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You now have ONE minute to read the task carefully and another ONE minute to do the task as
you are instructed to.

1/ If you could invest on one of the followings – planting forests, building zoos and researching about
biodiversity, which one might be your best choice? Why?

After reading this topic, I have made my decision. If I could invest in those things, I would decide to
invest in reforestation and here are the reasons why I did
Forests are not only a habitat for animals, but also a place to help people regenerate air, water and
soil. Planting forests also helps us to regenerate the inherent ecology of the earth.
2/ You are going to recommend a university for your cousin to


You now have ONE minute to read the task carefully and another ONE minute to do the task
you are instructed to.

1/ If you could invest on one of the followings – planting forests, building zoos and researching abo
biodiversity, which one might be your best choice? Why?

After reading this topic, I have made my decision. If I could invest in those things, I would decide
invest in reforestation and here are the reasons why I did
Forests are not only a habitat for animals, but also a place to help people regenerate air, water an
soil. Planting forests also helps us to regenerate the inherent ecology of the earth.

2/ You are going to recommend a university for your cousin to study. Among a university in USA,
university in Japan and a university in Vietnam, which one do you recommend? Why?

Choosing a university to study is a controversial topic. If I could advise them on which school
choose and where to study, of course I would advise her to study abroad, more specifically to study at
certain university in the US. Since the USA has the best conditions for personal development with som
of the best schools in the world, it is very obvious to land the best jobs.

3/ You are going to buy a book for your little brother as a present. Among the following kinds of boo
a comic book, a fairy tale and a scientific book, which one might be your best choice? Why?

It's great to be able to give my brother something, especially books that help him. I will choose scien
books as gifts for my brother. In my opinion, science books bring great benefits in all aspects of lif
helping them to experience, understand, and know how to overcome some difficulties in later life.
study. Among a university in USA, a university in Japan and a university in Vietnam, which one do
you recommend? Why?

Choosing a university to study is a controversial topic. If I could advise them on which school to
choose and where to study, of course I would advise her to study abroad, more specifically to study at a
certain university in the US. Since the USA has the best conditions for personal development with some
of the best schools in the world, it is very obvious to land the best jobs.

3/ You are going to buy a book for your little brother as a present. Among the following kinds of book:
a comic book, a fairy tale and a scientific book, which one might be your best choice? Why?

It's great to be able to give my brother something, especially books that help him. I will choose science
books as gifts for my brother. In my opinion, science books bring great benefits in all aspects of life,
helping them to experience, understand, and know how to overcome some difficulties in later life.

4/ You are looking for a place to live in Hanoi. Among a small house in the city centre, a flat near your
university/ a company and a big house in the countryside, which one would be your best choice? Why?

Surely all of us have to rent a house to start an independent life, I am one of them. When I moved to
Hanoi to start an independent life, I chose to stay in a small motel room in the heart of the city.
Because that motel room is very close to where I study and work, it helps me save travel costs, travel
time and reduce the risk of accidents when traveling with heavy traffic in Hanoi.

5/ You are going to take a foreign friend to a festival. Which one might be your best choice: Mid-
Autumn festival, Hung King temple festival or Lim festival? Why?

When I have the opportunity to take a foreign friend to visit a certain festival, I will let them experience
the Mid-Autumn Festival in our country. I want them to know the culture, cuisine, characteristics of
this holiday and especially immerse themselves in the festival like real Vietnamese.

6/ You are going to buy a CD as a present for your parents on their birthday. Among a rock CD, a rap
CD and a folk music CD, which one is your best choice? Why?
This is my favorite subject, because it brings joy to my parents. Of course I would choose to give them
a CD of folk music. because that's a way for me to let them relive the days my parents have gone
through, the tunes that are familiar to my parents and most importantly, preserve the good works
through the generations.

7/ As a member of a Green organization, which one do you think is the most practical to protect the
environment: going to school by bike, using paper package and planting more trees. Why?

After reading this topic, I have made my decision. If I could invest in those things, I would decide to
invest in reforestation and here are the reasons why I did
Forests are not only a habitat for animals, but also a place to help people regenerate air, water and
soil. Planting forests also helps us to regenerate the inherent ecology of the earth.

You have 2 minutes to deliver a speech of the topic given. You are expected to include three parts
of a speech, namely Introduction, Development and Conclusion with the use of some linking

1/ “There are a lot of complaints about restaurants in Vietnam”

Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. Which are most popular in your country: fast food restaurants or traditional ones?
2. Some people say that food in an expensive restaurant is always better than that in a cheap one –
would you agree?
Like all other restaurants in the world, Vietnamese restaurants also have problems with customer
complaints, such as:
Complaining about the quality of the food, each diner has a different culinary "gut", so it is not difficult
for someone to complain about the quality of the restaurant's dishes, even if you are confident in your
Annoyed at having to wait so long. It is understandable that customers complain, get annoyed,
even angry when they have to wait too long, especially during holidays, Tet, and rush hour.
Customers complain about the price of the food. Although most restaurants now publicly list
prices on their menus, this is rare but still possible.

In Vietnam, the traditional restaurant is still the most popular and preferred restaurant. Eat at
expensive restaurants to eat well, I object because in Vietnam all delicious dishes come from
traditional restaurants

2/ “There are many changes of shopping over the last decade”

Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. What are your shopping habits?
2. Do you think online shopping will replace small shops in the future? Why?

Only 4 years since the outbreak of the covid pandemic has contributed to changing the consumption
behavior of Vietnamese people. Restrictions due to social isolation make consumers shop online
Fresh food is the item that has recorded a large amount of online purchases since the beginning of the
epidemic season and is growing at a fairly stable rate. To meet this demand, delivery services have
developed at breakneck speed.
Milk, beer, canned food and personal care products were among the most purchased items. Also due to
Covid-19, Vietnamese consumers are also ordering home electronics online - something that
previously had to be purchased directly at electronics centers.
The average online shopping spending of Vietnamese people in 2017 was 186 USD/person, it is
forecasted that in 2022 this figure will be 270 USD/person.
For me, I usually shop for clothes and personal items on e-commerce platforms, it is likely that e-
commerce platforms will replace small stores in the future because of the level of convenience. it

4/ “There are many problems with education in Vietnam”

Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. What are the differences between the traditional and modern educational system in Vietnam?
2. What should be done to reduce educational problems in Vietnam?
Education - training has many limitations, weaknesses, and inadequacies are slowly being overcome;
education quality is still low, focusing on developing quantity rather than quality; compared with the
development requirements of the country, there are many unsatisfactory contents; not necessarily the
top national book. Educational content, programs and methods are still backward, slow to innovate,
slow to modernize, not closely linked to social life and professional work; Students' creativity and
practical ability have not been promoted.
The difference between Vietnam's traditional and modern education systems is the addition of more
teaching software to help students learn faster.
The best way to overcome these problems is to research and conduct teaching in the most effective
way, minimizing unnecessary risks.

5/ “There are many changes in housing in housing in your hometown”

Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. Are people more or less interested in attending the festival? Why?
2. What should be done to promote a regional festival?

One of the biggest housing changes in my hometown is the growing popularity of apartment living.
Many new apartment complexes have been built in recent years, offering modern amenities and
convenient locations. This trend is driven by many factors, including lifestyle changes, rising housing
costs and the desire to live in the city.
Another notable housing change in my hometown is the growing emphasis on sustainability. Many of
the new developments are designed to be eco-friendly, with features such as solar panels, energy
efficient appliances and green roofs. This reflects a growing awareness of housing's impact on the
environment, as well as a desire to reduce costs and improve quality of life.
Overall, the housing changes in my hometown reflect broader trends in the housing market, as well as
the unique characteristics of the city.

Overall, whether people are more or less interested in attending festivals may depend on a complex
interplay of factors, including changing attitudes and preferences, developments in technology, and
more. .
With the rise of streaming services and other forms of digital entertainment, some people may be less
interested in attending festivals than they used to be. Instead, they may prefer to stay at home and
watch movies, play video games, or engage in other forms of leisure activities.
To engage attendees, it is important to create engaging content that showcases the unique and
engaging features of the festival.
Build support for the festival, Consider organizing pre-festival events. .promote the festival using a
diverse approach, using multiple advertising channels and interacting with the local community.

6/ “There are many changes in traditional festivals”

Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. Are people more or less interested in attending the festival? Why?
2. What should be done to promote a regional festival?
Traditional festivals are an essential part of any culture, and they are often used as a way to celebrate
and honor the history and traditions of a community. However, over time, many traditional festivals
have undergone significant changes, influenced by various factors such as modernization,
globalization and changing social attitudes.
A significant change in traditional festivals is the increasing commercialization of these events. For
example, the Lunar New Year in many Asian countries has become a major shopping occasion, with
many stores launching discounts and promotions to attract customers.
Another change in traditional festivals is the growing influence of technology. Many festivals have
adopted technology to enhance the experience of participants as well as spectators.
In summary, traditional festivals have undergone significant changes in recent years. While these
changes can both enrich and detract from the festival experience, they reflect the evolving needs and
values of the communities that celebrate them.
With the rise of streaming services and other forms of digital entertainment, some people may be less
interested in attending festivals than they used to be. Instead, they may prefer to stay at home and
watch movies, play video games, or engage in other forms of leisure activities.
To engage attendees, it is important to create engaging content that showcases the unique and
engaging features of the festival.
Build support for the festival, Consider organizing pre-festival events. .promote the festival using a
diverse approach, using multiple advertising channels and interacting with the local community.
7/ “Reading books brings many benefits”
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. Are children more or less interested in reading? Why?
2. What should be done to encourage children to read?
Reading is always a useful habit that many people love, but besides providing knowledge, reading also
brings many more benefits.
Increase knowledge. Books are an inexhaustible source of knowledge about all aspects of the lives of
those who have written, told, and communicated to us. Books about economics, history, culture give us
knowledge about business and social reality
Improve concentration and enhance thinking and analytical skills.
Vocabulary is expanded through reading, one's own vocabulary increases, communicating with people
in an open and engaging way is one of the great benefits that reading brings. .
With today's development, children read much less books because children are increasingly using
technology devices for entertainment rather than reading.
We need to let children know the great benefits of reading and encourage them to learn more about

8/ “There are many effects of living in a noisy environment”

Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. What kinds of noises do you dislike the most?
2. Why do people still go to noisy places like big cities or cinemas even when they don’t like
Living in a noisy environment can have many negative effects on an individual's physical and mental
health, as well as their overall quality of life.
First, excessively loud noise can adversely affect an individual's physical health. Long-term exposure
to high noise levels can lead to hearing damage, which can lead to hearing loss or tinnitus. In addition,
noise pollution is associated with increased stress levels, increased blood pressure and an increased
risk of cardiovascular disease.
Second, living in a noisy environment can negatively impact an individual's mental health. Exposure to
excessive noise levels can cause anxiety, depression, and irritability. It can also lead to difficulty
concentrating, disrupted sleep, and a decrease in overall quality of life.
In summary, living in a noisy environment can have many negative effects on an individual's physical
and mental health, as well as their overall quality of life. it is therefore advisable to take measures to
limit noise and use quieter methods of transport and machinery.
People may dislike different types of noise based on their individuality and sensitivity. Some people
may not like loud or hissing noises. Similarly, some people may be bothered by constant noise.
Ultimately, the type of noise someone dislikes the most depends on their personal taste and experience.
It may be because these places offer other compelling features or experiences that outweigh the
discomfort caused by noise. or people may have adapted to living in noisy environments or become
desensitized to loud noises due to repeated exposure.
Or maybe people choose to go to noisy places because they feel less pressure to do so.
9/ “There are many advantages of the internet”
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. Do you think the Internet is safe for children to use? Why (or Why not)?
2. How has the Internet changed the way we live and work?
In my view, there are many advantages of the internet that have changed the way we live, work and
communicate with others.
First, the internet has dramatically improved access to information and knowledge. With just a few
clicks, individuals can access a multitude of resources, such as research papers, articles, and
educational videos.
Second, the internet has revolutionized communication and social interaction. Platforms like social
networks and messaging apps have made it easier than ever to connect with others around the world,
regardless of geographic boundaries.
Ultimately, the internet has changed the way we do business and work. E-commerce has made it
possible for businesses to reach a wider audience and help consumers buy goods and services from the
comfort of their own homes. promote innovation and entrepreneurship.
In short, the internet has brought countless benefits to our lives. While there are certainly
disadvantages associated with the internet, its benefits have certainly had a transformative impact on
our society and way of life.
On the one hand, the internet can expose children to potentially harmful or inappropriate content, such
as violence, pornography, and hate speech. Therefore, it is important for parents and carers to monitor
their children's Internet use and take measures to ensure their safety.
On the other hand, the internet can also provide children with educational and social benefits. Online
resources, such as educational videos, interactive games, and virtual museums, can enhance children's
learning and expose them to new ideas and perspectives.
Work: The Internet has created new opportunities for people to work from home or remotely, and has
also made it easier for businesses to collaborate with partners and employees in other locations.
Entertainment: The Internet has made it possible to access a vast array of entertainment options, from
streaming movies and TV shows to playing games and listening to music.
Education: The Internet has transformed the way we learn, making it possible to access educational
materials and courses from anywhere in the world.
10/ “There are many causes of pollution in cities”
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. What is the biggest environmental problem in your hometown?
2. Are there any measures you would like to take about this problem?
There are many causes of pollution in cities, and they can have a significant negative impact on both
human health and the environment.
Transportation: One of the biggest sources of pollution in cities is transportation, especially cars and
trucks. Emissions from these vehicles can release harmful pollutants into the air, including nitrogen
oxides and particulate matter.
Industrial activity: Many cities are home to industrial facilities, such as factories and power plants,
that can release large amounts of pollutants into the air and water.
Construction: Construction activities can also contribute to pollution in cities, especially due to the use
of heavy machinery and equipment
Waste disposal: Improper waste disposal can also contribute to pollution in cities.
Overall, there are many causes of pollution in cities and addressing them will require a combination of
individual and collective action. Government regulations and policies can also play a role in reducing
pollution, by setting emission standards and encouraging more sustainable practices.
Some of the most common environmental problems facing cities include air pollution, water pollution,
deforestation, climate change, and waste management. To address these environmental issues, cities
can implement a range of policies and practices, such as promoting renewable energy, encouraging
sustainable transportation, and investing in green infrastructure.
Promoting public transport: Encouraging people to use public transport
Invest in renewable energy: Cities can invest in renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind
power, to help reduce dependence on fossil fuels and reduce emissions Greenhouse gas.
Implement waste reduction and recycling programs
Protect natural areas: Preserving and protecting natural areas, such as parks and forests, can help
conserve biodiversity and protect natural resources.
11/ “There are many drawbacks of working overtime”
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. What should people do to avoid working overtime?
2. Will people work more or less in the future? Why?
First, overtime can have a negative impact on employee health and well-being. Working long hours
can lead to physical and mental exhaustion, leading to burnout, stress, and an increased risk of
developing health problems like cardiovascular disease, depression, and anxiety. Furthermore,
overtime can interfere with an employee's work-life balance, which can lead to conflicts with family
and social obligations.
Second, overtime can negatively impact an organization's productivity and profitability. While it may
sound counter-intuitive, working long hours can actually reduce productivity and efficiency. Research
has shown that after a certain point, overtime can lead to diminishing returns, as overtime work is of
lower quality and takes longer to complete.
In summary, there are many disadvantages associated with working overtime. It can negatively impact
employee health and well-being, as well as organizational productivity and profitability. While
overtime may be necessary from time to time, it is not the norm.
People do these things so they don't have to work overtime. Planning and prioritizing tasks: Properly
planning and prioritizing tasks can help individuals complete their work during normal business hours.
Learn to say "no": People should learn to say "no" when asked to work overtime if they feel it will lead
to overtime.
Take breaks: Taking regular breaks during the day can help individuals focus and avoid burnout,
increasing work efficiency.
The future of work can be shaped by a complex interplay of factors, and it is difficult to predict with
certainty whether people will work more or less. However, it is clear that more and more people are
focusing on work-life balance and employee well-being, which can lead to shorter working hours or
flexible work arrangements. . than in some industries.
12/ “There are many problems with food in Vietnam”
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. What is a balanced diet?
2. What is a typical diet of people in your country?
Vietnam is a country with a rich culinary culture, but there are still some issues that need to be
resolved related to food safety and hygiene. Here are some arguments and practical examples:
Food Safety Concerns: One of the important issues facing food in Vietnam is food safety. Vietnam's
food safety standards are not as strict as some other countries, leading to a high risk of food
Pesticide use: Pesticides are commonly used in Vietnam to increase crop yields, but overuse of
pesticides can lead to serious health consequences.
Food waste: Vietnam is also facing a serious food waste problem. This waste not only affects food
security but also contributes to environmental problems.
In summary, although Vietnam has a diverse and delicious culinary culture, there are still many issues
related to food safety and hygiene and waste that need to be resolved.
A balanced diet is a way of eating that provides the body with all the nutrients it needs to function
properly. A balanced diet includes a variety of foods from all food groups in the right proportions to
provide adequate amounts of nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals
needed by the body.
in the Vietnamese diet is generally considered healthy, as it includes a variety of fresh, whole foods and
uses cooking techniques that emphasize steaming, boiling, and sautéing, which preserve nutrients.

13/ “There are many reasons for protecting the nature world”
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. What should be done to protect the nature and environment? Why?
2. Is it the responsibility of school to teach children to protect the nature and environment? Why?
(or Why not?)
Biodiversity: Nature provides us with a wide variety of plants and animals, which is essential for
maintaining a healthy ecosystem. Biodiversity is crucial for maintaining food chains, regulating
climate and maintaining natural resources.
Climate regulation: Nature plays an important role in regulating the earth's climate. Plants release
oxygen that is essential for all living things.
Spiritual and cultural values: Nature is a source of inspiration and meaning for many cultures and
religions. It gives us a sense of place and connection to our past, present, and future.

Protecting the natural world is essential to our survival and happiness. Nature helps to regulate the
climate, provide important resources and maintain cultural and spiritual values, for future generations
we must protect the natural world.
Yes, it is the responsibility of school to teach children to protect the nature and environment. Children
are the future and they need to be taught about the importance of protecting our planet.

14/ “There are many benefits of studying music or learning to play a musical instrument”
Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. Do you think that pop/ rock stars can have bad influence on the young people?
2. How much does the internet influence how you listen to music?
In my opinion, learning to play a musical instrument is more beneficial than learning music because
playing a musical instrument helps to increase memory, playing an instrument helps to increase
alertness and keep the brain awake. Teaches you discipline, You have to practice every day even even
when you don't want to, only then will you become proficient in playing that instrument. It's the daily
practice that makes you disciplined. Playing an instrument can help you reduce stress. Many studies
show it can reduce cortisol levels and help us feel more relaxed.
In my opinion, everything has good eyes and bad sides and this case is no exception, so we should
choose rock stars to listen to.
The internet has brought me a huge benefit in terms of listening to music, it allows me to enjoy a
variety of music from many countries around the world, making it easy for me to find my favorite music
when stressed.

15/ “There are many effects of weather on people’s lives”

Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. Have there been any changes in weather over the past few years? What are they?
2. What should be done in bad weather?
Weather affects us in some huge ways. Climate affects the growth of crops, which in turn affects the
availability and types of food we eat.
Research shows that sun exposure, temperature and humidity have the biggest effects on mood. In
particular, it has been shown that high humidity reduces concentration and increases feelings of
sleepiness, which many Houstonians may experience. Human health Changes in weather and climate
can be life-threatening. . Heat is one of the deadly weather phenomena.
As you can see the weather is changing more and more in an extreme direction, getting hotter and
hotter, storms are getting bigger and bigger, earthquakes are also happening more often.
We should regularly check the weather forecast to prepare the necessary things for bad weather days

16/ “Many things should be changed about education in Vietnam.”

Present your view with clear arguments and specific, real-life examples to support your view.
After finishing your speech, answer the following questions:
1. Is it a good practice for students to wear uniform at schools? Why/ why not?
2. Which do you prefer: a single-sex school or a co-educational school? Why?

Education - training has many limitations, weaknesses, and inadequacies are slowly being overcome;
education quality is still low, focusing on developing quantity rather than quality; compared with the
development requirements of the country, there are many unsatisfactory contents; not necessarily the
top national book. Educational content, programs and methods are still backward, slow to innovate,
slow to modernize, not closely linked to social life and professional work; Students' creativity and
practical ability have not been promoted.
In my opinion, students should wear uniforms because uniforms play an important role in conveying
the school's message to the public, as well as a means for all students to have a common bond.
this question is discriminatory but i want to go to normal school

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