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Promote and Uphold the Nursing Ethics:

Meet the Team
BSNII-REED Nursing Students

Albastro, Jane
Bautista, Allysa Mae
Borce, Welrose
Dulaca, Venze Marie
Etchon, Julliana Marie
Garsula, Jine
Gelico, Mark Joseph
Moncatar, June Lera
Rebusa, Mogene
Villanueva, Alyanna Joyce

Topics for discussion of Advocacy

01 Description

02 Objectives

03 Implementing Rules &


04 Prevent Negligence
Nurses have a responsibility to remain competent
throughout their career. To practice competently, nurses
must have several key elements that guide the profession in
place: the education undertaken must be accredited to
meet a standard, a system for certification and licensure
and, a code of ethics that form the basis of their every day

The primary duty of a nurse is to give care and

address the patients' medical needs. Patients' development
is monitored, documented and reported on, aiding in their
recovery through nursing. However, Negligence in nursing
occurs when the care provided by a nurse fails to meet a
reasonable standard, resulting in mental and/or physical
suffering for a patient.
There are different types of nursing
negligence, including when assisting in the delivery
of babies. These can include simple inaction, such as
failing to administer a patient their medication on
time or in the correct dosage, to making mistakes
and causing injury by not following the proper

Doctors and nurses owe a duty of care

to their patients, to take reasonable care to
avoid causing them harm. This is assessed by
reference to a responsible body of nursing
practitioners, who practise in the same field
of nursing and at the same level.
This program or advocacy aims to lower the incidence of medical
negligence in order to deliver highest standard of care.

To protect not only the patients but also to prevent healthcare

professionals from making fatal errors while providing treatment. This
program, with its guidelines, can aid in lowering the high rates of
neglect in healthcare.
Nursing negligence is a highly serious matter, and accusations should never
be dismissed. To establish nursing negligence, four fundamental components
must be present. Duty, breach of duty, cause, and damages are these factors.
Let's examine each component in more detail.

Duty of Care: Breach of Duty: Causation: Damages:

Nurses have a The nurse's duty must be Causation is the third component Plaintiffs must
responsibility to act stated and the nurse's of nursing negligence. In order to demonstrate that the
responsibly and within deviation from it must be establish causation, the nurse's negligence led to
their area of expertise. shown in order to prove complainant must provide their injuries or other
Nursing responsibilities nursing negligence. Before a evidence showing the nurse's losses. Using the scenario
include giving patients the duty may be broken, there negligence was to blame for the in #3, the harm might
right prescriptions, must be a clear expectation patient's harm or loss. The harms consist of the patient
keeping an eye out for of it. For instance, a nurse has must be anticipated in order to experiencing respiratory
changes in patients, and establish causation. For instance, arrest as a result of the
violated her responsibility to
notifying doctors of any a nurse who was administering an medication's respiratory
report if she notices a decline
changes in patients' opioid painkiller failed to record depressant effects.
in a patient's condition but
conditions. the first dose and gave the patient
doesn't let the attending
a second one.
physician know.
Nursing negligence is a problem in healthcare settings all around
the world. Nursing carelessness has a wide-ranging effect on

PREVENT patients, nurses as individuals, the nursing profession, and

healthcare organizations. Therefore, all nursing executives should
consider lowering the likelihood of nurse negligence a top priority.

NEGLIGENCE: The following are some actions nurse leaders can take to combat
nursing practice neglect.

Establish clear standards to guide nursing practice: Nurse

leaders must make sure nursing staff members are aware of
their duties and responsibilities once standards of practice
have been set. This is crucial because nurse supervisors who
fail to train and oversee the nurses under their responsibility
may be held accountable for nursing negligence.

Create an atmosphere where nurses are comfortable asking for

help and guidance: For fear of being rejected by leaders,
nurses frequently shy away from asking for assistance. Strong
nurse leaders are aware of the value of being a point of
advice and support, which can help lower the likelihood of
careless nursing actions.
Use experienced, competent nurses as preceptors:
Experienced nurses' knowledge, abilities, and clinical
PREVENT experiences can be used by nurse leaders to create
cohesive teams of nurses who can rely on one another.

Be a safe person for patients and nurses to talk to: It is crucial
for a nurse leader to be accessible to both the patient and the
nurse accused of the negligent conduct if they become aware
of a potential act of negligence. The nurse leader is able to
compile the relevant data and discuss the problem with the
right management.

Create opportunities for continued learning: By providing

continuing opportunities for learning, skill development, and
growth, nurse leaders can support staff nurses and lower the
incidence of negligent events. A nurse becomes more skilled
and (ideally) less likely to engage in nursing neglect the more
education she has.


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