual Reproduction ● External Fertilization- Is
into two equal parts and create
● Needs a partner to reproduce opposite of internal fertilization
an offspring. where fusion of gametes is
● Takes more time to reproduce
❖ Examples: amoeba, outside the female body.
Advantages of Sexual Reproduction
bacteria, euglena Gametes involved:
● One parent organism is needed Both female and male gametes
● Fragmentation- Occurs when
● Faster than sexual reproduction are discharged into the external
an organism breaks a part of
Disadvantages of Asexual surroundings.
itself into a fragment, and the
fragment develops into a new Three (3) Types of Internal Fertilization
● Less Survival Chances
● Population is more likely to
❖ Examples: flatworms, Oviparity
catch diseases at the same
sponges, and sea stars
time ● The female has fertilized eggs
● Budding- happens when a
laid outside its body. The young
parent organism grows a bud
will get nourishment from its
yolk. Is protected by the Factors that Affect Reproductive
external covering of the egg. Success
Factor #1: Predation
● The type of egg vary in different
animals ● APEX PREDATORS are
animals that hunt and feed on
○ Chickens have High other animals to survive and
calcium carbonate eventually reproduce.
concentration ● PREY is easily hunted their
offspring is always
○ Snakes produce compromised and in danger.
leathery eggs The connection of these
animals in the food chain help
Viviparity maintain their progeny.

● Most common in mammals. Factor #2: Environment

● The offspring develops within
the female and is nourished by ● The animal's environment must
the mother's placenta. nurture to the young.
● When giving birth, the offspring ● Temperature affects their
is pushed out of the mother. development and urges to
○ Examples: Humans and mate. As temperatures around
Bears the globe rises, animals are
also affected in which some die
Oviviparity before they even reproduce.

● The same as oviparity. Factor #3: Human Interaction

● Only lay the eggs when they
are ready to hatch. ● Humans have been responsible
○ Examples: Great White for a lot of species extinction as
Shark we pose as one of the greatest
threats to animals. Polluting
land, water, airm hunting and
deforestation are ways in which
animal reproduction gets

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