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A Special Study
Presented to the Faculty of the
Department of Geodetic Engineering
College of Engineering and Computer Studies
Pampanga State Agricultural University
PAC, Magalang Pampanga

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Geodetic Engineering

Mariz P. Quiambao
February 202
Chapter I


As a result of the world's fast urbanization, solid waste management has become

one of the biggest issues. Massive production of solid waste causes environmental

problems to the community. Protecting the environment and people's health requires

proper disposal of solid waste in landfills. The sanitary landfill is a frequently used

technique for disposing of solid waste in numerous locations (Mahini and Gholamalifard,


In the waste disposal management system, choosing an appropriate landfill

location is essential (Kumlu and Tudes, 2017). For this reason, numerous landfill siting

approaches have been created. To locate appropriate sites for such installations, some

of them employ geographic information systems (GIS) (Grindlay, 2017). The GIS offers

a potent spatial decision support that gives the potential to efficiently develop land

suitability maps for waste disposal sites (Chabuk et. al, 2017).

According to the DENR Undersecretary for Solid Waste Management and Local

Government Units Concerns Antiporda, the major long-term way of disposing of solid

waste is to use a sanitary landfill, which is required by law in every LGU in order to

safely dispose of residuals from resource recovery or untreated solid waste.

Magalang produces garbage from a variety of sources, including residential,

commercial, institutional, and industrial applications. According to the waste analysis

characterisation study (WACS) carried out in 2015, Magalang generated an estimated

64,563.95 kg of waste per day. The municipality produces 0.4193 kg of garbage per

person each day on average (Magalang Comprehensive Land Use Plan).

The Municipality of Magalang is currently having problem in waste management

because of the growing population and settlements. There are programs allotted

however the facilities are not sufficient. The Material Recovery Facility (MRF) separates

the waste that is collected from each household, however there is only one MRF located

in Magalang Municipal which is in Barangay Sto. Rosario. Lacking of proper place to

dispose waste is a crucial for the community and environment. Thus, this prompted the

researcher to pursue the study in order to find a suitable waste location in Magalang,


Conceptual Framework

The following concept will be taken into account before conducting this study. In

accordance with the Republic Act 9003 which also known as Ecological Solid Waste

Management Act of 2000, it stated that the only permitted long-term technique for

disposing of solid waste is a sanitary landfill. As per Section 37 of RA 9003, No open

dumps shall be built or operated, nor shall any person, including LGUs, engage in any

practice or disposal of solid waste that entails the use of open dumps for solid wastes.

Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study

Figure 1 depicts the framework for the researcher's method that will be followed

to carry out the study. The researcher will first look for the needed data: shp files of

water bodies and road, and DEM and LULC of the Magalang, Pampanga. This data will

all be gathered in the internet with certain websites. Then, the collected data will be

processed in ArcMap to produced information and map needed for the objectives of the

study to completed.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to identify the most appropriate landfill location in Magalang,

Pampanga. This research specifically answered the following questions:

1. How can the landfill site suitability parameters describe in terms of (Edith et. al,


a. Slope;

b. Water Bodies Proximity;

c. Road Proximity; and

d. LULC (Built Up Area and Agricultural Area)?

2. Where are the proper locations that the landfill site can be constructed in the

Municipality of Magalang?

3. Is there a visual representation for the landfill site suitability in Magalang,


Objectives of the Study

The purpose of this study is to know the best suitability landfill site in Magalang,

Pampanga. Specifically, this study aims:

1. To describe the parameters of landfill site suitability in terms of (Edith et. al,


a. Slope;

b. Water Bodies Proximity;

c. Road Proximity; and

d. LULC (Built Up Area and Agricultural Area).

2. To know the proper location where landfill site can be constructed in the

Municipality of Magalang.

3. To create a visual representation for the landfill site suitability in Magalang,


Significance of the Study

The map that is produced as a product of the results of this research for the

suitability of landfill sites in Magalang, Pampanga will be helpful and may be able to

assist with the following:

Waste Management in Magalang, Municipality. This study is to help the local

agencies in Magalang Municipality particularly in Waste Management sectors in having

a map about the possible location of landfill site that can aid the waste problems. The

output information gathered will be a basis for further investigation about the issues in

waste problems and random dumping of waste anywhere.

To the Community. A healthy environment can improve one's quality of life. In order to

manage the environment for the community's benefit about the solid waste problems,

landfill site is a mitigation from growing issue regarding waste.

Future Researchers. This research will be available as open source for people who

plan to do similar studies and who want to innovate for better outcomes. Thus, will be

support reference to assist other researchers’ notion.

Scope and Limitations

The location of this study will be in Magalang, Pampanga. The research will

begin in February 2023 and conclude in May 2023.

Chapter III


The chapter of this study will describe in detail the procedures and methods used

to identify the landfill site suitability in Magalang, Pampanga.

Area of Study

Figure 2. Magalang, Pampanga

The figure 2 above indicate the location that covers this study. Magalang

Municipal is part of Pampanga that is located 15° 13' North and 120° 40' East. In which

the municipality has a land area of 97.32 square kilometers that consist of 27

barangays. (PhilAtlas).

Research Design

A descriptive-quantitative research design will be used to help the researchers in

obtaining the information needed in the study. Descriptive research is based on the

premise that problems can be solved and practices can be improved through

observation, analysis, and description (Koh and Owen, 2017).


Figure 3. Flowchart
In the figure 3 it states the following procedure to be done in the study. The first

will be the acquisition of all needed data from the internet like shp files and raster data.

Then that will be proceed to ArcMap. The raster files will be classified according to the

needed parameter and set to the needed criteria. Meanwhile, the Multiple Buffer Tool

will generate several buffers at set distances with accordance to the criteria. When the

data are set to their criteria the weighted overlay will be used to process the suitable

location for landfill site.

Research Instrument

In achieving the goal of the study, the researcher will be using GIS. As stated in

the study of Abed and Thamar (2012), Geographic Information System (GIS) is ideal for

conducting exploratory study on the placement of landfill because of its ability to

manage enormous volumes of geographic data from numerous sources.

The application that will be used is ArcMap 10.8. Geospatial software called

ArcMap is used to view, edit, manage, and analyze geographic data (GISGeography,


Data Gathering Procedure

In collecting the needed data for the study, the researcher will be using internet.

Table 1. List of needed data and their sources

Source Data File Format

OpenTopography Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Raster (TIFF)
OpenStreetMap Body of Water Shapefile (Polygon)
OpenStreetMap Road Shapefile (Polygon)
Then, data collected will be process to ArcMap for analyzation of data. The

researcher then will be using the criteria in accordance to the study of Edith et. al

(2020), which are Slope, Water Bodies Proximity, Road Proximity, and Settlement

(LULC) with their para parameters as listed in table 3.

Parameters for Landfill Site Suitability


Slope Range (deg) Suitability Level Value

0–5 Less suitable 2
5 – 15 Most suitable 4
15 – 25 Suitable 3
25 - 40 Unsuitable 1


Distance to Water Body (m) Suitability Level Value
0 – 500 Unsuitable 1
500 – 700 Less suitable 2
700 – 1500 Suitable 3
1500 - 3000 Most suitable 4

Distance to Roads Suitability Level Value
0 – 300 Unsuitable 1
300 – 500 Most suitable 4
500 –1000 Suitable 3
1000 - 2500 Less suitable 2

Distance to Built-up area Suitability Level Value
0 – 100 Unsuitable 1
100 – 200 Less suitable 2
200 – 400 Suitable 3
400 – 600 Moderately suitable 4
600 - 2500 Highly suitable 5
Distance to Agricultural area Suitability Level Value
0 – 100 Unsuitable 1
100 – 300 Less suitable 2
300 – 500 Suitable 3
500 – 800 Moderately suitable 4
800 - 3500 Highly suitable 5


Koh, E. and Owen, W. (2017). Descriptive Research and Qualitative Research.

University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center USA. Retrieved from:

GISGeography. 2023. Retrieved from:
Chabuk, et. al (2017). Combining GIS Applications and Method of Multi-Criteria
Decision-Making (AHP) for Landfill Siting in Al-Hashimiyah Qadhaa, Babylon, Iraq.
Sustain, 9, 1932.
Mahini S A and Gholamalifard M 2006 Siting MSW landfills with a weighted linear
combination methodology in a GIS environment Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol 3 435–445

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