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A education brochure needs to be created based on attached health

promotion plan
A education brochure needs to be created based on attached health promotion plan.This
week you will use your Health Promotion Plan (Week 5) to create a patient education
brochure. The information in your brochure should target a specific population group for
your Healthy People 2030 topic and be organized, accurate, and informative as well as
visually appealing using appropriate layout, design, and graphics.You will create a 6-panel
brochure that will inform and educate your population of interest using the following
criteria:Create an APA-formatted title page that will come before your brochure. In addition
to the APA-required information on this title page, include your target audience and
feedback from a member of your target audience. (Note: You will first create your brochure,
share it to garner feedback, and then document this feedback on your submission.)Review
the 3 objectives you listed in your Health Promotion Plan. Utilizing these objectives and the
content outlined in your Health Promotion Plan, develop content for your 6-panel
brochure.Use text, headings, and graphics to convey the content to your target audience for
them to achieve the stated objectives.Keep in mind the behavioral theory/model in the
design and content of your brochure. Provide a reference for this on your reference
page.When writing your content, use simple and straight-forward language appropriate for
your target audience. Proper spelling, grammar, and mechanics are required.Include
references and in-text citations for your sources. You need a minimum of three scholarly or
professional sources. Include APA-formatted references on the back panel of your
brochure.Please note you will need to share your brochure with a member of your target
audience and document their feedback on the title page. For example, “John Doe reviewed
the brochure and indicated he had difficulty understanding some of the terms. The terms
were modified.” You may not document feedback from a healthcare provider or from a
family member.Submit your document (including title page and brochure) to this dropbox
for grading.

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