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Wesleyan University-Philippines

Mabini Extension , Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija


Joanne Tomas
BSN 2-2

1. What are the significant lessons I learned from the readings?

I learned about what is pluralistic, how to analyze a situation and judge whether it is ethical
or unethical to do so, medical law, ethics and bioethics falls upon 3 distinctions that is the
law, ethics and bioethics and they are related from each other. I also understand that laws
are created to avoid conflict and for the orderliness of one's community. They are created to
have peace and failure to obey the law will have corresponding consequences. Some of the
law that I know is HIPAA or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This act
covers about the privacy of the patient's medical records from being discussed. I also learn
about ethics, that ethics is about how moral beliefs should be controlled by how we
socialize in the daily scenario. I also understand that Fletcher, gives us the clear explanation
about the difference of being ethical and being moral. That morality is something we do that
is basically we know whether it is a good or bad, or a right or wrong behavior. On the other
hand, ethics is the critical analysis or reflection of that certain behavior. It is also based in
culture and it is a study of our good and bad deeds. Bioethics as I interpreted is, Bio means
life and ethics are the reflection that is based on the standard morals of your judgement in
implicating with science and technology together its practices. Whenever we say life, we are
dealing with the issues that can occur within death or being alive. These bioethical
standards can be related to various aspects as well. As technology moves us, this will also
move how these standards are change overtime by different people, practices and
implementations. For an instance is that the Roman Catholicism is implementing debate on
abortion and policy to be followed by the permission to allow practices of prescribing drugs
that follows national guidelines on biomedical research for the establishment of a National
Ethics Committee. Added to that there are increasingly high numbers of questions that can
be asked about Ethical Issues in Modern Medicine and they are difficult to understand,
criticize and to be answered as well. Because sometimes there are lot of questions that can
be answered. But it is important to know them. I also remember that we should perform the
right procedure and what we know and understand that is ethical we should not be
including our emotions and personal necessities. I also believe that if we follow and
understand well the medical laws, it's culture, ethical and bioethical standards every
operation and decision making can be both professional and ethical judgement. Ethics are
not punishable by law nor penalty for them but must be relevant to the law. Although law,
ethics and bioethics are relevant to each other sometimes they can be contradicting as the
sense of abortion and its trimesters begin and many more other issues. It is essential for us
to know because it enlists our capability to be knowledgeable about certain tasks. Such as
how to follow the laws in providing care as well giving health care, to determine that our
own actions have corresponding liabilities and we have to make sure that we are doing what
is right, legal and ethical. To understand the morality of a group or an individual, to know
what is happening around a clients’ both internal and external factors, to indicate and apply
in our life that we have a standard to obey and to follow which will develop our discipline
and moral thinking despite any situations. And for us to ensure that we will not plead on
wrong but on ethically right and just. I also learned that medical technology our resources
Wesleyan University-Philippines
Mabini Extension , Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija

such as bioethics have the influence to have an impact on what is ethical and what is not.
And it also influences our decision making and judgements. As medical technology rapidly
evolves, this also a cause of rapid population growth and economic growth. Because of this
demand, many people often prefer to stay at home because of the expensiveness of
hospital care.

Furthermore, despite the costs of hospital bills are uprising there is an act that expand its
coverage for the less privileged people among Oregon area to have access in taking care of
their health and this is called Oregon's Basic Health Care Services Act of 1989. There is also
what we called the Hippocratic oath in similar with Geneva Convention Code of Medical
Ethics that covers and protects of the clients and also the doctor that is in charge without
liabilities. The Geneva Convention Code of Medical Ethics no matter what aspect there are
no decline on providing medical health care. Added to this, we also have the Nuremberg
Code that tackles about human Experimentation since it began after the World War 2 which
greatly influence this code. Whereas, the Declaration of Helsinki is much more like the
Nuremberg Code but it is precise and specific. The professional code of ethics will guide
whatever the healthcare professional performs and knowing such standards will limit the
things that should be consider unethical.

Moreover, Blanchard and Peale developed the Power of ethical management for us to be
able to analyze, think critically and ethically. And to help us in checking if it is genuinely right
and ethical and helps in the decision-making process. So, I will keep in mind that we should
always remember their 3 questions on being legal or in accord with institutional policy? Is it
a win-win situation? How about the emotions that you may feel if that decision will lead into
jumping an article to the newspaper and you read all about it. And how about the impact of
this decision to your family and to yourself. Can you at least look at yourself in the mirror
after deciding to do this decision? Then when we got 3 yes, then that means it is ethical. In
contrast, when we got 3 no's, then it is unethical. I also learned about what are the qualities
that a professional health care employee must possess. It includes high moral standards,
clear, open, knowledgeable, servant role, flexible, initiative, tactful, diligent, speaking is wise
and listening is better, being professional (respect), courtesy and understanding, objective
yet compassionate, and lastly being honest and have integrity.

2. How will I implement these learnings in my practice of the nursing profession?

I will implement these learnings in my practice of the nursing profession simply by being
knowledgeable on every right of the patient as well as my right as a professional nurse.
Having a big respect on each patient that I will encounter. By knowing what is ethically right
and follows rules earnestly. By deciding and making clinical judgements that has no
influence of my emotions but has impact of code of ethics in my profession. I will also
provide privacy as practice each time before and after we enter the room of a client. I will
respect each client no matter where a patient come from, culture he is in or other factors
that may interfere in the delivery of care.
Wesleyan University-Philippines
Mabini Extension , Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija

I will perform my duty as a nurse as guided by the standards of professional code of ethics.
It is important to know what is the purpose of medical law, ethics and bioethics because
these 3 aspects will have a great influence of your effective performance and how well you
are reliable in the medical field. I will also have to know and have fully understanding not
only my rights but the rights of the patient including the Hippocratic Oath, the Geneva Code
and the Nuremberg Code. Considering this fact, I also believe that every health care
professional faces this situation at least once in their lifetime that they will decide and
makes clinical judgements. We should perform what is acceptable in legal and ethical
aspects. These ethical standards are essential for us because they make our decisions better
and our quality of performing health care as well. We should not only serve care but we
should love the differences among clients and give them dignity that is one of the
characteristics we should possess. I will also use the qualities of a professional health care
employee in all of the patient that I will handle. Also, I will keep in mind use what Blanchard
and Peale adopt that us the power of ethical management that serves as checking our
ethical judgement on particular situation. So that easier to conduct ethical decisions and to
perform ethical actions.

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