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Hello everyone, I am Brinda Garikapati and welcome to my senior project "Into

the Mind: The Changing Face of Parkinson's." Tonight marks our 10th annual
symposium and the 20th Distinguished Speaker to grace this stage. I am really
grateful for all the people who took time out of their schedule to come here today,
especially to our prominent speaker of the symposium, Dr. Bronstein. As a
person deeply interested in medicine, it is a great honor for me to be hosting this
event. As I continue to discover my passion in the field of medicine, neurological
disorders are ones that fascinate me, and I want to explore this field further.
Additionally, witnessing the impact of Parkinson's disease firsthand has inspired
me to choose this topic for my project today. I view this as a remarkable
opportunity to expand my knowledge and I hope the same for all the people
present here today.

As you all know, Parkinson's Disease is a complex neurological disorder that

affects millions of people worldwide. It is a disease that can significantly impact a
person's quality of life. Despite notable advancements in research and treatment,
there are still many unanswered questions and areas where further investigation
is needed. It is important that we continue to support and fund research efforts to
deepen our understanding of Parkinson's Disease and improve the lives of those
affected by it.

Today, we have the honor of being joined by Dr. Jeff Bronstein, renowned expert
in the field of neurology and the head of movement disorders at UCLA. He will be
sharing his latest research on Parkinson's Disease and discussing how the face
of this condition's landscape is changing over time.

In addition, we have three outstanding Santa Su scholars who will be sharing

their knowledge on areas related to the topic of the day in short presentations
prior to our keynote presenter. These students are passionate about the field of
medicine and have worked tirelessly to prepare their presentations. I am excited
to introduce them to you and to hear what they have to say about Parkinson's
Disease, support and treatment.

Are you ready to dive into the fascinating world of neurology and explore the
latest research on this complex condition?

Then Let’s get started

Let's give a warm round of applause to our first student presenter, Pranav Bijith,
a sophomore at Santa Susana High School who is focusing on the STEM field.
As an aspiring medical professional, Pranav's presentation promises to be
engaging and informative, reflecting his keen interest in medicine. Lets Welcome
him on the stage.

That was very awesome presentation Pranav, Does anyone in the audience have
any questions for Pranav Bijith?

We have time for one more question………..

1. Get ready to be inspired by our next student presenter, Ella Mayor! As a

junior at Santa Su, Ella is interested in becoming a neurosurgeon and is
pursuing her dream with relentless passion. She has consistently
demonstrated her commitment to academic excellence, leadership, and
community service, making her an exceptional role model for her peers.
Her presentation is bound to be both Intriguing and educational, so let's
give a round of applause to Ella!

2. Our Third student speaker is Meghna Behera. As a dynamic and

multi-talented junior at Santa Su, Meghna has an exceptional ability to
balance her academic pursuits with a wide range of extracurricular
activities. Not only that, but her passion for cardiology is inspiring, and her
presentation promises to be both Captivating and Thought-provoking. Lets
invite meghna on to this Stage.
Ladies and gentlemen, Now its time to introduce our esteemed guest
speaker, Dr. Jeff Bronstein. He completed his Bachelors at UC berkeley,
and he finished his MD and PHD at UCLA along with his residency and
fellowship, now he is the head of Movement disorder at UCLA.

Dr. Bronstein is not only a world-renowned neurologist, but he is also a

leading expert in the use of the zebrafish model to study neurological
disorders. He has dedicated his life to advancing the field of neuroscience
and improving the lives of those with Parkinsons.

We are incredibly fortunate to have Dr. Bronstein here today to share his
expertise with us, Now Get ready to see what he has to share.


Thank you all for being here today, I want to convey my special thanks to Dr.
Bronstein who immediately agreed to come to our event today, & and a heartfelt
thanks to my mentors Mrs. Hazelwood and Mr.Lapin, who played a huge role
helping me organize this event along with the three student speakers Meghna
Behera, Pranav Bijith & Ella Mayor! This Event would not be possible without the
support from the PTSA. If you would Like to see free events like these please
consider making a Donation in the lobby.

Thank you once again, I hope all of you were able to gain something from this

Also students who are here for Extra Credit please scan the QR code to fill
out the form!

5:30 PM: Quick Tech Run Through

6:00 PM - 6:10 PM : Introduction

6:10 PM - 6:25 PM : Pranav Bijith’s Presentation w/ 5 min Q&A Session (Student

Speaker 1)

6:30 PM - 6:45 PM : Ella Mayor’s Presentation w/ 5 min Q&A Session (Student

Speaker 2)

6:50 PM - 7:05 PM : Meghna Behera’s Presentation w/ 5 min Q&A Session

(Student Speaker 3)

7:10 PM - 7:55 PM: Dr. Jeff Bronstein’s Presentation (MAIN SPEAKER)

7:55 PM - 8:05 PM : Q&A Session with Dr.Jeff Bronstein


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