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Maw of the Damned (Legendary Greataxe, requires attunement)

● +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

● Bladethirst: As part of an attack with the weapon you can speak the command word and it will
deal an extra 1d12 necrotic damage to your target, healing you for half the amount of damage
dealt, rounded up. This feature cannot be used again until you complete a short or long rest.
● Awakened: When a character awakens the Maw of the Damned, apply the following changes to
the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +2
o Increase the damage of its Bladethirst trait to 2d12.
● Exalted: When a character exalts the Maw of the Damned, apply the following changes to the
item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +3
o Increase the damage of its Bladethirst trait to 3d12, and it can now be used twice
between rests.

Blade of the Fallen Prince (Legendary Longsword, requires attunement)

● +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

● Crystalline Sword: As a bonus action, you can speak this weapon’s command word, gaining one
extra attack the next time you take the Attack action. You cannot use this ability again until you
finish a short or long rest.
● Awakened: When a character awakens the Blade of the Fallen Prince, apply the following
changes to the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +2
o The extra attack made with the Crystalline Sword trait does an additional 1d8 cold
damage (1d10 if used with both hands).
● Exalted: When a character exalts the Blade of the Fallen Prince, apply the following changes to
the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +3
o The Crystalline Sword trait now lasts for up to 1 minute. The effect ends early if you fall
unconscious or die.

Apocalypse (Legendary Greatsword, requires attunement)

● +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

● Each time you hit a target with an attack with this weapon, the wound festers. The maximum
number of festering wounds a target can have is 3.
● Apocalypse: As an action, you can speak this weapon’s command word, which causes all of the
festering wounds created by this weapon to rupture. Anyone wounded by this weapon must
make a DC15 CON saving throw, taking 1d8 necrotic damage for each wound dealt by the
weapon on a failed save, or half as much on a success. (Ex: Hit an enemy 3 times = 3d8) Has no
effect on constructs or undead. You cannot use this ability again until you finish a short or long
● Awakened: When a character awakens Apocalypse, apply the following changes to the item’s
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +2.
o The maximum number of festering wounds a target can have increases to 4.
o The DC for the saving throw increases to 16
o The necrotic damage increases to 1d10
● Exalted: When a character exalts Apocalypse, apply the following changes to the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +3.
o The maximum number of festering wounds a target can have increases to 5.
o The DC for the saving throw increases to 17, and the target has disadvantage on the
saving throw if suffering from 5 festering wounds.
o You can use the Apocalypse trait twice between rests.

Scythe of the Moon Goddess (Legendary Scythe [Martial, Two-Handed, Heavy, Reach, 1d10 slashing
damage], requires attunement by a druid)

● +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

● A druid attuned to this weapon is considered proficient with it for attacks made with it.
● New Moon: As an action, you can speak this weapon’s command word and make a ranged spell
attack using your spellcasting ability to hurl a bolt of concentrated moonlight at a target within
60 feet, dealing 2d10 radiant damage on hit. If the target is a shapechanger, it reverts to its
original form. You cannot use this ability again until you finish a long rest.
● Awakened: When a character awakens the Scythe of the Moon Goddess, apply the following
changes to the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +2.
o Half Moon: After using the New Moon ability, you may use an action to speak this
weapon’s command word and make a ranged spell attack using your spellcasting ability
to hurl a larger bolt of concentrated moonlight at a target within 60 feet, dealing 4d10
radiant damage on hit. If this attack hits, the target has disadvantage on the next saving
throw it makes against a spell. You cannot use this ability again until you finish a long
● Exalted: When a character exalts the Scythe of the Moon Goddess, apply the following changes
to the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +3.
o Full Moon: After using the Half Moon ability, you may use an action to speak this
weapon’s command word and make a ranged spell attack using your spellcasting ability
to hurl an immense bolt of concentrated moonlight at a target within 60 feet, dealing
8d10 radiant damage on hit. Any enemies within 15 feet of the target must succeed on
a DC17 DEX save or take half the damage dealt to the main target. On a success, they
take no damage. You cannot use this ability again until you finish a long rest.
Fang of the Panther God (Legendary Dagger, requires attunement by a Druid)

● +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

● If a Circle of the Moon Druid attunes to this weapon, they can add the +1 to their attack and
damage rolls while using Wild Shape.
● Great Cat’s Frenzy: As part of an attack, you can invoke the power within the weapon (can be
used in Wild Shape) to gore your target, adding 2d6 damage to your attack. The target also takes
1d6 damage at the beginning of its turn due to blood loss for the next two rounds. The target
may make a DC15 Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
early on a success. A healing spell or greater restoration will also stop the bleeding. You cannot
use this ability again until you finish a short or long rest.
● Awakened: When a character awakens the Fang of the Panther God, apply the following
changes to the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +2.
o Increase the initial bonus damage to 2d8.
o Increase the bleed damage to 1d8, and the duration to the next three rounds.
o Only a spell such as greater restoration or a successful CON save will stop the bleeding.
o Increase the save DC against Great Cat’s Frenzy to 16.
● Exalted: When a character exalts the Fang of the Panther God, apply the following changes to
the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +3.
o Increase the initial bonus damage to 2d10.
o Increase the bleed damage to 1d10, and the duration to the next 5 rounds.
o Magic has less of an effect on the wounds you create, only a successful CON save will
stop the bleeding now.
o Increase the save DC against Great Cat’s Frenzy to 17.
o You may now use the Great Cat’s Frenzy ability twice between rests.

Claw of the Bear God (Legendary Claws [Simple, Finesse, Light, 1d4 slashing damage], requires
attunement by a Druid)

● +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

● A druid attuned to this weapon is considered proficient with it for the purposes of attack rolls.
They can also add the +1 to their attack and damage rolls while using Wild Shape.
● You gain temporary hit points equal to half your druid level (rounded up) plus your Constitution
modifier whenever you use your Wild Shape ability.
● Rage of the Sleeper: As a reaction, you can invoke the power within the weapon (can be used in
Wild Shape) to gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage for 1 minute.
Whenever someone hits you with a melee weapon attack they take 1d4 piercing damage. You
cannot use this ability again until you finish a long rest. This effect ends early if you leave Wild
Shape for any reason.
● Awakened: When a character awakens the Claw of the Bear God, apply the following changes
to the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +2.
o Increase the temporary hit points gained to equal your druid level plus your Constitution
o Increase the piercing damage from Rage of the Sleeper to 1d6.
● Exalted: When a character exalts the Claw of the Bear God, apply the following changes to the
item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +3.
o When using the Rage of the Sleeper ability, you now gain resistance to all damage for 1
minute. You can also use the ability twice between long rests.
o Increase the piercing damage from Rage of the Sleeper to 2d6.

Staff of the Mother Tree (Legendary Quarterstaff, requires attunement by a spellcaster)

● +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

● Essence of the Mother Tree: You can speak this weapon’s command word and double the
number of dice rolled for the next healing spell you cast that targets a single creature. You
cannot use this ability again until you complete a Long Rest.
● Awakened: When a character awakens the Staff of the Mother Tree, apply the following
changes to the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +2.
o After using the Essence of the Mother Tree ability, the next creature you heal has
advantage on their next attack roll.
● Exalted: When a character exalts the Staff of the Mother Tree, apply the following changes to
the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +3.
o After using the Essence of the Mother Tree ability, the next creature you heal is healed
for half of that amount at the beginning of their next turn.
o After using the Essence of the Mother Tree ability, the next creature you heal has
advantage on their next attack roll, saving throw, or ability check.

Titanstrike (Legendary [Heavy or Light] Crossbow, requires attunement)

● +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

● Hati’s Bond: You can use an action to speak this weapon’s command word and summon Hati (a
Displacer Beast [MM 81]) under your control for 1 minute. It acts immediately after you in the
initiative order every round. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a Long Rest.
● Awakened: When a character awakens Titanstrike, apply the following changes to the item’s
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +2.
o Hati’s attacks benefit from this weapon’s bonuses to attack and damage rolls.
● Exalted: When a character exalts Titanstrike, apply the following changes to the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +3.
o When Hati is summoned, it gains temporary hit points equal to your character level.

Windrunner Longbow (Legendary Longbow, requires attunement)

● +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

● Windburst: As part of an attack with this weapon, you can speak its command word, causing the
attack to do an extra 1d8 force damage. Regardless of whether or not the attack hits, your speed
is increased by 10 feet until the end of your next turn. You cannot use this ability again until you
finish a short or long rest.
● Awakened: When a character awakens the Windrunner Longbow, apply the following changes
to the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +2.
o Increase the bonus force damage to 2d8, and the bonus to speed to 15 ft.
● Exalted: When a character exalts the Windrunner Longbow, apply the following changes to the
item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +3.
o Increase the bonus force damage to 3d8 and the bonus to speed to 20 ft. Any allies
within 60 ft. also gain a 10 ft. bonus to their speed until the end of your next turn.
o You may use the Windburst ability twice between rests.

Talonclaw (Legendary Spear, Finesse, requires attunement]

● +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

● Fury of the Eagle: As part of an attack with this weapon, you can speak its command word,
forcing all enemies in a 10 foot cone in front of you to make a DEX Saving Throw (DC: 8 +
Proficiency + [Highest between DEX and STR mods]) or take the damage from the weapon attack
plus an extra 1d10 Piercing damage. If they succeed, they take no damage. You cannot use this
ability again until you finish a short or long rest.
● Awakened: When a character awakens Talonclaw, apply the following changes to the item’s
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +2.
o Increase the bonus piercing damage from Fury of the Eagle to 2d10.
o Increase the area affected by Fury of the Eagle to a 15 ft. cone.
● Exalted: When a character exalts Talonclaw, apply the following changes to the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +3.
o Increase the bonus piercing damage from Fury of the Eagle to 3d10.
o On a successful DEX save, an enemy still takes half damage, instead of no damage.

Aluneth, Greatstaff of the Arcane Arts (Legendary Quarterstaff, requires attunement by a spellcaster)
● When you cast a spell that deals force damage, you can reroll any die you roll a 1 or 2 on. You
must use the new roll for any dice rerolled this way.
● Mark of Aluneth: As an action, you can speak the weapon’s command word and place an arcane
rune on the ground beneath a target. If the target moves off the rune it explodes, and the target
must succeed on a DEX save against your spell save DC. The target takes 2d10 force damage and
is knocked prone on a failure, or takes half damage and is not knocked prone with a success. You
cannot use this ability until you finish a long rest.
● Awakened: When a character awakens Aluneth, apply the following changes to the item’s traits:
o When you use the Mark of Aluneth ability, you can expend a spell slot to empower it.
This allows you to create runes under a number of additional targets equal to the half
level of spell slot you expended, rounded up.
o Increase the damage of the Mark of Aluneth explosions to 3d10.
● Exalted: When a character exalts Aluneth, apply the following changes to the item’s traits:
o When you expend a spell slot to empower Mark of Aluneth, you can create runes under
a number of additional targets equal to the level of the spell slot expended.
o Increases the damage of the Mark of Aluneth explosions to 4d10.
o Gain +1 to spell attack rolls and spell save DC.

Heart of the Phoenix (Legendary Scimitar, requires attunement by a spellcaster)

● +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

● A spellcaster attuned to this blade is considered proficient with it for the purpose of attack rolls.
Furthermore, they can add their spellcasting ability modifier to any attack or damage rolls made
with this weapon, instead of their Strength or Dexterity modifier.
● Phoenix’s Flames: When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack with this weapon, they
lose any resistance to fire damage until the end of your next turn.
● Awakened: When a character awakens the Heart of the Phoenix, apply the following changes to
the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +2.
o When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack with this weapon, and it is not
immune to fire damage, you may choose to inflict it with vulnerability to the next
instance of fire damage it takes. You cannot use this ability again until you finish a long
● Exalted: When a character awakens the Heart of the Phoenix, apply the following changes to
the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +3.
o When you cast a spell that deals fire damage, you can reroll any die that roll for below
half of the die’s highest possible outcome. You must use the new numbers for any dice
rerolled this way. You can use this ability twice and then you must complete a long rest
to use it again.

Ebonchill (Legendary Quarterstaff, requires attunement by a spellcaster)

● +1 to attack and damage rolls. This bonus can be added to damage rolls of spells that deal cold
● You can cast the ray of frost cantrip at will from this weapon, using your spellcasting ability.
● You gain resistance to cold and fire damage.
● Ebonbolt: As an action, you can fire a jagged bolt of black ice at a target you can see within 90
ft., using your spellcasting ability. On a hit, the target takes 4d6 cold damage and for the next
minute, whenever it takes cold damage, it takes an extra 1d6 cold damage. You cannot use this
ability again until you finish a long rest.
● Awakaned: When a character awakens Ebonchill, apply the following changes to the item’s
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +2.
o Increase the initial damage of Ebonbolt to 5d6 cold damage.
o Any cold damage you do ignores cold resistance.
● Exalted: When a character awakens Ebonchill, apply the following changes to the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +3.
o Increase the initial damage of Ebonbolt to 6d6 cold damage, and the additional damage
for the next minute to 2d6 cold damage.

The Wanderer’s Companion (Legendary Quarterstaff, requires attunement)

● +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

● Debilitating Brew: As an action you can speak the weapon’s command word and conjure an
explosion with a 10 foot radius within 60 feet. Enemies caught within this explosion must make
a DEX saving throw (8 + Proficiency + [Highest between DEX and STR mod]) or take 2d8 fire
damage and suffer disadvantage on their next attack roll. Enemies that make the saving throw
take half damage and do not suffer disadvantage. You cannot use this ability again until you
finish a short or long rest.
● Awakened: When a character awakens The Wanderer’s Companion, apply the following
changes to the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +2.
o Increase the fire damage of Debilitating Brew to 3d8.
o Enemies who fail the saving throw against Debilitating Brew have disadvantage on
Strength and Dexterity ability checks and saving throws until then end of your next turn.
● Exalted: When a character exalts The Wanderer’s Companion, apply the following changes to
the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +3.
o Increase the fire damage of Debilitating Brew to 4d8.
o Enemies who fail the saving throw against Debilitating Brew have disadvantage on all
attack rolls, and their speed is reduced by 10, until the end of your next turn.

Staff of the Mists (Legendary Quarterstaff, requires attunement)

● +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

● Whenever you cast a spell or make a weapon attack, this staff creates a small cloud of mist
within 60 feet. These mist clouds last 1 minute and lightly obscure an area with a 5 foot radius.
You may have a number of mist clouds summoned equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of
● Gift of the Mist: As a bonus action you can speak this weapon’s command word, drawing in all
created mist clouds, healing an ally within 60 feet for 1d4 per mist cloud absorbed. You cannot
use this ability again until you finish a long rest.
● Awakened: When a character awakens the Staff of the Mists, apply the following changes to
the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +2.
o Increase Gift of the Mist’s healing die to 1d6 per mist cloud absorbed.
● Exalted: When a character exalts the Staff of the Mists, apply the following changes to the
item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +3.
o Increase Gift of the Mist’s healing die to 1d8 per mist cloud absorbed.
o You may now use Gift of the Mist twice between rests.

Fist of the Heavens (Wondrous item, legendary, requires attunement by a monk)

● Your unarmed attacks can do slashing damage.

● +1 to attack and damage rolls with unarmed attacks
● Strike of the Windlord: As part of an attack with this weapon, you can speak the command
word, forcing all enemies in a 10 foot cone in front of you to make a DEX saving throw (DC: 8 +
Proficiency + WIS mod) or take 2d10 force damage and have their speed reduced to half until
the start of your next turn. On a successful save they take half damage and their move speed is
not reduced. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a short or long rest.
● Awakened: When a character awakens the Fist of the Heavens, apply the following changes to
the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +2.
o Increase the area that Strike of the Windlord affects to a 15 ft. cone.
● Exalted: When a character exalts the Fist of the Heavens, apply the following changes to the
item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +3.
o You may now use the Strike of the Windlord ability twice between rests.

The Silver Hand (Legendary Maul, requires attunement by a Paladin or Cleric)

● +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

● While attuned to this weapon, gain +1 to your Armor Class.
● Tyr’s Deliverance: As a bonus action, you can speak this weapon’s command word, unleashing
the light stored in it and healing your most wounded ally within 30 feet for an amount equal to
your Paladin level + your Cleric level. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a long
● Awakened: When a character awakens The Silver Hand, apply the following changes to the
item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls, and Armor Class to +2.
o Increase the radius of Tyr’s Deliverance to 60 ft.
● Exalted: When a character awakens The Silver Hand, apply the following changes to the item’s
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls, and Armor Class to +3.
o When you use the Tyr’s Deliverance ability, you can concentrate on the ability, and the
healing is repeated on your most wounded ally at the end of each of your subsequent
turns for 1 minute.

Truthguard (Legendary Shield, requires attunement by a Paladin or Cleric)

● Grants +1 to your Armor Class and Saving Throws.

● Eye of Tyr: As an action, you can speak this artifact’s command word, unleashing a blinding flash
of light, forcing all enemies within 20 feet to make a Constitution saving throw against your spell
save DC. On a failed save they take 2d10 radiant damage and are blinded until the end of your
next turn. Enemies can repeat the CON save at the end of each of their turns, ending the
blindness on a success. On a successful saving throw, they take half damage and are not blinded.
You cannot use this ability again until you finish a long rest.
● Awakened: When a character awakens Truthguard, apply the following changes to the item’s
o Increase the bonus to Armor Class and Saving Throws to +2.
o Increase the radiant damage of Eye of Tyr to 3d10.
● Exalted: When a character exalts Truthguard, apply the following changes to the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to Armor Class and Saving Throws to +3.
o Increase the radiant damage of Eye of Tyr to 4d10, its radius to 30 ft., and if a creature
fails its saving throw, it is blinded for 1 minute.

The Ashbringer (Legendary Greatsword, requires attunement by a Paladin)

● +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

● Wake of Ashes: As an action, you can speak this weapon’s command word and lash out with the
weapon in a 10 foot cone in front of you, forcing any creature in that area to make a DC15
Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d10 radiant damage and having their movement reduced by half
until the end of your next turn on a failed saving throw. Enemies who succeed on the save take
half damage and their movement is not reduced. You cannot use this ability again until you
finish a short or long rest.
● Awakened: When a character awakens The Ashbringer, apply the following changes to the
item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +2.
o Increase the radiant damage of Wake of Ashes to 3d10.
o Increase the save DC of Wake of Ashes to 16.
o Fiends and Undead who fail their saving throw against Wake of Ashes are stunned until
the end of their next turn.
● Exalted: When a character exalts The Ashbringer, apply the following changes to the item’s
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +3.
o Increase the radiant damage of Wake of Ashes to 4d10.
o Increase the save DC of Wake of Ashes to 17.
o You can now use Wake of Ashes twice between rests.

Light’s Wrath (Legendary Quarterstaff, requires attunement by a Cleric)

● +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. You may add this bonus to healing
spells you cast.
● Light’s Wrath: As an action, you can speak this weapon’s command word and loose a torrent of
holy fire at a target within 60 feet. This target must make a dexterity saving throw against your
spell save DC or take 4d10 radiant damage. On a success, they take half damage. You may then
grant temporary hit points to one ally within 60 ft. equal to half of the damage done by this
ability. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a long rest.
● Awakened: When a character awakens Light’s Wrath, apply the following changes to the item’s
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls, and healing spells to +2.
o Increase the damage of Light’s Wrath to 5d10.
● Exalted: When a character exalts Light’s Wrath, apply the following changes to the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls, and healing spells to +3.
o Increase the damage of Light’s Wrath to 6d10.
o Whenever you cast a healing spell, the target(s) of it gain temporary hit points equal to
your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1 temporary hit point).

Beacon of Sune(Legendary Quarterstaff, requires attunement by a Cleric or Druid)

● +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon; you can add this bonus to healing spells
you cast.
● Sune’s Intervention: You can speak this weapon’s command word, causing your next single
target healing spell to be mirrored on your most injured ally within 30 feet. You cannot use this
ability again until you finish a long rest.
● Awakened: When a character awakens the Beacon of Sune, apply the following changes to the
item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls, and healing spells to +2.
o Increase’s the range of Sune’s Intervention to 60 ft.
● Exalted: When a character exalts the Beacon of Sune, apply the following changes to the item’s
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls, and healing spells to +3.
o You can use Sune’s Intervention twice between rests.
o Each target healed by the spell affected by Sune’s Intervention gains temporary hit
points equal to half your character level plus your Wisdom modifier.

Blade of the Black Empire (Legendary Dagger, requires attunement by a Warlock)

● +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon (this +1 can be added to spell attack and
damage rolls).
● Void Torrent: As an action, you can speak this weapon’s command word to make a ranged spell
attack, causing a torrent of dark energy to pour from the weapon into your target dealing 3d10
necrotic damage. You cannot use this ability again until you finish a short or long rest.
● This weapon periodically whispers to you of an ancient, unfathomable, incomprehensible evil.
These whispers grow in frequency and intensity the more you use the power of this weapon.
● Awakened: When a character awakens the Blade of the Black Empire, apply the following
changes to the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls, and spell attack and damage rolls, to +2.
o Increase the damage of Void Torrent to 4d10 necrotic damage.
o Damage dealt by Void Torrent ignores resistance to necrotic damage.
● Exalted: When a character exalts the Blade of the Black Empire, apply the following changes to
the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls, and spell attack and damage rolls, to +3.
o Increase the damage of Void Torrent to 5d10 necrotic damage.
o Damage dealt by Void Torrent ignores immunity to necrotic damage.

The Kingslayer (Legendary Dagger, requires attunement by a Rogue)

● +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

● Kingsbane: As part of an attack made with this weapon, you can speak its command word,
releasing a poison stored within the blade into the victim’s bloodstream. The target must make
a DC15 CON saving throw with disadvantage (due to the concentrated nature of the poison) or
be poisoned and take 1d10 poison damage at the end of each of its turns for the next minute. It
can repeat the saving throw (without disadvantage) at the end of each of its turns, ending the
effect on a success. You cannot use this ability again until you finish a long rest.
● Awakened: When a character awakens Kingsbane, apply the following changes to the item’s
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +2.
o Any attack made with this weapon now also deals 1d4 poison damage.
o Increase the save DC against the poison to 16.
● Exalted: When a character exalts Kingsbane, apply the following changes to the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +3.
o Increase the save DC against the poison to 17.
o When you use the Kingsbane ability, the target takes a burst of 3d10 poison damage
upon application.
o If the target fails three saving throws after becoming poisoned by the Kingsbane ability,
the poison lasts until cured (whether by magic or a success on a saving throw), rather
than for 1 minute.

The Dreadblade (Legendary Rapier, requires attunement)

● +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

● Cursed Strike: As a bonus action, you can speak this weapon’s command word, which allows you
to make an additional attack with this weapon. The first time you use this effect, you take
necrotic damage equal to your character level. The amount of necrotic damage you take
increases by 1d4 each time you use this ability without taking a long rest.
● Awakened: When a character awakens The Dreadblade, apply the following changes to the
item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +2.
o Reduce the necrotic damage from the first activation of Cursed Strike to half your
character level.
● Exalted: When a character exalts The Dreadblade, apply the following changes to the item’s
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +3.
o You can now make two extra attacks each time you activate Cursed Strike.

Fang of the Devourer (Legendary Dagger, requires attunement)

● +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

● Devourer’s Bite: As part of an attack with this weapon, you can speak its command word,
causing the attack to deal an extra 5d4 necrotic damage and forcing a DC15 Strength saving
throw. On a failure, the target’s speed is halved until the start of your next turn. You cannot use
this ability again until you finish a long rest.
● Awakened: When a character awakens the Fang of the Devourer, apply the following changes
to the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +2.
o Attacks with this weapon deal an extra 1d4 fire damage.
o Increase the DC of the saving throw against Devourer’s Bite to 16.
● Exalted:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +3.
o Increase the damage from Devourer’s Bite to 10d4 necrotic damage.
o Increase the DC of the saving throw against Devourer’s Bite to 17.
o If the target of Devourer’s Bite fails its saving throw, its speed is reduced to 0 until the
start of your next turn instead of halved.
Fist of the Thunder God (Legendary Fist Weapon [Simple, Light, Finesse, 1d4 piercing damage], requires
attunement by a spellcaster)

● A character attuned to this weapon is considered proficient with it for the purposes of attacking
with it.
● You can cast the shocking grasp cantrip at will using your spellcasting ability.
● The weapon has 8 charges, and regains 1d4+2 charges each dawn.
● Stormkeeper: As an action, you can expend some of its charges to cast one of the following
spells using your spellcasting ability:
o witch bolt (1 charge), lightning bolt (3 charges)
● Awakened: When a character awakens the Fist of the Thunder God, apply the following
changes to the item’s traits:
o The weapon’s charges increase to a maximum of 12, and it regains 1d6+2 charges per
o Add the following spells to the list of spells the weapon may be used to cast: call
lightning (3 charges), storm sphere (4 charges).
o Whenever you cast a spell that deals lightning damage and you roll a 1 on a damage die,
you can reroll the die and must use the new result.
● Exalted: When a character exalts the Fist of the Thunder God, apply the following changes to
the item’s traits:
o The weapon’s charges increase to a maximum of 20, and it regains 1d6+4 charges each
o Add the following spell to the list of spells the weapon may be used to cast: chain
lightning (6 charges).
o Gain +1 to spell attack rolls and your Spell Save DC.

The Doomhammer (Legendary Warhammer, requires attunement)

● +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

● Doom Winds: As a bonus action, you can speak this weapon’s command word and gain an extra
attack each round for the next minute. You cannot use this ability again until you finish a long
● When you critically hit with this weapon you deal an extra 2d6 thunder, cold, fire, or lightning
damage (choose randomly by rolling a d4)
● Awakened: When a character awakens The Doomhammer, apply the following changes to the
item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +2.
o Increase the bonus damage from critical hits to 3d6
● Exalted: When a character exalts The Doomhammer, apply the following changes to the item’s
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +3.
o Increase the bonus damage from critical hits to 4d6, and you can choose the damage
o Attacks with this weapon score a critical hit on a roll of a 19 or a 20.

Scepter of the Tides (Legendary Mace)

● +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

● Gift of the Tidal Queen: Once per day, as an action, you can speak this weapon’s command
word and restore 1d10 hit points to up to 3 allies within 30 feet. Any allies targeted by this spell
also gain the same amount in temporary hit points for the next minute.
● Awakened: When a character awakens the Scepter of the Tides, apply the following changes to
the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +2.
o You can now affect 4 targets with Gift of the Tidal Queen.
o Add a +1 bonus to your spell save DC.
● Exalted: When a character exalts the Scepter of the Tides, apply the following changes to the
item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +3.
o You can now affect 6 targets with Gift of the Tidal Queen.
o Increase the healing and temporary hit points of Gift of the Tidal Queen to 2d10.

The Deadwind Harvester (Legendary Scythe [Martial, Two-Handed, Heavy, Reach, 1d10 Slashing
damage], requires attunement)

● +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

● Harvest: This weapon harvests the soul of a creature it slays. It can keep a soul stored within it
for 24 hours.
● Reap Souls: Consumes all souls harvested by this weapon. All attacks made with this weapon
deal an extra 1d4 necrotic damage per soul consumed. You cannot use this ability again until
you finish a long rest.
● Awakened: When a character awakens The Deadwind Harvester, apply the following changes
to the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +2.
o Harvest can now store up to 3 souls at a time. It can also keep souls stored within it for a
● Exalted: When a character exalts The Deadwind Harvester, apply the following changes to the
item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +3.
o Harvest can now store up to 5 souls at a time. It can also keep souls stored within it
Skull of the Demon Prince (Wondrous Item, Legendary, requires attunement by a Warlock)

● +1 to all spell attack / damage rolls, and spell save DC.

● You gain darkvision, if you do not already have it. You can see in dim light as if it were bright
light, and darkness as if it were dim light out to 60 ft.
● Demon Prince’s Consumption: You may use an action to speak this artifact’s command word,
causing you to take 2d10 necrotic damage as the skull drains your life force. You then make a
ranged spell attack to cause the skull to fire a blast of necrotic energy at a target that you can
see within 60 ft. On a hit, the target takes double the necrotic damage you took from this ability.
You cannot use this ability again until you finish a short or long rest.
● Awakened: When a character awakens the Skull of the Demon Prince, apply the following
changes to the item’s traits:
o The range of your darkvision increases to 120 ft.
o Increase the damage you take from Demon Prince’s Consumption to 3d10.
● Exalted: When a character exalts the Skull of the Demon Prince, apply the following changes to
the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to spell attack and damage rolls, and your spell save DC to +2.
o Your darkvision can now see through magical darkness, such as that which is created by
the darkness spell.
o Increase the damage you take from Demon Prince’s Consumption to 4d10.

Scepter of the Demon Lord (Legendary Quarterstaff, requires attunement)

● +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon (you may add this +1 to spell attack /
damage rolls)
● This weapon has 1 charge, which is used to fuel its Dimensional Rift ability. The weapon regains
1 charge daily at dawn.
● Dimensional Rift: As an action, you can speak this weapon’s command word and expend one of
its charges, ripping open a dimensional rift at a point you can see within 30 feet of you. Chaotic
energies pour out of the rift, affecting creatures in its proximity. Roll a d6 to determine the type
of rift.
o 1-2 (Rift to the Great Beyond): The mere presence of the rift and the unfathomable
energies on the other side threatens to drive nearby creatures mad. Any creature that
comes within 10 feet of the rift for the first time on a turn must make a DC15 CHA saving
throw or be frightened for the next minute. They must spend all of their movement
trying to get as far away from the portal as possible. They can repeat this saving throw
at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect on a success. On a success, the
creature is immune to this rift’s effects for the next 24 hours. The rift persists for 30
o 3-4 (Rift to the Abyss): The rift sends torrents of necrotic energy streaming into any
nearby creatures. The first time a creatures comes within 10 feet of it on a turn they
must make a DC15 DEX saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 1d10 necrotic
damage. On a successful save, they take half as much damage. The rift persists for 30
o 5-6 (Rift to the Nine Hells): The rift immediately explodes in a great burst of fire,
covering a 20 ft. radius. Any creature caught in this explosion must make a DC15 DEX
saving throw or suffer 3d10 Fire Damage, and be set ablaze (1d4 fire damage at the
beginning of each of their turns). A target that is set ablaze, or one of its allies, can use
its action to put out the flames.
● Awakened: When a character awakens the Scepter of the Demon Lord, apply the following
changes to the item’s traits:
o Increase the number of charges the scepter can hold to 2. It regains 1d2 charges per
dawn. You may only have one rift active at a time. Using the Dimensional Rift ability
again causes the active rift to disappear.
o Increase the save DC for all of the rift abilities to 16.
o Increase the damage of Rift to the Abyss to 2d10.
o Increase the damage of Rift to the Nine Hells to 4d10.
● Exalted: When a character exalts the Scepter of the Demon Lord, apply the following changes to
the item’s traits:
o Increase the number of charges the scepter can hold to 3. It regains 1d3 charges per
dawn. You may only have one rift active at a time. Using the Dimensional Rift ability
again causes the active rift to disappear.
o You may choose the type of rift that opens. Each rift type can only be opened once
between long rests.
o Increase the save DC for all of the rift abilities to 17.
o Increase the damage of Rift to the Nine Hells to 5d10, and the persistent fire damage to
2d4 per turn.

The Warbreaker (Legendary Greatsword, requires attunement)

● +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

● Warbreaker: As an action, you can speak this weapon’s command word causing a ring of spikes
to erupt out of the ground, forcing all enemies within 10 feet of you to make a DC15 DEX saving
throw. On a failed save, an enemy takes 2d10 necrotic damage and becomes vulnerable to
slashing damage until the end of your next turn. On a successful save an enemy takes half
damage and is not inflicted with vulnerability. You cannot use this ability again until you finish a
long rest.
● Awakened: When a character awakens The Warbreaker, apply the following changes to the
item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +2.
o Increase the damage of Warbreaker to 3d10 necrotic damage.
o Increase the save DC of Warbreaker to 16
● Exalted: When a character exalts The Warbreaker, apply the following changes to the item’s
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +3.
o Increase the damage of Warbreaker to 4d10 necrotic damage.
o Increase the save DC of Warbreaker to 17.
o An enemy who fails the save against Warbreaker becomes vulnerable to bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing damage until the end of your next turn.

Warsword of the Valarjar (Legendary Longsword, requires attunement)

● +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

● Fury of the Valarjar: As an action, you can lash out with the blade in a 10 ft. cone. Any enemies
caught in the cone must make a DC15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 2d10 fire
damage, and are lit ablaze, suffering 1d6 fire damage at the beginning of each of their turns for
the next minute. A blazing target repeats the Dex save at the end of each of its turns, ending the
effect on itself on a success. On a success, a target takes half damage and is not set ablaze.
● Awakened: When a character awakens the Warsword of the Valarjar, apply the following
changes to item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +2.
o Increase the area of Fury of the Valarjar to a 15 ft. cone.
o Increase the initial damage of Fury of the Valarjar to 3d10.
o Increase the save DC of Fury of the Valarjar to 16.
o For 1 minute after using Fury of the Valarjar, you gain resistance to fire damage. This
effect ends early if you are incapacitated or fall unconscious.
● Exalted: When a character exalts the Warsword of the Valarjar, apply the following changes to
the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to +3.
o Increase the area of Fury of the Valarjar to a 15 ft. radius around the user.
o Increase the initial damage of Fury of the Valarjar to 4d10.
o Increase the save DC of Fury of the Valarjar to 17.
o For 1 minute after using Fury of the Valarjar, you gain resistance to fire and cold
damage, and attacks made with this weapon deal an extra 1d10 fire damage on hit.
These effects end early if you are incapacitated or fall unconscious.

Scale of the Earth-Warder (Legendary Shield, requires attunement)

● Grants +1 to Armor Class and Saving Throws

● Earth-Warder’s Fury: As a reaction, you can speak this artifact’s command word and become
the bane of your enemies for 1 minute. Each enemy that starts their turn within 10 feet of you
has disadvantage on attack rolls against anyone but you. Whenever an enemy hits you with a
melee weapon attack, you can reduce the amount of damage taken by a number equal to your
CON mod (minimum of 1 damage reduced). Whenever an enemy hits you with a melee weapon
attack, they take 1d6 fire damage. These effects end early if you are incapacitated or fall
unconscious. You cannot use this ability again until you complete a long rest.
● Awakened: When a character awakens the Scale of the Earth-Warder, apply the following
changes to the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to armor class and saving throws to +2.
o Increase the area of Earth-Warder’s Fury to a 15-ft. radius around the user.
o Whenever an enemy hits you with a melee weapon attack, they now take 1d8 fire
● Exalted: When a character exalts the Scale of the Earth-Warder, apply the following changes to
the item’s traits:
o Increase the bonus to armor class and saving throws to +3.
o Whenever an enemy hits you with a melee or ranged weapon attack, they now take
1d10 fire damage.
o You may now reduce the damage taken from melee or ranged weapon attacks by an
amount equal to your CON mod (minimum 1 damage reduced).
o When you activate Earth-Warder’s Fury, gain temporary hit points equal to your
character level + your Constitution modifier. These temporary hit points fade after 1

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