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Geeta Vigananam - 1

When the lord decides that this is the last birth of a devotee he gifts his devotee with geeta,
he gives it only to the deserving, not to everyone. Even if one is not an adhikari, he grants
adhikara, he makes arjuna and uddhava an adhikara. Geeta is the upanishad guyana, for
moksham geeta is the topmost literature, karma bhakti raja yogam are the one thing
common for all geeta’s. Based on the karma of each person that particular limb becomes
topmost for that person.

Ganesha Purana
Of the upa purana by vyasa one of them is ganesha purana, he wanted to classify the vedas
as per krishna paramatma’s instruction and he sat to write but he couldn't write anything at
all, if one wants to do something but one cannot that is called vighnam, using his yoga siddhi
he went to brahma lokam and told his predicament to brahmadeva, brahma replied saying
that i did all that with only one beejam and created this entire universe(all work is fraught
with obstacles), there are two one external and one internal. Lack of faith, will etc are also
vighna, brahma said when i was also in the same dilemma i meditated on pranava mantra
And the pranavah to the shape of Ganesha and initiated me into a beejakshara which i am
also initiating you . There is also mudgala Purana which is pertaining to Mudgala who is A
veda Rishi Rishi is in the Vedas he is also a gotra pravakta it is a Brahma vaivarta Purana in
skanda purana, Ganesh khanda, Ganesha Mahatyam & Ganesh purana is a subset of
skanda Purana. In many Puranas there is a mention of Ganpati there are two parts one is
upasana Khanda and then Krida Khanda, Ganesh Chaturthi Vidhi Purana all these are
mentioned in the Upasana Khand reader and Leela are one and the same this tells the
leelas of ganesha . True story about Ganpati being born to Kashyap Rishi, Ganpati is also a
Guru principal every God can be worshipped in every sentiment Mother and father are
natural relationships it is an eternal Bond whether you like it or not so whether you like it or
not the source of irrigation the cause of your origin is God who also your parent, he has
multiple stories where he beautiful playfully indulges with the rishis and the muni’s. He has
also killed many demons playfully just like krishna paramatma, isn't ganesha non different
from krishna brahmam?

Remember only a provider can be a ruler, non provider has no right to rule. This is the rule of
nature, the more one gives the more he has earned the adhikara to rule, please remember
this. There are many bhavas to worship god, mata pita, sakha, acharya, prabhu, and guru

Let us talk about Guru Bhavam, whichever deva you worship, worship that in guru bhavam.
Guru can be worshipped in all bhava’s. He is your parent, your sakha who looks after your
well being. Ganesha is the king of guru bhava, ganapati has name as brihaspati also, what is
the name of god of grouping- “Pati”, he is the one who stimulates the intelligence of deva’s.
Pati is a suffix for all the gods, only one who does the upasana of ganapati is the gift of right
and precise speech given. Ganapati is the guru of all deva’s too, he is sakala loka guru.
Devotees can also worship him as guru for material worldly arts and for spiritual knowledge,
this is the word of the upanishad, he holds the doorway for material worldly knowledge. It is
avidya as per upanishad, using avidya we have to transcend karma and get liberated.
Avidya is not knowing the brahmavidya that is the definition. Vidya means upasana, avidya
vidya and brahma gnanam.
Avidya knowledge is also given by god, the knowledge to remove material worldly
knowledge is also given by vighna-ishwara. Vighnas are always pertaining to material
worldly problems, this is removed by Ganapati. Vighnas are of multiple forms, guru's role is
to remove them, so ganapati is apt to be worshipped as guru. Why only bhagavad geeta,
avatar purushas whatever they utter is geeta.

Sindhurasa rakshas is big rakshasa, he knows that the womb of parvati is gonna kill him. On
ashtami sandhi he went and removed the head using occult, then parameshwara meditated
and reinstated a gajanana’s head. Ganapati's original head is an elephant, so all the stories
are leelas to get back through stories to elephant head. Varenyam and pustika are ganesha
upasaka’s, he came as a red form. God is good to worship but not so good when u look after
having sakshat darshan, similarly they couldn't accept his form. They couldn't accept them
as a vikruti shishu, parashara's wife deepa vatsala , she found a kid and adopted him, he
was roaming around the ashram doing yoga sambhashan, upanishad sambhashana and
entertaining and being a guru to all rishi muni the parents were surprised. Parasara, vasistha
are just not one or two people, they are groups of people found at specific time and kala.
8crores ganas are around ganapati, each one is so powerful sindhurasa challenged ganpati
saying he is small. He killed sindhurasa and applied that on his body as red. Varenyam got
emotional knowing that his son is a great being, the closer you are the less you recognise.
He blessed varenyam and forgave them, he blessed 11 adhyayas to varenyam, this is
ganesha geeta.

Phala shruti is very beneficial, since they are uttered by ganesha they have mantric value by
parayanam. There are places where parayanam and havan are done just like bhagavad
geeta as done by shankara bhagavad pada. Upanishad says do karma for chitta shuddhi not
for anything else, all geeta's do that only. Ganapati as paramatma upasana is ganapati

Upasana means to become the object of worship in the process all avaranas are cleared, to
invoke the essence inside of you is upasana.

Every geeta is unique in this geeta, yoga rahasyam is primary, some geeta's other things are
important, acharam and tatvam are dharma found in every geeta, based on the devata either
one takes precedence. Krishna paramatma blended all in one hence he is unique among all
geeta’s. In ganesha gita vedanta tattva is also there and upasana rahasyam is there.

Paddhati is same across all upasana’s so we hindus are united by procedure, just a change
of deity and form.If a devotee of ganesha listens to krishna's geeta he becomes a better
devotee of ganesha and vice versa. One essence is brahman, each devotee sees his ishta
in the form of the brahmam, unless the essence is realised there will be arguments about
which god is superior etc. Geeta has one thing in common , vishwa rupa sandarshanam.
This geeta is of the form of prashna and samadhanam, what is the adhikara of the
questioner, that defines the theme of the geeta, arjuna is the questioner of geeta, here it is
different he is varenyam, lets see his spirit of questioning since that will define the theme of
the ganesha geeta.
To see gold in a ring is different from seeing a ring in gold, that is the bhavam difference in
tattva darshi. If there is a bhashya on ganesha geeta it will become a maha saksham.
I may not be arahat but guru your anugraham has no limits, guru always speaks out of grace
not because of eligibility. We have to ask the guru with humility. First the guru listens to the
cribbing and crying, because the shishy is not ready to listen to the absolute truth. Geeta
means Yoga marga prakashini, following which instruction one establishes in yogam. Gaja
mukham is pranava mukham, says varenyam.

Vighneshwara mahabaho(varenyam) , sarva vidya, sarva shastra artham and tattvam,

yogam arhasi, you are the competent person to speak, i may not be the competent person to
listen, see how he addresses the guru.


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