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A critical written analysis on = an article that is advocating that the state

A critical written analysis on = an article that is advocating that the state should mandate
compolosory education for children. (1600 WORDS)-NOTE: I am not aiming for the highest
top marks.The response should follow this structure:(a) outline the issue being dealt with
by the author in the reading as a whole, why it is important, and then state which section(s)
of the reading the response will focus on (1-2 paragraphs);(b) identify the author’s main
claim and analyse their supporting argument(s) being made in the section of the reading
chosen (4-6 paragraphs). To analyse an argument you must be able to identify the ‘reasons’
and evidence the author uses to support these reasons, and to evaluate whether it is weak
or strong. Here you will bring in a second reading to support your evaluation.
(supplied)Note: A stronger paper will anticipate counter arguments to the author’s
argument/s; an exemplary paper will go further and offer a valid response to the
anticipated counter-arguments.(c) offer a personal scholarly response to the section of the
reading analysed, indicating whether (and to what extent) you agreed with the author, and
why/why not. (1-2 paragraphs).

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