Energy Calculation For Belt Conveyor 39495

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23 - 25 September 2009, Nairobi, Kenya

A New Energy Calculation Model of Belt Conveyor

Shirong Zhang and Xiaohua Xia
Centre of New Energy Systems Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering University of Pretoria, Pretoria 0002, South Africa Email:,

AbstractThe model for energy calculation of the belt conveyor is much needed for the optimisation of its operating efciency. There are two categories of models in the literature, one relying on resistance force calculation, and the other one on energy conversion through a compensation length. In the paper, we propose a new model. Our proposed model is evolved by the interlinkage of the two categories. This modied model is characterized by two compensation length variables. It is evidenced by comparative studies in terms of the better accuracy and applicability. Further, the elaborative procedure for calibrating this model by eld experiment is also proposed.

I. I NTRODUCTION Belt conveyor is believed to be the most effective among all means for handling the bulk material over short to medium conveying distances. Energy cost forms a large part of the operating cost of belt conveyor system which is estimated up to 40%. The improvements of the efciency of equipment or that of the operating mode lower the energy cost denitely. The majority of the literatures on energy savings on the belt conveyors focus on the improvement of the equipments efciency [1],[2],[3],[9],[10]. That was done either by introducing highly efcient equipment or improving the efciency of the existing equipment. The energy saving on belt conveyor can also be achieved by optimizing the operating parameters, for example, the transfer rate and belt speed [11]. In the current scenarios, the existing belt conveyors are focusing on feasibility and reliability and their operating points always deviate from the optimal ones. In order to save energy of the belt conveyor by optimizing the operating parameters the practicable energy calculation models are needed. There are several energy calculation models to design the drive system for belt conveyors. These models derive from well-known standards or specications, such as ISO 5048, DIN 22101, JIS B 8805, CEMA (Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association) and FDA (Fenner Dunlop Australia) [4],[5],[7]. They incorporate design parameters and operation parameters together to calculate the power which is needed to drive the belt conveyor under certain operating conditions. Since operating parameters are involved, these models can also be used to estimate the operating power of existing belt conveyor. Among these models, ISO 5048, DIN 22101 and CEMA require many parameters, which make their applications inconvenient. However, JIS B 8805 and FDA require relatively less parameters by lumping other parameters together and compensating it with a length parameter, hence they are easy to use. But the compensation length constants in JIS B 8805

and FDA are inaccurately determined, which inevitably results in energy calculation errors [7], [8]. The main purpose of this paper is to propose a practicable new energy calculation model for belt conveyor. We begin with the analysis of the existing energy calculation models which are divided into two categories. The rst category is based on resistance calculation methodology, and the other one is based on energy conversion methodology. Then a modied energy calculation model is proposed by interlinking the previously mentioned categories. This model is characterized by two compensation length variables. A belt conveyor, conveying coal in a harbour, is used for a comparative study of all of the above mentioned energy calculation models. The inuences on these models from conveying distance, transfer rate and belt speed are illustrated. For the sake of minimizing the errors between the newly proposed model and the actual energy consumption, a practicable method and its procedure for calibration this model are also proposed. The layout of the paper is as follows: In Section II, two categories of existing energy models for belt conveyor are reviewed. In Section III, a new energy model is proposed. Section IV presents the comparative study results. Section V proposes the applications and the calibration method of the new model. The last section is conclusion. II. T WO C ATEGORIES OF E NERGY C ALCULATION M ODEL The aforementioned energy calculation models are divided into two categories. ISO 5048, DIN 22101 and CEMA belong to the rst category which is based on resistance calculation methodology. While JIS B 8805, FDA and Goodyears model [8] belong to another category which is based on energy conversion methodology. There are still some other methods to calculate the energy consumption of belt conveyors. For instance, reference [14] summarizes a single resistance method. Since they also use resistances to calculate the power of belt conveyor, they are similar to ISO 5048, DIN 22101 and CEMA. Therefore, detailed comparison with them will not be carried out. A. Energy Model Based on Resistance Calculation A typical belt conveyor is shown in Fig.1. Under stationary operating conditions, the energy consumption of belt conveyor is mainly determined by the motion resistance in the loaded section of the belt and the return belt. The accessories, such as belt cleaners, plows and skirt boards outside the feeder

978-1-4244-3919-5/09/$25.00 2009 IEEE


Carrying Idler

23 - 25 September 2009, Nairobi, Kenya

Drive pulley

or FU = CFH + Ff r + Fsb + Fc + Fp +Fst . (3) Under stationary condition, the total power PT is thus obtained by (4) PT = FU V. B. Energy Model Based on Energy Conversion In the view of energy conversion, the power of belt conveyor under stationary condition can be mainly divided into three components as follows [8]: 1) the power to run the empty conveyor Pec ; 2) the power to move the material horizontally over a certain distance Ph ; 3) the power to lift the material a certain height Pl . The accessaries also contribute to the total power of the belt conveyor, which is obtained through the special resistances. PT = Pec + Ph + Pl + PAcs . (5)

Return Idler Lh Take-up

Fig. 1.

Typical belt conveyor

station also contribute to the total energy consumption. ISO 5048 and DIN 22101 are quite similar, but they are different at dealing with the friction resistances of belt cleaners. Both of them divide motion resistances into primary resistance FH , secondary resistance FN , slop resistance Fst and special resistance FS . Primary resistance is the sum of all friction-related resistances along the belt conveyor with exception of special resistances, and is calculated by FH = f Lg[QR0 + QRU + (2QB + QG ) cos ], (1)

According to [8], Pec , Ph and Pl is calculated using the following empirical formulae Pec = gf (Lh + L0 )QV, Ph = gf (Lh + L0 ) Pl = gH T , 3.6 (6) (7)

where f is the friction factor, L is the centre-to-centre distance (m), QR0 is the unit mass of the rotating parts of carrying idler rollers (kg/m), QRU is the unit mass of rotating parts of return idler rollers (kg/m), QB is the unit mass of the belt (kg/m), is the inclination angle (o ) and QG is the unit mass of the T load (kg/m) which is determined by QG = 3.6V . T is the transfer rate (t/h) and V is the belt speed (m/s). Equation (1) is a simplied calculation of primary resistance which is suitable for engineering applications, while [6] proposed the complicated and non-linear calculation models for primary resistance. Secondary resistance includes the friction or inertia resistances which occur only at certain parts of the belt conveyor. They are the inertia resistance and friction resistance between material and belt at the feeder station FbA , the friction resistance between skirt boards and material within the accelerating zone Ff , the wrap resistance between belt and pulley Fw and the bearing resistance Ft . ISO 5048 and DIN 22101 allow a coefcient C be used to estimate FN , which is named as a C coefcient method. That is FN = (C 1)FH . The relation between C and L from ISO 5048 [4] can be tted using C = 0.85 + 13.31L0.576 , C = 1.025. (10 L < 1840) (1840 L)

Special resistance includes the resistance caused by forward tilted idlers Ff r , friction resistance from the skirt boards outside the feeder station Fsb , the resistance from belt cleaners Fc and the resistance from material plows Fp . Slop resistance results from the elevation of the material. It is accurately calculated using Fst = QG Hg, where H is the net change in elevation (m). The total resistance is expressed as FU = FH + FN + Ff r + Fsb + Fc + Fp +Fst , (2)

T , (8) 3.6 where Lh is the horizontal centre-to-centre distance (m), L0 is compensation length constant (m) and Q is the mass of moving parts of the equipments in kilogram per meter of centre-to-centre distance (kg/m). It is expressed as Q = QR0 + QRU + 2QB . In (6) and (7), L0 is used to compensate some components of the frictional force which are independent of the belt length and therefore are treated as constant. JIS B 8805, FDA and Goodyears model are all based on this energy conversion methodology [7],[8], but the deterministic specications for L0 are quite different. JIS B 8805 and Goodyears model use just one value for compensation constant L0 . It is independent of L and relates to the friction factor and working conditions. However, FDA uses three piecewise values for compensation length constant L0 , which are determined according to L and working conditions. Since the energy calculation models based on this energy conversion methodology are requiring relatively less parameters, it is much simpler than resistance based models. Mark and Calmeyer [12],[13] have used this kind of energy calculation model for energy auditing and load shifting. III. T HE M ODIFIED E NERGY C ALCULATION M ODEL Energy calculation models based on the methodology of resistance calculation consider almost all the issues contributing to the total energy consumption, so they are believed to be more accurate than those based on the methodology of energy conversion . But many exact design and operating parameters are required by these resistance based models. While the models based on energy conversion simplify the

978-1-4244-3919-5/09/$25.00 2009 IEEE


23 - 25 September 2009, Nairobi, Kenya


Parameter description Transfer rate Density of the material Inclination angle Belt speed Troughing angle Forwards tiling angle of idlers Diameter of carrying idlers Length of carrying idlers Length of return idlers Unit mass of the belt Unit mass of the load Surcharge angle Length for forwards tiling idlers Diameter of the pulley Inclination coefcient Interval of the skirt boards Thickness of the belt Friction factor Coefcient of the scraping board

Symbol T V La0 Lau QB QG lr D k b1 d f Ks

Value 2000 900 1.825 3.15 35 2 133 530 800 18.73 176.37 30 313.25 0.8 1.0 0.85 0.01 0.024 1500

Unit t/h kg/m3

Parameter description Centre-to-centre distance of the belt The net change in elevation Width of the belt Average spacing of the carrying idlers Average spacing of the return idlers Length of skirt boards outside feeder station Diameter of return idlers Mass of the moving parts of each carrying idler Mass of the moving parts of each return idler Unit mass of rotating parts of carrying idlers Unit mass of rotating parts of return idlers Friction factor between belt and idlers Fiction factor between material and belt Fiction factor between material and skirt board Fiction factor between belt and its cleaners Maximum sectional area Pressure exerted on belt by belt cleaner Coefcient of the troughing shape

Symbol L H B a0 au lsb qr0 qru QR0 QRU 0 1 2 3 A P Ce

Value 313.25 9.98 1400 1.2 3 4.5 133 6.3 11.64 15.75 7.76 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.253 100000 0.45

Unit m m mm m m m mm kg kg kg/m kg/m 0.30.4 0.50.7 0.50.7 m2 N/m2


mm mm mm kg/m kg/m

m m m m N/m

energy calculation by introducing the empirical compensation length constants L0 s into the models, so they are easy to use. However, since they use just one or few compensation length constants to satisfy all cases, there must be some energy calculation errors. This paper proposes a modied energy calculation model for belt conveyor by interlinking aforementioned two categories. It follows the basic structure of the models based on the methodology of energy conversion, and characterized by two compensation length variables, L01 and L02 . L01 is the compensation length variable for Pec and L02 is for Pl . When the belt is empty (T=0), FN and Fst equal zero. Under this condition, the total resistance becomes FU |T =0 = FH + FS and (5) becomes PT |T =0 = Pec + PAcs . FU |T =0 and PT |T =0 are obtained under the same condition, so PT |T =0 . V Combining (1), (6) and (9), L01 is obtained by FU |T =0 = L01 = L(1 cos )(1 2QB ). Q (9)

calculation formulae of FbA , Ff and Fw from [4] with (11), L02 is expressed as L02 = T 3.6CF t V (V + + ), gf 1.8b2 T 1 (12)

where b1 is the interval of the skirt boards. Then the modied energy calculation model is expressed as follows. T T + gH + PAcs . 3.6 3.6 (13) It is obvious that the modied energy calculation model is easier to use than ISO 5048 and DIN 22101 because of the relatively less parameter requirements. Furthermore, this model is more accurate than JIS B 8805 or FDA because the compensation length variables vary with the parameters the belt conveyor to t different cases. PT = gf (Lh + L01 )QV + gf (Lh + L02 ) IV. T HE C OMPARATIVE S TUDY An inclined belt conveyor for conveying coal in a harbour is used for a comparative study of these energy calculation models. Its parameters are shown in Tab.I. A. Calculation Results for the Specic Case


Using the same method, L02 is obtained as follows L02 FN FbA + Ff + Fw + Ft = = . gf QG gf QG (11)

In (11), Ft is comparatively small and omitted [5]. Fw is also small and does not vary much, so it is taken as a constant CF t . Ordinarily, the friction factor between material and belt equals that between material and skirt boards [4]. In many cases, the input speed of the material in the belt direction equal zero (V0 =0). Under all these conditions, combining the

Seven energy calculation models are used to calculate the power of the belt conveyor under the specic condition as shown in Tab.I. The special resistance is calculated using ISO 5048. For simplicity, we make the convention in the rest of the paper that ISO denotes the accurate calculation method of ISO 5048, ISO C denotes C coefcient method of ISO 5048, DIN denotes accurate calculation method of DIN 22101, DIN C denotes C coefcient method of DIN 22101, JIS denotes calculation method of JIS B 8805 standard, FDA

978-1-4244-3919-5/09/$25.00 2009 IEEE


TABLE II C ALCULATION RESULTS FOR THE SPECIFIC CASE Symbol ISO ISO C DIN DIN C JIS FDA TwoL0 Description Accurate calculation method of ISO 5048 C coefcient method of ISO 5048 Accurate calculation method of DIN 22101 C coefcient method of DIN 22101 JIS B 8805 standard FDAs calculation handbook Modied energy calculation model Value (KW) 141.58
P(KW) 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10

23 - 25 September 2009, Nairobi, Kenya

151.46 141.45 139.17 144.55 140.11 142.77






100 L(m)






denotes calculation method in FDAs handbook and TwoL0 denotes the modied energy calculation model we propose in this paper. The calculation results are shown in Tab.II. The seven energy calculation models draw similar results with small differences except ISO C. The ultimate purpose of these energy calculation models discussed here is operating optimisation or scheduling for belt conveyors. So, it is necessary to analyze and evaluate the inuences on these models from certain parameters. Inuences from conveying distance, belt speed and transfer rate are studied in the paper, while the other design parameters are considered constant as shown in Tab.I. B. Variable Conveying Distance With constant belt speed and transfer rate, the correlation between power and conveying distance are calculated by the previously mentioned seven energy calculation models. The resulting curves for short conveying distances (L=10-200 m) with V =3.15 m/s and T =2000 t/h are shown in Fig.2, while the resulting curves for medium to long distances 200-4000 m are shown in Fig.3. Using ISO as the baseline, the relative errors of the other models are obtained as shown in Fig.4. By analyzing calculation results of difdent combinations of belt speeds transfer rates and conveying distances, the following conclusions are drawn. 1) The accurate calculation method of ISO 5048 and that of DIN 22101 yield quite similar results; the power curves of the two are nearly parallel with small differences. 2) With short conveying distances and low belt speeds (V 2 m/s), the calculation results of JIS and FDA are larger than those of ISO or DIN. However, when conveying distances are quite long, JIS and FDA yield smaller results than ISO and DIN. These indicate that JIS and FDA can not satisfy all these cases quite well using just one or few compensation length constants. Furthermore, the four values for the compensation length constant of FDA present an inverse relation with the conveying distance, so FDAs absolute error increases in direct proportion to conveying distance. 3) Within short conveying distance (L 80 m), ISO C and DIN C have uncertain C coefcient [4],[5]. Thus they cannot yield satisfactory results under this condition. 4) ISO C and DIN C are easy to use, but show lowly accuracy.

Fig. 2.

Power curves for L=10-200 with V=3.15 m/s and T=2000 t/h
1600 1400 1200 1000 P(KW) 800 600 400 200 0 ISO ISO_C DIN DIN_C FDA JIS TwoL0




2000 L(m)





Fig. 3.

Power curves for L=200-4000 with V=3.15 m/s and T=2000 t/h
p 10 y


0 ISO_C DIN DIN_C FDA JIS TwoL0 500 1000 1500 2000 L(m) 2500 3000 3500 4000


Fig. 4.

Relative errors for L=50-4000 with V=3.15 m/s and T=2000 t/h

5) The modied energy calculation model follows ISO quite well with relatively small differences during whole domain of conveying distance. C. Variable Belt Speed Power curves for V =1.5-6 m/s with L=1000 m and T =1200 t/h are shown in Fig.5, and the relative error curves for the same cases are shown in Fig.6. The calculation results of other combinations of belt speed ranges, conveying distances and transfer rates are also studied to draw the following conclusions. 1) When belt speed is low, ISO and DINs calculation results are smallest among all the seven models. With increase in belt speed, they yield higher values relative

978-1-4244-3919-5/09/$25.00 2009 IEEE


23 - 25 September 2009, Nairobi, Kenya

330 320 310 300 290 P(KW) 280 270 260 250 240 230 1.5 ISO ISO_C DIN DIN_C FDA JIS TwoL0

to other models. With very high belt speed, they yield the largest values comparing to other models. 2) When belt speed is relatively high, DIN C and FDA result in large values. so, they can just be used within low to medium belt speed where the secondary resistances are quite small comparing to primary resistance [5]. 3) Within the whole belt speed domain, the modied energy model follows ISO and DIN quite well too. D. Variable Transfer Rate


3.5 4 V(m/s)



Fig. 5.

Power curves for V=1.5-6 m/s with L=1000m and T=1200 t/h

0 E(%) ISO_C DIN DIN_C FDA JIS TwoL0 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 V(m/s) 4.5 5 5.5 6

It is also necessary to study the inuence on the energy calculation models from transfer rate. The resulting curves for T =1000-2000 t/h with V =3.15 m/s and L=1000 m are shown in Fig.7. The relative errors under the same condition are shown in Fig.8. With constant belt speed and conveying distance, power increases in direct proportion to transfer rates. Unlike conveying distance and belt speed, the variations in transfer rate do not change the relative positions of the result curves of all these energy models. According to Fig.8, the new model results in smaller errors relative to other models except DIN. Hence, the new model shows quite good accuracy within the domain of transfer rate. V. A PPLICATION A ND C ALIBRATION A. Applications of The Modied Energy Calculation Model The modied energy calculation model is formulated into three integrated analytic equations. While the resistance based models consist of many equations for all kinds of resistances. Moreover, the empirical compensation lengths within the models based on energy conversion methodology are determined mainly by experiences. All these issues make the modied model more suitable for the operational optimisation of the belt conveyors than other models. The ultimate purpose is to use this model for the optimisation of energy efciency of belt conveyor. The goal is achieved by using this energy calculation model for the belt conveyor design or for the improvement of the efciency of the existing belt conveyors. During the design phase of a belt conveyor, the modied energy model is built using the design parameters. Then it will be used to verify the design of the drive system. For existing belt conveyors, this model will be used to improve their energy efciency by optimizing the transfer rates and belt speeds, and it will also be used for load shifting or operation scheduling. B. Calibration of The Modied Energy Calculation Model Nowadays, most of the existing belt conveyors operate at the non-optimal operating points because of equipment aging, maintenance or re-adjustment. As a result, the actual operating points always deviate from the design points. Hence, the energy calculation model, calibrated by eld experiment, must be more accurate than those totally calculated through design parameters. The modied energy calculation model provides the mechanism for calibration of its parameters by eld experiment. According to ISO 5048, the special resistances FS for an

6 1.5

Fig. 6.

Relative errors for V=1.5-6 m/s with L=1000m and T=1200 t/h
420 400 380 360 340 P(KW) 320 300 280 260 240 220 1000 ISO ISO_C DIN DIN_C FDA JIS TwoL0





1500 T(t/h)






Fig. 7.

Power curves for T=100-2000 t/h with L=1000 m and V=3.15 m/s


2 1000





1500 T(t/h)






Fig. 8. Relative errors for T=100-2000 t/h with L=1000 m and V=3.15 m/s

978-1-4244-3919-5/09/$25.00 2009 IEEE


23 - 25 September 2009, Nairobi, Kenya

existing belt conveyor, including Ff r , Fsb , Fc and Fp , has the following relation with T and V T2 T + k2 + k3 , (14) V2 V where k1 , k2 and k3 are constant coefcients which relate to the structure parameters of the belt conveyor. Combining (12) (13) and (14), and denoting 1 , 1 = 6.48b2 1 2 = gf (Lh + L01 )Q + k3 + CF t , 3 = k1 , gH + gf Lh 4 = + k2 , (15) 3.6 the total power PT is expressed as follows FS = k1 V 2T T2 + T 2 V 1 + V 2 + 3 + T 4 , (16) 3.6 V where 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 are constant coefcients for a certain belt conveyor, but they cannot keep constant all through for a long time span. In (15), L01 is related to the structure parameters of the belt conveyor, which guarantees the invariability of 2 . Then, 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 in (16) can be calibrated by eld experiment. Some measurement instruments must be installed to measure PT , V and T during the experiment. For the belt conveyor with xed speed, the transfer rate is controlled to operate it at different operating points to get different equations according to (16). For belt conveyor with variable speed and variable transfer rate, either speed or transfer rate can be controlled to get different equations. At least four equations are needed to obtain four coefcients 1 , 2 , 3 and x4 . The working states of belt conveyor change slowly due to abrasion, aging and some environmental issues, which results in the time-variations in 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 . So, it is necessary to calibrate the energy calculation model periodically, for example once a week, to guarantee its accuracy. The recommended calibration procedure for this model is shown as follows. 1) Install measurement instruments for PT , V and T . In many cases, there are permanent instruments for those. If so, this step is not necessary. 2) Control V or T to operate the belt conveyor at different operating points and record the readings of PT , T and V . At least four operating points are needed. Running the empty belt (T=0) with certain speed is considered as the specic operating point. It is not mandatory to execute this specic operating point during the calibration. However, if permitted by the condition, this specic operating point is recommended because it has rather good ability to obtain 2 directly by single experimental procedure. That is 2 = PTee , where PT e and Ve are the readings V of power and speed of the belt conveyor operating with empty belt respectively. 3) All these readings are used by (16) to calibrate 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 . 4) The above steps should be carried out periodically to minimize the errors between the energy calculation PT =

model and the actual energy consumption of the corresponding belt conveyor. For belt conveyors with permanent instruments for PT , T and V , an adaptive parameter identication scheme can be developed to adjust the model automatically to guarantee the accuracy of this energy calculation model. VI. C ONCLUSION This paper proposes a modied energy calculation model for belt conveyors. It is expected to be useful in the optimisation of operating efciency, load shifting and operation scheduling of belt conveyors. This model is proposed by interlinking two existing categories of the energy calculation models. The rst category is complicated because it needs many parameters of the belt conveyor. The second one introduces the compensation length constants into the models to make itself easy to use. The modied energy calculation model employs two compensation length variables L01 and L02 , which vary with design parameters and operation parameters to adapt all the cases. Its applicability and validity are proven by the comparative study of all these energy models. This model will be used either for belt conveyor design or for the improvement of operating efciency of existing belt conveyor. A calibration method and its procedure are also proposed to guarantee the applicability of the newly proposed energy calculation model. R EFERENCES
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978-1-4244-3919-5/09/$25.00 2009 IEEE

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